Some Presidential Transition Humor


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Well we have all seen these two pictures I think.

Obama couple leaving the White House in 2017....


It almost looks like Barak is telling Michelle "And wait till they hear how that 70 year old toilet makes a ruckus at 3 am!" and Michelle says back, "And DONT be in the shower when someone flushes it!" or similar old hand jokes.

And now Obama entering the White House in 2008


The common denominator of course being that the couple entering is thinking "Oh shit, what have we done? Seriously?" The couple leaving is like "Woohoo! Vacation the Rest of my Life here I come!"
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Can you imagine the weight of becoming the President of the US? Millions of lives, their happiness, their problems, their goals, all resting upon your shoulders... No doubt it's daunting in itself, but then on the side of course you've got all the assholes to deal with - the political backstabbing, and that's just from your own government heh Just the change of perspective has to be astounding, to go from tending a family unit to an entire nation.

Best we can do is wish them, and ourselves, the best of luck.
Can you imagine the weight of becoming the President of the US? Millions of lives, their happiness, their problems, their goals, all resting upon your shoulders... No doubt it's daunting in itself, but then on the side of course you've got all the assholes to deal with - the political backstabbing, and that's just from your own government heh Just the change of perspective has to be astounding, to go from tending a family unit to an entire nation.

Best we can do is wish them, and ourselves, the best of luck.
Being POTUS is an awesome responsibility.

I like the fact that they have to compete with the voters to get the office. The people we get do seem a definite cut above the average, even Obama, lol.
Can't even handle a picture of trump looking slightly stiff, without this "the other side did it too" bullshit

I can't wait for Trump to get caught in a picture with his shoes untied and then watch trump nazis scramble to find pictures of Obama with his shoelace untied back in 2002 or something
Well we have all seen these two pictures I think.

Obama couple leaving the White House in 2017....

View attachment 108768

It almost looks like Barak is telling Michelle "And wait till they hear how that 70 year old toilet makes a ruckus at 3 am!" and Michelle says back, "And DONT be in the shower when someone flushes it!" or similar old hand jokes.

And now Obama entering the White House in 2008

View attachment 108769

The common denominator of course being that the couple entering is thinking "Oh shit, what have we done? Seriously?" The couple leaving is like "Woohoo! Vacation the Rest of my Life here I come!"
Interesting how Barak is leaning over to Michelle isn't it.
From what I've observed Melania is the type who goes along with whatever her husband wants rather than make a scene. She takes a seemingly weaker position in the public perception of the family hierarchy, but no doubt Trump would do damn near anything she asked him to do - most likely she doesn't need anyone elses attention, approval, or notice because her world is likely centered around her home life - her son, her husband, and the rest of it doesn't matter. It's very likely that she's running the house like a queen; Trump can run around all day 'ruling the world' but I'd bet money his crown is left at the front door - though not as an 'alpha' power play, rather by choice out of respect for his wife. They seem to communicate through subtle 'gestures' - a wave of the hands, a tightening of the lips, a look, a light touch - its hard to describe, but I see the 'signs' because it's of a similar vein to the 'language' my husband and I "speak" in public. That's not to say appearances are nothing though, the straight armed stance both Trump's are taking speaks very loudly to 'formality' and doing things the 'right' way - which fits with Trump's oddities like always wearing a suit and the like. I also note that they stand in equal - their bodies squared as a united front to the world so to speak.

vs Mrs. Obama who I'm guessing always feels like she's got something to prove; she wants it out there that she's a strong woman, she seems worried feminists and idiots will think she's weak which is typical of someone who wants to be in the spot light (you'll notice Mrs. Trump has no desire to be in the public eye.) Mrs. Obama likely sees their marriage as a 'partnership' more than what you might call a traditional "male dominated" marriage (which in itself is misleading.) She's likely more independent, headstrong, and "feisty" than Melania is. It's likely uncomfortable for her to be seen as subservient to anyone, including Mr. Obama and he seems to respect that despite his personal demands for the same thing.

Conversely, Mrs. Bush is not only 'clinging' to her husband, but you'll note she's shifted the angle of her body so that she almost appears to be standing 'behind' her husband. Now, I wouldn't say she's less confident exactly, but I'd certainly say she was 'more traditional' in her views on marriage. She seems to want everyone to know that she's not the person they need to talk to. (Again, its not a bad style per say, merely a reflection of different opinions and upbringings.)

You'll note too that Mr. Obama shifts his shoulders similarly behind Mrs. Obama. I'd say she wears the pants, though I don't mean it as any kind of disrespect, its actually not as uncommon as you might think for the wife to rule the roost in private - most happily married men are more than happy to play sheep to their wives, and I'd actually say more common with alpha men who rule outside the home, doing that shit all day is draining, giving that power to the wife is an intimate luxury that's usually cherished. No doubt if I'd allow my husband 'submit' to me in such a way he would, but I demand that he challenge me at all times - I am not a very 'user friendly' wife ;)
Well we have all seen these two pictures I think.

