Some Blacks Have Fallen for Right Wing Propaganda

There arre 48 million blacks. There are 30 million blacks eeligible to vote.between 2.4-3 million will vote for trump. Your pictures don't prove anything given this reality.

I apologize sir, but your word trickery does not work on me.

Those pics I posted are real proof, of a real scenario, which did NOT exist in 2020. Whereas you made a claim here then made sure that you added nothing whatsoever to solidify your claim nor validate your claim, as a true reality.

I provided pics supporting the notion that my stance is veracious in the USA in 2023-24, no matter what unexpected magnitude of Black support Trump is receiving. You provided proof of nothing but you possessing, an opinion, to login here and say some person nailed the general sentiment.

but hey... carry on, good friend. Especially if those pics did cut you, DEEPLY, just like Ann Coulter's words about how the Democratic Party has abandoned your Black existence in favor of White HISP illegal imms.

And please, continue to do yourself a HUUUGE favor of... steering clear of/staying 'too spooked' of, that Trump vid I posted. Where he is speaking at the Black Leadership Summit/standing there uplifting our nations' great young brilliant Negro citizens :cool:
Sure, anyone not regurgitating Democratic Party dogma is a white supremacist. Malcolm X warned the Black community about Liberals it's a classic case of Stockholm syndrome.

I don't give a shit if Black people move back to the Republican party, I believe they are no different than Democrats. For fuck sakes take responsibility for your community and don't rely on the benevolence of the Democratic party, they do not give a shit and are well on their way to replacing you with Latin Americans as their pet voters.
No, anyone repeating white supremacist rhetoric like we see here. And here we have another use one sentence a black man said to try gaslighting white Republican.

And that's all the Malcolm X you know. You know 1 sentence each from 2 blacks. Can you recite what Stokely Carmichael said? Huey Newton? Angela Davis? Marcus Garrvey? Fanniie Lou Hamer? No. You only know 2 sentences.

So let me hep ya with something else Malcolm said.

I am not a Republican, nor a Democrat, nor an American, and got sense enough to know it. I am one of the 22 million black victims of the Democrats, and one of the 22 million black victims of the Republicans, and one of the 22 million black victims of Americanism... You and I have never seen democracy; all we've seen is hypocracy... If you go to jail, so what? If you're black, you were born in jail. If you're black, you were born in jail, in the North as well as the South. Stop talking about the South. Long as you south of the Canadian border, you're south.

White man, take responsibility for your community. Because whites are still doiing this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

This is your boy Flash. For 20 years this bastard denied blacks a chance to get jobs. Yet he bought his white --- in here telling us how blacks are lazy and don't want to work. So don't tell me about responsibility you sorry POS. You racists do your dirt then want to lie as if we're too dumb to know. After 405 years of this shit, we do know. Learn that, then understand that we know the record of both parriies and we vote based on policy.

You stupid bstds tallk about democrat cities. And you do so as if Republicans aren't running. But they are, and they lose. They lose becauuse what they present is worse than what Democrats do.

Malcolm X said he was not a Democrat or Republican. He disliked white conservates as much as he disliked white liberals. So as long as you are white, don't EVER try telling me what Malcolm X or Martin Luther King said again.
I apologize sir, but your word trickery does not work on me.

Those pics I posted are real proof, of a real scenario, which did NOT exist in 2020. Whereas you made a claim here then made sure that you added nothing whatsoever to solidify your claim nor validate your claim, as a true reality.

I provided pics supporting the notion that my stance is veracious in the USA in 2023-24, no matter what unexpected magnitude of Black support Trump is receiving. You provided proof of nothing but you possessing, an opinion, to login here and say some person nailed the general sentiment.

but hey... carry on, good friend. Especially if those pics did cut you, DEEPLY, just like Ann Coulter's words about how the Democratic Party has abandoned your Black existence in favor of White HISP illegal imms.

And please, continue to do yourself a HUUUGE favor of... steering clear of/staying 'too spooked' of, that Trump vid I posted. Where he is speaking at the Black Leadership Summit/standing there uplifting our nations' great young brilliant Negro citizens :cool:
My words are based on factual stats. You photo ops don't prove anything. Trump ran from black leadership. He spoke at a Turning Point Summit and that's not black leadership.
My words are based on factual stats. You photo ops don't prove anything. Trump ran from black leadership. He spoke at a Turning Point Summit and that's not black leadership
You provided nothing to show you words are based in factual stats, you provided nothing to show I posted photo ops. I posted real pics summarizing real scenarios in the USA over the past few months ---which did not exist in 2020--- and once again you had no real nor valid answers to contest anything with.

