Some Dangerous talk

Why would you recommend this person leave the country? If I am following the person you recommend should leave the country is only against what it appears this country is headed into - a tyrannical state. This person is supporting the Constitution. Maybe, I got lost somewhere along the way though.
That is correct. However, all tyrannies reached a point where they degenerated from a duly elected government to one that was tyrannical. Obama is setting the stage for just such a thing to occur. Holder refuses to enforce the laws of this country. The IRS is actively attacking political groups that they don't like......the trap is being primed.

Feel free to leave the country. The Pootin will accept you with open arms.
Boys, there are enough of us that have worn this nations uniform who think that this kind of action is treasonous, and would respond in kind. If you are idiotic enough to try something like this, hope the military takes care of you, and you get a trial. Because if you are taken care of by fellow Americans that have worn the uniform of our nation, you will probably end up decorating trees and lamp posts.

What you braying about is a problem that exists only in your fevered bigoted minds.
Big talk on the internet because you know you can.
You know you can because you're president protects that right.
You fools not only have no clue what you're whining about, you don't know what a US coup would do to this country or the world.

you far righties are as loopy as you were in the sixties

well, you are providing free entertainment once more if nothing else
ANOTHER Retired Army General To Tea Party Group: I Would Lead A Coup Against The U.S. Government
Insubordination against the commander in chief is grounds for treason, and a court martial offense. Fort Leavenworth, and there goes his retirement pension.

No, it's not. The UCMJ states quite clearly that no officer is required to put people in concentration camps by "following orders". Just as that reason didn't work for the Nazi's at Nuremburg, it won't work in this case either.

You should crawl back under your rock.
Threatening a coup against the U.S. government IS IS IS treason, moron. How can you type, when you can't even read the OP?
Boys, there are enough of us that have worn this nations uniform who think that this kind of action is treasonous, and would respond in kind. If you are idiotic enough to try something like this, hope the military takes care of you, and you get a trial. Because if you are taken care of by fellow Americans that have worn the uniform of our nation, you will probably end up decorating trees and lamp posts.

What you braying about is a problem that exists only in your fevered bigoted minds.

In a few more years, those men who have worn the uniform may be more inclined to side with a rebellion. Besides, the military can only shoot things they can see and find. You can't shoot a ghost. If there is going to be a revolt, I predict it will be weekend rebellions, people in different groups plan non-digitally to meet up and attack a Guard base in town, and run to their homes when things look bad. Then come back out next weekend. How can the US tell which ones in the city were actually participating and which people are nice, loyal supporters? If they punish the city, more people will enlist in the rebellion; if they do nothing, the rebels get off scot-free. Eventually, the rebels will win in a war of attrition.
Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

They don't seem to understand reason at all. This virulent hatred of Obama is incredible. I think it has to do with weak minds that are fed a lot of foolishness from folks like Limbaugh. It's so stupid, it's embarrassing. I think we are hearing from the lowest of the lowbrow.
The linked website is called "Conservative Infidel". Is it possible that the owners of that site don't know what the word "infidel" means?

Look at the banner graphic. Then consider how the term "infidel" fits.

Fucking retards.
[MENTION=46779]dr.d[/MENTION] Obama is attempting to disarm the public, downsizing the military, creating multiple rules through executive orders (I believe the most exec. orders of any POTUS), and creating a dependent American culture. A culture that cannot survive through hard work and budgeting, a culture that must turn to its government to provide food and shelter for the families. A welfare culture. Obama must make Americans completely dependent upon the government to proceed with his plans.

ObamaCare, as anyone can clearly see by the rocky roll out, is not increasing access to healthcare, it is diminishing it. Thousands have lost their coverage either because their employer was allowed under the law to drop the coverage and wait for the SHOP marketplace to open, dropped the employee's hours to less than the new full-time so health insurance isn't mandated, or the premiums skyrocketed and people were forced to drop their own coverage. Nowhere in the Obamacare rules does it restrict the increase of premiums, copays, and coinsurance costs. Quite the opposite, the law makes it easy for insurance companies to increase the rates people must pay because the balance of the risk pools has been thrown off by the new law.

Obama fails to support the Constitution of America. He uses it as toilet paper. He goes around the constitutionally designed way of creating laws by overusing his power of executive order. He has tried to override the 22nd Amendment (term limit of POTUS) through an executive order and since that failed had Rep. Serrano (NY_D) introduce a bill into Congress to accomplish this. How are you confused dr. d?

Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

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That is correct. However, all tyrannies reached a point where they degenerated from a duly elected government to one that was tyrannical. Obama is setting the stage for just such a thing to occur. Holder refuses to enforce the laws of this country. The IRS is actively attacking political groups that they don't like......the trap is being primed.

Just HOW is Obama "setting the stage" for Tyranny? By increasing access to healthcare utilizing existing insurance industries...and supporting the idea that our constitution applies to ALL Americans - including gays and women?
Which Laws is Holder refusing to uphold?
Don't forget that "Death to Tyrants" (sic Tyranis) was The battle cry of Lincoln's assassin...was he into tyrant prep too?

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^^^That is all a lot of crap you have been fed by some other right wing nut jobs. Word for word you are reciting what you've read on some stupid online sites or heard via television or radio. You're a weak minded parrot.
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What puzzles me is the pseudo-Christan "twist" i find in many of the Anti-Obama posts here..
Whatever happened to the true path and example of Christ for those fools? Like....
"Love thy neighbor as thyself" ( U don't do that by praying that the prez die)
Taking care of the poor, the infirm, the disadvantaged...JC was really BIG on that...and so is Obama.
Finally....What about "bearing false witness"?....Much of the hateful rhetoric here IS NOT BASED ON TRUTH
Wake up hypocrites...or u will have to deal with ur fallacies no only throughout ur lifetime , but on judgement day.

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Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

They don't seem to understand reason at all. This virulent hatred of Obama is incredible. I think it has to do with weak minds that are fed a lot of foolishness from folks like Limbaugh. It's so stupid, it's embarrassing. I think we are hearing from the lowest of the lowbrow.

You fucken racist!!!
So...U don't think there r any "corrupt officials" on the right?

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So...U don't think there r any "corrupt officials" on the right?

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Of course there are. As far as I'm concerned Washington needs to be cleaned out from top to bottom.
They're just taking turns fucking us at this point. Until we can come together as Americans nothing will change.
A coup would have a lot of support around the country. As for the rest, half of them would roll over for a free baggie of decent pot.
"In a few more years, those men who have worn the uniform may be more inclined to side with a rebellion." No, the overwhelming majority of us, active and retired, will put down you goobers in the first 14 minutes.

And rebellion on the weekends? :lol: Don't you understand that every militia and nonsense group in America is infiltrated several times over?
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"In a few more years, those men who have worn the uniform may be more inclined to side with a rebellion." No, the overwhelming majority of us, active and retired, will put down you goobers in the first 14 minutes.

And rebellion on the weekends? :lol: Don't you understand that every militia and nonsense group in America is infiltrated several times over?

when are you going to prove your rep claim liar?
:lol: Reported for trolling and violation of posting rules.

Yurt, respond to the OP and the discussion. You don't think any sort of silly far right reactonary revolt is going to happen, do you?
There is a coup every 4 years. Those who advocate an armed revolution simply can't handle losing.

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