Sodom and Gomorrah

Obviously you're obsessed over a couple of passages in the bible that you neither understand nor have any context for. Ignorance is not a virtue.

And you go right ahead and pass judgment based on your ignorance. Just don't fool yourself that you appear more intelligent than those you feel compelled to ridicule. You don't.

In Context they are pretty horrible. So the "context" argument doesn't hold water.

I could start a hundred threads on various truly horrible stories in the bible that show God in a bad light.

He kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson.

He sends bears out to maul 42 children to death because they made fun of a prophet's bald head.

He kills Uzzah for merel touching the Ark of the Covenant? Why? Uzzah just wanted to keep it from falling off a wagon.

He drowns every baby in the world.

He demands that Jephthah butcher his daughter because he made a foolish oath.

I mean, shit, I could go on all day. I'd rather not, but I could.

But here's teh capper. The Ten Commandments. Right. Ten most important rules.

The first four are about him.

No False Gods
No Graven images
Don't use my name in vain
Keep holy the Sabbath.

I'm God, and I'm insecure.
Obviously you're obsessed over a couple of passages in the bible that you neither understand nor have any context for. Ignorance is not a virtue.

And you go right ahead and pass judgment based on your ignorance. Just don't fool yourself that you appear more intelligent than those you feel compelled to ridicule. You don't.

In Context they are pretty horrible. So the "context" argument doesn't hold water.

I could start a hundred threads on various truly horrible stories in the bible that show God in a bad light.

He kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson.

He sends bears out to maul 42 children to death because they made fun of a prophet's bald head.

He kills Uzzah for merel touching the Ark of the Covenant? Why? Uzzah just wanted to keep it from falling off a wagon.

He drowns every baby in the world.

He demands that Jephthah butcher his daughter because he made a foolish oath.

I mean, shit, I could go on all day. I'd rather not, but I could.

But here's teh capper. The Ten Commandments. Right. Ten most important rules.

The first four are about him.

No False Gods
No Graven images
Don't use my name in vain
Keep holy the Sabbath.

I'm God, and I'm insecure.

Everybody's doing it? If your friends all jumped off a cliff then you should too?
There are more important things in life than $150 dollar sneakers.
I recommend that you use a respectful tone if you want your complaint heard my dear, and I suggest you don't misrepresent my position to your teachers or anybody else.
You will sit at the dinner table with the rest of the family and conduct yourself like a gentleman/young lady.
Why? I am Mom (or Dad) and I love you and intend for you to grow up with a value system that will serve you well and allow you to make the best choices when they count the most.
Obviously you're obsessed over a couple of passages in the bible that you neither understand nor have any context for. Ignorance is not a virtue.

And you go right ahead and pass judgment based on your ignorance. Just don't fool yourself that you appear more intelligent than those you feel compelled to ridicule. You don't.

In Context they are pretty horrible. So the "context" argument doesn't hold water.

I could start a hundred threads on various truly horrible stories in the bible that show God in a bad light.

He kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson.

He sends bears out to maul 42 children to death because they made fun of a prophet's bald head.

He kills Uzzah for merel touching the Ark of the Covenant? Why? Uzzah just wanted to keep it from falling off a wagon.

He drowns every baby in the world.

He demands that Jephthah butcher his daughter because he made a foolish oath.

I mean, shit, I could go on all day. I'd rather not, but I could.

But here's teh capper. The Ten Commandments. Right. Ten most important rules.

The first four are about him.

No False Gods
No Graven images
Don't use my name in vain
Keep holy the Sabbath.

I'm God, and I'm insecure.

Everybody's doing it? If your friends all jumped off a cliff then you should too?
There are more important things in life than $150 dollar sneakers.
I recommend that you use a respectful tone if you want your complaint heard my dear, and I suggest you don't misrepresent my position to your teachers or anybody else.
You will sit at the dinner table with the rest of the family and conduct yourself like a gentleman/young lady.
Why? I am Mom (or Dad) and I love you and intend for you to grow up with a value system that will serve you well and allow you to make the best choices when they count the most.

What did that have to do with anything I just said?
In Context they are pretty horrible. So the "context" argument doesn't hold water.

I could start a hundred threads on various truly horrible stories in the bible that show God in a bad light.

He kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson.

He sends bears out to maul 42 children to death because they made fun of a prophet's bald head.

