Sodom and Gomorrah of the tasks assigned to our Sunday school class was to pray for a person you really don't like and have a hard time wishing well...

I have chosen people like you...who lie about Christians, who bash Christians, and who accuse Christians of "forcing" their morality on them even while you seek Christians out to jeer, abuse, and attempt to intimidate them.

So I'll pray for you, specifically. And I'll pray for the strength not to gag while I'm doing it.

Sounds to me like you are taking this very personally.

I don't. Not really.

I always find it laughable that you consider it "intimidating" when someone comments on a story in YOUR holy book and asks valid questions about it.

This awful story is in your book. God kills babies because they live in the same town as some gay folks, turns some poor woman into a condiment because she looked back, but had no problem with a daughter pimping and drunken incest by a guy who was called "Righteous".

I'm really just trying to get a bead on "righteous" here....

Did you ever provide the evidence that you were being forced to read this thread? Or provide the instance of being forced to submit to Christian morality?

PS..infants go to heaven. God gave all those babies a free pass and ended their suffering on earth.
Part of the problem is false doctrine.

Priests were never meant to practice celibacy according to the scriptures.

7. Bishops must be Married.

FACT: In 1079 AD celibacy was first enforced for priests and bishops by Pope Gregory VII​. Before this time, they were permitted to marry.

Question #1: Does the Bible teach that a bishop (overseer) must be married AND ALSO have children as one of the conditions of being qualified to be a bishop?

Answer: 1 Timothy 3:2-5 o YES NO o

"A bishop, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money. He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?)" 1 Timothy 3:2-5

Question #2: In the very next chapter of the Bible after bishops are told they must be married with children, does the Holy Spirit warn that "forbidding to marry" is a "doctrine of demons"?

Answer: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 o YES NO o

"But the Holy Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth." 1 Timothy 4:1-3

8. Peter was married

FACT: Most Catholics believe that Apostle Peter was the first Pope and was not married. As one Roman Catholic leader said, "if Peter had a wife when he first met Jesus, he got rid of her quick!"

Question #1: Did Peter have a wife?

Answer: Mark 1:30 o YES NO o

"Now Simon�s mother-in-law was lying sick with a fever; and immediately they spoke to Jesus about her." Mark 1:30

Question #2: Did Paul say all the apostles including Peter had a right to be married?

Answer: 1 Corinthians 9:5 o YES NO o

"Do we not have a right to take along a believing wife, even as the rest of the apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas?" 1 Corinthians 9:5
Catholic doctrine contradicts the Bible!!!
Why are you angry at a God you don't believe exists?

Our pastor addressed this in church on Sunday. He said people seek God whether they recognize it or not. The people who have this unexplicable anger towards a God they insist doesn't exist, and the people who insist on seeking out believers to regale them with all sorts of abuse, fit into this category.

It's okay, God loves you anyway, and salvation is available for you as well as people who don't continually spew hatred and contempt. Jesus didn't come to save perfect, previously saved people. He came to minister to those who are sick in spirit and body, and bring them to God.

There is no God. Never was a God.

My anger is at the stupid assholes who try to push this God bullshit on me, long after I have suggested they go screw themselves. From the psycho nuns I grew up with to the annoying bible thumper who decides to read me verses, and I come back with one of the evil ones like Psalm 137:9.

If you are going to try to impose your silly morality on me, expect to get an earful.

You know........I felt exactly the same way growing up. It wasn't so much that I believed there wasn't a God (I did by the way, but that's another story), it was just that I was pissed that everyone else was trying to tell me how I should believe.

I turned my back on Christianity when I was 16 and never looked back. Too many people cherry pick the Bible to force their views on others (and yeah Joe, you're kinda doing the same thing with this thread).

However..............when I turned 30, I discovered Zen, which led to Tao, and now I have a firm belief in God and that He exists, because I've seen too many pieces of synchronicity in my life. I also study Judaic theology, as it's very close to Tao, as well as what Yeshua (Jesus) taught is very close to what Buddha taught.

It's not that there isn't a God, you're just letting others tell you that your view of Him isn't right.

Remember..........either God is Everything or He is nothing.
Dude.....get over it.

I was molested when I was 6. I got over it.

I don't get over it because their religion gave them the authority to abuse me.

My parents were religious, and they went along with every psycho thing the nuns did because they wanted us to grow up to be good Catholics.

By the way, half of my parents kids are atheists today.

The rest are kind of cynical.

I thought it was Protestants that did it to you.

Most of my Catholic friends are the same as you....only they got over it.

