Solar Power is Bankrupt

LOL. All the dumb fucks are screaming their heads off about solar not working, yet it is the fastest growing energy being built in the US.

U.S. Solar Market Insight

U.S. Solar Market Insight
U.S. Installs 7.3 GW in 2015, Set to Smash Records This Year
Updated March 9, 2016

The U.S. installed 7,260 megawatts (MW) of solar in 2015 to reach 27.4 gigawatts (GW) of total installed capacity, enough to power 5.4 million American homes. Thanks to a booming residential PV market and continued realization of the utility sector’s double-digit gigawatt project pipeline, 2015 was the biggest year yet in solar history. Despite this remarkable growth, the industry is set to more than double the amount of installed capacity in 2016.

And then there is this;

Powerwall | The Tesla Home Battery

Fuck the utilities and the knownothing 'Conservatives'. They simply hate the idea of the individual home owner being independent of the big energy corporations.
LOL. All the dumb fucks are screaming their heads off about solar not working, yet it is the fastest growing energy being built in the US.

U.S. Solar Market Insight

U.S. Solar Market Insight
U.S. Installs 7.3 GW in 2015, Set to Smash Records This Year
Updated March 9, 2016

The U.S. installed 7,260 megawatts (MW) of solar in 2015 to reach 27.4 gigawatts (GW) of total installed capacity, enough to power 5.4 million American homes. Thanks to a booming residential PV market and continued realization of the utility sector’s double-digit gigawatt project pipeline, 2015 was the biggest year yet in solar history. Despite this remarkable growth, the industry is set to more than double the amount of installed capacity in 2016.

And then there is this;

Powerwall | The Tesla Home Battery

Fuck the utilities and the knownothing 'Conservatives'. They simply hate the idea of the individual home owner being independent of the big energy corporations.
Sure Old Crock, it is as easy PIE, yes, simple math that you do not understand, Old Crock is happy, he had $10, now Old Crock has $20, 100% growth.

Me, I had $100,000, now I have $101,000, my growth was 1%, old crock is happy with $10 and a 100% growth, me, I will take a $1,000 every time.

Natural Grass grew faster, larger, than Solar, anybody tell you different, they are flthy liars.
Natural Grass grew faster, larger, than Solar, anybody tell you different, they are flthy liars.

Naturally grass grows better than just about anything but weeds.


We are evolving our electrical grid into a distributed network of varied sources of energy, at the centralized plant, at the local city block and the individual home. The grid itself is going to be a means of sharing that energy during peak times and stgoring it in large capacity deep cycle batteries for the morning.

This is apparent to just about anyone that reads up on the subject. Maybe you would grasp it too if you would read more than your own sales manuals.
Natural Grass grew faster, larger, than Solar, anybody tell you different, they are flthy liars.

Naturally grass grows better than just about anything but weeds.


We are evolving our electrical grid into a distributed network of varied sources of energy, at the centralized plant, at the local city block and the individual home. The grid itself is going to be a means of sharing that energy during peak times and stgoring it in large capacity deep cycle batteries for the morning.

This is apparent to just about anyone that reads up on the subject. Maybe you would grasp it too if you would read more than your own sales manuals.
Natural gas grew faster than solar.

Our grid has been a rock bed for our economy for a 100 years. Supplying power to the world's greatest industry that is still unequaled in the world.

Evolving? No, we are compensating for the inadequacy of intermittent dirty power at an extreme expense.

Jimbowie claims I must read up on electrical power when he has no clue what capacity factor is, without a search to Wikipedia.

Is there any links to anything more than Wikipedia?

Our government is out of control wasting Trillions of dollars (eia studies reported in these forums).

The government is implementing a failed energy policy that does not support our economy.

How many threads are started with something other than Wikipedia, or a link to a website that is a mouthpiece for solar?

All the small countries that try Solar are suffering it's extreme cost and lack of electrical output.

The problem with most the posters on this subject is they do not have the education or work experience to even know the terms they should search, like capacity factor.

How many of you are even aware of organizations such as epri? I am, simply because I am certified through the Electrical Power Research Institute as an Analyst so that I can analyze data from nuclear power plants.

It is huge what the government is doing, huge as in Trillions of dollars they will spend to not upgrade and improve, but to destroy and change the way we produce power.

Once that change in implemented, we are no longer a super power, we are crippled, and will not be able to produce the things we need to fight a war or to simply live.

We will be completely dependent on China, Mexico, the third world.