He kills Uzzah for merel touching the Ark of the Covenant? Why? Uzzah just wanted to keep it from falling off a wagon.

He drowns every baby in the world.

He demands that Jephthah butcher his daughter because he made a foolish oath.

I mean, shit, I could go on all day. I'd rather not, but I could.

But here's teh capper. The Ten Commandments. Right. Ten most important rules.

The first four are about him.

No False Gods
No Graven images
Don't use my name in vain
Keep holy the Sabbath.

I'm God, and I'm insecure.

Everybody's doing it? If your friends all jumped off a cliff then you should too?
There are more important things in life than $150 dollar sneakers.
I recommend that you use a respectful tone if you want your complaint heard my dear, and I suggest you don't misrepresent my position to your teachers or anybody else.
You will sit at the dinner table with the rest of the family and conduct yourself like a gentleman/young lady.
Why? I am Mom (or Dad) and I love you and intend for you to grow up with a value system that will serve you well and allow you to make the best choices when they count the most.

What did that have to do with anything I just said?

In my opinion, the first four of the Ten Commandments could easily be translated exactly as I just translated/interpreted them. They do NOT indicate an 'insecure' God. In the Ten Commandments God knows that He is God and we created mortals will have much more success and benefit if we know and honor that. Just as we parents insist on being parents and we are not at all insecure when we require our children to acknowledge that.
What did that have to do with anything I just said?

In my opinion, the first four of the Ten Commandments could easily be translated exactly as I just translated/interpreted them. They do NOT indicate an 'insecure' God. In the Ten Commandments God knows that He is God and we created mortals will have much more success and benefit if we know and honor that. Just as we parents insist on being parents and we are not at all insecure when we require our children to acknowledge that.[/QUOTE]

I think if my parents were still trying to impose those sorts of rules on me in my 30's, I'd have serious questions about their insecurities....
Of course you would.

Of course, they would just be behaving in a manner that is indicative of their love for you, and your desire that you make it to heaven.

What insecure assholes!
Of course you would.

Of course, they would just be behaving in a manner that is indicative of their love for you, and your desire that you make it to heaven.

What insecure assholes!

Pretty much.

But frankly, what kind of God only lets you into heaven if you kiss his ass?

I used this comparison in another thread, but let's do it again.

Ann Frank didn't accept Jesus into her soul. Because she was Jewish and the Christian Nazis were killing her peeps. So because she didn't worship the "right" God, or worship him the "right" way, she gets to burn in hell for all eternity. Because God is such a loving guy. Hitler burns Ann Frank once and he's evil, God burns her for all eternity and he's good.

But it gets better. Even evil people can get into heaven if they just accept Jay-zus into their souls. Even Jeffrey Dahmner, who despite eating 17 people, found Jay-zus in prison. And persumably didn't do any more sinning after he was forgiven and baptized.

So Ann Frank burns in hell for all eternity and Chef Jeff gets to sit on a cloud with a harp? Seriously?
Which brings us to HOmosexuality. Not my cup of tea, there's nothing about a man's hairy ass I find appealing, personally. But is it "sinful"? Can you come up with any reason why it is other than "God says so", without pointing out that you have the little bit of hypocrisy of ignoring the rules about slavery and Shrimp?

Homosexuality is an obvious perversion of nature let alone God's will. Slavery was not condemned in the Old Testament but neither were a lot other things that God's grace looked past. Hell we have slavery today but it is just covered over by the "systems" in play. As for shrimp. Who says it doesn't cause some genetic mutations to cause people such as you to think the way you do?

I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry at this.

Okay, to start with, homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom, so it is not against nature. Some scientists have even theorized that it appears in populations where the population has has exceeded limits. They did an expirament in the 1950s with mice in an enclosure, gave them infinite amounts of food and let them reproduce until they were crowding each other out. The mice ended up turning gay. No word on whether or not they start throwing killer Oscar Parties, though.

On slavery. No, the bible just doesn't "fai to condemn", it frequently gives rules on how to beat your slaves, how to punish your slaves and even how to extend their period of servitude. The bible is a "Slavery for Dummies" manual. Still in use in 1865 Confederate States.

And serious, Shrimp causes genetic mutations that make me tolerant of gays and contemptuous of religion. Obviously, you don't know how genetics work, but we should probably be adding shellfish to the school menus across the nation.

