Zone1 Sola scriptura (Scripture alone [is all that's needed]) is demolished with one sentence

All Paul was aware of was that he was writing letters, that included Apostolic teachings. It is why Catholics value his letters, and why they became scripture.
So Paul wasn't being visited and instructed by the Holy Spirit?

Wow! You are a heretic.
I did. "When two or more..." You, do understand, don't you, that no one is limited to only asking Mary to pray with them?

There is no scripture that tells us to pray TO MARY. You are a liar and a heretic.
This is the beauty of the Catholic Church abandoning scripture. They gave themselves a license to make up anything. You'll notice that Merriweather is long on pontificating his own opinions while not citing any scripture.

I'll follow the word of God. I suggest others do the same.
Keep in mind, I keep all of scripture in mind. I have never been a fan of proof-texting. Everything I have said has all of scripture as its foundation. I never rely on a single verse (proof-texting).
Wow! You are a heretic.
Why? Was Paul writing scripture or was he writing letters that became scripture? How about David's Psalms? Was he writing scripture or was he writing music that became scripture?
All Paul was aware of was that he was writing letters, that included Apostolic teachings. It is why Catholics value his letters, and why they became scripture.

Are you reading and understanding what I am writing? My answers are straight from the shoulder and completely honest. What is it about them you are not understanding?

I have read Protestant criticisms of Catholic practices. I have read Catholic and historic explanations of Catholic practices. After decades of this, it is clear that Protestant criticisms/interpretations of scripture date back to the fifteen hundreds and are based on a modern language not Biblical languages. They even have some of the etymology changes in the English language incorrect.

You say you want the truth. The truth does not lie in the 1500s and modern English. The truth lies in Apostolic times and Biblical languages.

You are a false teacher. We were warned about you.

Acts 20:28-30​

28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.
30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.
There is no scripture that tells us to pray TO MARY. You are a liar and a heretic.
Do you consider Mary a member of the Body of Christ? I know of at least one non-Catholic denomination who believes the dead are truly asleep and will not awaken until the last day. They have this belief from one of Paul's letters. Therefore they believe it is pointless to pray with or for anyone who has passed on.

Is this now your own belief?
I have never been a fan of proof-texting.
That's where you and most other Catholics go wrong. The scriptures are meant to keep God's followers on the right path. How do you know the correct path if you are unaware of God's word? You should NOT be teaching..

2 Timothy 3:16-17 esv
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.
That's where you and most other Catholics go wrong. The scriptures are meant to keep God's followers on the right path. How do you know the correct path if you are unaware of God's word? You should NOT be teaching..

2 Timothy 3:16-17 esv
16 All Scripture
Note what Timothy wrote: ALL SCRIPTURE. Not a verse here and a verse there. And keep in mind the New Testament was not scripture until a couple of hundred years after 2 Timothy was written.

Context is important.
Do you consider Mary a member of the Body of Christ? I know of at least one non-Catholic denomination who believes the dead are truly asleep and will not awaken until the last day. They have this belief from one of Paul's letters. Therefore they believe it is pointless to pray with or for anyone who has passed on.

Is this now your own belief?

Why do you support the doctrine of praying to Mary when there is no supporting scripture? It is a HERETICAL doctrine.

Let's just cut to the chase. Just admit that your loyalty is to the catechism and not to God's word. Thereafter we can agree to disagree and move on.
Note what Timothy wrote: ALL SCRIPTURE. Not a verse here and a verse there. And keep in mind the New Testament was not scripture until a couple of hundred years after 2 Timothy was written.

Context is important.

It doesn't matter to you what the scriptures say. You follow the catechism, which is worldly, man-made, religious system. Dismissed.
Why do you support the doctrine of praying to Mary when there is no supporting scripture? It is a HERETICAL doctrine.
I support the doctrine of the Body of Christ--that both the living and those who have passed on are members of the Body of Christ.

Is Mary a member of the Body of Christ? Is she close to Christ?
Let's just cut to the chase. Just admit that your loyalty is to the catechism and not to God's word.
You judge my loyalty is not to God...

Have you reach through the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church? I haven't. Any particular part you wish to discuss? I'm sure I can look it up.
You judge my loyalty is not to God...

Have you reach through the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church? I haven't. Any particular part you wish to discuss? I'm sure I can look it up.

By your arguments it is evident that you follow the catechism rather than the scriptures. My suggestion to you is to stick to the scscriptures. I also encourage you to read my post about leaving Catholicism. I cite a LOT of scripture.
You mean, "Adjourned." You're the judge...

I just feel like discussing the word of God with you is fruitless because you don't (apparently) share my belief in the validity of the screen. You are citing doctrines that are nowhere in said scriptures. We have no common point of reference. It would be like me debating a Buddhist.

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