Solar Irradiance in a nose-dive...

Wouldn't expect that it would have a CLIMATE WARMING effect over a 50 year period where the solar insolation had PEAKED OUT since the 1960s after a 150 year CLIMB from the last Solar Minimum in the mid 18th century..

No, because heat doesn't hide magically for a century and then suddenly reappear. Real scientists understand that.

Your theory is a fantasy, and none of your meltdowns or evasions will change that.

You can demonstrate you're not just another boring bitter and frustrated cultist. Show us the function that gives the observed climate as the output, given the observed solar input. Do some actual science, instead of just screaming insults at people who dare point out how you only engage in wild handwaving and refuse to do any actual science.
so dude/dudette, can you?
"demonstrate you're not just another boring bitter and frustrated cultist. Show us the function that gives the observed climate as the output, given the observed solar input. Do some actual science, instead of just screaming insults at people who dare point out how you only engage in wild handwaving and refuse to do any actual science."

Let's see it. It is your claim!!!!!!
it does? hmmmmm we've been asking for that evidence and to date three years later there are still crickets. So please post where there is any heat in the oceans. Haven't you been following along with the forum? I thought you were. Hmmmmmmm. But dude, you're funny.
OK you are just plain Gish are a "genius" LOL that has out thought all of Science...all those agencies NOAA , NASA they bow LOL to you grand mind LOL
Where is evidence of your thesis that "there is no such thing as AGW" you have any facts figures link anything ?

of course you don't ignore the facts I posted the links I posted the direct refutal of your argument and you come back with repetition that "JC456 is some sort of genius who grasps what all of Science does not" are ridiculous
well all I ask is the evidence from the other science genius' and to date, nothing. There is no observable data that backs any claim CO2 is a sun. None. Feel free to post up what you have. I bet any material you post will have words like, modeled, expected, should, predict, maybe, but nothing that says from observed data or experimental evidence exists from these tests with a description of a test. I don't need to be a science guru to know that a hypothesis is always tested to conclude a theory. Do you challenge that statement? if not, then post up the experiment that shows by adding 20 PPM of CO2 to the atmosphere that tons more tornadoes will bust out of the sky. i laugh at fools like you who believe because you believe. I'm not even sure what the hell that means, but it is what you follow since you can't produce any evidence.
"There is no observable data that backs any claim CO2 is a sun"

Dude, are you dropping acid?
it does? hmmmmm we've been asking for that evidence and to date three years later there are still crickets. So please post where there is any heat in the oceans. Haven't you been following along with the forum? I thought you were. Hmmmmmmm. But dude, you're funny.
OK you are just plain Gish are a "genius" LOL that has out thought all of Science...all those agencies NOAA , NASA they bow LOL to you grand mind LOL
Where is evidence of your thesis that "there is no such thing as AGW" you have any facts figures link anything ?

of course you don't ignore the facts I posted the links I posted the direct refutal of your argument and you come back with repetition that "JC456 is some sort of genius who grasps what all of Science does not" are ridiculous
well all I ask is the evidence from the other science genius' and to date, nothing. There is no observable data that backs any claim CO2 is a sun. None. Feel free to post up what you have. I bet any material you post will have words like, modeled, expected, should, predict, maybe, but nothing that says from observed data or experimental evidence exists from these tests with a description of a test. I don't need to be a science guru to know that a hypothesis is always tested to conclude a theory. Do you challenge that statement? if not, then post up the experiment that shows by adding 20 PPM of CO2 to the atmosphere that tons more tornadoes will bust out of the sky. i laugh at fools like you who believe because you believe. I'm not even sure what the hell that means, but it is what you follow since you can't produce any evidence.
"There is no observable data that backs any claim CO2 is a sun"

Dude, are you dropping acid?
decreased LWIR means more warming, your sides words, not mine, who is dropping acid?
No, because heat doesn't hide magically for a century and then suddenly reappear. Real scientists understand that.

But the ocean can magically eat all of trenberths are a funny old woman, you know that?
Wouldn't expect that it would have a CLIMATE WARMING effect over a 50 year period where the solar insolation had PEAKED OUT since the 1960s after a 150 year CLIMB from the last Solar Minimum in the mid 18th century..

No, because heat doesn't hide magically for a century and then suddenly reappear. Real scientists understand that.