I posted a real video of Trump talking to real Blacks about their Leadership aspirations which he enjoys --and the best you could do, was mention some Turning Point Summit which has nothing to do with the Trump video I posted. So once again you had no real nor valid answers to contest anything with. It seems to be a recurring theme for you.
My words are based on factual stats. You photo ops don't prove anything. Trump ran from black leadership. He spoke at a Turning Point Summit and that's not black leadership.

Obviously the GQP harbors and enables the old fashioned, mouth breathing, buttcrack scratching, ignorant, paranoid racial bigotry that has always existed. But maybe for some who are against racial bigotry, that's no longer the top priority in their lives. There is no RULE mandating that it HAS to be. There are other issues, too.

It's like abortion. Is every person who agrees with the idea of pro choice going to vote for the Dems? Nope. Because abortion is not their top priority.

Priorities change. When shit starts going south, a great place to begin looking for answers is the mirror.

Roland FRACTURES Former Sanders Advisor Now Black Republican: 'You Out Your Damn Mind!'​

Stupid has no skin color and ANYBODY BLACK who joins the modern Republican party is an idiot. Certainly the Democratic Party has not been perfect, but if you're black and choose to leave the Democratic Party, join the Green Party. If enough of us do that, we'll make the Green Party a viable third option. We see what the Republican Party is about, and if anyone black wants to make a real change, it won't happen by joining the American White Nationalist Front Party (formerly known as the Republican Party).

The democrat party, today, controls the public education system. The democrat party teachers are not teaching black children how to read, write or do even basic math…….trapping black children in generational crime and poverty. The democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians are destroying local police and freeing violent killers into black neighborhoods and those killers kill young black men in the 10s of thousands each year….

The democrat party has now increased illegal immigration, flooding black neighborhoods in democrat party controled cities with illegal aliens increasing crime and depleting government funds……..even kicking black children out of their schools to hoise illegal aliens…..

But the democrats keep spreading the lie that Republicans are the racists……


Roland FRACTURES Former Sanders Advisor Now Black Republican: 'You Out Your Damn Mind!'​

Stupid has no skin color and ANYBODY BLACK who joins the modern Republican party is an idiot. Certainly the Democratic Party has not been perfect, but if you're black and choose to leave the Democratic Party, join the Green Party. If enough of us do that, we'll make the Green Party a viable third option. We see what the Republican Party is about, and if anyone black wants to make a real change, it won't happen by joining the American White Nationalist Front Party (formerly known as the Republican Party).

/——-/ Please please please join the Green Party. They desperately need your votes. please please please.
If the blacks would fully assimilate and emulate the traditional nuclear family model, then they would prosper today, as racism only exists today in any significant amount in the minds of black people. I think many more would assimilate and emulate if not for the race hustlers and Democrats constantly pushing racial divide. It is pretty simple, really. Of course, they have never been accused of being too smart for their own good.
Blacks have been succesfully brainwashed { took decades of
constant harpings by those who hate Conservatives or Patriotism }.
It became a badge of honor { bragging right } to knock one party.
Republicans.For the most draconian of disciplines.It took effect
almost immediately.Take for example the case { turned political
as soon as Al Sharpton put his big mouth into } of
Trayvon Martin.It became a political narrative.A tool used to
exploit the races and make the Democrats seem like a good viable
political choice.Then Obama quickly made his presence known
and bragged that if he had a son it would be one just like
Trayvon Martin.Later after the persecuted american George Zimmerman
finally had his day in court and was exonerated and found Not Guilty
it wasn't enough.Al Sharpton had a tizzy fit { he was at MSNBC }
and Obama AG Eric Holder said he would institute a Federal
Investigation into Zimmerman.Meaning this was more than even
Political.It was personal.Zimmerman was seen as if a White.
No mention was ever made of simple truths as ... George Zimmerman
attended his High School prom with a girl of color.A Black girl friend.
Where " Little " Trayvon Martin was advertised big time as if a model
student with a desire to be an Engineer.I guess that explained
his being on Probation 3 times.His Mother denied that he was ever
on Probation when first interviewed.
Zimmerman was lied about and it was personal.
Trayvon Martin was lied about and it became personal.
Politics was the dominating factor.
The democrat party, today, controls the public education system. The democrat party teachers are not teaching black children how to read, write or do even basic math…….trapping black children in generational crime and poverty. The democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians are destroying local police and freeing violent killers into black neighborhoods and those killers kill young black men in the 10s of thousands each year….

The democrat party has now increased illegal immigration, flooding black neighborhoods in democrat party controled cities with illegal aliens increasing crime and depleting government funds……..even kicking black children out of their schools to hoise illegal aliens…..

