Some Blacks Have Fallen for Right Wing Propaganda

And you are the epitome of that quote.
Yer no more convincing than going to a cheap
carnival and going into the tent where the Fortune
Teller has her widdle table and funky large Fortune
Teller cards.
No real debater would waste time on yer dopey
little sentence here and sentence there.
You talk like being groomed after watching
a segment on Joy Reid's hour { MSNBC }.
So then Name what the democrat Party has Ever done to lift
blacks up by their bootstraps.
History already has a vast record on how Democrats kept
Blacks on the Democrat plantation.
No Republican had anything whatever to do with
authoring let alone pushing for Jim Crow.
You need to stop lying to yourself junior.

Republicans authored an amendment to officially make slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican Party is the party of The Corwin Amendment that would have cemented slavery as aconstitutional right.

A Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

Once blacks got a foothold in the Republican party and gained some semblance of political equality, white Republicans took steps to purge blacks from leadership positions. The Republican Party is the party of the Lily White movement, a group of Republicans who worked to purge blacks from the party.

Republicans consistently broke promises or ignored issues that affected black people. When blacks got Civil Rights, the Republican Party did not believe that was civil or right and decided that extremism in defense of liberty was no vice. In 1964 the Republican Party turned its back on blacks after nearly 100 years of black support.

Today’s Republican Party is controlled by a racist Anti-Black base.
Then go take your black spokesman white ass into the hood, tell them what you're saying heree and see what you get.
That's no way to speak to the official spokesperson for blacks. Did your Dem master tell you to say that?
Yer no more convincing than going to a cheap
carnival and going into the tent where the Fortune
Teller has her widdle table and funky large Fortune
Teller cards.
No real debater would waste time on yer dopey
little sentence here and sentence there.
You talk like being groomed after watching
a segment on Joy Reid's hour { MSNBC }.
Like I GAF what you like or want. You're just another racist white troll lying about the Republican party.
Nope. When a racist like you supports someone black, it's certain they are an Uncle Tom.
Blacks, be advised Biden and Democrats are f'ing over blacks. They have imported 8 million illegals to cancel you and are funneling all the money to that group.
That's no way to speak to the official spokesperson for blacks. Did your Dem master tell you to say that?
Ttake your black spokesman ass into the hood and deliver your opinion. Deliver them from the plantation. Don't run your mouth on the internet Mr. Spokesman.
Ttake your black spokesman ass into the hood and deliver your opinion. Deliver them from the plantation. Don't run your mouth on the internet Mr. Spokesman.
As a public service announcement, as the official spokesperson for blacks, I'm advising blacks to avoid voting for Democrats this election. After decades of Dem's screwing over blacks it's time for change.
Blacks, be advised Biden and Democrats are f'ing over blacks. They have imported 8 million illegals to cancel you and are funneling all the money to that group.
Yawn. We are advised that Republicans haven't done shit for black communities and don't plan to.
We see what the Republican Party is about

What is that? Can you give a factual, indisputable list??
It stands to reason, if no Blacks ever disputed what Malcolm X said about the Democratic Party and Liberals... then it is LOGICAL that you Blacks should have long, long asked yourselves if you all ever should have been in the Democratic Party to begin with?

I feel so sad for beautiful Black citizens in places like CHI NYC DET ATL etc where they are gentrifying the Black population in order to pave the future for White HISP. And clearly, since 2010, the Democratic Party has been on a mission to replace Blacks with White HISP. Obama even added a box to the US 2010 Census, allowing HISP to claim to be Caucasian. Anyone in their right mind knows, such a premise gives HISP a leg-up on Black citizens within any nation that is a Caucasian-controlled society. So what was Obama trying to prove, in doing that?

Also, if you can... experience the media below and give your thoughts on why Blacks should avoid believing scenarios about Blacks, painted by Coulter and Trump:

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Yawn. We are advised that Republicans haven't done shit for black communities and don't plan to.
A Dem lie and Dem talking point from page 1 of the Dem plantation guide book. See how much more effective I am speaking for blacks and swatting down the Dem plantation lies.
As a public service announcement, as the official spokesperson for blacks, I'm advising blacks to avoid voting for Democrats this election. After decades of Dem's screwing over blacks it's time for change.
Who are you maaking this announcement to? I'm watching a TV and I don't know see your announcement. Furhermore, this forum is majority white and the only other black person who posted here has been MarcATL. So you're making your public service announcement to other white racists..

