Some Blacks Have Fallen for Right Wing Propaganda

Race In America with Sophia A. Nelson​

Another black Republican speaks. Don't see her videos either. But we'll see Brandumb Tatum, Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, etc. Any truly independent think black person gets denigrated by the white right wing.
I always find it funny when some on the left refer to conservative concerns as "white grievance". The other one is "white fragility."

The primary identity of black activists on the left is entirely rooted in "black grievance", which is used to ignore personal failings and lack of accountability. "Black fragility" defines the people who obsess over microaggressions, which are usually imagined slights that are solely the fault of the "victim" and his/her delusions.
More dumb white racist bs. Everything you say is what whites on the right do. Whites like you refuse to accept accountability for your poor behavior, and white grievance does exist due to your refusal to acceept your own personal failings.
More dumb white racist bs. Everything you say is what whites on the right do. Whites like you refuse to accept accountability for your poor behavior, and white grievance does exist due to your refusal to acceept your own personal failings.
I haven't engaged in any poor behavior. I don't have a criminal record, I pay my taxes, I don't harass or bother anyone.

I just refuse to take responsibility for things that happened before I was born.

The only original sin concept I agree with is the Biblical one. We bear the sin of Adam and Eve, but all other sins are solely on the actual perpetrator.

I'm open to helping the black community in certain ways, but I will not bow to any white guilt nonsense.
Woe to the independent black voter who strays off the democrat plantation. The left wing media combined with the democrat regime will digitally lynch him or her.
You have been shown 2 well respected black republicans in the black community. Idiots tell us blacks who aren't Republican that we are on a plantation because we don't repeat what white racists think of us.. Uplift Suasion has never worked, it's time some whites stopped thinking they get to set the rules for non white communities.
I haven't engaged in any poor behavior. I don't have a criminal record, I pay my taxes, I don't harass or bother anyone.

I just refuse to take responsibility for things that happened before I was born.

The only original sin concept I agree with is the Biblical one. We bear the sin of Adam and Eve, but all other sins are solely on thIte actual perpetrator.

I'm open to helping the black community in certain ways, but I will not bow to any white guilt nonsense.
Your posts show that you are a participant in modern racism. That is a poor choice. You are not asked to take responsibility for the past. Racism exists now, and from what you're posting, you appear to be part of the problem.. It's time whites on the right stopped repeating that dumb line.. Whites take credit for the past, MAGA is about a return to some magical past greatness, then whites want to tell us how blacks sold other blacks before we were born. It is time for the white excuse making to end.
No, some blacks are stupid and when you listen to this idiot stumble over and over trying to defend his position, you see that he is one of them.
There are plenty who give convincing reasons but you choose to ignore them.

Heated Debate On Systemic Racism w/ Roland Martin | PBD Podcast | Ep. 233​

Premiered Feb 7, 2023
That's what you are. I responded to the racist crap you said..
You are a liar too, racist.

You didn't respond to me, and you have repeatedly failed to quote any racist post by me when you lie about me being a racist, vermin.
More dumb white racist bs. Everything you say is what whites on the right do. Whites like you refuse to accept accountability for your poor behavior, and white grievance does exist due to your refusal to acceept your own personal failings.
More racism from you, vermin.
I'M black. I know what blacks are fed up with. You're white repeating what other racists say. Stop trying to tell me about blacks.
No you dont

you are brainwashed stupid and out of touch with black people

Yoou are also one of the worst and most filthy racists on this forum
"black grievance", which is used to ignore personal failings and lack of accountability.

If that is true, then what is used to acknowledge the benefits of White Privilege as those benefits created the very idea of 'ignoring personal failings' and lack of accountability?

Here's an interesting take, by a White scholar at a TX university:


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He only knows two sentences because that's all his race pimp masters who has their hands firmly up his ass told him to know....

Nor Denzel.How about one of the first Black Intellectuals
like James Baldwin {Outspoken critic of Racism }
Who preferred to live and write in Paris.
" At the root of the American Negro problem is the
necessity of the American white man to find a way
of living with the negro in order to be able to live
with himself. " { Notes of a Native Son } 1955

Race In America with Sophia A. Nelson​

Another black Republican speaks. Don't see her videos either. But we'll see Brandumb Tatum, Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, etc. Any truly independent think black person gets denigrated by the white right wing.

Cite the example.Of a White Right winger { with name recognition }
who displays that attitude.In fact,the exact opposite is true.
When Nutty " supposed " Black Independent Professor
Cornell West was given air time on Fox.And was not denigrated
one lick.Or how Black Independent Thinking Conservatives like
Thomas Sowell is basically banned from MSNBC.Not because he has
a potty mouth.But because he talks lucidly and with distinct
truthfullness.That kinda talk is not allowed at MSNBC or the
home for disgruntled propagandist.
In reality mores like a pack of Goddamned Asswipes.

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