Oh, no, Catholic. And unlike too many Catholic boys, pederasty was not part of my upbringing. Probably because my mom worked at the school and she'd have ripped their lungs out if they touched her kids.

They did think what the nuns were doing was 'good upbringing', but that was because they grew up with nuns who were even more brutal than ours. Now it's kind of hip to be a lesbian, so they don't have nuns anymore.

But here's the thing about it, yes, my religious upbringing had a lot to do with my cynicism, but so does the fact that it was silly and defies any kind of sense of right and wrong.

I go back to the story when the nun told us that it was good that God drowned every baby in the world because they were "wiiiiiiiicked". Sorry, I can't see any cause for a just God to kill a baby. But God is killing babies all through the bible.
I don't get over it because their religion gave them the authority to abuse me.

My parents were religious, and they went along with every psycho thing the nuns did because they wanted us to grow up to be good Catholics.

By the way, half of my parents kids are atheists today.

The rest are kind of cynical.

I thought it was Protestants that did it to you.

Most of my Catholic friends are the same as you....only they got over it.

Oh, no, Catholic. And unlike too many Catholic boys, pederasty was not part of my upbringing. Probably because my mom worked at the school and she'd have ripped their lungs out if they touched her kids.

They did think what the nuns were doing was 'good upbringing', but that was because they grew up with nuns who were even more brutal than ours. Now it's kind of hip to be a lesbian, so they don't have nuns anymore.

But here's the thing about it, yes, my religious upbringing had a lot to do with my cynicism, but so does the fact that it was silly and defies any kind of sense of right and wrong.

I go back to the story when the nun told us that it was good that God drowned every baby in the world because they were "wiiiiiiiicked". Sorry, I can't see any cause for a just God to kill a baby. But God is killing babies all through the bible.

God isn't killing babies. It's demented to think he does such a thing.

Stop blaming the evils of mankind on God.

If you believe that the Devil exists you should know that God has nothing to do with the evil on Earth. The Devil has dominion over the Earth.

Religion is complex and confusing and man-made. Anything man-made has flaws.

I found a passage in the Bible that discusses Catholicism, or religion like it in 1st Timothy.

"But the Holy Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth." 1 Timothy 4:1-3
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Well the nun was slightly skewed in her understanding or at least her explanation, and jjust because she told you that doesn't mean that it's the way it is.

Ultimately, we don't pass judgment on God. He will pass judgment on us. And in the past, as in the future, his judgment has included and will include our annihilation. That's what judgment is. He can't be righteous and perfect without occasionally leveling the playing field. And as has been stated, babies get a free pass to heaven. Life and death on this earth is just a blink of our total existence; looking at it from God's perspective, which I can do given what he has told us in the Bible, a brief period of intense suffering is nothing when lined up against an eternity of joy.

Non-believers hang up on this, because on the one hand while they accept the bible's accounting of events, on the other hand they don't believe in eternity, and they end up with a skewed understanding of what the events reflect. They look at them from their short-lived, human perspective.. But the things that God has done haven't been done based upon human perspective...they've been accomplished after his consideration of the situation from HIS perspective, knowing what the future holds and what the fate of everyone will be....after death and after the end of the world. Pain and life and death are nothing but a short series of nasty, unpleasant blips on the radar of God between our births and the time we are cleansed of sin and able to join him forever in Heaven.
Well the nun was slightly skewed in her understanding or at least her explanation, and jjust because she told you that doesn't mean that it's the way it is.

Ultimately, we don't pass judgment on God. He will pass judgment on us. And in the past, as in the future, his judgment has included and will include our annihilation. That's what judgment is. He can't be righteous and perfect without occasionally leveling the playing field. And as has been stated, babies get a free pass to heaven. Life and death on this earth is just a blink of our total existence; looking at it from God's perspective, which I can do given what he has told us in the Bible, a brief period of intense suffering is nothing when lined up against an eternity of joy.

Non-believers hang up on this, because on the one hand while they accept the bible's accounting of events, on the other hand they don't believe in eternity, and they end up with a skewed understanding of what the events reflect. They look at them from their short-lived, human perspective.. But the things that God has done haven't been done based upon human perspective...they've been accomplished after his consideration of the situation from HIS perspective, knowing what the future holds and what the fate of everyone will be....after death and after the end of the world. Pain and life and death are nothing but a short series of nasty, unpleasant blips on the radar of God between our births and the time we are cleansed of sin and able to join him forever in Heaven.

As Brain dead retarded as what Sr. Mary Bonventure said about "wicked" babies, I frankly haven't seen a religionist come up with a better explanation as to why God had to drown every baby in the world. And you are no exception.

