Some J6 rioters are still in solitary confinement with no charges, the guy who killed the kid in North Dakota last week is free

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Many of those being held on Jan 6 charges are being held on probation/parole holds. Others cannot make the they sit in jail. As for the solitary..well, it has been deemed that they are at risk in the Gen. Pop.--if they were being beat-up and pimped out, you'd be bitchin' about that, right?

It's a false equivalency to link the dude in ND. Bail is part of our system...some can make it..some cannot.

Oh, one is being held without charges. That's an out and out lie.
We beg pootie poo to vaporize D.C. Lies and lies and lies. I am supposed to live by rules and then be laughed at and destroyed for doing it.
This seems disparate.

Some people who entered the Capitol on J6 are still in solitary confinement with no charges.

Meanwhile, the guy who ran down that kid last week is free….sleeping in his own bed,

Does this seem fair?
Have you even tried to give comfort to your comrades?
Yep, that's crazy. Where did you come up wth all your conspiracy theories?
That old "conspiracy theorist" weapon doesn't work any more. You need to try to come up some new trick that y'all think might shut us up.







^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Big box of old, worn out leftist tools that simply don't work any more.
Ray Epps is running around Scot free, even though he's on video inciting and entered the Capitol building like everyone else.

The only "insurrectionist" that the liberoidals are completely disinterested in.
Do you really think that everyone who entered the capital on Jan. 6 has been charged? the Ray Epps thing is as big of a humbug as I've seen yet..a complete attempt to deflect with one of the wildest conspiracy theories you'll ever read.
That old "conspiracy theorist" weapon doesn't work any more. You need to try to come up some new trick that y'all think might shut us up.







^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Big box of old, worn out leftist tools that simply don't work any more.
I doubt that even the most optimistic would think that shutting you up is even possible. I believe the goal is to drown you all out with laughter.
Translation -- "I got nothing, folks. At least somebody here will think I'm smart if I insult this person."
Whatever Dufus--it is still a lie that any are being held without charges from the Jan. 6th incident. You can wiggle..and squirm...use every tawdry rhetorical trick you have in your pathetic arsenal..that fact will remain a fact.
That old "conspiracy theorist" weapon doesn't work any more. You need to try to come up some new trick that y'all think might shut us up.







^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Big box of old, worn out leftist tools that simply don't work any more.
Not a weapon or tool, just an accurate description that you reinforce every time you post.
Do you really think that everyone who entered the capital on Jan. 6 has been charged? the Ray Epps thing is as big of a humbug as I've seen yet..a complete attempt to deflect with one of the wildest conspiracy theories you'll ever read.
See what I mean folks?

The dude is on numerous videos inciting the crowd around him....Spoke to a masked individual immediately before he assaulted the bike rack barrier -actual physical violence, and the leftbat freaks are completely disinterested.

But the scores of protesters who've been locked up on the D.C. gulag for over a year and a half over misdemeanor infractions?....Ho-hum.

You clowns have turned into everything that y'all claimed to detest a mere generation ago.
I doubt that even the most optimistic would think that shutting you up is even possible. I believe the goal is to drown you all out with laughter.
One of the mods posted some good advise yesterday about ignoring trolls. Don't feed the trolls.
Not possible. I agree that y'all are loud, but fact remains that you are a minority.

But go ahead and try. any count..your ilk are the minority. In fact, in a broader sense..the Republicans have been in the minority for a while now. If it were not for gerrymandering and Karl Rove, you'd be a footnote.

Hard core conservatives are even fewer. The numerical majority of this country abhors most of your beliefs and is impatiently waiting for the tide to continue its turning.
The good old prove the predictable. A statement was is the duty of the person who initially made it to 'prove it'. Of course neither him nor you can prove shit---so it stands as a lie.

Dumbass Troll~
Yep. Philosophy 101. Logic segment. "One does not prove a negative." any count..your ilk are the minority. In fact, in a broader sense..the Republicans have been in the minority for a while now. If it were not for gerrymandering and Karl Rove, you'd be a footnote.

Hard core conservatives are even fewer. The numerical majority of this country abhors most of your beliefs and is impatiently waiting for the tide to continue its turning.
I am still in the process of counting. Your "ilk" make up roughly 30% of the politically vocal posters on USMB. I just assume that there is no real reason that the demographics of this board should differ radically from the demographics of this country as a whole.

You're in the 30%.
There was at least one example where the feds admitted they held the guy without charges.

So, don't dismiss the possibility that they have done it to others.
Many Cities have passed No bail Laws. Unless you’re arrested for MURDER ( Not even attempted) you’re free !
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