Solar has failed California, but maybe we will see a trillion dollars poured in to save the failed utopian vision.
Currently the government has done everything to drive up the cost of power, artificially. If Solar can power a house, it is an extremely expensive option, unless the government pays the bill.

At the least, it seems like an incredible waste of Natural Resources, people do not even discuss the elements it takes to build solar power and how limited the supply of those elements are.

Solar is a short lived fad that will cost us trillions. Solar will not survive, it will run out of, Elements.

Lol, you are so lacking with the facts on this subject.

Average kWhs per American home is around 10,000 annually, but lets go with La's 15,000 just to push the upper end of home usage. That runs to about 41 kWhs per day per home.

So lets put up some solar panels, we can get some in bulk at 40 cents per Watt, but lets go with something more retail end, at 63 cents per Wat. These are Canadian Solar CS6X-300 with 300 Wats peak power, and with 25 of them we have 7500 Wats at peak. This costs $189.00 per panel for a total cost of $4,725.00. Lets say that La averages only 4.9 hours equivalent of peak sun hours per day year round. That gives us 36.1 kWhs daily, or 13,413 kWhs annually, almost the annual electrical need in Louisiana.

Now if electrical power companies had to reimburse you for the over wattage, you could make, at 8.4 cents per kWh, $1,126 in the first year alone and recoup all that money invested in your solar panels with the number of panels we took in this example, but we could put in more in a ground install, but 25 for a roof is typical.

But since the power companies in most states can cap their credit to you to merely reducing your bill to $0, you only make about $1,126 annually, and that means you still clean up within 5 years of buying and installing your panels if you can do it yourself and use car batteries to store the power to your home overnight. Ground installation is the cheapest and easiest to do, and that is my plan. Then you could put in 100 panels and make money if the power companies had no cap for reimbursing you.

Isnt it funny that the wealthy get all these caps that work in their favor like this cap and the Social Security tax (FICA tax) cap?

Your claim about Solar not surviving into the future is just plain old stuffage. Who pays you to post that crap?
Better than car batteries, and a lot safer;

Powerwall | The Tesla Home Battery
Natural Grass grew faster, larger, than Solar, anybody tell you different, they are flthy liars.

Naturally grass grows better than just about anything but weeds.


We are evolving our electrical grid into a distributed network of varied sources of energy, at the centralized plant, at the local city block and the individual home. The grid itself is going to be a means of sharing that energy during peak times and stgoring it in large capacity deep cycle batteries for the morning.

This is apparent to just about anyone that reads up on the subject. Maybe you would grasp it too if you would read more than your own sales manuals.
Natural gas grew faster than solar.

Our grid has been a rock bed for our economy for a 100 years. Supplying power to the world's greatest industry that is still unequaled in the world.

Evolving? No, we are compensating for the inadequacy of intermittent dirty power at an extreme expense.

Jimbowie claims I must read up on electrical power when he has no clue what capacity factor is, without a search to Wikipedia.

Is there any links to anything more than Wikipedia?

Our government is out of control wasting Trillions of dollars (eia studies reported in these forums).

The government is implementing a failed energy policy that does not support our economy.

How many threads are started with something other than Wikipedia, or a link to a website that is a mouthpiece for solar?

All the small countries that try Solar are suffering it's extreme cost and lack of electrical output.

The problem with most the posters on this subject is they do not have the education or work experience to even know the terms they should search, like capacity factor.

How many of you are even aware of organizations such as epri? I am, simply because I am certified through the Electrical Power Research Institute as an Analyst so that I can analyze data from nuclear power plants.

It is huge what the government is doing, huge as in Trillions of dollars they will spend to not upgrade and improve, but to destroy and change the way we produce power.

Once that change in implemented, we are no longer a super power, we are crippled, and will not be able to produce the things we need to fight a war or to simply live.

We will be completely dependent on China, Mexico, the third world.

Solar has failed California, but maybe we will see a trillion dollars poured in to save the failed utopian vision.
You are for sure a certified fruitloop. Solar and wind have both proven themselves at utility scale, and solar at home scale. As the grid scale batteries come online, and Tesla and it's competitors supply us with larger and less expensive safe batteries, solar will become a major consideration for home owners. Not only that, the efforts of those in the GOP at state levels to outlaw disconnecting from the grid and being independent of the energy corporations will backfire politically in the very near future.
Signaling the growing importance

Solar is the fastest-growing source of renewable energy in America

LOL. Solar is doing very well, and will continue to for the foreseeable future.
Natural Grass grew faster, larger, than Solar, anybody tell you different, they are flthy liars.