Jesus came and said to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I would say that covers any logical thought about slavery, heh?

Except the same New Testament then turned around and told slaves to happily serve their masters. So, no, it didn't.

Along the same way I think.
I have no problem with gays, believe they deserve full equal rights but I am not going to an Oscar party with any of them. No offense to anyone!
Of course you would.

Of course, they would just be behaving in a manner that is indicative of their love for you, and your desire that you make it to heaven.

What insecure assholes!

Pretty much.

But frankly, what kind of God only lets you into heaven if you kiss his ass?

I used this comparison in another thread, but let's do it again.

Ann Frank didn't accept Jesus into her soul. Because she was Jewish and the Christian Nazis were killing her peeps. So because she didn't worship the "right" God, or worship him the "right" way, she gets to burn in hell for all eternity. Because God is such a loving guy. Hitler burns Ann Frank once and he's evil, God burns her for all eternity and he's good.

But it gets better. Even evil people can get into heaven if they just accept Jay-zus into their souls. Even Jeffrey Dahmner, who despite eating 17 people, found Jay-zus in prison. And persumably didn't do any more sinning after he was forgiven and baptized.

So Ann Frank burns in hell for all eternity and Chef Jeff gets to sit on a cloud with a harp? Seriously?

"Chef Jeff"
Drum roll please.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Amen. Pass the plate. The Rolls needs gas.
Okay........lemmie break down the 10 Commandments and why they say what they do.....

1. Thou shalt not have any gods before Me. Why? If you place your faith in a graven image over placing your faith in God, the false gods can't do anything for you, because they're not real.

2. Thou shalt not make graven images. Why? See Commandment 1. If you make an image of God, you'll start worshiping it rather than the real God. Matter of fact, Judges has something to say along the lines of that when they turned the Ark of the Covenant into just a relic to be used in time of war, and in doing so, they forgot who God was, and He left them, and because they weren't protected, they were killed.

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Why? Simple.......He's the Creator and deserves a certain amount of respect. I mean, would you bad mouth the CEO of your company that you work for?

4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. Why? You should take at least 1 day to check in with God and remember Him.

5. Honor thy father and mother. They brought you into this world, they can take you out of it. Besides...........SHOULDN'T you honor the people that gave you a start?

6. Thou shalt not murder (yeah......I know most Bibles say "kill", but the real translation from the original Hebrew is murder). Why? If you kill someone, their family is gonna want to murder you.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. If you get caught messing around with someone's wife or husband, they're gonna want to murder you.

8. Thou shalt not steal. If you steal something valuable enough, the person you stole it from is gonna want to murder you.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness. If you lie badly enough, someone is gonna want to murder you.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's things. If you get jealous enough of what your neighbor has, you may end up going over and either stealing or killing them to get it.

Basically........the 10 Commandments are there so that the human race can survive and build a decent community. Same thing with the 613 Mitzvoht in the Judaic religion. Not everyone is a priest, or a butcher, or a wife, or a husband, so you don't have to follow all of them, just the ones that apply to you and your place in the community.

And, if a person was to look at the dietary restrictions that were originally given to the Jews, you'd see that certain foods were forbidden because many of them carried diseases and parasites that couldn't be taken care of back in Biblical times. Matter of fact, pigs were known to be unclean animals, and pork was not really safe to eat until modern times as pigs are known to carry trichinosis.

Even today, if you eat shellfish, you know that the only months that you can eat them safely are months that have "r" in them. I've said before..........the only real sins are the ones that go against the 10 Commandments or the 7 Noahide Commandments.

And, the verse from Leviticus that everyone likes to quote is actually a book of rules for those in the priesthood of the Judaic theology. You can't have priests doing each other, because then they can't effectively spiritually guide the people.
Obviously you're obsessed over a couple of passages in the bible that you neither understand nor have any context for. Ignorance is not a virtue.

And you go right ahead and pass judgment based on your ignorance. Just don't fool yourself that you appear more intelligent than those you feel compelled to ridicule. You don't.

In Context they are pretty horrible. So the "context" argument doesn't hold water.

I could start a hundred threads on various truly horrible stories in the bible that show God in a bad light.

He kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson.

He sends bears out to maul 42 children to death because they made fun of a prophet's bald head.