Your theory is a fantasy, and none of your meltdowns or evasions will change that.

You can demonstrate you're not just another boring bitter and frustrated cultist. Show us the function that gives the observed climate as the output, given the observed solar input. Do some actual science, instead of just screaming insults at people who dare point out how you only engage in wild handwaving and refuse to do any actual science.

faith is all that is required for the warmist kooks

It requires, and has been provided, evidence.
Wouldn't expect that it would have a CLIMATE WARMING effect over a 50 year period where the solar insolation had PEAKED OUT since the 1960s after a 150 year CLIMB from the last Solar Minimum in the mid 18th century..

No, because heat doesn't hide magically for a century and then suddenly reappear. Real scientists understand that.

Your theory is a fantasy, and none of your meltdowns or evasions will change that.

You can demonstrate you're not just another boring bitter and frustrated cultist. Show us the function that gives the observed climate as the output, given the observed solar input. Do some actual science, instead of just screaming insults at people who dare point out how you only engage in wild handwaving and refuse to do any actual science.

faith is all that is required for the warmist kooks

It requires, and has been provided, evidence.

phony models is not evidence
If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit. Don't kid yourselves, there isn't any cooling going on here.
If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit. Don't kid yourselves, there isn't any cooling going on here.

If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit.

Preventing a new ice age would make CO2 the hero, not the culprit.
If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit. Don't kid yourselves, there isn't any cooling going on here.

If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit.

Preventing a new ice age would make CO2 the hero, not the culprit.
Ya lost me. You must be joking, man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age NOBODY even recognizes as a issue? Yay.
If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit. Don't kid yourselves, there isn't any cooling going on here.

If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit.

Preventing a new ice age would make CO2 the hero, not the culprit.
Ya lost me. You must be joking, man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age NOBODY even recognizes as a issue? Yay.

Ya lost me.

Do you think a new Ice Age would be good or bad?

man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age

Not pollution, CO2.
If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit. Don't kid yourselves, there isn't any cooling going on here.

If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit.

Preventing a new ice age would make CO2 the hero, not the culprit.
Ya lost me. You must be joking, man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age NOBODY even recognizes as a issue? Yay.

Ya lost me.

Do you think a new Ice Age would be good or bad?

man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age

Not pollution, CO2.
Touché. What Ice age? The ice caps are average temps are rising. We are definitely are NOT on the same page here.
If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit. Don't kid yourselves, there isn't any cooling going on here.

If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit.

Preventing a new ice age would make CO2 the hero, not the culprit.
Ya lost me. You must be joking, man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age NOBODY even recognizes as a issue? Yay.

Ya lost me.

Do you think a new Ice Age would be good or bad?

man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age

Not pollution, CO2.
Touché. What Ice age? The ice caps are average temps are rising. We are definitely are NOT on the same page here.

but solar irradiance is going DOWN

How much of that before a new ice age?

The ice caps are melting...

Imagine the mess we'd be in if they were advancing. average temps are rising.

Thank goodness.
A warmer planet is good for life. A colder one results in a shorter growing season, famine, death.
If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit. Don't kid yourselves, there isn't any cooling going on here.

If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit.

Preventing a new ice age would make CO2 the hero, not the culprit.
Ya lost me. You must be joking, man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age NOBODY even recognizes as a issue? Yay.

Ya lost me.

Do you think a new Ice Age would be good or bad?

man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age

Not pollution, CO2.
Touché. What Ice age? The ice caps are average temps are rising. We are definitely are NOT on the same page here.

Yeah, ice ages, famine and death are funny. Durr.
Wouldn't expect that it would have a CLIMATE WARMING effect over a 50 year period where the solar insolation had PEAKED OUT since the 1960s after a 150 year CLIMB from the last Solar Minimum in the mid 18th century..

No, because heat doesn't hide magically for a century and then suddenly reappear. Real scientists understand that.

Your theory is a fantasy, and none of your meltdowns or evasions will change that.

You are so hopelessly stupid after all this "investment" in climate knowledge.. It's sad really...

Trenberth says the Ocean thermal cycles are the "planet's heat safety valves".. Literally, they occasionally blow off immense amounts of STORED heat from the Oceans. Haven't gotten to a fixed set of equations regarding the PATHS or DELAYS for that heat storage --- but they could be blowing off 100 year old "heat" in any AMO, PDO, ENSO, etc event...

