Some Blacks Have Fallen for Right Wing Propaganda

Yawn. We are advised that Republicans haven't done shit for black communities and don't plan to.
To prove how clownish yer racist lying agenda is ...
no simpler than showcasing how virtually most every
big Northern city with Leftist Mayors is in super decline
and have high levels of Violence,high taxation and
also are hubs for Black to live.Not Live and prosper
but rely on petty handouts to make ends meet.
Where Mass Transit is needed and movement constricted.
Apartments now mandatory as in the early days of
the Projects.Now everyone will be under the thumb of
Big Brother Democrat.Police Departments run by Blacks
and more Violence,not less.
What Obama put in place.Taking over Police Depts.
Making Liberal big citys More Liberal.
Perfect example is Louisville.Once a pretty nice city.
If MLK Jr were alive today, he would take all these stupid racist queers like IM2, kick them in the balls, and call them all “stupid N-words”.
Such propaganda formally known as fact
Fact don’t suit therefore “propaganda”

Can the threadstarter give his thoughts on the qualifying claim Malcolm X makes about the Democratic Party... do you think it is true today? If so, can you list reasons why you Blacks should disregard that reality and remain supporting the Democratic Party?
How about not misusing one sentence somebody black said about the Democratic Party when the south was controlled by Democrats? Today the south is Republican. This is the reality you try hiding. And remember this the next time you try this tactic:
Another white racist who wants to misuse one line from a black person.

View attachment 894041

Neither Trump or Coulter has ever been black. So I don't have to listen to 2 white racists opinions of black people. Do you want me to post a video then ask you to give your opinion of why whites should avoid the realities about whites as painted by Malik Shabazz annd Louis Farrakhan?
So how Close was Obama to Farrakhan.His Pastor
{ Jeremiah Wright } was quite close to Farrahkan.Lived
near each other.Obama attended The Million Man March.
In 2008 Obama refused to comment on Farrahkan.
Had to give his faux - I Have a Dream Speech - to cover
his ass in Philly after being exposed to his pastor
{ Jeremiah Wright } who married Obama and Baptized his kids.
Obama sat in Wrights' - Trinity Baptist Church - for 20 years.
It was thanks to Sean Hannity who got a hold of
a few Videos or Pastor Wright and his Flaming Unamerican
sermons { God Damn America }.
After Obama's Philly Address { I have a Dream speech }
no longer any mention of Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Louis Farrakhan's name was never brought up in 2008
or once Obama took office.How comvenient.
To prove how clownish yer racist lying agenda is ...
no simpler than showcasing how virtually most every
big Northern city with Leftist Mayors is in super decline
and have high levels of Violence,high taxation and
also are hubs for Black to live.Not Live and prosper
but rely on petty handouts to make ends meet.
Where Mass Transit is needed and movement constricted.
Apartments now mandatory as in the early days of
the Projects.Now everyone will be under the thumb of
Big Brother Democrat.Police Departments run by Blacks
and more Violence,not less.
What Obama put in place.Taking over Police Depts.
Making Liberal big citys More Liberal.
Perfect example is Louisville.Once a pretty nice city.

The last 2 Red presidents fucked up the whole country..
If the blacks would fully assimilate and emulate the traditional nuclear family model, then they would prosper today, as racism only exists today in any significant amount in the minds of black people. I think many more would assimilate and emulate if not for the race hustlers and Democrats constantly pushing racial divide. It is pretty simple, really. Of course, they have never been accused of being too smart for their own good.
So how Close was Obama to Farrakhan.His Pastor
{ Jeremiah Wright } was quite close to Farrahkan.Lived
near each other.Obama attended The Million Man March.
In 2008 Obama refused to comment on Farrahkan.
Had to give his faux - I Have a Dream Speech - to cover
his ass in Philly after being exposed to his pastor
{ Jeremiah Wright } who married Obama and Baptized his kids.
Obama sat in Wrights' - Trinity Baptist Church - for 20 years.
It was thanks to Sean Hannity who got a hold of
a few Videos or Pastor Wright and his Flaming Unamerican
sermons { God Damn America }.
After Obama's Philly Address { I have a Dream speech }
no longer any mention of Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Louis Farrakhan's name was never brought up in 2008
or once Obama took office.How comvenient.
You have to do better than this.

Confusing God and Government was the Sermon Wright preached.. He did so in 2003 before anyone knew who Obama was. Hannity the race pimp used one line to race bait people like you.

Let's examine some excerpts.


We confuse Government and God. Let me tell you something; we believe in this country, and we teach our children that God sent us to this “Promised Land”. He sent us to take this country from the Arrowak, the Susquehanna, the Apache, the Comanche, the Cherokee, the Seminole, the Choctaw, the Hopi and the Arapaho. We confuse Government and God. We believe God sanctioned the rape and robbery of an entire continent. We believe God ordained African slavery. We believe God makes Europeans superior to Africans and superior to everybody else too.

