Sodom and Gomorrah

Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen a single person condemn christians.

What some of you guys do, like this thread for example, is you make an excuse for the horrible things the Bible says your god did. Now of course if there's a similar story attributed to another religion it's the worst thing in the world, or if a person commits a horrible act similar what your god did then you demand war.

What horrible things did God do?

Impose rules on us intended to improve our lives, or throw up his hands when we refused to follow them and give us the right to free-will thus hang ourselves with our own rope.

Oh, FYI, your post is a condemnation, forgetting about the attacks we suffer daily elsewhere.

Well when we proved that we absolutely couldn't make it to heaven by following simple rules he came to earth and died a hideous death for us...because he likes us enough that he really wants us in heaven, despite our nastiness.

See, anti-Christians make a lot out of the fact that God doesn't tolerate sin..but they have no concept of the conundrum that is God. God can't lie. God is righteous. So if God is righteous, he cannot abide un-righteousness in his presence, and he can't abide sinfulness in his presence. If he could, he wouldn't be righteous, and he wouldn't be the Judge of the World.

So he submitted the ultimate sacrifice, that would cleanse all sins. Such a huge sacrifice that any person, no matter how foul (and all sin is foul to God...I'm not convinced there are degrees of foulness in His eyes) could achieve heaven if they would just accept it.

And we throw it away with both hands.

We don't only throw it away, we spit on it, we ridicule it, and we persecute and jeer at those who do accept it.

And I say "we" because we are all guilty of demeaning the sacrifice, even those of use who are saved.

Ummmmm.........point of order, it wasn't God that sacrificed Himself, it was His Son Yeshua.
Never said anything remotely close to you're a nazi. I'm mocking you for your anti-semitic remarks by stooping to calling an anonymous message board poster a nazi.

I've done plenty of things that resulted in God murdering people, I used to work on Sunday all the time, so I should've been murdered long ago. I must really be one of his chosen people.

Exodus 31:12-15 ESV;NLT - The Sabbath - And the LORD said to - Bible Gateway

The Sabbath

12And the LORD said to Moses, 13"You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, 'Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the LORD, sanctify you. 14You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you. Everyone who profanes it shall be put to death. Whoever does any work on it, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. 15 Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death.

Yes, that's what God expected God's people to do when he was actually hanging out with them, personally, and speaking to Moses directly.

Moses also killed 3000 of those golden calf revelers who wouldn't come to him when he came off the mountain. So? Are you implying that God is still living with us and talking to someone? You, perhaps? Do you think God expects us to kill all those who have false Gods NOW?

Ask God what his picks are next Saturday and Sunday. Does he like LSU to win BCS and if not, who?

God doesn't live with us anymore. He stopped doing that thousands of years ago. He stopped once the Hebrews reached the Promised Land.

You could always ask him yourself but I don't think he cares ether way.
So you base your hatred of God based upon what you think he thinks, not on what was actually said or done.

Brilliant. Another illustration of the dishonesty and ignorance of the anti-Christians.

I don't believe in your god or any gods, so no I don't hate it. Do you hate Santa Claus despite not believing in him?

The Bible says he's committed genocide time after time after time, all one has to do is be able to read to know this.

They hate Santa Claus in Philly. My brother in law has a large contract at the Eagles stadium there and they booed Santa at an Eagles game a few years ago when I was there.
I really do not care for that sorry bastard Santa either. I wanted a Porsche 911 GT3 last Christmas and the cheap turd never delivered.

I think he has a price limit on gifts.
Why are you angry at a God you don't believe exists?

Our pastor addressed this in church on Sunday. He said people seek God whether they recognize it or not. The people who have this unexplicable anger towards a God they insist doesn't exist, and the people who insist on seeking out believers to regale them with all sorts of abuse, fit into this category.

It's okay, God loves you anyway, and salvation is available for you as well as people who don't continually spew hatred and contempt. Jesus didn't come to save perfect, previously saved people. He came to minister to those who are sick in spirit and body, and bring them to God.

There is no God. Never was a God.

My anger is at the stupid assholes who try to push this God bullshit on me, long after I have suggested they go screw themselves. From the psycho nuns I grew up with to the annoying bible thumper who decides to read me verses, and I come back with one of the evil ones like Psalm 137:9.

If you are going to try to impose your silly morality on me, expect to get an earful.
I don't see Christians migrating to atheist threads en masse to shower abuse down upon you.

I do see repeated bait threads aimed specifically at Christians, and see atheist clowns brag about how they go to Christian messageboards (Not to name names...Dragon) to bash Christians.

So tell me when was the last time you were accosted with Christianity and couldn't escape?
Why are you angry at a God you don't believe exists?

Our pastor addressed this in church on Sunday. He said people seek God whether they recognize it or not. The people who have this unexplicable anger towards a God they insist doesn't exist, and the people who insist on seeking out believers to regale them with all sorts of abuse, fit into this category.

