Some kids separated at border may never see parents again

You want to send small children back to find their parents when some of them are too small to even know what country they came from? You would shoot a child who was brought here to escape that very thing in their war torn countries.

They’re criminals and foreigners. Either is worthy of seeing them shot. They don’t belong here. Never have and never will.
What kind of a mother sends her child off with some cartel thug or drags it across the Sonoran Desert, hoping they can cross the border before they run out of water or run into a mohave rattler? How about you tree-huggers come on down and see the tons of trash they've strewn across our beautiful desert? You all know what happens when they get here...robbed, raped, and dropped into a world they know nothing about. What kind of mother does that to herself let alone her child?

Oh FFS! Maybe a few have done it, but the majority of them are actual families. They have even taken nursing babies from their mothers. Do you think a woman can just start making milk when she holds a baby? You have fallen for those lies vomited by the shit stain in DC.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Oh well. I hope the little bastards were sterilized while in government custody so they can't breed more mexishit. Their "parents" shouldn't have come here illegally. No one to blame but themselves

God you're awful! I've read the terrible things you've said about blacks too and I'll bet you have your hood and robe hanging in your closet.
Yes its right beside my SS uniform! :D. I care about MY race and ONLY my race. Get over it I don't give a shit.
You want to send small children back to find their parents when some of them are too small to even know what country they came from? You would shoot a child who was brought here to escape that very thing in their war torn countries.

They’re criminals and foreigners. Either is worthy of seeing them shot. They don’t belong here. Never have and never will.
You are a disgusting piece of human filth.
What kind of a mother sends her child off with some cartel thug or drags it across the Sonoran Desert, hoping they can cross the border before they run out of water or run into a mohave rattler? How about you tree-huggers come on down and see the tons of trash they've strewn across our beautiful desert? You all know what happens when they get here...robbed, raped, and dropped into a world they know nothing about. What kind of mother does that to herself let alone her child?

Oh FFS! Maybe a few have done it, but the majority of them are actual families. They have even taken nursing babies from their mothers. Do you think a woman can just start making milk when she holds a baby? You have fallen for those lies vomited by the shit stain in DC.
Oh shut up cat lady. Obama and the Beast are out and that tired bleeding heart shit with them.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

Many of the families left their children here and then went back to Mexico....that is the truth. They want their kids raised here and so left them here.

You don't understand the situation.
Do conservatives understand the word”empathy”?
Apparently, NO!
How many conservatives know what the Bible says about “empathy”?
Apparently, NONE!

And how many immigrants from the middle east has New Zealand taken in? Dittos Australia? How easy is it to enter Australia and just stay....? Please, explain.
Do conservatives understand the word”empathy”?
Apparently, NO!
How many conservatives know what the Bible says about “empathy”?
Apparently, NONE!

We need to build a wall and quickly unite these children with their parents back in their country of origin.


We are addressing children. But you chose to divert the cruelty so you can spout Trumpism.
Typical Little Trumpsters.

I know. Children. Just awful!
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Oh well. I hope the little bastards were sterilized while in government custody so they can't breed more mexishit. Their "parents" shouldn't have come here illegally. No one to blame but themselves

God you're awful! I've read the terrible things you've said about blacks too and I'll bet you have your hood and robe hanging in your closet.
Yes its right beside my SS uniform! :D. I care about MY race and ONLY my race. Get over it I don't give a shit.
So then I'm assuming that you don't want a doctor from India treating you or operating on you, or a black paramedic treating you if you're in a wreck, or any black police responding to any 911 calls you might make, or any black firefighters responding to your house burning?

You need to put a huge sign in your yard and on your car that says, "fucking racist lives here/drives this car and only wants white help of any kind." And have it also noted on your medical records that only white doctors and other medical staff can treat you. Oh, and if you happen to need brains surgery, don't let Ben Carson do it. You wouldn't want his black hands touching your white brain.
What kind of a mother sends her child off with some cartel thug or drags it across the Sonoran Desert, hoping they can cross the border before they run out of water or run into a mohave rattler? How about you tree-huggers come on down and see the tons of trash they've strewn across our beautiful desert? You all know what happens when they get here...robbed, raped, and dropped into a world they know nothing about. What kind of mother does that to herself let alone her child?

Oh FFS! Maybe a few have done it, but the majority of them are actual families. They have even taken nursing babies from their mothers. Do you think a woman can just start making milk when she holds a baby? You have fallen for those lies vomited by the shit stain in DC.

I live 179 miles from the border....ever been down here? I used to spend weekends with fellow Minutemen ex-GIs helping glass the crossings and alert the border patrol. You have no idea what I've seen and had to call in. Once doing some scouting before Javelina season, I came across two corpses under a mesquite tree...both naked, driven crazy by the heat, crawled up under that tree for shade and died in each other's arms. I'm a Viet combat vet....when you think nothing can get to you after that, you find out different. Build the Wall.
Well , today the Little Trumpsters, again demonstrated their inability to have empathy, because their minds are so small and dominated by Trumpism. They ignore the psychological harm knowing done to children and all they can say, “the Wall, the Wall”!
This is right out of 1984. Scary.

I agree, we shouldn't separate any kids, ever.
Let's build that wall now, for the children!!!!!
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Some parents are just leaving their kids here. They don't even care about them which was evident when they decided to break the law

Now we have a whole new group of DACA (Dreamers) kids to contend with
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Well then you're safe because I could never agree with someone as disgusting and hateful as you. I'd say you're avi is your selfie.

My selfie is far more horrific to look at than my avi.

Hate, Fear, Anger, Violence - the Four Horsemen of True Morality.
What kind of a mother sends her child off with some cartel thug or drags it across the Sonoran Desert, hoping they can cross the border before they run out of water or run into a mohave rattler? How about you tree-huggers come on down and see the tons of trash they've strewn across our beautiful desert? You all know what happens when they get here...robbed, raped, and dropped into a world they know nothing about. What kind of mother does that to herself let alone her child?

Oh FFS! Maybe a few have done it, but the majority of them are actual families. They have even taken nursing babies from their mothers. Do you think a woman can just start making milk when she holds a baby? You have fallen for those lies vomited by the shit stain in DC.

I live 179 miles from the border....ever been down here? I used to spend weekends with fellow Minutemen ex-GIs helping glass the crossings and alert the border patrol. You have no idea what I've seen and had to call in. Once doing some scouting before Javelina season, I came across two corpses under a mesquite tree...both naked, driven crazy by the heat, crawled up under that tree for shade and died in each other's arms. I'm a Viet combat vet....when you think nothing can get to you after that, you find out different. Build the Wall.
I'm sorry that you had to see all of that, I really am, but that wall isn't going to do shit and surely you know that. They have found tunnels under some areas of the walls already up, and how do you build a wall where this country can be entered from water? Also, planes can fly over it.

Oh, and here's an actual picture of part of the existing wall..

Central American migrants traveling with a caravan gather at the border wall, some sitting on top of it, look toward the U.S. from Mexico during a gathering of migrants living on both sides of the border, on the beach where the border wall ends in the ocean, in Tijuana, Mexico, Sunday, April 29, 2018. U.S.

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