Some hope that our President could extend his term!

You are aware that Osama Bin Laden's group repeatedly attacked the US throughout Clinton's 2 terms? That when he had the chance to kill the man he did nothing?

As for Bush, I must assume all the troops in Afghanistan are just there for show? And who was it that "announced" that the war there was over?

And of course Bush isn't pressuring Pakistan at all.

I think our President TOOK HIS EYE OFF THE BALL...... which has HURT us, and the rest of the world is no better for it either... world wide terrorism is at its highest levels ever in our history the last 5 years....

And I AM NOT blaming the president for the EVIL of these TERRORISTS...

they are the true evil.

I believe that if Bin Laden, Who took credit for 911 in a video which was shown world wide, had been captured or killed in action immediately after his attack on us on 911,

that terrorism would and could have taken a HUGE DEFEAT....

The Islamists would have thought that ALLAH was AGAINST their actions and what they did to us....

Instead, with him alive, the Islamists believe that ALLAH is with them and Jihad and the deaths the Jihad causes.

That's just the way they NOT capturing Bin Laden right away and changing course, by leaving afghanistan with only a minimum of resources and turning to Iraq as Bush's focus...has made terrorism worse worldwide and us less safe.....and has contributed to unnecessary lives lost imo.

You are aware that Osama Bin Laden's group repeatedly attacked the US throughout Clinton's 2 terms? That when he had the chance to kill the man he did nothing?

As for Bush, I must assume all the troops in Afghanistan are just there for show? And who was it that "announced" that the war there was over?

And of course Bush isn't pressuring Pakistan at all.

On our soil? 911 was a huge blow to our country and how safe we THOUGHT we were....

the Cole happened less than a month before the 2000 election, the CIA had not assesed and completed their analysis of the attack UNTIL JANUARY 2001, A WEEK BEFORE BUSH TOOK OVER....

now PLEASE tell me how your BELOVED PRESIDENT handled what Bin Laden's group did to us with the ss Cole?


Clinton did not....this was President Bush's responsibility to go after the Cole attackers and IF HE HAD and succeedded, you are right, there probably WOULD HAVE BEEN NO ATTACK ON 911 imho.

On our soil? 911 was a huge blow to our country and how safe we THOUGHT we were....

the Cole happened less than a month before the 2000 election, the CIA had not assesed and completed their analysis of the attack UNTIL JANUARY 2001, A WEEK BEFORE BUSH TOOK OVER....

now PLEASE tell me how your BELOVED PRESIDENT handled what Bin Laden's group did to us with the ss Cole?


Clinton did not....this was President Bush's responsibility to go after the Cole attackers and IF HE HAD and succeedded, you are right, there probably WOULD HAVE BEEN NO ATTACK ON 911 imho.


He has taken the fight to the terrorists - something Clinton never did

BTW -Atta and Co were know to the Clinton people one year BEFORE 9-11 happened

They did nothing as usual
and Dems want to surrender to terrorists in Iraq - how will that improve things?

Sometimes, being smarter is being wiser rsr....

Just because we redeploy out of Iraq does not mean the terrorists win....

Especially if we go after Alqaeda with a vengence in Afghanistan, (and yes ret sgt maybe even in to Pakistan...their president is a near walking dead man, even with major protection, an assasination of him might succeed... :( we need his ok NOW to go in to his country...) and in Africa where there are new training camps coming up.

Those FEW Alqaeda left in Iraq will follow us to the surrounding regions probably....if not, the Iraqis way out number them and will take care of them.

Sometimes, being smarter is being wiser rsr....

Just because we redeploy out of Iraq does not mean the terrorists win....

Especially if we go after Alqaeda with a vengence in Afghanistan, (and yes ret sgt maybe even in to Pakistan...their president is a near walking dead man, even with major protection, an assasination of him might succeed... :( we need his ok NOW to go in to his country...) and in Africa where there are new training camps coming up.

Those FEW Alqaeda left in Iraq will follow us to the surrounding regions probably....if not, the Iraqis way out number them and will take care of them.


Right Care

Telling the enemy when the US troops will leave is a brilliant military tactic - if you want to lose the war
He has taken the fight to the terrorists - something Clinton never did

BTW -Atta and Co were know to the Clinton people one year BEFORE 9-11 happened

They did nothing as usual

And what the Clinton Cia / Fbi had learned during that year about atta and others, they passed on to the Bush Administration, WHO DID NOTHING, your point being?

And why won't the Bush administration let the info come out on this? It is almost as if they are covering for what happened under Clinton...that congressman, what was his name....? oh, weldon I think, he tried to get the administration to bring out this info but was squashed by the repubs and he was not helped with his reelection and ended up losing his no one is there to be the thorn in their side and we will never find out....what the cia/fbi/nsa had on Atta beforehand....

Do you remember the name of this "operation", it has slipped my mind, but congressman weldon kept using a "name" for it? I want to do a google and see if anything new has been reported on it...

We will leave when the enemy is defeated and Iraq can stand on it's own

That is victory Care

Not the defeat Dems want in Iraq

Phrases like "when the enemy is defeated" and "can stand on it's own" are highly subjective and have no good definition at this point. Hence your invalid argument.
A lefty congressman wants access to our President's secret plans to rule after the next disaster! Why does a congressman need to know this? It's absolutely none of his business. He would be better off just trying to get more porkbarrel for his district. Our President and Vice President know what they are doing, thank you very much.

So help me God, I will lead the Revolution myself IF they try to stay in power AFTER 2008.

And the members of Homeland Security committee SHOULD have access to this "plan" of theirs and should be able to review it, in confidence.

With these power, our President could set aside the Constitution, and could ban the ACLU, abolish the liberal media, ignore (arrest) the seditious antiwar leftists in Congress and ban abortion, and, among other things, he could finally upgrade our Christian heritage to the official status it deserves. My wish list goes on and on. But finally, our President Bush could complete his pro-American agenda without interference from liberals who hate America and our troops.

Being a TRUE conservative American, ENOUGHT is ENOUGHT.......:eusa_shhh:
So help me God, I will lead the Revolution myself IF they try to stay in power AFTER 2008.

And the members of Homeland Security committee SHOULD have access to this "plan" of theirs and should be able to review it, in confidence.

That's treason.
I have never in my life seen so many delusional people, and some of the most stupid allegations by people, as I have during this presidency of President Bush....

I am very afraid of where our country is heading, if there are so many idiotic people out there, who buy into all this made up shit....

Good Grief...I couldn't wait for President Clinton to leave office, but not once did I think, that he was going to ignore the rules of the Presidency and not leave when he was suppose to and proclame himself our KING FOR LIFE.....

You all are so hysterically funny, and way out in the twilight zone....
I'm not sure if you all will be able to reenter the REAL WORLD......:cuckoo:
Yeah crazy allegations like

the Tillman hero story

The Lynch Hero story

the WP in Fallugia story

the no WMDs in Iraq story

The no AQ ties in Iraq story

Abu Garib abuse storys

Valerie Plame leaks stories

Attorneys fired for bad behavior stories

and on and on and on.
I have never in my life seen so many delusional people, and some of the most stupid allegations by people, as I have during this presidency of President Bush....

I am very afraid of where our country is heading, if there are so many idiotic people out there, who buy into all this made up shit....

Good Grief...I couldn't wait for President Clinton to leave office, but not once did I think, that he was going to ignore the rules of the Presidency and not leave when he was suppose to and proclame himself our KING FOR LIFE.....

You all are so hysterically funny, and way out in the twilight zone....
I'm not sure if you all will be able to reenter the REAL WORLD......:cuckoo:

Libs are obsessed with hate toward Pres Bush

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