He kills Uzzah for merel touching the Ark of the Covenant? Why? Uzzah just wanted to keep it from falling off a wagon.

He drowns every baby in the world.

He demands that Jephthah butcher his daughter because he made a foolish oath.

I mean, shit, I could go on all day. I'd rather not, but I could.

But here's teh capper. The Ten Commandments. Right. Ten most important rules.

The first four are about him.

No False Gods
No Graven images
Don't use my name in vain
Keep holy the Sabbath.

I'm God, and I'm insecure.

And aren't envy, pride and wrath part of the Seven Deadly Sins?
Obviously you're obsessed over a couple of passages in the bible that you neither understand nor have any context for. Ignorance is not a virtue.

And you go right ahead and pass judgment based on your ignorance. Just don't fool yourself that you appear more intelligent than those you feel compelled to ridicule. You don't.

In Context they are pretty horrible. So the "context" argument doesn't hold water.

I could start a hundred threads on various truly horrible stories in the bible that show God in a bad light.

He kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson.

He sends bears out to maul 42 children to death because they made fun of a prophet's bald head.

He kills Uzzah for merel touching the Ark of the Covenant? Why? Uzzah just wanted to keep it from falling off a wagon.

He drowns every baby in the world.

He demands that Jephthah butcher his daughter because he made a foolish oath.

I mean, shit, I could go on all day. I'd rather not, but I could.

But here's teh capper. The Ten Commandments. Right. Ten most important rules.

The first four are about him.

No False Gods
No Graven images
Don't use my name in vain
Keep holy the Sabbath.

I'm God, and I'm insecure.

And aren't envy, pride and wrath part of the Seven Deadly Sins?

The 7 deadly sins is a list that was created by the Catholic Church after they sacked Jerusalem.

The 7 Deadly Sins, also known as the Capital Vices or Cardinal Sins, is a classification of objectionable vices that have been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct followers concerning fallen humanity's tendency to sin. The currently recognized version of the sins are usually given as wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

The Catholic Church divides sin into two categories: venial sins, in which guilt is relatively minor, and the more severe mortal sins. Theologically, a mortal sin is believed to destroy the life of grace within the person and thus creates the threat of eternal damnation. "Mortal sin, by attacking the vital principle within us - that is, charity - necessitates a new initiative of God's mercy and a conversion of heart which is normally accomplished [for Catholics] within the setting of the sacrament of reconciliation."[1]

The Deadly Sins do not belong to an additional category of sin. Rather, they are the sins that are seen as the origin ("capital" comes from the Latin caput, head) of the other sins. A "deadly sin" can be either venial or mortal, depending on the situation; but "they are called 'capital' because they engender other sins, other vices."[2]

Beginning in the early 14th century, the popularity of the seven deadly sins as a theme among European artists of the time eventually helped to ingrain them in many areas of Catholic culture and Catholic consciousness in general throughout the world. One means of such ingraining was the creation of the mnemonic "SALIGIA" based on the first letters in Latin of the seven deadly sins: superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira, acedia

Seven deadly sins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of the ways you can figure that out is they are written in Latin, which was the 3rd language that the Bible was translated into. Originally written in Hebrew, translated to Greek, and then to Latin and finally English.
And oh yeah........that whole "damnation for eternity" thing? Quick question for you bible experts........

Since man has a beginning (birth), how in the fuck can ANYONE go ANYWHERE for eternity? Because if you did, you would be damned before you were born for something you may or may not do later in life.

Nobody is damned for eternity.

And........fwiw..........they recently found the Gospel of Thomas (long considered lost), which states that eventually EVERYONE gets out of hell.
Speaking of the seven deadly sins, my favorite line from the "Firefly" movie.

Operative: "Do you know what your sin is, Captain?"

Mal Reynolds: "I'm rather fond of all of them. (Pummels the Operative) But right now, I'm going to have to go with Wrath!"

If you're a Firefly fan, it was really funny.
My repsonses in Red because it will take too long, otherwise.

Okay........lemmie break down the 10 Commandments and why they say what they do.....

1. Thou shalt not have any gods before Me. Why? If you place your faith in a graven image over placing your faith in God, the false gods can't do anything for you, because they're not real.

Good point. So when I prayed for my mom's cancer to get better, and God didn't do jack shit about it, I'm prefectly justified in not believing in him now, then? Maybe if I had prayed to Zeus or Moloch or C'Thulhu, I'd have gotten as good of results.