You are a pea brain. And I'm pretty much gonna ignore you from now on. Because the basic concept of Ocean Heat Storage escapes your puny grasp.. That energy is available to be tapped up to 200m deep by an El Nino or swept up into an ocean conveyor to melt arctic ice or picked up by cyclonic energy HUNDREDS of years from now. Creating (among other effects) NEW atmospheric equilibrium temperatures from very very old heat energy kept in storage.

So do that name calling -- degrading stuff ya gotta do. It has ZERO effect on the way things work.. OR on me...
It's the stuff that you learned from your heroes at the very few websites that feed your ignorance on the topics.
Last edited:
If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit. Don't kid yourselves, there isn't any cooling going on here.

If average temps are going UP, but solar irradiance is going DOWN, that points to man made CO2 pollution as the culprit.

Preventing a new ice age would make CO2 the hero, not the culprit.
Ya lost me. You must be joking, man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age NOBODY even recognizes as a issue? Yay.

Ya lost me.

Do you think a new Ice Age would be good or bad?

man made pollution is going to save us from an ice age

Not pollution, CO2.
Touché. What Ice age? The ice caps are average temps are rising. We are definitely are NOT on the same page here.

Yeah, ice ages, famine and death are funny. Durr.
What is funny is how truly stupid you are, or at least how stupid you think that other people are. It would be several thousand years before any real affects of the slide toward another ice age that we were in were felt.

However, before this century is out, we will see major affects from the warming we have already committed our planet to. And if we continue our present output of GHGs, things will be very bad by the end of this century, and worse for several centuries afterwards. Not that jerks like you give a damn.
Wouldn't expect that it would have a CLIMATE WARMING effect over a 50 year period where the solar insolation had PEAKED OUT since the 1960s after a 150 year CLIMB from the last Solar Minimum in the mid 18th century..

No, because heat doesn't hide magically for a century and then suddenly reappear. Real scientists understand that.

Your theory is a fantasy, and none of your meltdowns or evasions will change that.

You are so hopelessly stupid after all this "investment" in climate knowledge.. It's sad really...

Trenberth says the Ocean thermal cycles are the "planet's heat safety valves".. Literally, they occasionally blow off immense amounts of STORED heat from the Oceans. Haven't gotten to a fixed set of equations regarding the PATHS or DELAYS for that heat storage --- but they could be blowing off 100 year old "heat" in any AMO, PDO, ENSO, etc event...

You are a pea brain. And I'm pretty much gonna ignore you from now on. Because the basic concept of Ocean Heat Storage escapes your puny grasp.. That energy is available to be tapped up to 200m deep by an El Nino or swept up into an ocean conveyor to melt arctic ice or picked up by cyclonic energy HUNDREDS of years from now. Creating (among other effects) NEW atmospheric equilibrium temperatures from very very old heat energy kept in storage.

So do that name calling -- degrading stuff ya gotta do. It has ZERO effect on the way things work.. OR on me...
It's the stuff that you learned from your heroes at the very few websites that feed your ignorance on the topics.
And since the forcings of the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere far exceed the forcings of the minor increase in solar output we saw, what is going to happen when the oceans start spitting that heat back at us, Mr. Flacaltenn. Seems to me that your arguement shows that the GHGs are going to be far more destructive than that minor and transient increase in TSI.
What is funny is how truly stupid you are, or at least how stupid you think that other people are. It would be several thousand years before any real affects of the slide toward another ice age that we were in were felt.

However, before this century is out, we will see major affects from the warming we have already committed our planet to. And if we continue our present output of GHGs, things will be very bad by the end of this century, and worse for several centuries afterwards. Not that jerks like you give a damn.
The biggest lie, yet, "It will get warmer, even though it is not now, but it will, we just can't prove it and you must trust us".

And yet, your solution creates more CO2 than any other form of energy, constant use of Heavy Industry processing natural resources into 1000 ton Wind Turbines and millions upon millions of Solar Panels is creating measurable pollution now, on an unprecedented scale.

To save the World you will destroy it?

The solution is the problem. Use more Coal and Hydrocarbons to save the World?
Elektra, old gal, just can it. Several people have shown you the fallacy of that stupid arguement. And we are going to continue to install solar and wind, because they are not only cleaner, but they are more economical than fossil fuels.

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