It isn't a matter of "hanging up" on this story. The bible is FULL of horrid stories like this. And most Christians don't know about most of them. I personally like 2 Judges 2:23-24, where a group of children mocked the Prophet Elisha's bald head, and God sent two "she-bears" to maul 42 of them.

Of course you like it. While completely missing the point.

Which was my point.
Of course you like it. While completely missing the point.

Which was my point.

actually, I've heard a lot of explanations of the story... and they are all kind of evil.

But you now where I NEVER heard this story. Any time during the 12 years of Religious education that my parents paid a lot of good money for.

Never heard about Jephthah and his daugther, either.

Most religions are about very selective readings of the bible as much as atheist mocking is. You want to leave out the really bad stuff, we just love pointing them out.

To go back to the OP, most Christians know that God smote the gay folks in Sodom for being "Sodomites". Most don't know about the whole "offering your virgin daughters up for gang rape" or "getting drunk and having sex with them" parts concerning the supposedly "righteous" Lot.
Yes, that's what God expected God's people to do when he was actually hanging out with them, personally, and speaking to Moses directly.

Moses also killed 3000 of those golden calf revelers who wouldn't come to him when he came off the mountain. So? Are you implying that God is still living with us and talking to someone? You, perhaps? Do you think God expects us to kill all those who have false Gods NOW?

Ask God what his picks are next Saturday and Sunday. Does he like LSU to win BCS and if not, who?

God doesn't live with us anymore. He stopped doing that thousands of years ago. He stopped once the Hebrews reached the Promised Land.

You could always ask him yourself but I don't think he cares ether way.

God told me to pick Micheal Vick on my fantasy team.
Of course you like it. While completely missing the point.

Which was my point.

actually, I've heard a lot of explanations of the story... and they are all kind of evil.

But you now where I NEVER heard this story. Any time during the 12 years of Religious education that my parents paid a lot of good money for.

Never heard about Jephthah and his daugther, either.

Most religions are about very selective readings of the bible as much as atheist mocking is. You want to leave out the really bad stuff, we just love pointing them out.

To go back to the OP, most Christians know that God smote the gay folks in Sodom for being "Sodomites". Most don't know about the whole "offering your virgin daughters up for gang rape" or "getting drunk and having sex with them" parts concerning the supposedly "righteous" Lot.

You mention your knowledge of that but you seem to not recognize it's meaning.

Some of the folks that cling to their guns and their religion do so out of ignorance. Just because you attend meetings doesn't mean you understand what you're hearing at those meetings. Jesus often had to explain in detail the purpose of his sermons to his diciples. Even the 12 that lived with him didn't have a clue what his real purpose on Earth was.

Those who tend to question him feel they are intelligent for questioning their faith. I've been told by atheists that they can't believe in what they can't see. Then I respond by saying you must not believe in air. Usually I get a confused look from them.

I'm a bit puzzled by people who say they don't believe in God yet they blame him for everything when in fact man or the Devil is to blame. Yes, bad things happened in the Bible. It should be a lesson. Instead it becomes an excuse.
What's freaky is how the Godless likes to condemn Christians for doctine they never apply to their lives because of Jesus' teachings, yet they seem to support Islamists that still do.

Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen a single person condemn christians.

What some of you guys do, like this thread for example, is you make an excuse for the horrible things the Bible says your god did. Now of course if there's a similar story attributed to another religion it's the worst thing in the world, or if a person commits a horrible act similar what your god did then you demand war.

What horrible things did God do?

Impose rules on us intended to improve our lives, or throw up his hands when we refused to follow them and give us the right to free-will thus hang ourselves with our own rope.

Oh, FYI, your post is a condemnation, forgetting about the attacks we suffer daily elsewhere.

Impose a rule, like working on sunday, then the punishment if you don't follow that is death.

Sounds like you're a big fan of the Saudi Arabian rule of law, they kill people for this level of "mistake" as well.

Your god orders you to kill infidels who don't listen to priests, orders you to kill gays, orders you to kill fortunetellers, orders you to kill someone who hits their father, orders you to kill people who curse their parents, demands the murder of adulterers, demands the death of priest's daughters who aren't virgins, your god committed genocide at ppl solely for being infidels according to the Bible, committed genocide against a town of ppl bc one infidel lived in it, orders you to kill women who aren't virgins before they get married, orders you to kill infidels even if they're family members, and as mentioned orders the deaths of those who work on Sunday.

