Some Blacks are unwittingly supporting white supremacy


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
When Blacks cop a bad attitude toward Whites just because of events of 160 years ago

They are encouraging white supremacists

When Blacks take the side of Blacks over Whites even when it is obvious to a 5 year old that the White person is in the right

They are encouraging whites to fight back, which includes whites in the white supremacy camp

I recommend a book

(hey remember them?)

I believe it is called Murdered by Mumia, about a black radical (worked with the Black Panthers, etc) who murdered a police officer, a very GOOD officer (who saved Black prostitutes from their pimps, etc) who had only recommendations/awards given him, was never in trouble for wrong doing.. Office Danny Faulkner.

This is an unbelievable story of an unrepentant cop- hater who fortunately got the death penalty. I don't know.. probably still alive though: appeals.

I have not yet read to the end of the book. I didn't even know they had the death penalty in liberal PA but if anyone ever deserved it, it is this scum
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When Blacks cop a bad attitude toward Whites just because of events of 160 years ago

They are encouraging white supremacists

When Blacks take the side of Blacks over Whites even when it is obvious to a 5 year old that the White person is in the right

They are encouraging whites to fight back, which includes whites in the white supremacy camp

I recommend a book

(hey remember them?)

I believe it is called Murdered by Mumia, about a black radical (worked with the Black Panthers, etc) who murdered a police officer, a very GOOD officer (who saved Black prostitutes from their pimps, etc) who had only recommendations/awards given him, was never in trouble for wrong doing.. Office Danny Faulkner.

This is an unbelievable story of an unrepentant cop- hater who fortunately got the death penalty. I don't know.. probably still alive though: appeals.

I have not yet read to the end of the book. I didn't even know they had the death penalty in liberal PA but if anyone ever deserved it, it is this scum
Open support of the Klan.
Racism and hate, hate, hate.
I think white supremacy is about 99% bullshit. Yeah, I know there are KKK types out there, but enough to matter? I don't think so. no more than the Antifa people, BLM, anti-semites, anti-gay and so on. They're getting way too much attention IMHO. And I think there are too many race-hustlers out there making big bucks promoting shit like this. We're being conned and are stupid enough to fall for it. We ought to be focusing on what's really important and ignore the chickenshit stuff as long as they ain't breaking the law.
I think white supremacy is about 99% bullshit. Yeah, I know there are KKK types out there, but enough to matter? I don't think so. no more than the Antifa people, BLM, anti-semites, anti-gay and so on. They're getting way too much attention IMHO. And I think there are too many race-hustlers out there making big bucks promoting shit like this. We're being conned and are stupid enough to fall for it. We ought to be focusing on what's really important and ignore the chickenshit stuff as long as they ain't breaking the law.

conned by what?

who is"we"?

what is chicken***?

Sometimes (proper) pronouns aren't a bad idea
conned by what?

who is"we"?

what is chicken***?

Sometimes (proper) pronouns aren't a bad idea

I venture to say that most people understand what I said and what I meant. This whole white supremacy crap is almost entirely political in nature, create a strawman and scare people into voting for somebody who tells you he/she is on your side and will fight the evil WS guys tooth and nail. It's like BLM, which was essentially a con job by some people to get a lot of money promoting and acerbating a cause but doing nothing about it. Does anyone believe the BLM give a rat's ass about the number of black lives lost in Chicago and our other major cities? But they raised a lot of money and I believe kept much of it for themselves. To me, that's a con. The only lives that matter to them are the ones that they can make money off of.

"We" are the significant number of Americans who have swallowed the myth that white supremacy is a big problem that must be addressed and will be if you vote for the democrats. Which is not to say that white supremacy is non-existent, cuz it does but it ain't nearly the big deal that some people make it out to be.

You don't know what chicken**** is? I would've thought most posters around here got the general gist of what I meant.
I venture to say that most people understand what I said and what I meant. This whole white supremacy crap is almost entirely political in nature, create a strawman and scare people into voting for somebody who tells you he/she is on your side and will fight the evil WS guys tooth and nail. It's like BLM, which was essentially a con job by some people to get a lot of money promoting and acerbating a cause but doing nothing about it. Does anyone believe the BLM give a rat's ass about the number of black lives lost in Chicago and our other major cities? But they raised a lot of money and I believe kept much of it for themselves. To me, that's a con. The only lives that matter to them are the ones that they can make money off of.

"We" are the significant number of Americans who have swallowed the myth that white supremacy is a big problem that must be addressed and will be if you vote for the democrats. Which is not to say that white supremacy is non-existent, cuz it does but it ain't nearly the big deal that some people make it out to be.

You don't know what chicken**** is? I would've thought most posters around here got the general gist of what I meant.
you didn't explain WHAT you were CALLING chicken****

Don't get pissed at me for your literary lapses.

In any case, I agree with this post... understood everyword.
The story of Mumia is very telling RE what's going on in America in this "modern" age. Actually, the word Modern doesn't cut it. It is Neanderthal... when poeple just think in a moblike way.. Groupthink. All these people were banding together and screaming about Mumia needs to be freed or given another trial.

It took 4 hours for the jury to bring back a Guilty verdict. They saw and heard all the evidence and there were Blacks on the jury. You hardly ever get a verdict that soon. People have gone over the case w/ a fine tooth comb. The dude got a fair trial, even beyond fair because he and his group were extremely disruptive in the courtroom and disrespectful toward the judge AND the widow of this police officer.

It makes you ashamed of your own damn country.... and this was a few decades ago. Things have obviously gotten worse.

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