Some Israelis yearn for new lives in Germany

Actually the only thing kept the Zionist dream alive again the Maleriyan Swams,the radical climate, and of course the hostile Arabs was the love to Israel, its a stupidity to believe somone will toss that away just to get a cheaper yogurt, and that's the begging, but the hostile Arabs always been a reason to leave for some.
The fact nobody like to live in a hostile neighborhood is obvious, the fact other does indicate something far greater than love to the place.
The Israeli Jews are very European, they will do fine in Germany.

Except scumbag, for the majority that were ethnically cleansed from arab muslim countries.

For the humans here, this is a good example of the pals who are so in love with the hamas murderous dictatorship:

Palestinian migrants fleeing Gaza Strip drown in Mediterranean Sea Al Jazeera America

"Palestinian migrants fleeing Gaza Strip drown in Mediterranean Sea"

Well, being bombed and murdered by the thousands every year would do that, don't you think moron.
When you bomb a UN school full of children, it is murder.

Not if the terrorist scum if hiding there and firing rockets from it, idiot moron ignorant animal racist filthy turd. Go read the geneva conventions - oh that's right, the monkey can't read.

There were no freedom fighters firing from the school you disgusting sociopath. And get an education before you start a debate with your betters. The Israelis are the ones that are violating the Geneva Conventios, as confirmed by the UN.

"United Nations officials accused Israel of violating international law after artillery shells slammed into a school overflowing with evacuees Wednesday, an attack that Palestinian and U.N. officials said killed at least 20 people and wounded dozens as they slept."

U.N. says Israel violated international law after shells hit school in Gaza - The Washington Post
You mean selfish schmucks, yes they were, their cowardly acts are disgrace to humanity, justification falls under the same roof, disgusting as always.
You mean selfish schmucks, yes they were, their cowardly acts are disgrace to humanity, justification falls under the same roof, disgusting as always.

I see, a bunch of European go to Palestine, expel most of the people living there and steal their land, and you call the victims selfish. What a tool you are.
an attack that Palestinian and U.N. officials said killed at least 20 people and wounded dozens as they slept."

U.N. says Israel violated international law after shells hit school in Gaza - The Washington Post

Odd, even the Al Jazeera article about the same event said 10. And while 1 is too many, you decided to find the one with the most. Funny, Hamas does the same thing.

And then there is the other side of the story. Wasn't that the strike on the guys on the motorcycles where they were dragged into the school afterwards? Or wasn't that the same school that has the large cache of Hamas war materiel?
You mean selfish schmucks, yes they were, their cowardly acts are disgrace to humanity, justification falls under the same roof, disgusting as always.

I see, a bunch of European go to Palestine, expel most of the people living there and steal their land, and you call the victims selfish. What a tool you are.
1.Not their land.
2.Not stealing.
3.Not expelling.
4.Not European.
5.Not a reason to justify such sociopathic behavior.
Starting the same debate all over again is an excellent way to passively avoid the fact you are the devil's lawyer, filth.
You mean selfish schmucks, yes they were, their cowardly acts are disgrace to humanity, justification falls under the same roof, disgusting as always.

I see, a bunch of European go to Palestine, expel most of the people living there and steal their land, and you call the victims selfish. What a tool you are.

1.Not their land.

Of course it is their land they owned over 90% of it.

2.Not stealing.

Of course it is stealing. What else can you call taking land away from the people who own it.

3.Not expelling.

Of course they were expelled. On one challenges that fact.

4.Not European.

Of course they were European, where the f_ck do you think they came from. Mars?

5.Not a reason to justify such sociopathic behavior.

What? Stealing their land, murdering thousands of them and then imprisoning them in Gulags. Should they say thanks?

If you weren't hiding behind a computer you wouldn't call me filth, trust me.
Some Israelis yearn for new lives in Germany
Oct 11th 2014 | JERUSALEM
IS BERLIN the new Jerusalem? A Facebook page launched in Hebrew this month on how to move to a city far from rockets and rocketing prices in Israel has gone viral, reaching 600,000 people in a week.

It is called Olim Le-Berlin, “Let’s ascend to Berlin”, using the same rousing verb Jews reserve for emigrating, or “ascending”, to Israel.

Even Professor Manuel Trajtenberg, a leading economist commissioned by the government to look at the high cost of living, which sparked mass protests in 2011, has piped in. “Berlin is more attractive than Tel Aviv,” he says.