Your carreer as a black spokesman is over.
Who are you maaking this announcement to? I'm watching a TV and I don't know see your announcement. Furhermore, this forum is majority white and the only other black person who posted here has been MarcATL. So you're making your public service announcement to other white racists..

Your carreer as a black spokesman is over.
Sorry I had to edit my sig line, what?

Roland FRACTURES Former Sanders Advisor Now Black Republican: 'You Out Your Damn Mind!'​

Stupid has no skin color and ANYBODY BLACK who joins the modern Republican party is an idiot. Certainly the Democratic Party has not been perfect, but if you're black and choose to leave the Democratic Party, join the Green Party. If enough of us do that, we'll make the Green Party a viable third option. We see what the Republican Party is about, and if anyone black wants to make a real change, it won't happen by joining the American White Nationalist Front Party (formerly known as the Republican Party).

Hey you lazy racist fuckwit, nobody owes you anything.

Why are you constantly whining and crying when blacks actually think for themselves, Simp?
Malcolm X said:

“The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the Black man.​

Let me first explain what I mean by this White liberal. In America there’s no such thing as Democrats and Republicans anymore. That’s antiquated. In America you have liberals and conservatives. This is what the American political structure boils down to among Whites.​

The only people who are still living in the past and thinks in terms of “I’m a Democrat” or “I’m a Republican” is the American Negro. He’s the one who runs around bragging about party affiliation and he’s the one who sticks to the Democrat or sticks to the Republican, but White people in America are divided into two groups, liberals and Republicans…or rather, liberals and conservatives. And when you find White people vote in the political picture, they’re not divided in terms of Democrats and Republicans, they’re divided consistently as conservatives and as liberal. The Democrats who are conservative vote with Republicans who are conservative. Democrats who are liberals vote with Republicans who are liberals. You find this in Washington, DC.​

Now the White liberals aren’t White people who are for independence, who are liberal, who are moral, who are ethical in their thinking, they are just a faction of White people who are jockeying for power the same as the White conservatives are a faction of White people who are jockeying for power. Now they are fighting each other for booty, for power, for prestige and the one who is the football in the game is the Negro. Twenty million Black people in this country are a political football, a political pawn an economic football, an economic pawn, a social football, a social pawn...​

Can the threadstarter give his thoughts on the qualifying claim Malcolm X makes about the Democratic Party... do you think it is true today? If so, can you list reasons why you Blacks should disregard that reality and remain supporting the Democratic Party?
Hey, IM2 Biden and the Dimwingers are giving your "reparations" to his illegal hoards.

But be sure to vote Dimwinger this year..............they will bring up "reparations" again in '28 to keep you on their plantation, Dumbass. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
What is that? Can you give a factual, indisputable list??
It stands to reason, if no Blacks ever disputed what Malcolm X said about the Democratic Party and Liberals... then it is LOGICAL that you Blacks should have long, long asked yourselves if you all ever should have been in the Democratic Party to begin with?

I feel so sad for beautiful Black citizens in places like CHI NYC DET ATL etc where they are gentrifying the Black population in order to pave the future for White HISP. And clearly, since 2010, the Democratic Party has been on a mission to replace Blacks with White HISP. Obama even added a box to the US 2010 Census, allowing HISP to claim to be Caucasian. Anyone in their right mind knows, such a premise gives HISP a leg-up on Black citizens within any nation that is a Caucasian-controlled society. So what was Obama trying to prove, in doing that?

Also, if you can... experience the media below, and give your opinion of why Blacks should avoid believing realities about Blacks, painted by Coulter and Trump:

Another white racist who wants to misuse one line from a black person.


Neither Trump or Coulter has ever been black. So I don't have to listen to 2 white racists opinions of black people. Do you want me to post a video then ask you to give your opinion of why whites should avoid the realities about whites as painted by Malik Shabazz annd Louis Farrakhan?

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