2. Thou shalt not make graven images. Why? See Commandment 1. If you make an image of God, you'll start worshiping it rather than the real God. Matter of fact, Judges has something to say along the lines of that when they turned the Ark of the Covenant into just a relic to be used in time of war, and in doing so, they forgot who God was, and He left them, and because they weren't protected, they were killed.

Now, this one always confused me, because growing up catholic, you had nothing but graven images. The Catholics, by the way, try to lump in commandment 2 with commandment 1, while saying #10 is to separate commandments.

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Why? Simple.......He's the Creator and deserves a certain amount of respect. I mean, would you bad mouth the CEO of your company that you work for?

Not if I thought he could hear me. If the CEO of my company offended me in such a way I'd want to work somewhere else, I would, after I secured a new job.

4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. Why? You should take at least 1 day to check in with God and remember Him.

Again, why? YOu see, this is my whole problem with the first four. Why would a cosmic being need so much sychophancy?

5. Honor thy father and mother. They brought you into this world, they can take you out of it. Besides...........SHOULDN'T you honor the people that gave you a start?

6. Thou shalt not murder (yeah......I know most Bibles say "kill", but the real translation from the original Hebrew is murder). Why? If you kill someone, their family is gonna want to murder you.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. If you get caught messing around with someone's wife or husband, they're gonna want to murder you.

Here's the gag, though. It was always the women that tended to get punished under that rule. For not being virgins on their wedding nights, for not crying out during a rape, etc. This is a rule for a society that wants to keep women in their place.

8. Thou shalt not steal. If you steal something valuable enough, the person you stole it from is gonna want to murder you.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness. If you lie badly enough, someone is gonna want to murder you.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's things. If you get jealous enough of what your neighbor has, you may end up going over and either stealing or killing them to get it.

Basically........the 10 Commandments are there so that the human race can survive and build a decent community. Same thing with the 613 Mitzvoht in the Judaic religion. Not everyone is a priest, or a butcher, or a wife, or a husband, so you don't have to follow all of them, just the ones that apply to you and your place in the community.

And, if a person was to look at the dietary restrictions that were originally given to the Jews, you'd see that certain foods were forbidden because many of them carried diseases and parasites that couldn't be taken care of back in Biblical times. Matter of fact, pigs were known to be unclean animals, and pork was not really safe to eat until modern times as pigs are known to carry trichinosis.

Even today, if you eat shellfish, you know that the only months that you can eat them safely are months that have "r" in them.

And that's fine. Like I said, I suspect most of the dietary rules were the result of people observing which foods made people sick. But that doesn't make them divine. A god who gets hung up about the shrimp or pork but not the slavery isn't a real God. He's a reflection of the bronze age savages who made him up. I've said before..........the only real sins are the ones that go against the 10 Commandments or the 7 Noahide Commandments.

And, the verse from Leviticus that everyone likes to quote is actually a book of rules for those in the priesthood of the Judaic theology. You can't have priests doing each other, because then they can't effectively spiritually guide the people.

I think they actually did kill all homosexuals back in the day, not just the ones in the priesthood.
In Context they are pretty horrible. So the "context" argument doesn't hold water.

I could start a hundred threads on various truly horrible stories in the bible that show God in a bad light.

He kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson.

He sends bears out to maul 42 children to death because they made fun of a prophet's bald head.

He kills Uzzah for merel touching the Ark of the Covenant? Why? Uzzah just wanted to keep it from falling off a wagon.

He drowns every baby in the world.

He demands that Jephthah butcher his daughter because he made a foolish oath.

I mean, shit, I could go on all day. I'd rather not, but I could.

But here's teh capper. The Ten Commandments. Right. Ten most important rules.

The first four are about him.

No False Gods
No Graven images
Don't use my name in vain
Keep holy the Sabbath.

I'm God, and I'm insecure.

And aren't envy, pride and wrath part of the Seven Deadly Sins?

The 7 deadly sins is a list that was created by the Catholic Church after they sacked Jerusalem.