Now any rational, sane human being views all those things as essentially the worst things morally a person can do. However what religion does, is makes humans find a way to rationalize, excuse and even worse talk about how perfectly moral those things are based on who did them (your god). Thankfully as a non-believer, I don't have to live in fear of such a morally revolting entity, let alone worship the morally revolting entity.
Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen a single person condemn christians.

What some of you guys do, like this thread for example, is you make an excuse for the horrible things the Bible says your god did. Now of course if there's a similar story attributed to another religion it's the worst thing in the world, or if a person commits a horrible act similar what your god did then you demand war.

What horrible things did God do?

Impose rules on us intended to improve our lives, or throw up his hands when we refused to follow them and give us the right to free-will thus hang ourselves with our own rope.

Oh, FYI, your post is a condemnation, forgetting about the attacks we suffer daily elsewhere.

Well when we proved that we absolutely couldn't make it to heaven by following simple rules he came to earth and died a hideous death for us...because he likes us enough that he really wants us in heaven, despite our nastiness.

See, anti-Christians make a lot out of the fact that God doesn't tolerate sin..but they have no concept of the conundrum that is God. God can't lie. God is righteous. So if God is righteous, he cannot abide un-righteousness in his presence, and he can't abide sinfulness in his presence. If he could, he wouldn't be righteous, and he wouldn't be the Judge of the World.

So he submitted the ultimate sacrifice, that would cleanse all sins. Such a huge sacrifice that any person, no matter how foul (and all sin is foul to God...I'm not convinced there are degrees of foulness in His eyes) could achieve heaven if they would just accept it.

And we throw it away with both hands.

We don't only throw it away, we spit on it, we ridicule it, and we persecute and jeer at those who do accept it.

And I say "we" because we are all guilty of demeaning the sacrifice, even those of use who are saved.

The fact that you think all sins are the same to your god is the scariest.

Murder is the same as eating shellfish, but slavery in a moral sense is a-ok.

Yikes. of the tasks assigned to our Sunday school class was to pray for a person you really don't like and have a hard time wishing well...

I have chosen people like you...who lie about Christians, who bash Christians, and who accuse Christians of "forcing" their morality on them even while you seek Christians out to jeer, abuse, and attempt to intimidate them.

So I'll pray for you, specifically. And I'll pray for the strength not to gag while I'm doing it.

By "pray for them" do you mean call them Nazis on a message board?

Would Jesus do that?

Does that follow Jesus's Golden Rule?
Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen a single person condemn christians.

What some of you guys do, like this thread for example, is you make an excuse for the horrible things the Bible says your god did. Now of course if there's a similar story attributed to another religion it's the worst thing in the world, or if a person commits a horrible act similar what your god did then you demand war.

What horrible things did God do?

Impose rules on us intended to improve our lives, or throw up his hands when we refused to follow them and give us the right to free-will thus hang ourselves with our own rope.

Oh, FYI, your post is a condemnation, forgetting about the attacks we suffer daily elsewhere.

Impose a rule, like working on sunday, then the punishment if you don't follow that is death.

Sounds like you're a big fan of the Saudi Arabian rule of law, they kill people for this level of "mistake" as well.

Your god orders you to kill infidels who don't listen to priests, orders you to kill gays, orders you to kill fortunetellers, orders you to kill someone who hits their father, orders you to kill people who curse their parents, demands the murder of adulterers, demands the death of priest's daughters who aren't virgins, your god committed genocide at ppl solely for being infidels according to the Bible, committed genocide against a town of ppl bc one infidel lived in it, orders you to kill women who aren't virgins before they get married, orders you to kill infidels even if they're family members, and as mentioned orders the deaths of those who work on Sunday.

Now any rational, sane human being views all those things as essentially the worst things morally a person can do. However what religion does, is makes humans find a way to rationalize, excuse and even worse talk about how perfectly moral those things are based on who did them (your god). Thankfully as a non-believer, I don't have to live in fear of such a morally revolting entity, let alone worship the morally revolting entity.

This shows a total lack of understanding of the teaching of Jesus.

You're forgetting "he who is without sin....let him cast the first stone".

Since you forgot this or want to ignore it .........what can I do.
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It seems the critics of Christianity forget that one of the charges brought against Jesus during his trial was healing on the Sabbath.

It was why the Romans at first refused to punish him. They only gave in to the demands of the Pharisees to keep the peace.
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Of course you like it. While completely missing the point.

Which was my point.

Getting the point clearly isn't part of his agenda, as a matter of fact, it ruins his agenda, which is why he will continue to mock and ignore what he's told. He's a waste of time. :cuckoo:
What horrible things did God do?