Governments – number one – Governments lie.

This Government lied about their belief that all men were created equal. The truth was they believe all White men were created equal. The truth is they did not believe that even White women were created equal, in creation nor in civilization. The Government had to pass an amendment to the Constitution to get White women the vote. Then the Government had to pass an “Equal Rights” amendment to get equal protection under the law for women. The Government still thinks a woman has no rights over her own body, and between Uncle Clarence – who sexually harassed Anita Hill – and the closeted clam court that is a throwback to the 19th century, hand-picked by Daddy Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, hung between Clarence and that stacked court they’re about to undo Roe v. Wade, just like they’re about to undo affirmative action. The Government lied in its founding documents and the Government is still lying today. Governments lie.

Number two: Governments change.

Long before there was a Red White and Blue colonization, the Egyptian government was doing colonization. They colonized half the continent of Africa, they colonized parts of the Mediterranean. All colonizers ain’t White. Turn to your neighbor and say “oppressors come in all colors.” Hello, hello, hello. But while the Government of Egypt and Pharaoh ran it, they don’t run a thing today, and why? Because Governments change. When the Babylonians carried away the people of promise into exile, the Babylonian Government was the baddest government around. But when King Nebuchadnezzar when crazy, his government was replaced by the government of King Belshazzar. King Belshazzar held a great big feast, big banquet, defiled the sacred vessels stolen from the temple in Jerusalem and a hand appeared out of nowhere and started writing on the wall, “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin”.

And Daniel translated the writing for the king, and told him “here’s what it means, king” – you can find this in Daniel 5 – “Mene: God has numbered the days of your government and brought it to an end.” Governments change.

Where governments change – write this down, Malachiah 3:6 – “thus sayeth the Lord:” – repeat after me – “for I am the Lord, and I change not.” That’s the Kings James version. The New Revised says, “For I the Lord do not change.” In other words, where Governments change, God does not change.

Where Governments lie, God does not lie. Where Governments change, God does not change. And I’m through now. But let me leave you with one more thing.

Governments fail. The government in this text comprised of Caesar, Cornelius, Pontus Pilot – Pontius Pilate – the Roman government failed. The British government used to rule from east to west. The British government had a Union Jack. She colonized Kenya, Guana, Nigeria, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Hong Kong. Her navies ruled the seven seas all the way down to the tip of Argentina in the Falklands, but the British failed. The Russian government failed. The Japanese government failed. The German government failed. And the United States of America government, when it came to treating her citizens of Indian decent fairly, she failed. She put them on reservations. When it came to treating her citizens of Japanese decent fairly, she failed. She put them in internment prison camps. When it came to treating her citizens of African decent fairly, America failed.

She put them in chains. The government put them in slave quarters, put them on auction blocks, put them in cotton fields, put them in inferior schools, put them in substandard housing, put them in scientific experiments, put them in the lowest paying jobs, put them outside the equal protection of the law, kept them out of their racist bastions of higher education and locked them into position of hopelessness and helplessness. The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law, and then wants us to sing “God Bless America.” No, no, no. Not “God Bless America”; God Damn America! That’s in the Bible, for killing innocent people. God Damn America for treating her citizen as less than human. God Damn America as long as she keeps trying to act like she is God and she is supreme!

What we don't want to hear is a black person speaking white supremacy like this guy.
Sure, anyone not regurgitating Democratic Party dogma is a white supremacist. Malcolm X warned the Black community about Liberals it's a classic case of Stockholm syndrome.

I don't give a shit if Black people move back to the Republican party, I believe they are no different than Democrats. For fuck sakes take responsibility for your community and don't rely on the benevolence of the Democratic party, they do not give a shit and are well on their way to replacing you with Latin Americans as their pet voters.
How about not misusing one sentence somebody black said about the Democratic Party...
I used a Malcolm X quote that showed his dislike for Repubs, you then made sure to show that you think similar to how Malcolm X thinks of Repubs.
I used a Malcolm X quote that verified his disdain for Democrats, you then made sure to show you REFUSE to have the same smarts as Malcolm X.

therefore... instead of me, are you the one who is guilty of misusing his sentence? lol

And btw please spare me with that 'who controlled the south' gobbledygook.

Those Malcolm X words I used came long, long after 1959-60. Yep. 1959-60. That is around the time when MLKSr, promised Presidential candidate JFK and his brother RFK, that he would deliver JFK the Black vote if JFK kept 'his son' from being lynched in a jailhouse where he was locked up. The rest is history.

Every since 1960, Blacks faithfully vote Democrat --which has NOTHING to do with who is in control of the south. So again, please do not try the illogical arguments on me, good friend.

