Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags...

When you're the only one with a gun, 2x10rd mags = 1x20rd mag.

Unless people stop shooter like they did at Giffords shooting. Reloading also gives people a chance to
Run away.

So how far can you run in two seconds?

Around a corner or perhaps behind something.

Wow!! We have a regular Nostradamus here.
So how exactly would you know if he was reloading or just pausing?
Because I know damn good and well you wouldnt be watching the guy,you'd be in the fetal position hoping the guy didnt notice you.
And only an idiot would expose himself to gunfire without a weapon of his/her own.

It is just common sense actually, you'd recognize it if you had any. So mass shooter opens fire on a group of people and you don't think some people will escape when he stops firing to reload? Do you think everyone just stands still when he starts shooting?

So you have the ability to recognize the weapon and it's capacity,and the wherewithal to count rounds?
So lets say you run for cover. Are you certain the gunman wont watch where you went and just walk up on you and put a round through your dome?
Answer the question. How would you know he was reloading and not just pausing?
Because you damn sure wouldnt be watching for it.
Is it "treating law abiding drivers like criminals" to require that people pass driving tests, not drive drunk, follow speed limits, etc? Reasonable safety regulations aren't "treating people like criminals." IMO this issue has become so politicized that the gun enthusiasts have a kneejerk reaction against sorts of policies that are just plain common sense.
"Common sense, reasonable safey regulations", such as....?

Seems like you skipped right over my argument about domestic violence. And that is true of many kinds of crime. Lots of criminals haven't been caught yet.
Until the due process of the legal system removes their right to arms, there's no prohibition against these people owning guns.
Innocent until proven guilty, see.
Unless people stop shooter like they did at Giffords shooting. Reloading also gives people a chance to
Run away.

So how far can you run in two seconds?

Around a corner or perhaps behind something.

Wow!! We have a regular Nostradamus here.
So how exactly would you know if he was reloading or just pausing?
Because I know damn good and well you wouldnt be watching the guy,you'd be in the fetal position hoping the guy didnt notice you.
And only an idiot would expose himself to gunfire without a weapon of his/her own.

It is just common sense actually, you'd recognize it if you had any. So mass shooter opens fire on a group of people and you don't think some people will escape when he stops firing to reload? Do you think everyone just stands still when he starts shooting?

So you have the ability to recognize the weapon and it's capacity,and the wherewithal to count rounds?
So lets say you run for cover. Are you certain the gunman wont watch where you went and just walk up on you and put a round through your dome?
Answer the question. How would you know he was reloading and not just pausing?
Because you damn sure wouldnt be watching for it.

You are dense. If you run around a corner you keep running. If everyone is being shot at you wouldn't pause for anything. If he is shooting at 29 people and had to pause after 10 shots to reload more will get away.
The absolute INSANITY of the subversive, pansy boy liberals. is astounding!

It makes a lot more sense to prohibit felons, et al, from possession than to so prohibit the law-abiding.

The whole 'law abiding gun owner' vs. 'criminals' line is kind of meaningless IMO. Every criminal is law abiding right up until they commit their first crime and we have no way to know which ones are going to cross that line. What's more, we don't have a very good idea of who is currently a criminal. For example, one of the largest categories of gun violence is domestic violence situations that escalate to a shooting, but the vast majority of domestic violence is never reported. And, besides, just because person A is "law abiding" doesn't mean that the neighbor kid who knows where he keeps his gun is law abiding. And, on top of that, about half of gun deaths are accidents and suicides, and those things aren't any more common among criminals.

Here, look at how gun deaths per capita break out by state- Gun Deaths Per 100 000 by State

Basically, gun deaths per capita seem to be a function of the number of guns per capita. That isn't surprising. Snowmobiling deaths also relate closely to the number of snowmobiles per capita in a state.

So, all that doesn't mean that the solution is to start taking the guns away, but it does mean that solutions that only focus on known criminals are kind of missing the bulk of the issue. If we want to reduce gun deaths, what we need are laws designed to promote responsible ownership, safe storage, mental health interventions, much better safety precautions when using guns, etc.

Finally. A reasonable gun owner. Someone who hasn't given up on our ability to address a problem; ie accidental gun deaths, domestic violence gun play, etc and find a reasonable solution as a way to at least reduce those injuries and deaths.

You gun nutters claim there is NOTHING to be done. Period. End of story. Except buy more guns. Guns for everyone. That's it. Oh and 20 or 30 round mags for all. Amen.

