Some Dangerous talk

You have to look at the whole picture and the future. If Obama gets his way it will be a tyranny. He has already tried to override the allowable term limit for president, his wife is butting her head into everything, especially school lunches, he and his puppets are covering up everything like the IRS scandal, Benghazi, and more. He has authorized drone strikes on American citizens abroad who are suspected of terrorist connections (overriding their right to a fair trial), and many other things. If you don't open your eyes and fight back you will be in a country similar to what your parents and grandparents had to live in. Yes, there are more evil people than Obama or anyone in America, but those dictatorships started somehow. Obama is already trying to disarm the American public for an easier time completing his goals of becoming a tyrannical leader.

Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

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Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

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That is correct. However, all tyrannies reached a point where they degenerated from a duly elected government to one that was tyrannical. Obama is setting the stage for just such a thing to occur. Holder refuses to enforce the laws of this country. The IRS is actively attacking political groups that they don't like......the trap is being primed.

You really believe that? I mean.....after thinking it over for a while? You gonna go with it?

Yes. I've been around a lot longer than you have and I read a lot more history than you do. I suggest you look up "The Nazi Seizure of Power". It was a masters thesis IIRC and it followed the experience of Wurzburg and how the Nazi's ever so slowly (till they went real fast) took over. We're in chapter seven right about now.

You read that book, then compare what they did to what our government has been doing over the last 35 years and then you come back and tell me where I am wrong.

And please note Obama is merely the latest perp. ALL POTUS's (with the exception of Reagan, and even he helped inadvertantly) have been helping the process along over the last 35 years.
With the exception of Reagan?!

That;'s got to be one the funniest things I've read on this board in a long time, mate.

Our POVs are apparently very please tell me why you believe REAGAN was not also a tool.
With the exception of Reagan?!

That;'s got to be one the funniest things I've read on this board in a long time, mate.

Our POVs are apparently very please tell me why you believe REAGAN was not also a tool.

He was not a willing tool. When you look at the majority of what he did, it was geared towards preventing the total takeover of this country. When they tried to kill him, he refused to implement gun control (that is their prime goal now) and instead lessened some controls. It took Bush to start the real attack on guns.

The things that were implemented that DID help the ruling elite were mainly out of his direct control. He was the first POTUS in a long time that didn't have every important position filled by a CFR member for instance.
Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

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That is correct. However, all tyrannies reached a point where they degenerated from a duly elected government to one that was tyrannical. Obama is setting the stage for just such a thing to occur. Holder refuses to enforce the laws of this country. The IRS is actively attacking political groups that they don't like......the trap is being primed.

Just HOW is Obama "setting the stage" for Tyranny? By increasing access to healthcare utilizing existing insurance industries...and supporting the idea that our constitution applies to ALL Americans - including gays and women?
Which Laws is Holder refusing to uphold?
Don't forget that "Death to Tyrants" (sic Tyranis) was The battle cry of Lincoln's assassin...was he into tyrant prep too?

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Just HOW is Obama "setting the stage" for Tyranny? By increasing access to healthcare utilizing existing insurance industries...and supporting the idea that our constitution applies to ALL Americans - including gays and women?
Which Laws is Holder refusing to uphold?
Don't forget that "Death to Tyrants" (sic Tyranis) was The battle cry of Lincoln's assassin...was he into tyrant prep too?
The founders spoke about tyrants long before that. I don't know who said anything about death but you consistently see words that aren't there and obviously filtered out anything you didn't already believe here. The people didn't want government mandating health care regardless of your personal opinion. When a minority rules the majority it is tyranical. Just because you agree with leftwing extremism doesn't alter the fact. Obama was the wrong answer at the wrong time and the economy is the evidence for that.
Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

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That is correct. However, all tyrannies reached a point where they degenerated from a duly elected government to one that was tyrannical. Obama is setting the stage for just such a thing to occur. Holder refuses to enforce the laws of this country. The IRS is actively attacking political groups that they don't like......the trap is being primed.

Just HOW is Obama "setting the stage" for Tyranny? By increasing access to healthcare utilizing existing insurance industries...and supporting the idea that our constitution applies to ALL Americans - including gays and women?
Which Laws is Holder refusing to uphold?
Don't forget that "Death to Tyrants" (sic Tyranis) was The battle cry of Lincoln's assassin...was he into tyrant prep too?

