Some J6 rioters are still in solitary confinement with no charges, the guy who killed the kid in North Dakota last week is free

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Directly followed by the passive-aggressive use of the "haha" reaction emoji.

Beyond pathetic.
Which of course..has Jack to do with the topic..but that kinda par for you. You like to sh!t on posts..but provide no facts. Long on insult but short on cogent comment.
Just another pathetic accelerationist--stirring the pot~
Many of those being held on Jan 6 charges are being held on probation/parole holds. Others cannot make the they sit in jail. As for the solitary..well, it has been deemed that they are at risk in the Gen. Pop.--if they were being beat-up and pimped out, you'd be bitchin' about that, right?

It's a false equivalency to link the dude in ND. Bail is part of our system...some can make it..some cannot.

Oh, one is being held without charges. That's an out and out lie.

Whatever Dufus--it is still a lie that any are being held without charges from the Jan. 6th incident. You can wiggle..and squirm...use every tawdry rhetorical trick you have in your pathetic arsenal..that fact will remain a fact.

Yes, there are people being held in violation of the law.
I am still in the process of counting. Your "ilk" make up roughly 30% of the politically vocal posters on USMB. I just assume that there is no real reason that the demographics of this board should differ radically from the demographics of this country as a whole.

You're in the 30%.
Really? You take a Conservative board...a small one...and project those demographics to include 400,000,000 people? That's beyond dumb, you must know this?

I wonder..why you don't post official data? Oh yeah//you disagree with it and/or it doesn't bolster your particular point, right?
Which of course..has Jack to do with the topic..but that kinda par for you. You like to sh!t on posts..but provide no facts. Long on insult but short on cogent comment.
Just another pathetic accelerationist--stirring the pot~
Has everything to do with it....It's just that you, like every other moonbat hack, lack the self-awareness to recognize the fact.

You're totally disinterested in a clear provocateur, while dozens languish in jail over minor charges.

Hacks gonna hack.
Which of course..has Jack to do with the topic..but that kinda par for you. You like to sh!t on posts..but provide no facts. Long on insult but short on cogent comment.
Just another pathetic accelerationist--stirring the pot~
Oh, look! You clever lefties made up a new word. As I think about the years I've spent observing y'all, it comes to mind that making up new words is probably just about the only thing y'all do well. Well, that and burning shit down, assaulting those who disagree with you and taking things that don't belong to you.

I have a very special bowl of cherries for the really humorous folk who think their projection is effective. They're the really big, juicy ones. Have some! :itsok:
45 days.

Uhh...hello..this is reality calling---it's just the Mid-terms. Whatever happens nothing will change for the vast majority of Americans. your side wins..much crowing...loses..much groaning and accusing. For most, it's a yawn and back to work~
This seems disparate.

Some people who entered the Capitol on J6 are still in solitary confinement with no charges.

Meanwhile, the guy who ran down that kid last week is free….sleeping in his own bed,

Does this seem fair?
Garland is violating their 6th amendment right to a speedy trial.
The Democrat Party is a totalitarian cult.
Uhh...hello..this is reality calling---it's just the Mid-terms. Whatever happens nothing will change for the vast majority of Americans. your side wins..much crowing...loses..much groaning and accusing. For most, it's a yawn and back to work~
Well, at least you have an opinion. I guess that's good for you.
I am still in the process of counting. Your "ilk" make up roughly 30% of the politically vocal posters on USMB. I just assume that there is no real reason that the demographics of this board should differ radically from the demographics of this country as a whole.

You're in the 30%.
Demokooks are vastly over-represented on online forums for 2 reasons:

A) They pay some to be there.

B) Many forums censor and ban conservatives for being what they are.

It appears this one does not do B.
Has everything to do with it....It's just that you, like every other moonbat hack, lack the self-awareness to recognize the fact.

You're totally disinterested in a clear provocateur, while dozens languish in jail over minor charges.

Hacks gonna hack.
Yeah..but ya see...we don't accept your conclusions...not a 'clear provocateur' but just another shit-talking member of the mob, nothing more.
We don't see a lot the charges as 'minor'--as indeed many of them are not.

Languishing in jail is something that 10's of millions of poor Americans have odd that now it's an they are getting treated just like everyone else.

You do know that the majority of people arrested for the Jan. 6 affair were either released on their own recognizance or bail, right/and that that many of those being held are being held on parole and probation issues?
Garland is violating their 6th amendment right to a speedy trial.
The Democrat Party is a totalitarian cult.
Garland has nothing to do with that fact. Every single one of them has waived their rights to a speedy trial--on advise of counsel. This is common. One can insist, but usually time favors the it's a common tactic.
This seems disparate.

Some people who entered the Capitol on J6 are still in solitary confinement with no charges.

Meanwhile, the guy who ran down that kid last week is free….sleeping in his own bed,

Does this seem fair?
The Nazis have priorities. The Protesters of the Reichstag Fire are a SERIOUS DANGER - to absolute rule by the Nazi democrat party.

The guy who murdered the Republican kid was probably acting on orders from the democrat Reich.
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