Yea. You'll be real popular being reasonable. Welcome to gun nutter central. It's a gun BLAST!!! Right Billc?
"Common sense, reasonable safey regulations", such as....?

Lots of things. Better gun safety training requirements before you get a license. Better laws, and more enforcement of the existing laws, against being in possession of a gun while drunk. Better mental health intervention options. Regulations requiring guns to be stored safely. Restrictions on guns in crowded places. Etc. The same sorts of regulations we apply to other dangerous things like driving cars, using construction equipment, storing large volumes of water, keeping wild animals, etc.

Until the due process of the legal system removes their right to arms, there's no prohibition against these people owning guns.
Innocent until proven guilty, see.

Right. And hence, just only focusing on the known "criminals" misses most of the issue. It is regulations that will make gun ownership safer across the board that really would have an impact.
So how far can you run in two seconds?

Around a corner or perhaps behind something.

Wow!! We have a regular Nostradamus here.
So how exactly would you know if he was reloading or just pausing?
Because I know damn good and well you wouldnt be watching the guy,you'd be in the fetal position hoping the guy didnt notice you.
And only an idiot would expose himself to gunfire without a weapon of his/her own.

It is just common sense actually, you'd recognize it if you had any. So mass shooter opens fire on a group of people and you don't think some people will escape when he stops firing to reload? Do you think everyone just stands still when he starts shooting?

So you have the ability to recognize the weapon and it's capacity,and the wherewithal to count rounds?
So lets say you run for cover. Are you certain the gunman wont watch where you went and just walk up on you and put a round through your dome?
Answer the question. How would you know he was reloading and not just pausing?
Because you damn sure wouldnt be watching for it.

You are dense. If you run around a corner you keep running. If everyone is being shot at you wouldn't pause for anything. If he is shooting at 29 people and had to pause after 10 shots to reload more will get away.

Yeah...just like those killed in in the mall shooting in Kenya,the clock tower shootings in Austin.
I could go......
"Common sense, reasonable safey regulations", such as....?

Lots of things. Better gun safety training requirements before you get a license. Better laws, and more enforcement of the existing laws, against being in possession of a gun while drunk. Better mental health intervention options. Regulations requiring guns to be stored safely. Restrictions on guns in crowded places. Etc. The same sorts of regulations we apply to other dangerous things like driving cars, using construction equipment, storing large volumes of water, keeping wild animals, etc.

Until the due process of the legal system removes their right to arms, there's no prohibition against these people owning guns.
Innocent until proven guilty, see.

Right. And hence, just only focusing on the known "criminals" misses most of the issue. It is regulations that will make gun ownership safer across the board that really would have an impact.

Restricting guns in crowded places? Great,now the gunman has a target rich environment and nobody shooting back....what could go wrong?
Around a corner or perhaps behind something.

Wow!! We have a regular Nostradamus here.
So how exactly would you know if he was reloading or just pausing?
Because I know damn good and well you wouldnt be watching the guy,you'd be in the fetal position hoping the guy didnt notice you.
And only an idiot would expose himself to gunfire without a weapon of his/her own.

It is just common sense actually, you'd recognize it if you had any. So mass shooter opens fire on a group of people and you don't think some people will escape when he stops firing to reload? Do you think everyone just stands still when he starts shooting?

So you have the ability to recognize the weapon and it's capacity,and the wherewithal to count rounds?
So lets say you run for cover. Are you certain the gunman wont watch where you went and just walk up on you and put a round through your dome?
Answer the question. How would you know he was reloading and not just pausing?
Because you damn sure wouldnt be watching for it.

You are dense. If you run around a corner you keep running. If everyone is being shot at you wouldn't pause for anything. If he is shooting at 29 people and had to pause after 10 shots to reload more will get away.

Yeah...just like those killed in in the mall shooting in Kenya,the clock tower shootings in Austin.
I could go......

So you are saying not a single person escaped?
"Common sense, reasonable safey regulations", such as....?
Lots of things. Better gun safety training requirements before you get a license.
Wait... you actually support the state requiring a license before someone can exercise a right? To what end?

Better laws, and more enforcement of the existing laws, against being in possession of a gun while drunk.
That's already illegal.

Better mental health intervention options.
You know that until a court rules otherwise, "mentally ill" people still have a right to arms - right?

Regulations requiring guns to be stored safely.
Like what? To what end?

Restrictions on guns in crowded places
Like what? To what end? People carry guns into crowded spaces all the time w/o incident. right?
Around a corner or perhaps behind something.