It's okay, God loves you anyway, and salvation is available for you as well as people who don't continually spew hatred and contempt. Jesus didn't come to save perfect, previously saved people. He came to minister to those who are sick in spirit and body, and bring them to God.

There is no God. Never was a God.

My anger is at the stupid assholes who try to push this God bullshit on me, long after I have suggested they go screw themselves. From the psycho nuns I grew up with to the annoying bible thumper who decides to read me verses, and I come back with one of the evil ones like Psalm 137:9.

If you are going to try to impose your silly morality on me, expect to get an earful.

So who forced you to visit the Sodom and Gomorrah thread?

It's pretty obvious it will be dealing with biblical morality, after all...I want to know who made you come here and forced you to read this after you said you wanted none of it! of the tasks assigned to our Sunday school class was to pray for a person you really don't like and have a hard time wishing well...

I have chosen people like you...who lie about Christians, who bash Christians, and who accuse Christians of "forcing" their morality on them even while you seek Christians out to jeer, abuse, and attempt to intimidate them.

So I'll pray for you, specifically. And I'll pray for the strength not to gag while I'm doing it.
So who forced you to visit the Sodom and Gomorrah thread?

It's pretty obvious it will be dealing with biblical morality, after all...I want to know who made you come here and forced you to read this after you said you wanted none of it!

I actually STARTED the try to keep up.

The person who started it was the religious crazy who got my friend fired because she was gay. But that was a long time ago.

If you guys want to invoke this story, then perhaps you can explain to me why God was okay with incest and gang rape, but not cool with the gay... of the tasks assigned to our Sunday school class was to pray for a person you really don't like and have a hard time wishing well...

I have chosen people like you...who lie about Christians, who bash Christians, and who accuse Christians of "forcing" their morality on them even while you seek Christians out to jeer, abuse, and attempt to intimidate them.

So I'll pray for you, specifically. And I'll pray for the strength not to gag while I'm doing it.

It's best to pray first for yourself and for those you love and then for strangers that you feel neutral about.

It doesn't sound like you're ready to pray for people you don't like. I can't think of anyone who would want a prayer you gagged out. of the tasks assigned to our Sunday school class was to pray for a person you really don't like and have a hard time wishing well...

I have chosen people like you...who lie about Christians, who bash Christians, and who accuse Christians of "forcing" their morality on them even while you seek Christians out to jeer, abuse, and attempt to intimidate them.

So I'll pray for you, specifically. And I'll pray for the strength not to gag while I'm doing it.

Sounds to me like you are taking this very personally.

I don't. Not really.

I always find it laughable that you consider it "intimidating" when someone comments on a story in YOUR holy book and asks valid questions about it.

This awful story is in your book. God kills babies because they live in the same town as some gay folks, turns some poor woman into a condiment because she looked back, but had no problem with a daughter pimping and drunken incest by a guy who was called "Righteous".

I'm really just trying to get a bead on "righteous" here....
Why are you angry at a God you don't believe exists?

Our pastor addressed this in church on Sunday. He said people seek God whether they recognize it or not. The people who have this unexplicable anger towards a God they insist doesn't exist, and the people who insist on seeking out believers to regale them with all sorts of abuse, fit into this category.

It's okay, God loves you anyway, and salvation is available for you as well as people who don't continually spew hatred and contempt. Jesus didn't come to save perfect, previously saved people. He came to minister to those who are sick in spirit and body, and bring them to God.

There is no God. Never was a God.

My anger is at the stupid assholes who try to push this God bullshit on me, long after I have suggested they go screw themselves. From the psycho nuns I grew up with to the annoying bible thumper who decides to read me verses, and I come back with one of the evil ones like Psalm 137:9.

If you are going to try to impose your silly morality on me, expect to get an earful.

Dude.....get over it.

I was molested when I was 6. I got over it.
Why are you angry at a God you don't believe exists?

Our pastor addressed this in church on Sunday. He said people seek God whether they recognize it or not. The people who have this unexplicable anger towards a God they insist doesn't exist, and the people who insist on seeking out believers to regale them with all sorts of abuse, fit into this category.

It's okay, God loves you anyway, and salvation is available for you as well as people who don't continually spew hatred and contempt. Jesus didn't come to save perfect, previously saved people. He came to minister to those who are sick in spirit and body, and bring them to God.

There is no God. Never was a God.

My anger is at the stupid assholes who try to push this God bullshit on me, long after I have suggested they go screw themselves. From the psycho nuns I grew up with to the annoying bible thumper who decides to read me verses, and I come back with one of the evil ones like Psalm 137:9.

If you are going to try to impose your silly morality on me, expect to get an earful.

Dude.....get over it.

I was molested when I was 6. I got over it.

Good for you that you got over the molestation. There is no need to be unkind to someone else.

Everyone "gets over" things in different ways. Perhaps, Joe needs to vent for as long as he needs to. What do you care?
Why are you angry at a God you don't believe exists?

Our pastor addressed this in church on Sunday. He said people seek God whether they recognize it or not. The people who have this unexplicable anger towards a God they insist doesn't exist, and the people who insist on seeking out believers to regale them with all sorts of abuse, fit into this category.