Naturally grass grows better than just about anything but weeds.


We are evolving our electrical grid into a distributed network of varied sources of energy, at the centralized plant, at the local city block and the individual home. The grid itself is going to be a means of sharing that energy during peak times and stgoring it in large capacity deep cycle batteries for the morning.

This is apparent to just about anyone that reads up on the subject. Maybe you would grasp it too if you would read more than your own sales manuals.
Natural gas grew faster than solar.

Our grid has been a rock bed for our economy for a 100 years. Supplying power to the world's greatest industry that is still unequaled in the world.

Evolving? No, we are compensating for the inadequacy of intermittent dirty power at an extreme expense.

Jimbowie claims I must read up on electrical power when he has no clue what capacity factor is, without a search to Wikipedia.

Is there any links to anything more than Wikipedia?

Our government is out of control wasting Trillions of dollars (eia studies reported in these forums).

The government is implementing a failed energy policy that does not support our economy.

How many threads are started with something other than Wikipedia, or a link to a website that is a mouthpiece for solar?

All the small countries that try Solar are suffering it's extreme cost and lack of electrical output.

The problem with most the posters on this subject is they do not have the education or work experience to even know the terms they should search, like capacity factor.

How many of you are even aware of organizations such as epri? I am, simply because I am certified through the Electrical Power Research Institute as an Analyst so that I can analyze data from nuclear power plants.

It is huge what the government is doing, huge as in Trillions of dollars they will spend to not upgrade and improve, but to destroy and change the way we produce power.

Once that change in implemented, we are no longer a super power, we are crippled, and will not be able to produce the things we need to fight a war or to simply live.

We will be completely dependent on China, Mexico, the third world.

Solar has failed California, but maybe we will see a trillion dollars poured in to save the failed utopian vision.
You are for sure a certified fruitloop. Solar and wind have both proven themselves at utility scale, and solar at home scale. As the grid scale batteries come online, and Tesla and it's competitors supply us with larger and less expensive safe batteries, solar will become a major consideration for home owners. Not only that, the efforts of those in the GOP at state levels to outlaw disconnecting from the grid and being independent of the energy corporations will backfire politically in the very near future.
Your a liar, California has scheduled 2 weeks of blackouts after spending a 100 billion dollars on your idea.

Blackouts after billions spent, in the year 2016.
Sad, Solar Power is bankrupt but Congress has promised to prop it up with Trillions of tax payer money.

News | SolarSecrets

The Left Is Already Pushing The New Solar Jobs ‘Report’ As Good News. Don’t Buy It.

latest annual Solar Jobs Census from the Solar Foundation, which concluded that the solar industry is contributing to “robust” U.S. job growth, and left-leaning outlets are alreadystarting to champion the report as evidence that we the solar industry is booming and merits further investment.

Don’t buy it.

The Solar Energy Industries Association is the trade association tasked with promoting the development and expansion of solar power, predominately staffed by former solar company and trade association lobbyists with ties to government solar advocacy programs. So let’s all agree here that they are not exactly objective.

After reviewing the report’s key findings, the Taxpayers Protection Alliance found that it is laced with references to the large percentage growth in solar jobs that belie the actually figures, which are in reality quite anemic.

For example, the 2015 report stated:

The solar industry continues to support robust job growth, creating 35,052 new jobs in 2015, a growth rate of approximately twelve times greater than that of the overall economy. U.S. businesses added just over 2.4 million jobs over 2015, a growth rate of 1.74% – the solar industry grew by 20%, accounting for 1.2% of all new jobs.

Let’s un-package what’s actually happening here. The relatively low base numbers compared to the overall economy for solar jobs means that, percentage-wise, solar job growth will seem impressive compared to the overall economy. This is where the deception comes into play. Suppose the solar industry had one job in 2015 and two jobs in 2016 and the utility industry had 500,000 jobs in 2015 and 560,000 jobs in 2016. This would mean the solar job growth percentage would be 100% to the utility job growth of 12%. But should we really view the reported percentage increases as evidence of a substantial growth rate? Of course not.