Wow!! We have a regular Nostradamus here.
So how exactly would you know if he was reloading or just pausing?
Because I know damn good and well you wouldnt be watching the guy,you'd be in the fetal position hoping the guy didnt notice you.
And only an idiot would expose himself to gunfire without a weapon of his/her own.

It is just common sense actually, you'd recognize it if you had any. So mass shooter opens fire on a group of people and you don't think some people will escape when he stops firing to reload? Do you think everyone just stands still when he starts shooting?

So you have the ability to recognize the weapon and it's capacity,and the wherewithal to count rounds?
So lets say you run for cover. Are you certain the gunman wont watch where you went and just walk up on you and put a round through your dome?
Answer the question. How would you know he was reloading and not just pausing?
Because you damn sure wouldnt be watching for it.

You are dense. If you run around a corner you keep running. If everyone is being shot at you wouldn't pause for anything. If he is shooting at 29 people and had to pause after 10 shots to reload more will get away.

Yeah...just like those killed in in the mall shooting in Kenya,the clock tower shootings in Austin.
I could go......

Why do gunners always provide examples that support my view?
From clock tower shooting:
When Charlotte Darehshori, a young secretary, ran to help Boyer and Huffman, she came under fire. She crouched beneath the concrete base of a flagpole for an hour and a half, shielding herself from Whitman's view.
Wow!! We have a regular Nostradamus here.
So how exactly would you know if he was reloading or just pausing?
Because I know damn good and well you wouldnt be watching the guy,you'd be in the fetal position hoping the guy didnt notice you.
And only an idiot would expose himself to gunfire without a weapon of his/her own.

It is just common sense actually, you'd recognize it if you had any. So mass shooter opens fire on a group of people and you don't think some people will escape when he stops firing to reload? Do you think everyone just stands still when he starts shooting?

So you have the ability to recognize the weapon and it's capacity,and the wherewithal to count rounds?
So lets say you run for cover. Are you certain the gunman wont watch where you went and just walk up on you and put a round through your dome?
Answer the question. How would you know he was reloading and not just pausing?
Because you damn sure wouldnt be watching for it.

You are dense. If you run around a corner you keep running. If everyone is being shot at you wouldn't pause for anything. If he is shooting at 29 people and had to pause after 10 shots to reload more will get away.

Yeah...just like those killed in in the mall shooting in Kenya,the clock tower shootings in Austin.
I could go......

So you are saying not a single person escaped?

LOL ..Now you're just making shit up.
Wow!! We have a regular Nostradamus here.
So how exactly would you know if he was reloading or just pausing?
Because I know damn good and well you wouldnt be watching the guy,you'd be in the fetal position hoping the guy didnt notice you.
And only an idiot would expose himself to gunfire without a weapon of his/her own.

It is just common sense actually, you'd recognize it if you had any. So mass shooter opens fire on a group of people and you don't think some people will escape when he stops firing to reload? Do you think everyone just stands still when he starts shooting?

So you have the ability to recognize the weapon and it's capacity,and the wherewithal to count rounds?
So lets say you run for cover. Are you certain the gunman wont watch where you went and just walk up on you and put a round through your dome?
Answer the question. How would you know he was reloading and not just pausing?
Because you damn sure wouldnt be watching for it.

You are dense. If you run around a corner you keep running. If everyone is being shot at you wouldn't pause for anything. If he is shooting at 29 people and had to pause after 10 shots to reload more will get away.

Yeah...just like those killed in in the mall shooting in Kenya,the clock tower shootings in Austin.
I could go......

Why do gunners always provide examples that support my view?
From clock tower shooting:
When Charlotte Darehshori, a young secretary, ran to help Boyer and Huffman, she came under fire. She crouched beneath the concrete base of a flagpole for an hour and a half, shielding herself from Whitman's view.

Nope..It proves people will hide. Had the shooter been mobile she would have been toast.
It is just common sense actually, you'd recognize it if you had any. So mass shooter opens fire on a group of people and you don't think some people will escape when he stops firing to reload? Do you think everyone just stands still when he starts shooting?

So you have the ability to recognize the weapon and it's capacity,and the wherewithal to count rounds?
So lets say you run for cover. Are you certain the gunman wont watch where you went and just walk up on you and put a round through your dome?
Answer the question. How would you know he was reloading and not just pausing?
Because you damn sure wouldnt be watching for it.

You are dense. If you run around a corner you keep running. If everyone is being shot at you wouldn't pause for anything. If he is shooting at 29 people and had to pause after 10 shots to reload more will get away.

Yeah...just like those killed in in the mall shooting in Kenya,the clock tower shootings in Austin.
I could go......

