Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

So now all black votes for Biden was cheating. You are a racist because you say Trump did not have proof of any fraud, PEnce was right not to do it.
I said nothing at all about black votes. You’re a dishonest hack race baiting troll. Fuck off ya asshole.
I said nothing at all about black votes.
You are not a stupid racist. You said
Yes. The plan was to deny the cheaters the fruits of their efforts. So fucking what?
You said all Biden voters are cheaters knowing that 90% of all bjack voters are Biden voters . You accuse 9 of 10 Black voters to be cheaters. You are a racist because you admit there was no evidence of cheating by Biden voters.
That’s ^ bullshit even by your degenerate standards.
10 minutes after the rioters broke into the capitol thru a window...

Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

Trump wasnt on speaker terms with Pence then, so it would be plausable that Trump approved of haning Mike Pence.
The Trump efforts did not attempt to disenfranchise any voters.
Trump’s fake certifications scam according to the Eastman MEMO was to then get the entire election settled in the House.

That sends the matter to the House, where the “the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote . . . .” Republicans currently control 26 of the state delegations, the bare majority needed to win that vote.​
Trump was taking the entire election to be decided not by me and my black neighbors who voted for Biden and we won to a vote in the House,and you maintain Trump efforts did not attempt to disenfranchise any voters.

That is absurd. Every Biden voter would’ve been disenfranchised - Tens of millions of us. We didn’t steal anything. You and Trump are liars.

Good news DOJ is on the Trump FAKE Electors SCAM,


written by a conservative who also wrote its ….“Clearly it is time for NATO to re-examine the reasons for its existence so far beyond its prime.”

NATO today: The sad decline of a grand alliance​


William Moloney, Ph.D.,

The FBI Is going after TRUMP and the anti-democracy insurrectionists close to him and the fake electors in seven states.

Donald Trump's inner circle is the focus of an investigation by the Department of Justice into the fraudulent electors that were submitted to Congress by Republicans in multiple states​
Justice Department prosecutors have subpoenaed information about some of former President Donald Trump's lawyers and closest advisers as part of their criminal investigation into efforts to put forward fake slates of electors in the 2020 election, a source familiar with the investigation told CNN. The subpoena asks a witness connected to a slate of "alternate" electors for Trump in a state that Joe Biden won to provide to a federal grand jury any communications with government employees, with the Trump campaign and with some of the most prominent people around Trump in 2020, according to the source familiar with the probe," CNN reported Wednesday.​
Earlier on Wednesday, The New York Timesreported the focus was on lawyers, including Giuliani, Eastman, Jenna Ellis and Kenneth Chesebro.​
The CNN list also includes advisor Boris Epshteyn and Giuliani sidekick Bernard Kerik along with rump lawyers Joe diGenova, Victoria Toensin.​
"The subpoena, the source said, specifically asks about the signing or mailing of certificates of elector votes for Trump in 2020," CNN reported. "Legal experts have said that the Republican electors who sent the fake certificates or anyone who facilitated the plot could be vulnerable to prosecution, including for providing false voting documents to the federal government."​
William Moloney is a Fellow in Conservative Thought at Colorado Christian University's Centennial Institute w
"The election was RIGGED," Trump falsely claimed. "They used Covid to cheat and steal, and the evidence is massive and indisputable. See '2000 Mules.'"
Since you’re the one always being up race (even injecting it into utterly unrelated discussions) it’s obvious that you’re the racist,
Black Americans, because they are disproportionately in employment positions that had to be in public during the Covid pandemic. They have less access to healthcare in poor areas. Black Americans suffered and died disproportionately at a much higher rate than white Americans from COVID. And your racist insensitive son of a bitch Trump is still spouting shit like that, And you damn well know there was no evidence of fraud. You stated it here very often and you still support the worthless piece of shit human being that Donald Trump is. That says a lot about you.
You are not a stupid racist. You said

You said all Biden voters are cheaters knowing that 90% of all bjack voters are Biden voters . You accuse 9 of 10 Black voters to be cheaters. You are a racist because you admit there was no evidence of cheating by Biden voters.
I’m not a racist - period.

I didn’t ever say all Brandon voters are cheaters.

You are an unmitigated raving liar. Gfy.
10 minutes after the rioters broke into the capitol thru a window...

Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

Trump wasnt on speaker terms with Pence then, so it would be plausable that Trump approved of haning Mike Pence.
It would be plausible that you’re an absolute imbecile.
Your words. One time Trump didn’t try to eliminate bkack voters. Another time Trump’s plan was to deny all the bjack cheaters that voted for Biden.
My words? You’re a liar. At all times I denied your idiot claims. Trump did seek to deny the cheaters the benefit of their effort. The effort at cheating by the Democraps would have denied the franchise to all. What I said was that any effort to disenfranchise would do so to all, not just to any one racial group. I pointed out that you are a racist for always seeking to force fit race into places where the issue isn’t even applicable. Your a lying scumbag intentionally dishonest troll.

