Some Decisions Must Be Made


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times

Yep, peaceful right wingers quickly get to polishing their guns and talking about armed conflict as they decry the uber violent, crazy, rhetoric activated left. :rolleyes:
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times

Yep, peaceful right wingers quickly get to polishing their guns and talking about armed conflict as they decry the uber violent, crazy, rhetoric activated left. :rolleyes:

You don't think that those that believe in the organic constitution are just gonna let commie fucks like you take over either covertly or in covertly, do ya? Not gonna least not in your lifetime. I doubt that you have the balls to fight and die for your commie utopia...but etch this in stone and commit this to memory.....I WILL die fighting to prevent it from happening during my watch.....capiche'???? No way will I EVER acquiesce or surrender and I will make it my mission to pile up leftard dead-weights like those of your ilk like it was cord wood....are we clear? Do you get the message that I am sending? Help me, help you get the true gist of what I am sayin'.........

So then what's stopping you keyboard commandos?

Seriously, you guys been building up this fantasy of a "civil war" for years now, and all we've seen from you is whining and bluster.
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times

No Closed Season.

No Minimum Size.

No Limit.
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times


Where was the 'outrage' of conservatives when Gabby Giffords was shot and six others near her killed including a child? Where was the 'enough is enough' bullshit then?

Cons you didn't really give a shit, it's obvious by how she's being treated by simply stating she sympathizes with the victims of the shooting yesterday. Cons want so badly for orange-turd to declare martial law and start telling people what to do. It is in the DNA of conservatives to desire this.

I say get to it cons. Stop your posturing and threats and just do your worst. Which one would have thought was voting for a dumbass like Trump but you know you are just dying to dissolve the Democracy and declare your dear leader as king.

Civil War? It won't be two armies facing off like last time, it would be never ending guerilla warfare. That is the new norm. Let's just break up the union and everyone go their separate ways. Cons you can go have your new Kristian Kaliphate and be happy. Let's get this done.

So then what's stopping you keyboard commandos?

Seriously, you guys been building up this fantasy of a "civil war" for years now, and all we've seen from you is whining and bluster.

No one with any common sense wants a war but no one with any balls wants to live in a totalitarian state either if they have the means to fend for themselves. I use this analogy when I do radio interviews with this joke:

Two friends are sitting on the porch talking and there is this old hound dog laying beside his owner's chair and every now and then the hound dog would rise up and moan.....finally the visitor asked what the dog was moaning about and the owner said "He's laying on a stone and it's hurting him", the visitor said "Well why don't he get up and move" and the owner said "It ain't hurting him THAT much"....see? Once it starts hurting enough, people will respond and rise up.....get the picture now????
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times

Yep, peaceful right wingers quickly get to polishing their guns and talking about armed conflict as they decry the uber violent, crazy, rhetoric activated left. :rolleyes:

Well.... you DID shoot first.

So then what's stopping you keyboard commandos?

Seriously, you guys been building up this fantasy of a "civil war" for years now, and all we've seen from you is whining and bluster.

No one with any common sense wants a war but no one with any balls wants to live in a totalitarian state either if they have the means to fend for themselves. I use this analogy when I do radio interviews with this joke:

Two friends are sitting on the porch talking and there is this old hound dog laying beside his owner's chair and every now and then the hound dog would rise up and moan.....finally the visitor asked what the dog was moaning about and the owner said "He's laying on a stone and it's hurting him", the visitor said "Well why don't he get up and move" and the owner said "It ain't hurting him THAT much"....see? Once it starts hurting enough, people will respond and rise up.....get the picture now????


Of course I "get the picture". You talk a good game, but just like all of your internet tough guy friends, you're just a whiny little pussy.

If you truly believe the bullshit you spew, what's stopping you?
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times


Where was the 'outrage' of conservatives when Gabby Giffords was shot and six others near her killed including a child? Where was the 'enough is enough' bullshit then?

Cons you didn't really give a shit, it's obvious by how she's being treated by simply stating she sympathizes with the victims of the shooting yesterday. Cons want so badly for orange-turd to declare martial law and start telling people what to do. It is in the DNA of conservatives to desire this.

I say get to it cons. Stop your posturing and threats and just do your worst. Which one would have thought was voting for a dumbass like Trump but you know you are just dying to dissolve the Democracy and declare your dear leader as king.

Civil War? It won't be two armies facing off like last time, it would be never ending guerilla warfare. That is the new norm. Let's just break up the union and everyone go their separate ways. Cons you can go have your new Kristian Kaliphate and be happy. Let's get this done.

Gabby Giffords was shot by a leftard and the only reason she survived was because she was shot in the least vulnerable spot that had any vital organ....which was between her ears.

So then what's stopping you keyboard commandos?

Seriously, you guys been building up this fantasy of a "civil war" for years now, and all we've seen from you is whining and bluster.

No one with any common sense wants a war but no one with any balls wants to live in a totalitarian state either if they have the means to fend for themselves. I use this analogy when I do radio interviews with this joke:

Two friends are sitting on the porch talking and there is this old hound dog laying beside his owner's chair and every now and then the hound dog would rise up and moan.....finally the visitor asked what the dog was moaning about and the owner said "He's laying on a stone and it's hurting him", the visitor said "Well why don't he get up and move" and the owner said "It ain't hurting him THAT much"....see? Once it starts hurting enough, people will respond and rise up.....get the picture now????