Impose rules on us intended to improve our lives, or throw up his hands when we refused to follow them and give us the right to free-will thus hang ourselves with our own rope.

Oh, FYI, your post is a condemnation, forgetting about the attacks we suffer daily elsewhere.

Well when we proved that we absolutely couldn't make it to heaven by following simple rules he came to earth and died a hideous death for us...because he likes us enough that he really wants us in heaven, despite our nastiness.

See, anti-Christians make a lot out of the fact that God doesn't tolerate sin..but they have no concept of the conundrum that is God. God can't lie. God is righteous. So if God is righteous, he cannot abide un-righteousness in his presence, and he can't abide sinfulness in his presence. If he could, he wouldn't be righteous, and he wouldn't be the Judge of the World.

So he submitted the ultimate sacrifice, that would cleanse all sins. Such a huge sacrifice that any person, no matter how foul (and all sin is foul to God...I'm not convinced there are degrees of foulness in His eyes) could achieve heaven if they would just accept it.

And we throw it away with both hands.

We don't only throw it away, we spit on it, we ridicule it, and we persecute and jeer at those who do accept it.

And I say "we" because we are all guilty of demeaning the sacrifice, even those of use who are saved.

The fact that you think all sins are the same to your god is the scariest.

Murder is the same as eating shellfish, but slavery in a moral sense is a-ok.


Yeah, just as 'moral' as abortion is. Another waste of time. :cuckoo:
Well when we proved that we absolutely couldn't make it to heaven by following simple rules he came to earth and died a hideous death for us...because he likes us enough that he really wants us in heaven, despite our nastiness.

See, anti-Christians make a lot out of the fact that God doesn't tolerate sin..but they have no concept of the conundrum that is God. God can't lie. God is righteous. So if God is righteous, he cannot abide un-righteousness in his presence, and he can't abide sinfulness in his presence. If he could, he wouldn't be righteous, and he wouldn't be the Judge of the World.

So he submitted the ultimate sacrifice, that would cleanse all sins. Such a huge sacrifice that any person, no matter how foul (and all sin is foul to God...I'm not convinced there are degrees of foulness in His eyes) could achieve heaven if they would just accept it.

And we throw it away with both hands.

We don't only throw it away, we spit on it, we ridicule it, and we persecute and jeer at those who do accept it.

And I say "we" because we are all guilty of demeaning the sacrifice, even those of use who are saved.

The fact that you think all sins are the same to your god is the scariest.

Murder is the same as eating shellfish, but slavery in a moral sense is a-ok.


Yeah, just as 'moral' as abortion is. Another waste of time. :cuckoo:

Excellent deflection.

She said all sins are the same to your god, your god calls killing a sin as well as eating shellfish. That to me is psychotic.
What horrible things did God do?

Impose rules on us intended to improve our lives, or throw up his hands when we refused to follow them and give us the right to free-will thus hang ourselves with our own rope.

Oh, FYI, your post is a condemnation, forgetting about the attacks we suffer daily elsewhere.

Impose a rule, like working on sunday, then the punishment if you don't follow that is death.

Sounds like you're a big fan of the Saudi Arabian rule of law, they kill people for this level of "mistake" as well.

Your god orders you to kill infidels who don't listen to priests, orders you to kill gays, orders you to kill fortunetellers, orders you to kill someone who hits their father, orders you to kill people who curse their parents, demands the murder of adulterers, demands the death of priest's daughters who aren't virgins, your god committed genocide at ppl solely for being infidels according to the Bible, committed genocide against a town of ppl bc one infidel lived in it, orders you to kill women who aren't virgins before they get married, orders you to kill infidels even if they're family members, and as mentioned orders the deaths of those who work on Sunday.

Now any rational, sane human being views all those things as essentially the worst things morally a person can do. However what religion does, is makes humans find a way to rationalize, excuse and even worse talk about how perfectly moral those things are based on who did them (your god). Thankfully as a non-believer, I don't have to live in fear of such a morally revolting entity, let alone worship the morally revolting entity.

This shows have a total lack of understanding to the teaching of Jesus.

You're forgetting "he who is without sin....let him cast the first stone".

Since you forgot this or want to ignore it .........what can I do.

I understand the teachings of Jesus, many of them are the opposite of what his sickening father taught.

You cast stones allllllllll the time on here with people who disagree with your politics, so that's some nice hypocrisy you have going on.

Since you forgot this or want to ignore..............what can I do, besides remind you of when you do it.

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