The German Federal Statistics Office records an increase of just 400 Israeli immigrants per year.
Some 700,000 Israelis have abandoned the Promised Land since its creation, says Sergio DellaPergola, a demographer.

Jewish migration Next year in Berlin The Economist

I wonder how the Germans feel about this.
No wonder confused. And no wonder why jew govt hiring paid soldiers from over seas because wonder land is not attractive any more for the wanderer. I will advise to jewish give up nonsense idea that you are prime race and masaya is coming, if jew give up the silly idea world would be a nicer place.

I underlined all the lies you made.
I will separate you from the lie you are in. Please change your self if you are jew or tell to jew listen me and be real thanks.
You mean selfish schmucks, yes they were, their cowardly acts are disgrace to humanity, justification falls under the same roof, disgusting as always.

I see, a bunch of European go to Palestine, expel most of the people living there and steal their land, and you call the victims selfish. What a tool you are.
1.Not their land.
2.Not stealing.
3.Not expelling.
4.Not European.
5.Not a reason to justify such sociopathic behavior.
Starting the same debate all over again is an excellent way to passively avoid the fact you are the devil's lawyer, filth.
Daniyal you better call you self devil, who spreading evil around and making money on people suffering. You are paid aren't you evil.
Some Israelis yearn for new lives in Germany
Oct 11th 2014 | JERUSALEM
IS BERLIN the new Jerusalem? A Facebook page launched in Hebrew this month on how to move to a city far from rockets and rocketing prices in Israel has gone viral, reaching 600,000 people in a week.

It is called Olim Le-Berlin, “Let’s ascend to Berlin”, using the same rousing verb Jews reserve for emigrating, or “ascending”, to Israel.

Even Professor Manuel Trajtenberg, a leading economist commissioned by the government to look at the high cost of living, which sparked mass protests in 2011, has piped in. “Berlin is more attractive than Tel Aviv,” he says.

The German Federal Statistics Office records an increase of just 400 Israeli immigrants per year.
Some 700,000 Israelis have abandoned the Promised Land since its creation, says Sergio DellaPergola, a demographer.

Jewish migration Next year in Berlin The Economist

I wonder how the Germans feel about this.

Most probably very happy as they would see their economy grow at a much faster rate, then they would be given the reasons they need to expel muslims permanently. Or don't you yet understand that European nations have a muslim problem and the population are demanding action be taken to stop any further migration and reduce the numbers already there. By having an influx of Jews that could cause the muslims to become violent would be the nudge needed. Any arrested for racially aggravated attacks would face trial, prison and deportation without appeal.

Just wait until they start in the USA and the people start shooting them then you will see what the Israelis have to put with
The Israeli Jews are very European, they will do fine in Germany.

They are still Jews with the inalienable right to live in Palestine under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW

What right do the arab muslims have to squat on Israeli land given freely by the lands legal owners. Where is the treaty giving them the land ?
The Israeli Jews are very European, they will do fine in Germany.

Only a theory Sara, only a theory; fairly well debunked in my other thread:

About those European Jews . . . . US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is your mamma named Sara? I remember her. But is this what debunked your theory?

"Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European"

"Though the finding may seem intuitive, it contradicts the notion that European Jews mostly descend from people who left Israel and the Middle East around 2,000 years ago. Instead, a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England."

Surprise Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

Did you deliberately ignore this from your link

But depending on whether the lineage gets traced through maternal or paternal DNA or through the rest of the genome, researchers got very different answers for whether Ashkenazi originally came from Europe or the Near East

Past research found that 50 percent to 80 percent of DNA from the Ashkenazi Y chromosome, which is used to trace the male lineage, originated in the Near East, Richards said. That supported a story wherein Jews came from Israel and largely eschewed intermarriage when they settled in Europe

The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages

The finding should thoroughly debunk one of the most questionable, but still tenacious, hypotheses: that most Ashkenazi Jews can trace their roots to the mysterious Khazar Kingdom that flourished during the ninth century in the region between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire, Richards and Ostrer said.
The genetics suggest many of the founding Ashkenazi women were actually converts from local European populations.
"The simplest explanation was that it was mainly women who converted and they married with men who'd come from the Near East," Richards told LiveScience.

So destroying your stance on two separate subjects, that the Jews from Europe were not from Israel when the patriarchal line clearly was, and that the Jews from Europe are decendants of the Khazars that are still to be found.

Another fail by you because you did not proof read your source and relied on the word of others twice as stupid as you.

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