Soft Porn Model Carrie Prejean Capitalizing on her 15 Minutes of Fame

Nah.. The standard neg rep seems to be just to type the word "whore".. I find myself being a little more creative than that, and actually typing out a reason... I always did tend to go the extra mile...

All the negative rep I've received has involved the term "moron".

I believe it's good to be consistent, so I approve.
Nah.. The standard neg rep seems to be just to type the word "whore".. I find myself being a little more creative than that, and actually typing out a reason... I always did tend to go the extra mile...

All the negative rep I've received has involved the term "moron".

I believe it's good to be consistent, so I approve.

Actually, you're too funny to neg rep, so unfortunately, you'll have to seek it elsewhere.. My most sincere apologies... :(
Actually, you're too funny to neg rep, so unfortunately, you'll have to seek it elsewhere.. My most sincere apologies... :(


One of these days I'll get around to sending some out. I am curious as to what snarky message comes with it.

Hey, I am a noob, after all.
Nah.. The standard neg rep seems to be just to type the word "whore".. I find myself being a little more creative than that, and actually typing out a reason... I always did tend to go the extra mile...

All the negative rep I've received has involved the term "moron".

I believe it's good to be consistent, so I approve.
hey now, i havent neg reped you
so whos stealin my keyword :D
hey now, i havent neg reped you
so whos stealin my keyword :D

That would be Yurt.

He opened with "you are a moron" and raised to "you are a moron and an asshole".

Those birthers have no sense of humor.

Aww. why? Yurt's usually pretty cool beans...

We have a difference of opinion over the elgibility of the President to be President and the sanity of people who question this.
Regnery is an interesting study in propaganda, proving if you have money and backing nonsense is sellable. They publish the most inane writing and then the corporate think tanks purchase bundles to be distributed to the ideological wing-nuts on the right. Fascinating stuff. Who can blame Carrie, if the airhead from Alaska can make millions selling to the simpleminded, the airhead from California can do the same. Real freedom don't you think, now if they would only honor that same freedom for gays all would be right with the world. Well a little bit more would be right.
Poor put upon Carrie is trying to squeeze every minute of fame and buck she can out of her ordeal.........but isn't that what capitalism is all about?

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Exclusive: Carrie Prejean’s ‘Still Standing’ Hits Bookstores November 2009

Isn't it wonderful how upset the pathetic sexual deviants get when someone simply says that they don't meet the standard for marriage?


Fucking queers...

LOL. Pubic, I bet you have lots of experiance with the latter.:lol:
I think Jesus would approve. :lol:

I have seen more skin in Sports Illustrated.


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