But the democrats keep spreading the lie that Republicans are the racists……

Precisely.And blatantly wrong in the extreme.However it's being seen
for what it was.A Political and social meme { narrative } purposedly meant
to turn heads and influence how Americans view life.
By virtually turning everything American and righteous into
something Unamerican.Such as God,Prayer,Honesty,Bravery
and particularly TRUTH.
in short ... Today's Left does not value Truth
No, anyone repeating white supremacist rhetoric like we see here. And here we have another use one sentence a black man said to try gaslighting white Republican.

And that's all the Malcolm X you know. You know 1 sentence each from 2 blacks. Can you recite what Stokely Carmichael said? Huey Newton? Angela Davis? Marcus Garrvey? Fanniie Lou Hamer? No. You only know 2 sentences.

So let me hep ya with something else Malcolm said.

I am not a Republican, nor a Democrat, nor an American, and got sense enough to know it. I am one of the 22 million black victims of the Democrats, and one of the 22 million black victims of the Republicans, and one of the 22 million black victims of Americanism... You and I have never seen democracy; all we've seen is hypocracy... If you go to jail, so what? If you're black, you were born in jail. If you're black, you were born in jail, in the North as well as the South. Stop talking about the South. Long as you south of the Canadian border, you're south.

White man, take responsibility for your community. Because whites are still doiing this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

This is your boy Flash. For 20 years this bastard denied blacks a chance to get jobs. Yet he bought his white --- in here telling us how blacks are lazy and don't want to work. So don't tell me about responsibility you sorry POS. You racists do your dirt then want to lie as if we're too dumb to know. After 405 years of this shit, we do know. Learn that, then understand that we know the record of both parriies and we vote based on policy.

You stupid bstds tallk about democrat cities. And you do so as if Republicans aren't running. But they are, and they lose. They lose becauuse what they present is worse than what Democrats do.

Malcolm X said he was not a Democrat or Republican. He disliked white conservates as much as he disliked white liberals. So as long as you are white, don't EVER try telling me what Malcolm X or Martin Luther King said again.
He only knows two sentences because that's all his race pimp masters who has their hands firmly up his ass told him to know....

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Roland FRACTURES Former Sanders Advisor Now Black Republican: 'You Out Your Damn Mind!'​

Stupid has no skin color and ANYBODY BLACK who joins the modern Republican party is an idiot. Certainly the Democratic Party has not been perfect, but if you're black and choose to leave the Democratic Party, join the Green Party. If enough of us do that, we'll make the Green Party a viable third option. We see what the Republican Party is about, and if anyone black wants to make a real change, it won't happen by joining the American White Nationalist Front Party (formerly known as the Republican Party).

LOL. Some blacks have discovered that the left have been lying to them for decades.
LOL. Some blacks have discovered that the left have been lying to them for decades.
No, some blacks are stupid and when you listen to this idiot stumble over and over trying to defend his position, you see that he is one of them.
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Obviously the GQP harbors and enables the old fashioned, mouth breathing, buttcrack scratching, ignorant, paranoid racial bigotry that has always existed. But maybe for some who are against racial bigotry, that's no longer the top priority in their lives. There is no RULE mandating that it HAS to be. There are other issues, too.

It's like abortion. Is every person who agrees with the idea of pro choice going to vote for the Dems? Nope. Because abortion is not their top priority.

Priorities change. When shit starts going south, a great place to begin looking for answers is the mirror.
Mac, the bigotry creates problems in other areas and when you recognize all the areas it reaches, you don't post what you have posted here. Because you can oppose abortion and be a Democrat.
Bllack Republicans like this exist.

Tara Setmayer: GOP Are ‘Worrying About A Base That Is Stoked In White Grievance’​

They are respected in the black community. You don't see them on Fox, Newsmax, OANN, etc. We don't see videos of her being posted by the right wing whites here. They tell us blacks who aren't Republican that we are on a plantation because we don't repeat whatt white racists think of us.. Uplift Suasion has never worked, it's time some whites stopped thinking they get to set the rules for non white communities.
Woe to the independent black voter who strays off the democrat plantation. The left wing media combined with the democrat regime will digitally lynch him or her.
I always find it funny when some on the left refer to conservative concerns as "white grievance". The other one is "white fragility."

The primary identity of black activists on the left is entirely rooted in "black grievance", which is used to ignore personal failings and lack of accountability. "Black fragility" defines the people who obsess over microaggressions, which are usually imagined slights that are solely the fault of the "victim" and his/her delusions.

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