Some Blacks Have Fallen for Right Wing Propaganda

White boy you won't speak for us. There is only 1 plantation, it is the plantation where a black person cannot say that racism exists in America and that racism has no impact on blacks today, the Republican Party.
Any group that votes a reliable 90% for one party over the past forty years just isnt that bright.
Any group that votes a reliable 90% for one party over the past forty years just isnt that bright.
Then Explain { as best yer cognition of recall kicks-in }
how before the Newt Gingrich House { elected in 1994 }
became the New Majority ... WHO dominated control of
the House.It was a 40 year domination of the House by One
You got it bub.
Them Democrats !
Your posts show that you are a participant in modern racism. That is a poor choice. You are not asked to take responsibility for the past. Racism exists now, and from what you're posting, you appear to be part of the problem.. It's time whites on the right stopped repeating that dumb line.. Whites take credit for the past, MAGA is about a return to some magical past greatness, then whites want to tell us how blacks sold other blacks before we were born. It is time for the white excuse making to end.
I'm not exactly a fan of the MAGA concept, because I personally believe that no nation can be "great." To me, only God is great. So the slogan is problematic in certain ways. Perhaps, we can at least agree on that, even if it is for different reasons.

Racism exists, but it always will, and it happens in all directions. There is a lot of research that shows blacks, on average, have higher ingroup bias than whites. Whites are, on average, the lowest in ingroup bias. This isn't a genetic thing; it's just a result of how a majority operates vs. minorities in Western culture. However, if racism overall is your concern, then the bias among blacks toward non-blacks should be a greater concern than the bias coming from whites. Given your posts, you seem to only care about any perceived slights from whites toward blacks, however.

As for the origin of slavery, it is true that the African Slave Trade did exist long before European involvement. Arabs participated far longer than Europeans, and they still do today in Libya. This observation isn't about assigning guilt to blacks here. This is about providing context to how things came to be. You can certainly criticize our involvement in slavery and ending it later than most of Europe, but it's also been almost 160 years since abolition. Jim Crow is typically brought up as well, but that ended 60 years ago. At some point, the black community has to look inward to resolve its problems. Blaming whitey won't accomplish much, particularly since whites won't be the majority much longer. Latinos don't exactly care as much about virtue signaling on this issue.
That lawfulness and responsibility mantra is Such Propaganda!
Lib 101
If that is true, then what is used to acknowledge the benefits of White Privilege as those benefits created the very idea of 'ignoring personal failings' and lack of accountability?

Here's an interesting take, by a White scholar at a TX university:
White privilege exists to a certain extent, but it would be more accurately termed "majority privilege". In a multicultural society that has a majority group, members of that group will tend to have certain advantages socially over other groups. However, Western society has gone to great lengths to counter this. AA is one part of that. I would argue it has gone too far.

At some point, a rational society has to acknowledge that some level of majority privilege will exist no matter what you do. Given current trends, Latinos will likely become the majority. That doesn't mean they should have to increase the participation numbers of other groups to compensate for it. They will naturally start to become the most numerous in a lot of parts of society, but that is more a matter of math than prejudice. The same is largely true of whites.

On the flipside, majority privilege is far more prevalent outside of the West. Try being a minority in China, for example. In short, minority activists here are making a bigger deal out of this than it really is.
If that is true, then what is used to acknowledge the benefits of White Privilege as those benefits created the very idea of 'ignoring personal failings' and lack of accountability?

Here's an interesting take, by a White scholar at a TX university:
One other thing I'll add is that unearned privilege applies to everyone. Someone with a high IQ didn't earn that. They were born with it. Should they have to give some of their earnings to someone with low IQ to even things out? Some people have high levels of athleticism derived from genetic traits as well. Should a pro athlete that was already naturally gifted have to give some of their earning to a physically disabled person to even that out?

To me, the examples above are very similar to the logic that supporters of AA and reparations have.
It's stupid for whites to keep saying this. It is stupid for any person of color to vote republican at this time. The same can be said for women. The only 2 black Republicans in your pictute with any honor are Colin Powell and Rice. It's also very irritating to read this bullshit from whites trying to tell us how we should vote. Why in the HELL would a black person vote for a politician in a party that oopposes equal opportunity for blacks? Why in the FUCK would any black person support a party that teaches how slavery was beneficial to blacks? Do you Republicans ever take a second out of your lives to analyze the effects of the shit you believe on anyone besides a white male?
You vote how you want. Everyone should do that. Not sure what race or gender has to do with it.

Within races and genders, there is a huge diversity of opinion. All people of one race voting a certain way is normally ridiculous.

Over the past weeks, I have given you a few examples of people who think differently than yourself and align with us Republicans for their own reasons.

Dude, people are much deeper than the skin color they were born with. Skin color is shallow, and it's prescribed well before there is any intelligent thought.

We're doing better now than we were 4 years ago. Because the good economy Trump had during his first 2 years were created by the adminstration before him. Biden was part of that administration. So stop getting your information only from the right.

Most people disagree with that statement, and real incomes have decreased under Biden...

But go ahead and vote for more of the same, along with all the other nonsense like flooding America with people who end up living on the street, sending billions of your money to fund pensions for Ukrainian politicians, a war on cheap and abundant energy, and taking all the gold medals from women and giving them to men wearing women's clothing. You're getting exactly what you voted for.

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