Why do gunners always provide examples that support my view?
From clock tower shooting:
When Charlotte Darehshori, a young secretary, ran to help Boyer and Huffman, she came under fire. She crouched beneath the concrete base of a flagpole for an hour and a half, shielding herself from Whitman's view.

Nope..It proves people will hide. Had the shooter been mobile she would have been toast.

It shows people can escape. You lose again.
Wait... you actually support the state requiring a license before someone can exercise a right? To what end?

Yes, absolutely. To the end of having fewer accidental shootings.

That's already illegal.

Actually, not everywhere. It is illegal in many states though, which is why I said "better enforcement." Police that would never let a drunk driver drive past without stopping them often overlook drunken groups of hunters and whatnot. Hunting is mostly a drinking sport for a lot of people.

You know that until a court rules otherwise, "mentally ill" people still have a right to arms - right?

Right, that's why I think we need to do better on that front. There are an awful lot of people who have a gun long after everybody in their life and medical professionals are fully aware that they are a very high risk for suicide or for hurting somebody else. That's a mistake to allow that to go on IMO.

Like what? To what end?

For example, requiring people to keep their guns locked up when they're not around. To the end of reducing the number of incidents of kids or others getting their hands on a gun somebody left out and shooting somebody or themselves.

Like what? To what end? People carry guns into crowded spaces all the time w/o incident. right?

I feel like the ends of these are obvious... Shooting a gun in a crowded place is nearly always a bad idea. Even if you have what would be a good justification in a non-crowded place, in a crowded place, you're putting everybody around you's life at risk. Not to mention the radically higher odds of an accidental shooting if you're surrounded by people. Just like you can't drive 60mph down a crowded residential road, you shouldn't be carrying a gun around a crowded business or sidewalk IMO.
So you have the ability to recognize the weapon and it's capacity,and the wherewithal to count rounds?
So lets say you run for cover. Are you certain the gunman wont watch where you went and just walk up on you and put a round through your dome?
Answer the question. How would you know he was reloading and not just pausing?
Because you damn sure wouldnt be watching for it.

You are dense. If you run around a corner you keep running. If everyone is being shot at you wouldn't pause for anything. If he is shooting at 29 people and had to pause after 10 shots to reload more will get away.

Yeah...just like those killed in in the mall shooting in Kenya,the clock tower shootings in Austin.
I could go......

Why do gunners always provide examples that support my view?
From clock tower shooting:
When Charlotte Darehshori, a young secretary, ran to help Boyer and Huffman, she came under fire. She crouched beneath the concrete base of a flagpole for an hour and a half, shielding herself from Whitman's view.

Nope..It proves people will hide. Had the shooter been mobile she would have been toast.

It shows people can escape. You lose again.

Nobody said there was no escape you dipshit.
I've been in a real life situation where a 15 or 30 round mag would have been very welcome.
You haven' lose.
So how many teachers have shot and killed students?

That article identifies three accidental discharges in schools already less than one month in to the school year. So far, we have one teacher accidentally shooting a filing cabinet, one blowing up a toilet and one shooting himself in the foot. I am not of the opinion that kids should be required by law to be in an environment where nuts are popping off rounds into toilets...
You are dense. If you run around a corner you keep running. If everyone is being shot at you wouldn't pause for anything. If he is shooting at 29 people and had to pause after 10 shots to reload more will get away.

Yeah...just like those killed in in the mall shooting in Kenya,the clock tower shootings in Austin.
I could go......

Why do gunners always provide examples that support my view?
From clock tower shooting:
When Charlotte Darehshori, a young secretary, ran to help Boyer and Huffman, she came under fire. She crouched beneath the concrete base of a flagpole for an hour and a half, shielding herself from Whitman's view.

Nope..It proves people will hide. Had the shooter been mobile she would have been toast.

It shows people can escape. You lose again.

Nobody said there was no escape you dipshit.
I've been in a real life situation where a 15 or 30 round mag would have been very welcome.
You haven' lose.

Yes actually you have been saying nobody escapes. You seem to think victims all stand still and wait to be shot. Shooters are never close enough to be tackled, but close enough to kill anyone hiding. Quite the fantasy you have. Sorry but your arguments aren't in reality.
Restricting guns in crowded places? Great,now the gunman has a target rich environment and nobody shooting back....what could go wrong?

That's the argument that led to school teachers having guns in many red states... Any guesses how that is working out?

Seriously people. This armed teacher thing really might not work out.

So how many teachers have shot and killed students?

How many have shot bad guys?

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