Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

You are on record here that Trump had no evidence. We can’t have it both ways. Do you know I want to say that Trump had valid evidence. If so let’s see it

You wouldn’t value my opinion on anything. So quit wasting your breath on that one. You do not value facts reality and the truth. You value Trumpism. Trumpism has nothing to do with any of that
No. I’m not on record that Trump had no evidence. You lie incessantly. Plus you’re fully retarded. That doesn’t help. Gfy.
In the view of Trump, the fake electors would be the slate allegedly “elected” by virtue of massive cheating.
But you say on January 6 Trump had no evidence of fraud or massive cheating. But ok that he tried to disenfranchise every single Biden voter by setting up fake electors and going through the process laid out in the Eastman memo. It wasn’t just something that he talked about it’s something he tried to do. ZIg successful Millions of black voters and other Biden voters would be disenfranchised. Based on a lie.

Here you just say it again.

I also know that there was crystal clear evidence of voter fraud.

But …
I cannot form the conclusion that there was proof of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen.
I cannot form the conclusion that there was proof of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen.

No. I’m not on record that Trump had no evidence.

Your quote at the top is you on record saying that Trump had no evidence to be able to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen.

Whatever the hell he had was not sufficient he had no evidence. He had no evidence that justified what he tried to do to disenfranchise millions of black voters.

18 months later he still has not enough evidence and he just tweeted yesterday that the election was stolen because of massive fraud with lots of evidence. Why do you still support that lying sack of shit?

WTF is this crap?

"The election was RIGGED," Trump falsely claimed. "They used Covid to cheat and steal, and the evidence is massive and indisputable. See '2000 Mules.'"

You say he had nothing tha would overturn the election which means he lost.
Your quote at the top is you on record saying that Trump had no evidence to be able to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen.

Whatever the hell he had was not sufficient he had no evidence. He had no evidence that justified what he tried to do to disenfranchise millions of black voters.

18 months later he still has not enough evidence and he just tweeted yesterday that the election was stolen because of massive fraud with lots of evidence. Why do you still support that lying sack of shit?

WTF is this crap?

"The election was RIGGED," Trump falsely claimed. "They used Covid to cheat and steal, and the evidence is massive and indisputable. See '2000 Mules.'"

You say he had nothing tha would overturn the election which means he lost.
What I cannot say and what I decline to consider sufficient evidence isn’t the same as what Trump thought or believed, you flaming asshole.

"The election was RIGGED," Trump falsely claimed. "They used Covid to cheat and steal, and the evidence is massive and indisputable. See '2000 Mules.'"

I am not asking you about what Trump thought or believed about election fraud I am asking you if you have seen trump produce evidence that there was massive election fraud on or before January 6 when he tried to throw out my vote?

I have repeatedly said that I cannot form the conclusion that there was proof of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen.

I do not want you to form a conclusion. There is no way one single individual can form a conclusion. I want you to tell me that you have seen Trump produce physically and material evidence that there was massive voter fraud in seven states that would justify him taking unconstitutional steps and by committing fraud against the US government to overturn the election. Have you seen it

Liar. I never said that.

You said this: “I cannot form the conclusion that there was proof of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen”

That’s because Trump has not used the hundreds of millions that his cult members sent him to find evidence of massive election fraud that would overturn the election. If he found it you could make the conclusion. Get it. Until he produces it there’s no reason to believe that massive election fraud exist s. it didn’t cost him the election. He is a liar
What I cannot say and what I decline to consider sufficient evidence isn’t the same as what Trump thought or believed,
I am looking for facts from you. I do not care what you consider to be severe sufficient evidence that there was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election sufficient to overturn it. That is trumps claim. You are nobody that matters as to what you think. It only matters what you see as an observable fact as to what Trump has produced as evidence. He has produce zero evidence and you have confirmed it by not being able to identify it as you have admitted. Trump is a liar. What he believes or what he thinks is massive voter fraud is in the realm of a deluded madman.

This message yesterday comes from a malfunctioning brain of a deluded madman.

Trump and I assume you would put him in the White House again. And you certainly seem to be OK with him committing fraud to be in the White House right now at the expense of every black voter who voted for Biden.

"The election was RIGGED," Trump falsely claimed. "They used Covid to cheat and steal, and the evidence is massive and indisputable. See '2000 Mules.'"