The 7 Deadly Sins, also known as the Capital Vices or Cardinal Sins, is a classification of objectionable vices that have been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct followers concerning fallen humanity's tendency to sin. The currently recognized version of the sins are usually given as wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

The Catholic Church divides sin into two categories: venial sins, in which guilt is relatively minor, and the more severe mortal sins. Theologically, a mortal sin is believed to destroy the life of grace within the person and thus creates the threat of eternal damnation. "Mortal sin, by attacking the vital principle within us - that is, charity - necessitates a new initiative of God's mercy and a conversion of heart which is normally accomplished [for Catholics] within the setting of the sacrament of reconciliation."[1]

The Deadly Sins do not belong to an additional category of sin. Rather, they are the sins that are seen as the origin ("capital" comes from the Latin caput, head) of the other sins. A "deadly sin" can be either venial or mortal, depending on the situation; but "they are called 'capital' because they engender other sins, other vices."[2]

Beginning in the early 14th century, the popularity of the seven deadly sins as a theme among European artists of the time eventually helped to ingrain them in many areas of Catholic culture and Catholic consciousness in general throughout the world. One means of such ingraining was the creation of the mnemonic "SALIGIA" based on the first letters in Latin of the seven deadly sins: superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira, acedia

Seven deadly sins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of the ways you can figure that out is they are written in Latin, which was the 3rd language that the Bible was translated into. Originally written in Hebrew, translated to Greek, and then to Latin and finally English.

Actually most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew but the prophecies of Ezra and Daniel and a small portion of Jeremiah were written in Aramaic. It is believed that there are some Aramaic texts also incorporated into the New Testament but most was written in first century common man's Greek rather than the classical Greek of Plato and Aristotle or high class Greek of the aristocracy of that time.

The entire manuscripts were eventually translated into what was known as the Greek Septuagint to be read by first and second century Christians and also in the Synagogues. The Septuagint (Greek), the Peshitta (Syriac), and the Vulgate (Latin) were the earliest translations of the combined Old and New Testaments and became the foundation for all subsequent translations into other languages.
Pretty much.

But frankly, what kind of God only lets you into heaven if you kiss his ass?

I used this comparison in another thread, but let's do it again.

Ann Frank didn't accept Jesus into her soul. Because she was Jewish and the Christian Nazis were killing her peeps. So because she didn't worship the "right" God, or worship him the "right" way, she gets to burn in hell for all eternity. Because God is such a loving guy. Hitler burns Ann Frank once and he's evil, God burns her for all eternity and he's good.

But it gets better. Even evil people can get into heaven if they just accept Jay-zus into their souls. Even Jeffrey Dahmner, who despite eating 17 people, found Jay-zus in prison. And persumably didn't do any more sinning after he was forgiven and baptized.

So Ann Frank burns in hell for all eternity and Chef Jeff gets to sit on a cloud with a harp? Seriously?

Do you have kids? If so, imagine if they've lived their life as if they never acknowledged you gave them life. And instead, acknowledged someone else, perhaps...say...a rock or something, or a dog and treated that rock or dog as it it gave them life. Despite all the evidence that you gave them life.

How would you respond to that?
Pretty much.

But frankly, what kind of God only lets you into heaven if you kiss his ass?

I used this comparison in another thread, but let's do it again.

Ann Frank didn't accept Jesus into her soul. Because she was Jewish and the Christian Nazis were killing her peeps. So because she didn't worship the "right" God, or worship him the "right" way, she gets to burn in hell for all eternity. Because God is such a loving guy. Hitler burns Ann Frank once and he's evil, God burns her for all eternity and he's good.

But it gets better. Even evil people can get into heaven if they just accept Jay-zus into their souls. Even Jeffrey Dahmner, who despite eating 17 people, found Jay-zus in prison. And persumably didn't do any more sinning after he was forgiven and baptized.

So Ann Frank burns in hell for all eternity and Chef Jeff gets to sit on a cloud with a harp? Seriously?

Do you have kids? If so, imagine if they've lived their life as if they never acknowledged you gave them life. And instead, acknowledged someone else, perhaps...say...a rock or something, or a dog and treated that rock or dog as it it gave them life. Despite all the evidence that you gave them life.

How would you respond to that?

They would have physical evidence that I gave them life, but I know a lot of people who don't talk to their parents because by and large they were awful parents.

Of course, their parents actually exist, unlike the Bible God.

But if you want to go there, if a parent acted like Yahweh, psychotic, needy, evil bronze age sky pixie of the Old Testament, someone would have called DCFS and they'd be in jail.

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