Of course I "get the picture". You talk a good game, but just like all of your internet tough guy friends, you're just a whiny little pussy.

If you truly believe the bullshit you spew, what's stopping you?

Are you unfamiliar with the meaning and origin of the word 'moderator'?

I won't even point about the irony of someone moderating a discussion board referring to others as 'keyboard commandos'.

So then what's stopping you keyboard commandos?

Seriously, you guys been building up this fantasy of a "civil war" for years now, and all we've seen from you is whining and bluster.

No one with any common sense wants a war but no one with any balls wants to live in a totalitarian state either if they have the means to fend for themselves. I use this analogy when I do radio interviews with this joke:

Two friends are sitting on the porch talking and there is this old hound dog laying beside his owner's chair and every now and then the hound dog would rise up and moan.....finally the visitor asked what the dog was moaning about and the owner said "He's laying on a stone and it's hurting him", the visitor said "Well why don't he get up and move" and the owner said "It ain't hurting him THAT much"....see? Once it starts hurting enough, people will respond and rise up.....get the picture now????


Of course I "get the picture". You talk a good game, but just like all of your internet tough guy friends, you're just a whiny little pussy.

If you truly believe the bullshit you spew, what's stopping you?

Are you unfamiliar with the meaning and origin of the word 'moderator'?

I won't even point about the irony of someone moderating a discussion board referring to others as 'keyboard commandos'.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

So then what's stopping you keyboard commandos?

Seriously, you guys been building up this fantasy of a "civil war" for years now, and all we've seen from you is whining and bluster.

No one with any common sense wants a war but no one with any balls wants to live in a totalitarian state either if they have the means to fend for themselves. I use this analogy when I do radio interviews with this joke:

Two friends are sitting on the porch talking and there is this old hound dog laying beside his owner's chair and every now and then the hound dog would rise up and moan.....finally the visitor asked what the dog was moaning about and the owner said "He's laying on a stone and it's hurting him", the visitor said "Well why don't he get up and move" and the owner said "It ain't hurting him THAT much"....see? Once it starts hurting enough, people will respond and rise up.....get the picture now????


Of course I "get the picture". You talk a good game, but just like all of your internet tough guy friends, you're just a whiny little pussy.

If you truly believe the bullshit you spew, what's stopping you?

No, you "don't "get it " at all...but you will when the time comes. You see? When one has nothing left to lose, that is when they are the most dangerous. I am one of the luckier ones because I am too old to give a shit but still young enough to fight with LOTS of knowledge. Pussies like you will roll right over. I bet you would let your beloved be raped and pillaged while you wouldn't lift a might toss him or her a pillow....but that's about it. Your testes never dropped.......

So then what's stopping you keyboard commandos?

Seriously, you guys been building up this fantasy of a "civil war" for years now, and all we've seen from you is whining and bluster.

No one with any common sense wants a war but no one with any balls wants to live in a totalitarian state either if they have the means to fend for themselves. I use this analogy when I do radio interviews with this joke:

Two friends are sitting on the porch talking and there is this old hound dog laying beside his owner's chair and every now and then the hound dog would rise up and moan.....finally the visitor asked what the dog was moaning about and the owner said "He's laying on a stone and it's hurting him", the visitor said "Well why don't he get up and move" and the owner said "It ain't hurting him THAT much"....see? Once it starts hurting enough, people will respond and rise up.....get the picture now????


Of course I "get the picture". You talk a good game, but just like all of your internet tough guy friends, you're just a whiny little pussy.

If you truly believe the bullshit you spew, what's stopping you?

Are you unfamiliar with the meaning and origin of the word 'moderator'?

I won't even point about the irony of someone moderating a discussion board referring to others as 'keyboard commandos'.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

I'm getting that.

So then what's stopping you keyboard commandos?

Seriously, you guys been building up this fantasy of a "civil war" for years now, and all we've seen from you is whining and bluster.

No one with any common sense wants a war but no one with any balls wants to live in a totalitarian state either if they have the means to fend for themselves. I use this analogy when I do radio interviews with this joke:

Two friends are sitting on the porch talking and there is this old hound dog laying beside his owner's chair and every now and then the hound dog would rise up and moan.....finally the visitor asked what the dog was moaning about and the owner said "He's laying on a stone and it's hurting him", the visitor said "Well why don't he get up and move" and the owner said "It ain't hurting him THAT much"....see? Once it starts hurting enough, people will respond and rise up.....get the picture now????


Of course I "get the picture". You talk a good game, but just like all of your internet tough guy friends, you're just a whiny little pussy.

If you truly believe the bullshit you spew, what's stopping you?

Are you unfamiliar with the meaning and origin of the word 'moderator'?

I won't even point about the irony of someone moderating a discussion board referring to others as 'keyboard commandos'.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

I'm getting that.

Well, I'm sure that makes you feel very special.

Now, if you have a point, feel free to make it.

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