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By allowing Holder to ignore the rule of law. By ruling by fiat (Executive Orders bear a strong resemblance to dictatorial power) by engineering the passage of a law and then modifying it by EO instead of through the legislative process (a direct violation of the COTUS) by using the IRS to target political opponents and giving privileged tax information to his political allies.

The Obamacare fiasco is an effort to control one sixth of the US economy. It benefits the insurance companies and politicians but not the people it is supposed to help. You have no clue how bad it is going to get. In my area if you're on Medicaid good luck finding anyone to see you. The majority of doctors have stated they WON'T take it.

There were plenty of ways to reform the healthcare system that would have been beneficial to everyone except the trial lawyers and insurance companies. the Obama administration ignored those and instead implemented a plan that does nothing but impoverish Americans, enrich fat cat insurance companies and trial lawyers and destroy the middle class.

Put another way, if something is so good that you have to FORCED to use it really all that great?
I like the idea of men standing up against tyranny. It happened in this nation in the late 1700s. However, I also tend to agree with [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] that America is getting what she deserves. We allow abortion; "gay marriage"; false doctrine in the churches; and a general, national denial of God's Word and His very existence. Therefore, I agree that America is under national judgment and that God chose Obama (among other evil men) to mete out our just punishment.

I also agree with "saved" that the church is under judgment but I think God's judgment, at this point in history, is upon the entire globe. What we're witnessing is Prophecy in action.

It's really easy to fall into this "us vs. them" mentality. I "go there" all the time and have to rein myself in repeatedly. What we should be doing is what [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] said and pray for our leaders as well as global leaders. We should rejoice that the time in near and that we're one day closer to Christ's return. We really don't need a man to fight the final battle. Christ and His angels will fight on our behalf and they will win. It's written and it's promised.

I admire nobel men such as the general but God has his own "generals" in the spirit realm and when they say halt! ?? Somebody better listen! Gods own elect outrank earthly military leaders, rulers, etc. That may sound arrogant but King David knew it was true. Our position in Christ is the key. The anointing is the evidence. The authority is over ALL the power of the enemy - not part. ( Luke 10:19 ) which is a tremendous responsibility because we have to keep ourselves from the world in order to operate in the anointing and stand victorious in warfare. We cannot afford to be like Samson and lay our heads in the lap of the world only to wake up in the day of trouble and find we have no power!

We have to stay free of any unforgiveness, wrong attitudes in order to flow in the Spirit. I've had some major trials concerning this in not so far back times. The most important thing I remind myself of daily is this battle is not flesh and blood. All the people are precious. We never battle people. We battle the demons that are holding them captive, principalities and powers, rulers in high places - this is the battle and the ones we war against. ( through prayer ) Some folks do not like that warfare because they would rather fight against a human being. Some fear the devil. According to Luke 10:19 we've been given all authority all of his powers. ALL as in all. So what is there to fear? Are we taking God at his Word and believing it is true? Then we will know what Drifting Sand knows right now in her spirit! That no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against us we shall condemn for this is the heritage of the children of the LORD. It is our heritage. Our right. Our authority. Our destiny because we are being pre qualified for a position in the universe eternally! It's a big deal. We have to endure until the end and finish this race The enemy is there to sharpen and hone our skills by. He's like a stone we sharpen our swords on. ( the Christian sword is the mouth - it speaks forth the word of God & it doesn't return back void - the more it is used the greater the force, outcome in warfare )

I do believe it is divine providence Obama is in office. I believe it is Gods hand. Can I tell God which hand he is permitted to use to crush me with? When his purpose is to make me broken bread and poured out wine for the multitudes? No! Ten thousand times no I cannot. And neither can any other human who is watching this judgment unfold.
We cannot resist God on this. It would only delay his plan to perfect his bride! Suffering does cleanse & purify! Much prayer does strengthen and empower the spirit!

The wideroad church is mistaken. The Lord is looking for a bride without spot or wrinkle, a white garment bride - and that is what persecution produces. Because it drives us to our knees to pray and surrender all things into his hands. I would venture to say more Christians are praying since Obama entered office then before. We have taken so much for granted in this country. God forgive us. We have forgotten God in our arrogance. The LORD is merciful he will hear us if we call upon Him and ask him to forgive us. I know he will.
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I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.
That's one of the reasons this country is in the mess it is in. Christians make up a large percentage of the right and believe it's in God's hands and will sit on their butts praying while we circle the drain.