So there is no “one time” “another time” in anything I said. I remain consistent. Trump didn’t seek to disenfranchise anyone. Even if there had been an effort to scuttle the purported vote “results,” that wouldn’t disenfranchise anyone much less one racial group you, blithering shithead.

Trump’s fake certifications scam according to the Eastman MEMO was to then get the entire election settled in the House.

That sends the matter to the House, where the “the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote . . . .” Republicans currently control 26 of the state delegations, the bare majority needed to win that vote.​
Trump was taking the entire election to be decided not by me and my black neighbors who voted for Biden and we won to a vote in the House,and you maintain Trump efforts did not attempt to disenfranchise any voters.

That is absurd. Every Biden voter would’ve been disenfranchised - Tens of millions of us. We didn’t steal anything. You and Trump are liars.

Good news DOJ is on the Trump FAKE Electors SCAM,

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In the view of Trump, the fake electors would be the slate allegedly “elected” by virtue of massive cheating. The alternative slate would be the valid electors. Since you are incapable of grasping even that obvious a premise, you remain impervious to logic. Gfy.
"The election was RIGGED," Trump falsely claimed. "They used Covid to cheat and steal, and the evidence is massive and indisputable. See '2000 Mules.'"

Black Americans, because they are disproportionately in employment positions that had to be in public during the Covid pandemic. They have less access to healthcare in poor areas. Black Americans suffered and died disproportionately at a much higher rate than white Americans from COVID. And your racist insensitive son of a bitch Trump is still spouting shit like that, And you damn well know there was no evidence of fraud. You stated it here very often and you still support the worthless piece of shit human being that Donald Trump is. That says a lot about you.
Again: you are far too dense to follow the conversation. The disputed election and then contemplated ways of preventing the steal had not a single thing to do with race. You’re a fraud. You’re a liar. You’re a racist. You’re a scumbag. Gfy.
The disputed election and then contemplated ways of preventing the steal had not a single thing to do with race.
There was no legitimately disputable election after December 14 when all the states certified their elections which was won by the candidate that had the most voters which included the most minority and diverse voters ever in a US election.

Trump just yesterday again told us we cheated and you are on record that he had no proof.

What the fuck is this rant just yesterday from liar you work so hard to defend?

"The election was RIGGED," Trump falsely claimed. "They used Covid to cheat and steal, and the evidence is massive and indisputable. See '2000 Mules.'"​
There was no legitimately disputable election after December 14 when all the states certified their elections which was won by the candidate that had the most voters which included the most minority and diverse voters ever in a US election.

Trump just yesterday again told us we cheated and you are on record that he had no proof.

What the fuck is this rant just yesterday from liar you work so hard to defend?

"The election was RIGGED," Trump falsely claimed. "They used Covid to cheat and steal, and the evidence is massive and indisputable. See '2000 Mules.'"​
I don’t value (in any way) your opinion about the validity of the election.

Similarly, I place zero stock in the contention that Trump’s claim was “false.”

And your quibbles are beside the point anyway, for reasons previously noted.

Yes. The plan was to deny the cheaters the fruits of their efforts. So fucking what? Give it a rest

That is all Biden voters? Trump tried (using fake electors) to deprive me and millions of black voters ofthe legitimate fruit of our efforts and you say ‘so fucking what” And you know he had no evidence of any election fraud.

I didn’t ever say all Brandon voters are cheaters.

In the top quote who exactly are the cheaters? You make no distinction between legitimate voters and voters who cheated because you don’t know , because there were none of any significant amount. a handful here and there.
I don’t value (in any way) your opinion about the validity of the election.
You are on record here that Trump had no evidence. We can’t have it both ways. Do you know I want to say that Trump had valid evidence. If so let’s see it

You wouldn’t value my opinion on anything. So quit wasting your breath on that one. You do not value facts reality and the truth. You value Trumpism. Trumpism has nothing to do with any of that
That is all Biden voters? Trump tried (using fake electors) to deprive me and millions of black voters ofthe legitimate fruit of our efforts and you say ‘so fucking what” And you know he had no evidence of any election fraud.

In the top quote who exactly are the cheaters? You make no distinction between legitimate voters and voters who cheated because you don’t know , because there were none of any significant amount. a handful here and there.
You’re seriously stupid. Tragically stupid.

No, you flea. Some folks did cast votes for Brandon. They aren’t cheating if they cast their sole vote for the candidate of their preference. Nobody is talking about the legitimate voters or votes, you dumbass impervious wall of perpetual befuddlement. God almighty, you are an imbecile.

I also know that there was crystal clear evidence of voter fraud. You do too. You just won’t admit it.

Because, unlike you, I care about the truth, I make efforts to be precise and accurate which is why I have repeatedly said that I cannot form the conclusion that there was proof of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen. That’s why I supported and still support the Pence decision to reject a proposal to refuse to certify the electoral results.


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