Another white racist who wants to misuse one line from a black person.

I thought you described yourself as Black, here? Why are you calling yourself a White racist, if so??? I apologize, if I misunderstood who you claimed to be.

I also apologize if I presented an stance here that left you too, dumbf*cked, to offer a viable reply which addressed the issue you put forth here when I responded to it.

Neither Trump or Coulter has ever been black. So I don't have to listen to 2 white racists opinions of black people.
Biden is White and Kamala brags about being a White Indian married to a White man ---but clearly you listen to both of them, in order to go vote for them. So you just showed the entire world that your stance here is illogical, and your attitude reeks with the reality that you are FULLY aware of how your entire argument is nonsensical.

In your OP you tell Blacks to not vote for Repubs, but then you REFUSE to give reasons why which can be vetted AND you refuse to address what they say about Black people ---at the same time you tell Blacks not to vote for them.

You sprayed your own diarrhea on your own position here. You needed no help from me, in making yourself look aimless purposeless and just anti-Repub for no legitimate reason.

Do you want me to post a video then ask you to give your opinion of why whites should avoid the realities about whites as painted by Malik Shabazz annd Louis Farrakhan?

And if you do post it, I will not take a childish path of namecalling you for doing it. I will just intelligently answer your question under the premise of whatever experiences Malik and Louis have had with White people in order to paint the realities they painted.

If Ann Coulter spoke truths that cut you, DEEPLY, then just simply remain 'too spooked' to address those truths --INSTEAD of you being repugnant all because she gave truths which you hated to have to think about, in your livelihood as a Black USA resident supporting a party which now works to diminish your Black existence since 2010-11.

Have a good day, sir. :)
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Notice the style of this idiotic OP? If those “other” blacks don’t agree with lil im.2’s views, then “they” have “fallen” for right wing “propaganda.”

It never dawns on guys like lil im.2 that maybe those “other” black people have simply seen a peek at reality and that he is the one who has “fallen” for left wing “propaganda.”
You almost have to laugh when lefties bring up right wing propaganda after seeing democrats pander to black voters with embarrassing claims such as "black voters would be unable to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21st century". The truth of the matter is that black voters are realizing that democrats have kept them on the political plantation for decades.
Notice the style of this idiotic OP? If those “other” blacks don’t agree with lil im.2’s views, then “they” have “fallen” for right wing “propaganda.”

It never dawns on guys like lil im.2 that maybe those “other” black people have simply seen a peek at reality and that he is the one who has “fallen” for left wing “propaganda.”
…or they aren’t living in mom’s basement whining and crying about whitey having to give him shit .

Roland FRACTURES Former Sanders Advisor Now Black Republican: 'You Out Your Damn Mind!'​

Stupid has no skin color and ANYBODY BLACK who joins the modern Republican party is an idiot. Certainly the Democratic Party has not been perfect, but if you're black and choose to leave the Democratic Party, join the Green Party. If enough of us do that, we'll make the Green Party a viable third option. We see what the Republican Party is about, and if anyone black wants to make a real change, it won't happen by joining the American White Nationalist Front Party (formerly known as the Republican Party).

Nah, they simply figured out that you race hustlers are full of shit and they are tired of your near century of failure, corruption, and lies.

They are smart.

Unlike you.
I speak for as many black folks as the house negroes you guys love pulling up.
Holy shit, dude.

We've been interacting for YEARS here, and you still have no idea who I am.

That's a problem you need to work on - not for my sake, but for your own.
I'm black and have lived nearly 63 years

And from what I know you've done many good things, so srs respect. :)
have seen all this country and parts of Africa.
That would be a VERY interesting thread if you ever decide to share.
I have sat in National/International meetings with blacks from America and worldwide.
I know exactly how blacks feel about the Democratic Party
Most Black folk in the US are mesmerized by Democrat propaganda, and that is NOT good for anyone.

The Republicans suck as well of course - I'm not suggesting a switch from cocaine to crack.
and I do know more than some white boys on the internet.
You know more than most of the kkkrakkkas here, which causes me to wonder why you waste so much time trying to convert them.

They really are beyond redemption; how do you not know this?
I know black republicans. Real ones, and they won't be votingg for trump.
Some will, some won't.

If it's not too personal, can I ask what part of the country you grew up in?

Turbulent times, and most especially so in certain areas.
Democrats are going to have to win w/o the Black vote as their base this time around.

However, Republicans won't see an increase. because of it.

Many simply will sit it out, they're punishing the Democrats for ignoring us, not rewarding the Republicans for considering us.

We're not running to the racist party that enacted Jim Crow on us.

Black Americans aren't stupid.
Some good points.

But Democrats ignored Black folk at BEST.

At worst, they burned down COC.

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