Obama couple leaving the White House in 2017....

View attachment 108768

It almost looks like Barak is telling Michelle "And wait till they hear how that 70 year old toilet makes a ruckus at 3 am!" and Michelle says back, "And DONT be in the shower when someone flushes it!" or similar old hand jokes.

And now Obama entering the White House in 2008

View attachment 108769

The common denominator of course being that the couple entering is thinking "Oh shit, what have we done? Seriously?" The couple leaving is like "Woohoo! Vacation the Rest of my Life here I come!"
Interesting how Barak is leaning over to Michelle isn't it.
You would never think that in just a few days big moo would be leaving bathhouse barry with a couple of gay guys.
From what I've observed Melania is the type who goes along with whatever her husband wants rather than make a scene. She takes a seemingly weaker position in the public perception of the family hierarchy, but no doubt Trump would do damn near anything she asked him to do - most likely she doesn't need anyone elses attention, approval, or notice because her world is likely centered around her home life - her son, her husband, and the rest of it doesn't matter. It's very likely that she's running the house like a queen; Trump can run around all day 'ruling the world' but I'd bet money his crown is left at the front door - though not as an 'alpha' power play, rather by choice out of respect for his wife. They seem to communicate through subtle 'gestures' - a wave of the hands, a tightening of the lips, a look, a light touch - its hard to describe, but I see the 'signs' because it's of a similar vein to the 'language' my husband and I "speak" in public. That's not to say appearances are nothing though, the straight armed stance both Trump's are taking speaks very loudly to 'formality' and doing things the 'right' way - which fits with Trump's oddities like always wearing a suit and the like. I also note that they stand in equal - their bodies squared as a united front to the world so to speak.

vs Mrs. Obama who I'm guessing always feels like she's got something to prove; she wants it out there that she's a strong woman, she seems worried feminists and idiots will think she's weak which is typical of someone who wants to be in the spot light (you'll notice Mrs. Trump has no desire to be in the public eye.) Mrs. Obama likely sees their marriage as a 'partnership' more than what you might call a traditional "male dominated" marriage (which in itself is misleading.) She's likely more independent, headstrong, and "feisty" than Melania is. It's likely uncomfortable for her to be seen as subservient to anyone, including Mr. Obama and he seems to respect that despite his personal demands for the same thing.

Conversely, Mrs. Bush is not only 'clinging' to her husband, but you'll note she's shifted the angle of her body so that she almost appears to be standing 'behind' her husband. Now, I wouldn't say she's less confident exactly, but I'd certainly say she was 'more traditional' in her views on marriage. She seems to want everyone to know that she's not the person they need to talk to. (Again, its not a bad style per say, merely a reflection of different opinions and upbringings.)

You'll note too that Mr. Obama shifts his shoulders similarly behind Mrs. Obama. I'd say she wears the pants, though I don't mean it as any kind of disrespect, its actually not as uncommon as you might think for the wife to rule the roost in private - most happily married men are more than happy to play sheep to their wives, and I'd actually say more common with alpha men who rule outside the home, doing that shit all day is draining, giving that power to the wife is an intimate luxury that's usually cherished. No doubt if I'd allow my husband 'submit' to me in such a way he would, but I demand that he challenge me at all times - I am not a very 'user friendly' wife ;)

That sure is a lot to take out of two pictures with very little context! :p
No doubt if I'd allow my husband 'submit' to me in such a way he would, but I demand that he challenge me at all times - I am not a very 'user friendly' wife ;)

So you prefer being 'rassled down and bound'? lol

I've known a few couples like that. It is way too tiring for me. My wife handles most of the house chores and bills. I am like an adult child who takes out the trash and contributes some money to the budget, but thats about it. She is a head strong, intelligent woman who can handle things better than I do, so I help her manage the house.

BTW, notice also in the two pictures that the incoming President wears a red tie and the leaving President wears a blue tie?

