Sodomites & Gomorhites (M.Obama) leaders lose their hope according to

Oh, lacks hope huh?

Well so much for Barry's hope and change then. The feckless asshole failed miserably according to his spouse. Too funny.
Yes, Manchelle, you have lost all hope of turning the US into a totally socialist country with RaTz as the ruling elite.
"Now we're feeling what not having hope feels like," she said.

Exactly how I felt when illegals had more parity with the White House than the common working citizens..
After setting up the GOP to oppose Obama and eliminate Obamacare, I was losing hope that we could ever see our country turn away from the headlong rush to socialism. The GOP wouldn't do a damn thing to stop the black dictator.

The election of Donald Trump is as much a middle finger to the GOP as it is to Obama and his regime. The GOP congress had better give Trump everything he promised because that is his mandate. Build the wall, stop immigration from middle eastern countries, save our jobs, lower taxes, finish off ISIS for good and get the hell out. Agree to his cabinet nominees too.

We'll get back for the rest that will Make America Great Again.

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