I disagree with you, Iceweasel. This country is in the shape it is because Christians would not pray. Christians compromised on the Word of God - all have fallen and many have "fallen away" which is a sign that Matthew 24 is happening globally right now. The reason this nation is in the mess it is in - is its independence from God. It has removed God from the the pulpits, schools, government, courtrooms and then says God bless America!

God bless America? For what?! For over 50 million babies murdered whose blood cries out from the ground like Abels? For the interfaithism new age movement spreading like terminal cancer to the majority of evangelical churches, catholic, methodist, hindu, Muslim - etc melting pot which denies Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and the One to whom must be believed to enter heaven? Or for the altars of Baal we have permitted erected on a ground Washington once dedicated to God as holy and consecrated? ( corner of ground zero - where Washington made that pledge of devotion) For men and women - homosexuality celebrated nude in parades before children who must cover their eyes? For going against God continually in the matters concerning Israel and our leaders attempts to divide her land? For siding with Israels enemies for the benefit of Filthy lucre? For homes built of stone and wood and posessions that have become the idols of millions of Americans rather than God? For turning a blind eye to the child abuse and lawlessness permeating our societies? For denying Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life because of a doctrine of devils that demands "religious tolerance" the same of which cannot tolerate Jesus Christ alone as the way to heaven? What pray tell should God bless us for?

We are quite different from other nations, my friend. We are a nation who was blessed by God because we honored God. We were a light unto the world and sent missionaries to other nations and much aid as well. We were the lender not the borrower, the head not the tail, we were blessed. It was unheard of that anyone didn't know the nation to be of Judeo / Christian faith. There was prayer in the Congressional buildings.. our history was built on families who prayed together and taught their children..... Live holy unto the Lord. Do what is right. Contrast to now...

Now bring up holiness, repentance or believing the bible is a literal work and you can hear a pin drop! These are the days when men will no longer tolerate sound doctrine! The Gospel of hedonism has appealed to itching ears! The world is dying and the man behind the pulpit is preaching for a Bentley!!! Where are the cries of Repent! The day is drawing near! We have to get right with God?!

God could change our situation in this nation in a single moment if the nation were to repent and turn to God with all their hearts! Communists who despise God are hoping we will not do this. In a Communist nation you'll be shot dead for owning a bible. Why? Because they know it is the most powerful weapon on the face of the earth. It is the Word of God and inside it are ALL THE ANSWERS.

Do not suggest to me, young man, that prayer is some sort of inferior substitute! A last resort!

It is the FIRST RESORT. Every time.

I support 2nd amendment rights and have many times made clear the citizens right to arm bear arms. Still! If the Lord does not keep the city, the watchman labors in vain. It is a three fold cord, Ice. Three fold.
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We don't need to take up arms against the government, we have a mechanism to overthrow corrupt officials. We need to make sure our voices are heard and get people to vote! That's what the left does and quite frankly they are better at it. Factions of the right often sit out elections if the nominee isn't pure enough. And the left grows stronger. We aren't in the hereafter, we are here now.

When one side is bought and paid for,no amount of campaigning is going to change their minds.
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Do not suggest to me, young man, that prayer is some sort of inferior substitute! A last resort!

It is the FIRST RESORT. Every time.

I support 2nd amendment rights and have many times made clear the citizens right to arm bear arms. Still! If the Lord does not keep the city, the watchman labors in vain. It is a three fold cord, Ice. Three fold.
Young man? I haven't been called that in a while. I wasn't suggesting prayer is useless, if it makes you feel good, knock yourself out. It does nothing to change laws though. That requires action. There is a bit of underlying fatalism with many Christians and believe things are supposed to be the way they are. I've had them literally lick their lips at the coming of the Lord and how they can't wait for the shit to hit the fan. Many sit out elections when we need them in the voting booth. Pray on your way there and back, just go.
ANOTHER Retired Army General To Tea Party Group: I Would Lead A Coup Against The U.S. Government
Insubordination against the commander in chief is grounds for treason, and a court martial offense. Fort Leavenworth, and there goes his retirement pension.
Do not suggest to me, young man, that prayer is some sort of inferior substitute! A last resort!