It's okay, God loves you anyway, and salvation is available for you as well as people who don't continually spew hatred and contempt. Jesus didn't come to save perfect, previously saved people. He came to minister to those who are sick in spirit and body, and bring them to God.

There is no God. Never was a God.

My anger is at the stupid assholes who try to push this God bullshit on me, long after I have suggested they go screw themselves. From the psycho nuns I grew up with to the annoying bible thumper who decides to read me verses, and I come back with one of the evil ones like Psalm 137:9.

If you are going to try to impose your silly morality on me, expect to get an earful.

Dude.....get over it.

I was molested when I was 6. I got over it.

I don't get over it because their religion gave them the authority to abuse me.

My parents were religious, and they went along with every psycho thing the nuns did because they wanted us to grow up to be good Catholics.

By the way, half of my parents kids are atheists today.

The rest are kind of cynical.
There is no God. Never was a God.

My anger is at the stupid assholes who try to push this God bullshit on me, long after I have suggested they go screw themselves. From the psycho nuns I grew up with to the annoying bible thumper who decides to read me verses, and I come back with one of the evil ones like Psalm 137:9.

If you are going to try to impose your silly morality on me, expect to get an earful.

Dude.....get over it.

I was molested when I was 6. I got over it.

I don't get over it because their religion gave them the authority to abuse me.

My parents were religious, and they went along with every psycho thing the nuns did because they wanted us to grow up to be good Catholics.

By the way, half of my parents kids are atheists today.

The rest are kind of cynical.

One thing that happens sometimes, Joe, is that it isn't JUST the religion, it's a dyfunctional family INTERPRETING the religion poorly.

One nun slapped me so hard for getting out of the line for a drink of water that the imprint of her hand was still on my face twenty minutes later. Kind of an overreaction for a thirsty kid to get a bruise over.
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There is no God. Never was a God.

My anger is at the stupid assholes who try to push this God bullshit on me, long after I have suggested they go screw themselves. From the psycho nuns I grew up with to the annoying bible thumper who decides to read me verses, and I come back with one of the evil ones like Psalm 137:9.

If you are going to try to impose your silly morality on me, expect to get an earful.

Dude.....get over it.

I was molested when I was 6. I got over it.

I don't get over it because their religion gave them the authority to abuse me.

My parents were religious, and they went along with every psycho thing the nuns did because they wanted us to grow up to be good Catholics.

By the way, half of my parents kids are atheists today.

The rest are kind of cynical.

I thought it was Protestants that did it to you.

Most of my Catholic friends are the same as you....only they got over it.
Dude.....get over it.

I was molested when I was 6. I got over it.

I don't get over it because their religion gave them the authority to abuse me.

My parents were religious, and they went along with every psycho thing the nuns did because they wanted us to grow up to be good Catholics.

By the way, half of my parents kids are atheists today.

The rest are kind of cynical.

I thought it was Protestants that did it to you.

Most of my Catholic friends are the same as you....only they got over it.

I know people who were molested by priests and haven't gotten over it.
I don't get over it because their religion gave them the authority to abuse me.

My parents were religious, and they went along with every psycho thing the nuns did because they wanted us to grow up to be good Catholics.

By the way, half of my parents kids are atheists today.

The rest are kind of cynical.

I thought it was Protestants that did it to you.

Most of my Catholic friends are the same as you....only they got over it.

I know people who were molested by priests and haven't gotten over it.

Being molested is not a pleasant event.

It happened to me when I was 6. My parents never found out because I felt I was gonna get in trouble.

It doesn't matter who does it. It still sucks.
I thought it was Protestants that did it to you.

Most of my Catholic friends are the same as you....only they got over it.

I know people who were molested by priests and haven't gotten over it.

Being molested is not a pleasant event.

It happened to me when I was 6. My parents never found out because I felt I was gonna get in trouble.

It doesn't matter who does it. It still sucks.

Actually, it does matter who did it. When it's done by a spiritual authority it can separate a person from the comfort of religion for the rest of their life. I don't mean to minimize what you went through at all.
I know people who were molested by priests and haven't gotten over it.

Being molested is not a pleasant event.

It happened to me when I was 6. My parents never found out because I felt I was gonna get in trouble.

It doesn't matter who does it. It still sucks.

Actually, it does matter who did it. When it's done by a spiritual authority it can separate a person from the comfort of religion for the rest of their life. I don't mean to minimize what you went through at all.

Some of the hatred for religion is misplaced. It shows a lack of understanding for it.

We are after all human-beings who do bad things and good things regardless of the grace of God.

I was mistreated a lot when I was a kid but I didn't bear any grudges for it on any institution. I figure the people that were cruel to me were simply screwed up individuals.

When I grew up I was able to endure hardships that most can't deal with. I guess it all depends on each individual case, but making blanket generalizations about religion because of a sick priest is misguided. It's like blaming them all for the deeds of the one.

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