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I agree the government shouldn't be picking winners and losers; but one thing I noticed when I went to a preppers convention in SLC; about every other booth was solar
I think there's so many out there they can't help but go broke.
A lot of solar industries are being operated out of the home
Solar is where the automobile industry was in the 1920's. A market with vast potential, a lot of people jumping into it, not realizing that one change in technology put their factory out of business.
Solar is where the automobile industry was in the 1920's. A market with vast potential, a lot of people jumping into it, not realizing that one change in technology put their factory out of business.
Wrong again, idiot. In the 1920's, the U.S. Government did not create an industry by giving select individuals tax-payer's money.
Solar has been around since the 1920's, failing to keep pace with other energy technologies.
The US Government very much did help create the aircraft industry and chose winners and losers. And how much did government contracts help various manufactures of cars and trucks? That is giving select industries money.
The US Government very much did help create the aircraft industry and chose winners and losers. And how much did government contracts help various manufactures of cars and trucks? That is giving select industries money.
Old CRock, funny you bring the aircraft industry up, I do work for Curtiss-Wright. How much money did the Wright Brothers receive from the government to build the first airplane.

How much research did the government pay the universities to design the 1st airplane and when did that get given to the Wright Brothers?

And of course lets not forget you specifically stated the Automobile industry, so which post will you run from next, you filthy old liar? You ran from your claim that Tesla is made in the usa and now claim tesla is the best selling luxury car (5 cubic feet of trunk space, hardly a luxury) in the USA. So where do we go now, you lose, you lose, and you lose. How shall Old Crock deflect and ignore next?
During WW1 and afterwards, there were vast amounts of government money spent on R and D in the aircraft industry. That is how we developed the B-17 prior to WW2.

Now Elektra of the twisted tit, the S is a hatch back, so that trunk space sits in front of you. Another example of your lying.

2016 Tesla Model S Interior | U.S. News Best Cars

The 2016 Model S is a hatchback and has 26.3 cubic feet of cargo room behind its rear seats and 58.1 cubic feet with them folded. Additionally, a small storage space under the hood provides an additional 5.3 cubic feet. The Model S has one of the largest cargo capacities in the class. A power liftgate is optional.
Solar has so much potential, but all the crony capitalism that has gotten into it is bogging it down, in a slow parasitical death spiral.

For example, why cant every home owner buy solar panels and get paid for the extra electricity they pump into the power grid? Answer - because the power companies would lose money.

Why cant anyone build a solar powered farm and have direct access tot he grid back bone like any other power generator? Answer; because the power companies use this as a means to limit power production so they can keep their prices higher.

Until this bullshit is ended, solar power will never live up to its potential.

Well said.
And that is the rub...the future of solar power is not power plants. It is small, individual household units.
America's power consumption would absolutely nose dive and basically end the need for the power grid. And THAT is not going to happen as long as cronyism on both sides allows it.
During WW1 and afterwards, there were vast amounts of government money spent on R and D in the aircraft industry. That is how we developed the B-17 prior to WW2.

Now Elektra of the twisted tit, the S is a hatch back, so that trunk space sits in front of you. Another example of your lying.

2016 Tesla Model S Interior | U.S. News Best Cars

The 2016 Model S is a hatchback and has 26.3 cubic feet of cargo room behind its rear seats and 58.1 cubic feet with them folded. Additionally, a small storage space under the hood provides an additional 5.3 cubic feet. The Model S has one of the largest cargo capacities in the class. A power liftgate is optional.
If that is all it has got going for it, it really sucks, and the hatchback tesla is not in the same class as the Mercedes S, it is not a luxury car, not in the least bit, it is a two passenger car with a small back seat, none if you need to carry stuff like luggage.

The B-17 was developed with government money? Old Crock, you are about as stupid as a ROCK! You fly off at the mouth without thinking, from Wind Energy to Geothermal, the Tesla Obama Car, to now the Boeing B-17.

The Boeing B-17 was not developed with Government Money, not one lousy dime.

But hey, Old Crock, you just throw out lies by the dozen so if anyone really wants to respond it takes hours to address all your lies, which is what the Solar and Wind industry is, nothing but filthy lies, endless, all demanding Trillions of dollars in Government money.

The B-17 Flying Fortress debuted exactly 80 years ago — here's its legacy

The Boeing Model 299, later known as the B-17, was built as part of a United States Army Air Corps (precursor to the Air Force) competition to create a bomber that could fly faster than 200 mph with 2,000 pounds of bombs and a range of over 1,020 miles.

The development of the 299 was completely paid for by Boeing with no promise of reimbursement by the US government. The competition and the sunk costs represented a make-or-break trail for the young aircraft manufacturer.
Solar is where the automobile industry was in the 1920's. A market with vast potential, a lot of people jumping into it, not realizing that one change in technology put their factory out of business.
Bullshit, pure crap, thus far Solar is set to cost us trillions of dollars and will cripple our ability to supply power to Industry, or in California, pump water.

I see you ignored your last glaring error, Old Crock.

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