What does Trump mean that we, Democrats used Covid to cheat and steal?
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Nobody is talking about the legitimate voters or votes,
You are a liar. Trump’s fake electors plan had a clear objective to have the election thrown to the House so Republicans could disenfranchise every single one of Bidens voters. There was no distinction between legitimate voters and illegitimate votors in Trump’s vile plan to make all his voters happy and all Biden’s voters unhappy and quite angry at the stench of it.
No. I’m not on record that Trump had no evidence.

When you said that you cannot form the conclusion that there was proof of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen you are saying that Trump has zero evidence for him to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen.

Do you think Trump is hiding his massive evidence of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes of Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico specifically were stolen?

Why has zero massive evidence of election fraud been exposed to the public and courts to date.?
I care about the truth, I make efforts to be precise and accurate which is why I have repeatedly said that I cannot form the conclusion that there was proof of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen.

Why don’t you expect that of Trump? There would have been no January 6 and no fake electors in on the attempt to overturn a legitimate election had Trump said on December 14 2020 that he cannot form the conclusion that there was proof of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes in Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico were stolen.
I am looking for facts from you. I do not care what you consider to be severe sufficient evidence that there was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election sufficient to overturn it. That is trumps claim. You are nobody that matters as to what you think. It only matters what you see as an observable fact as to what Trump has produced as evidence. He has produce zero evidence and you have confirmed it by not being able to identify it as you have admitted. Trump is a liar. What he believes or what he thinks is massive voter fraud is in the realm of a deluded madman.

This message yesterday comes from a malfunctioning brain of a deluded madman.

Trump and I assume you would put him in the White House again. And you certainly seem to be OK with him committing fraud to be in the White House right now at the expense of every black voter who voted for Biden.

What does Trump mean that we, Democrats used Covid to cheat and steal?
I am wickedly indifferent to what you claim to be seeking. Since you don’t post facts and miscomprehend or lie about things that have been said, your claims about what is a “fact” lack merit or credibility.

You don’t grasp that not only are you a nobody but also an idiot and a liar. So, in case you missed it the last few times: gfy.
Since you don’t post facts
I have posted the fact that after December 14 2020 Trump had no recourse to stay in office by any legitimate means. I have said his only option was to concede the election and bring is allegations to court to prove and he would spare no cost to prove that the election was stolen from him. Everything he did with the fake electors up to January 6 was an attempt to defraud the federal government in order to overturn the election by disenfranchising every single voter in the Democratic Party or who voted Democrat to be rid of the son of a bitch. That is a fact December 14 was a cut off date. He had up until then to prove in a court of law that the election was rigged and stolen from him. He could not make the case. So he began a plot that had nothing to do with proving fraud. it had all to do with creating some chaos and getting the election decided by the House of Representatives where the Republicans had a one vote vote advantage over the Democrats. So all you’re talk of what Trump believed was election fraud has no bearing on this conversation at all because of December 14 which is known as “safe Harbor“. Once the votes are certified there ain’t no going back. You keep stating that Trump had a belief that there was election fraud and that he had one and that all he was trying to do was prove it. That is a lie. It is absurd. You cannot deal with the fact that Trump is the one who committed an attempt to not concede to the will of the people as if he were a Vladimir Putin oligarch, in order to continue his grifting hobby for four more years And become as wealthy as Putin, used to be.
I am wickedly indifferent to what you claim to be seeking.
Because I seek to find a case where your points or mental mush is based on facts.

I already knew you are indifferent to facts by everything you post here. Look at your posts. there’s no substance there.

