Some bad news for Bushists and their liberal counterparts:


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
► ISIS Took control of Mosul in a lightening attack on Monday.

► Has become the richest terror group ever after looting $429 million in cash and gold bullion from Mosul's central bank.

► Took over the city of Tikrit and is assaulting Samarra. ISIS also captured Fallujah and Ramadi in January.

► Routed Iraqi security forces - which the US and Britain spent billions training and equipping.

► Seized a huge amount of US-supplied military hardware.

► "Freed" 1,000 inmates from Mosul's central prison.

► Stormed the Turkish consulate and kidnapped 80 Turkish civilians.

► Began mass executions via beheadings.

► Forced at least 500,000 men, women, and children to flee several cities in what one expert calls "the largest and swiftest mass movements of people in the world in recent memory".

So, to recap, the 2003 invasion of Iraq:

• Cost 4,500 American lives
• Cost 100,000 Iraqi lives
• Found no weapons of mass destruction
• Destabilized the Middle East
• Put the country in a position to be overrun by Islamic extremists
Read more at - ISIS Islamic state Iraq Sham new map June 2014
Blame Bush? The democrat party authorized boots on the ground in Iraq and they undermined the mission for eight freaking years. You almost gotta laugh that liberal democrats conveniently forget that their guy has been living in the White House for five years. Ain't it Obama's problem?
Blame Bush? The democrat party authorized boots on the ground in Iraq and they undermined the mission for eight freaking years. You almost gotta laugh that liberal democrats conveniently forget that their guy has been living in the White House for five years. Ain't it Obama's problem?
Maybe that is why the title of the thread reads "Bushists AND THEIR LIBERAL COUNTERPARTS" Counterparts means partners.
This all goes to show that the US should have never invaded Iraq in the first place.
There was a basic consensus that if Saddam was toppled, civil war would follow. Shiite vs Sunni. That's why George HW didn't strike Baghdad and stopped advancement. His circle knew what would happen.
Look at all the death and instability there is in the ME. A perfect environment for radical Muslims to achieve their goal.

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