There are just so many commonalities, its interesting.
From what I've observed Melania is the type who goes along with whatever her husband wants rather than make a scene. She takes a seemingly weaker position in the public perception of the family hierarchy, but no doubt Trump would do damn near anything she asked him to do - most likely she doesn't need anyone elses attention, approval, or notice because her world is likely centered around her home life - her son, her husband, and the rest of it doesn't matter. It's very likely that she's running the house like a queen; Trump can run around all day 'ruling the world' but I'd bet money his crown is left at the front door - though not as an 'alpha' power play, rather by choice out of respect for his wife. They seem to communicate through subtle 'gestures' - a wave of the hands, a tightening of the lips, a look, a light touch - its hard to describe, but I see the 'signs' because it's of a similar vein to the 'language' my husband and I "speak" in public. That's not to say appearances are nothing though, the straight armed stance both Trump's are taking speaks very loudly to 'formality' and doing things the 'right' way - which fits with Trump's oddities like always wearing a suit and the like. I also note that they stand in equal - their bodies squared as a united front to the world so to speak.

vs Mrs. Obama who I'm guessing always feels like she's got something to prove; she wants it out there that she's a strong woman, she seems worried feminists and idiots will think she's weak which is typical of someone who wants to be in the spot light (you'll notice Mrs. Trump has no desire to be in the public eye.) Mrs. Obama likely sees their marriage as a 'partnership' more than what you might call a traditional "male dominated" marriage (which in itself is misleading.) She's likely more independent, headstrong, and "feisty" than Melania is. It's likely uncomfortable for her to be seen as subservient to anyone, including Mr. Obama and he seems to respect that despite his personal demands for the same thing.

Conversely, Mrs. Bush is not only 'clinging' to her husband, but you'll note she's shifted the angle of her body so that she almost appears to be standing 'behind' her husband. Now, I wouldn't say she's less confident exactly, but I'd certainly say she was 'more traditional' in her views on marriage. She seems to want everyone to know that she's not the person they need to talk to. (Again, its not a bad style per say, merely a reflection of different opinions and upbringings.)

You'll note too that Mr. Obama shifts his shoulders similarly behind Mrs. Obama. I'd say she wears the pants, though I don't mean it as any kind of disrespect, its actually not as uncommon as you might think for the wife to rule the roost in private - most happily married men are more than happy to play sheep to their wives, and I'd actually say more common with alpha men who rule outside the home, doing that shit all day is draining, giving that power to the wife is an intimate luxury that's usually cherished. No doubt if I'd allow my husband 'submit' to me in such a way he would, but I demand that he challenge me at all times - I am not a very 'user friendly' wife ;)
Obama married a rival.

I agree that in half of marriages the woman is the dominant of the two, but I believe that for the President this is inappropriate and dangerous.

Maggie Thatcher was great, but she was the Prime Minister, not the Prime minister's wife.

One thing I've noticed when women DON'T act like Melania and Barbara, is that it wastes a lot of time and energy for the couple. Because the man still has to go outside and fight the bear and I'm a big believer that people do best when they get to do it THEIR way. Trump an Melania know this. They don't get in each others way.
Just fyi, my opinion was formed by more than these two pictures, I merely covered the... well... obvious to me, body languages of the pictures. Really if you look at any non-photographer influenced picture (as they tend to dork around with poses for the best composure and weight balancing,) I think you'll find it holds true.


VS Equal:

VS One Dominant:

None of it is 'bad' or 'lesser' per say. I think they all have strong relationships, I presume they're all happy with/in them. I was mostly just pointing out that none of it has to do with politics, but rather the personal and individualist manner in which people carry themselves. I suppose I didn't clarify this enough for everyone to follow as I was trying not to wall-o-text.

To example, while many might initially think I would be more of a Mrs. Obama type in public, given that my husband and I are constantly playing 'alpha' games, I just don't happen to give a shit what the general public thinks of our relationship so I'm actually a bit more of a Mr. Obama type in putlic. Which I ineffectively noted as in the case with my mother's weight - the people who's opinions matter have said their piece.

Another example, My husband knows damn well he doesn't rule this house, yet in public I defer to him so long as he doesn't go overboard; ineffectively noted in example my mother going off on my Father for opening the car door for her. - My mother is a passive non-confrontational type so she had let all that go until it drove her nuts and she flipped out over it. VS I'm not in the slightest restrained if my husband does something I don't like because I'm an 'aggressive alpha' (though the bastard intentionally does shit just to piss me off - he's damned smart for a normal heh)

Finally the ineffectively explained 'subtle gestures' communication I think the Trump's engage in; like we'll be walking through the mall or whatever and usually we walk side by side (united front like I mentioned) but he'll half-step in front of me - now the average idiot and/or feminist (like my mother) would presume it some kind of power move, but I know it's just a shift into 'protector mode' because some something set off his spidey sense. As I respect my husbands instincts as well as, perhaps sometimes more so, than my own, I'll subtly shift behind him. It's... almost instinctual, and I'm not saying it's always omg we're going to die shit of course, but I suppose maybe that's why I respect the 'gesture' from him all the more. Like he'll sort of 'make an opening' if we have to walk through a crowded area because he knows I dislike being touched or 'infringed upon' due to my Synesthesia. He also does this hand wave thing to "guide" me around potential trouble spots that I see Trump do with Melania a lot. IDK it's this kind of silent web of understanding between us that's very hard to explain yet very obvious if one looks for it which is why I kind of notice it with the Trump's.

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