Some Dangerous talk

I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.
God's judgment will be on the church. Rev 3:14
I like the idea of men standing up against tyranny. It happened in this nation in the late 1700s. However, I also tend to agree with [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] that America is getting what she deserves. We allow abortion; "gay marriage"; false doctrine in the churches; and a general, national denial of God's Word and His very existence. Therefore, I agree that America is under national judgment and that God chose Obama (among other evil men) to mete out our just punishment.

I also agree with "saved" that the church is under judgment but I think God's judgment, at this point in history, is upon the entire globe. What we're witnessing is Prophecy in action.

It's really easy to fall into this "us vs. them" mentality. I "go there" all the time and have to rein myself in repeatedly. What we should be doing is what [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] said and pray for our leaders as well as global leaders. We should rejoice that the time in near and that we're one day closer to Christ's return. We really don't need a man to fight the final battle. Christ and His angels will fight on our behalf and they will win. It's written and it's promised.
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I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.
I do not desire for any type of coup to occur, but if the government continues down this dangerous path this may become the only option. The way Obama and other politicians are handling our Country is not what our Country is meant to be and our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves.
You people remind me a a scared kid hoping to draw a walk so a real hitter can drive in the runs.

If you think Obama is an anti-American, traitorous leader......then get off YOUR ass and do something about it.
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.
I do not desire for any type of coup to occur, but if the government continues down this dangerous path this may become the only option. The way Obama and other politicians are handling our Country is not what our Country is meant to be and our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves.

I battle with this idea all the time. Sometimes I let my anger/emotions get the best of me and feel like our only hope is a total revolution but I've been a Christian for a long time and I believe biblical Prophecy (Old Testament and New Testament) and truly believe that our first priority is to be right with God on an individual basis then on a local basis then on a national basis. Where two or three are gathered together in His name there He is in the midst of them.

I do believe in the power of prayer but that includes imprecatory prayer. One of my favorite Bible verses and prayer for Obama (and any evil leader) is this:

Psalms 109:8, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."
You people remind me a a scared kid hoping to draw a walk so a real hitter can drive in the runs.

If you think Obama is an anti-American, traitorous leader......then get off YOUR ass and do something about it.

We are. We're discussing the various means by which we can improve America's condition. We're all aware that we're rapidly declining as a nation but before any actions can be taken we need to make sure that they're the right actions. That takes discussion, prayer, soul-searching, intelligent analysis, and good judgement.
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.
I do not desire for any type of coup to occur, but if the government continues down this dangerous path this may become the only option. The way Obama and other politicians are handling our Country is not what our Country is meant to be and our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves.

I battle with this idea all the time. Sometimes I let my anger/emotions get the best of me and feel like our only hope is a total revolution but I've been a Christian for a long time and I believe biblical Prophecy (Old Testament and New Testament) and truly believe that our first priority is to be right with God on an individual basis then on a local basis then on a national basis. Where two or three are gathered together in His name there He is in the midst of them.

I do believe in the power of prayer but that includes imprecatory prayer. One of my favorite Bible verses and prayer for Obama (and any evil leader) is this:

Psalms 109:8, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."

Yeah. I feel ya. WWJD? He'd make vague suggestions for the assassination of the POTUS. Absolutely.
Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

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Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

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That is correct. However, all tyrannies reached a point where they degenerated from a duly elected government to one that was tyrannical. Obama is setting the stage for just such a thing to occur. Holder refuses to enforce the laws of this country. The IRS is actively attacking political groups that they don't like......the trap is being primed.
I do not desire for any type of coup to occur, but if the government continues down this dangerous path this may become the only option. The way Obama and other politicians are handling our Country is not what our Country is meant to be and our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves.

I battle with this idea all the time. Sometimes I let my anger/emotions get the best of me and feel like our only hope is a total revolution but I've been a Christian for a long time and I believe biblical Prophecy (Old Testament and New Testament) and truly believe that our first priority is to be right with God on an individual basis then on a local basis then on a national basis. Where two or three are gathered together in His name there He is in the midst of them.

I do believe in the power of prayer but that includes imprecatory prayer. One of my favorite Bible verses and prayer for Obama (and any evil leader) is this:

Psalms 109:8, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."

Yeah. I feel ya. WWJD? He'd make vague suggestions for the assassination of the POTUS. Absolutely.

Actually, that's not what Jesus would do nor has anyone else even come close to saying that. You're inserting things between the lines that aren't there.
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I battle with this idea all the time. Sometimes I let my anger/emotions get the best of me and feel like our only hope is a total revolution but I've been a Christian for a long time and I believe biblical Prophecy (Old Testament and New Testament) and truly believe that our first priority is to be right with God on an individual basis then on a local basis then on a national basis. Where two or three are gathered together in His name there He is in the midst of them.

I do believe in the power of prayer but that includes imprecatory prayer. One of my favorite Bible verses and prayer for Obama (and any evil leader) is this:

Psalms 109:8, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."

Yeah. I feel ya. WWJD? He'd make vague suggestions for the assassination of the POTUS. Absolutely.

Actually, that's not what Jesus would do nor has anyone else even come close to saying that. You're inserting things between the lines that aren't there.

Yep. Vague enough to allow for denial. Well played, asshole. Well played.
Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

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That is correct. However, all tyrannies reached a point where they degenerated from a duly elected government to one that was tyrannical. Obama is setting the stage for just such a thing to occur. Holder refuses to enforce the laws of this country. The IRS is actively attacking political groups that they don't like......the trap is being primed.

You really believe that? I mean.....after thinking it over for a while? You gonna go with it?
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I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.
That's one of the reasons this country is in the mess it is in. Christians make up a large percentage of the right and believe it's in God's hands and will sit on their butts praying while we circle the drain.
The MASTERS have been controlling populations, nations and empires for over 500 years.

YOu think these "generals" are standing up to them?

They WORK for them. (although they might not even know they do)

The MASTERS have always controlled their opposition.

How do they do that?

By creating the organizations that object to their rule, by creating them or taking over those that arise naturally. By funding them, and seeding them with their own tools.

Most of you already sense they control the Ds and Rs.

Now know also that there is almost no organization with any power or influence that they do not control either directly or indirectly.

THAT is what you are really facing, citizens.

A system of power and control that is much more complex than any of you have ever indicated you understand on this board.


That might happen...when the MASTERS decide they want it to happen.
We don't need to take up arms against the government, we have a mechanism to overthrow corrupt officials. We need to make sure our voices are heard and get people to vote! That's what the left does and quite frankly they are better at it. Factions of the right often sit out elections if the nominee isn't pure enough. And the left grows stronger. We aren't in the hereafter, we are here now.

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