It is the FIRST RESORT. Every time.

I support 2nd amendment rights and have many times made clear the citizens right to arm bear arms. Still! If the Lord does not keep the city, the watchman labors in vain. It is a three fold cord, Ice. Three fold.
Young man? I haven't been called that in a while. I wasn't suggesting prayer is useless, if it makes you feel good, knock yourself out. It does nothing to change laws though. That requires action. There is a bit of underlying fatalism with many Christians and believe things are supposed to be the way they are. I've had them literally lick their lips at the coming of the Lord and how they can't wait for the shit to hit the fan. Many sit out elections when we need them in the voting booth. Pray on your way there and back, just go.

I'm praying it is put off. I am in no hurry as I am a Christian who does NOT believe in the rapture. I know what is coming and it isn't a ride on a cloud out of here! There are serious times ahead of us. Yes, we should vote, we should even assist in putting out signs - go vote! There is no conflict there. I have no conflict with a man defending his own home and country with firearms. That is a 2nd amendment right. My belief is we need to use wisdom in how we react to things because sometimes God is behind it. In this case, I believe He is. That is all, young man. :eusa_angel:
ANOTHER Retired Army General To Tea Party Group: I Would Lead A Coup Against The U.S. Government
Insubordination against the commander in chief is grounds for treason, and a court martial offense. Fort Leavenworth, and there goes his retirement pension.

No, it's not. The UCMJ states quite clearly that no officer is required to put people in concentration camps by "following orders". Just as that reason didn't work for the Nazi's at Nuremburg, it won't work in this case either.

You should crawl back under your rock.
Do not suggest to me, young man, that prayer is some sort of inferior substitute! A last resort!

It is the FIRST RESORT. Every time.

I support 2nd amendment rights and have many times made clear the citizens right to arm bear arms. Still! If the Lord does not keep the city, the watchman labors in vain. It is a three fold cord, Ice. Three fold.
Young man? I haven't been called that in a while. I wasn't suggesting prayer is useless, if it makes you feel good, knock yourself out. It does nothing to change laws though. That requires action. There is a bit of underlying fatalism with many Christians and believe things are supposed to be the way they are. I've had them literally lick their lips at the coming of the Lord and how they can't wait for the shit to hit the fan. Many sit out elections when we need them in the voting booth. Pray on your way there and back, just go.

I'm praying it is put off. I am in no hurry as I am a Christian who does NOT believe in the rapture. I know what is coming and it isn't a ride on a cloud out of here! There are serious times ahead of us. Yes, we should vote, we should even assist in putting out signs - go vote! There is no conflict there. I have no conflict with a man defending his own home and country with firearms. That is a 2nd amendment right. My belief is we need to use wisdom in how we react to things because sometimes God is behind it. In this case, I believe He is. That is all, young man. :eusa_angel:
OK, fair enough. Maybe it's the rapture thing that gets so many sitting on their hands.
ANOTHER Retired Army General To Tea Party Group: I Would Lead A Coup Against The U.S. Government
Insubordination against the commander in chief is grounds for treason, and a court martial offense. Fort Leavenworth, and there goes his retirement pension.

No, it's not. The UCMJ states quite clearly that no officer is required to put people in concentration camps by "following orders". Just as that reason didn't work for the Nazi's at Nuremburg, it won't work in this case either.

You should crawl back under your rock.
Also, military personel are sworn to uphold the Constitution, if the president went against it the Constitution would win out.

Oaths of Enlistment and Oaths of Office - U.S. Army Center of Military History
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
That is correct. However, all tyrannies reached a point where they degenerated from a duly elected government to one that was tyrannical. Obama is setting the stage for just such a thing to occur. Holder refuses to enforce the laws of this country. The IRS is actively attacking political groups that they don't like......the trap is being primed.

Feel free to leave the country. The Pootin will accept you with open arms.
One of my favorite Bible verses and prayer for Obama (and any evil leader) is this:

Psalms 109:8, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."

How sweet...a crazed teabagger wishing death upon the president.

And before you deny it...following that passage is:

“Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.”

Biblical anti-Obama slogan: Use of Psalm 109:8 funny or sinister? -

We're safe, though. You're not man enough to try it, are you?

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