You say “Trumps fake electors scheme had nothing to do with race” and your supportive argument is because you say so. Had Trump succeeded and wins by a vote in the House 90% of American black voters would be disenfranchised. That is a fact. It is not in dispute. That is what would result if Trump stays in office after losing an election where black voters wanted him gone. But your argument is “nobody would be disenfranchised by trumps plot“ And the only supportive basis you have for that is because you say so. Go back and read your posts. That’s all you do. Whatever you say is so and screw anybody if they don’t like it.
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The truth? You can't handle the truth! The truth is that millions of Americans did-and continue to-believe that the election was a sham and no one has proven otherwise. They have as much of a right to their own opinions as you do. Let's see some proof of your own conspiracy theories. All you are doing is stirring a pot that is already threatening to boil over.
Millions of Americans believe whatever trump says, real or not. Most of Trump's inner circle admits that he lost. Trump knows that he lost, but his huge ego took a hit, and he knows how to manipulate
uninformed people.
at least you’re dull.
As usual you have no facts. Maybe this will relieve your boredom.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) vowed that the upcoming hearings on the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection will “tell a story that will really blow the roof off the House.”
Raskin called the bid to overthrow the results of the 2020 election the “most heinous and dastardly political offense ever organized by a president and his followers and his entourage in the history of the United States.”
I have posted the fact that after December 14 2020 Trump had no recourse to stay in office by any legitimate means. I have said his only option was to concede the election and bring is allegations to court to prove and he would spare no cost to prove that the election was stolen from him. Everything he did with the fake electors up to January 6 was an attempt to defraud the federal government in order to overturn the election by disenfranchising every single voter in the Democratic Party or who voted Democrat to be rid of the son of a bitch. That is a fact December 14 was a cut off date. He had up until then to prove in a court of law that the election was rigged and stolen from him. He could not make the case. So he began a plot that had nothing to do with proving fraud. it had all to do with creating some chaos and getting the election decided by the House of Representatives where the Republicans had a one vote vote advantage over the Democrats. So all you’re talk of what Trump believed was election fraud has no bearing on this conversation at all because of December 14 which is known as “safe Harbor“. Once the votes are certified there ain’t no going back. You keep stating that Trump had a belief that there was election fraud and that he had one and that all he was trying to do was prove it. That is a lie. It is absurd. You cannot deal with the fact that Trump is the one who committed an attempt to not concede to the will of the people as if he were a Vladimir Putin oligarch, in order to continue his grifting hobby for four more years And become as wealthy as Putin, used to be.
And if I said that Trump actually won, your bleating might have some purpose. But as things stand, not so much. In fact, not at all.

Because I seek to find a case where your points or mental mush is based on facts.

I already knew you are indifferent to facts by everything you post here. Look at your posts. there’s no substance there.

You say “Trumps fake electors scheme had nothing to do with race” and your supportive argument is because you say so. Had Trump succeeded and wins by a vote in the House 90% of American black voters would be disenfranchised. That is a fact. It is not in dispute. That is what would result if Trump stays in office after losing an election where black voters wanted him gone. But your argument is “nobody would be disenfranchised by trumps plot“ And the only supportive basis you have for that is because you say so. Go back and read your posts. That’s all you do. Whatever you say is so and screw anybody if they don’t like it.
No. You don’t seek any such thing, you troll lying bitch. You just want to reiterate your many pointlesses.

Yes. The plan was to deny the cheaters the fruits of their efforts.

I didn’t ever say all Brandon voters are cheaters.

But you are ok with Trump denying the cheaters (all Democrats) the fruits of their efforts because that was the plan. The Trump plan was to disenfranchise all Biden voters,

Trump did seek to deny the cheaters the benefit of their effort. The effort at cheating by the Democraps would have denied the franchise to all.

There was no effort at cheating sufficient to overturn the election for Trump
by the Democrats in 2020 in Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico because Trump did not present any evidence on or before December 14 which is hiw you put it.
I cannot form the conclusion that there was proof of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen.
And if I said that Trump actually won,

No you said Trump lost because he didn’t have evidence of massive voter fraud that could convince you that his BIG LIE was true.

In the view of Trump, the fake electors would be the slate allegedly “elected” by virtue of massive cheating. The alternative slate would be the valid electors.

Without any evidence of massive fraud sufficient to overturn the election whatever is “In the view of Trump” about the certified electors in Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico is a lie and a fraud.

The disputed election and then contemplated ways of preventing the steal had not a single thing to do with race.

WHEN Trump refused to concede after DECEMBER 14 when his challenge time was up and then activated his plot to create chaos in order to force the vote to the House Republican advantage enabling him to win, it’s all about race because his mostly white party gets to hold on to power against the will of the people by his fraud and chaos. The racial aspect is the white people get to disenfranchise all the black Biden voters as a show of white disrespect and white superiority over bjack Americans

Similarly, I place zero stock in the contention that Trump’s claim was “false.”

It has to be false whe even you admit that Trump had never produced evidence of massive fraud that would’make him the winner in the 2020 election.

I also know that there was crystal clear evidence of voter fraud

Take it to a court but why bother it Durant change anythjng does it. Trump is still a loser.

I have repeatedly said that I cannot form the conclusion that there was proof of sufficient voting fraud to say that the electoral votes of any state were stolen.

You had a sane moment. Congrats. Your entire Trump fairy tale is trampled into dirt when you wrote that.

No. I’m not on record that Trump had no evidence.

You are on record that Trump had no evidence of massive fraud that would have given him a win. Which means Trump had been lying since the day he lost.

I never said he had no evidence

He just had no massive evidence to have made him the winner. So what is your point.

What I cannot say and what I decline to consider sufficient evidence isn’t the same as what Trump thought or believed,

gibberish on the record
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