Some questions for Democrats and other Trump critics

Ok, so we have one legitimate reason to be at odds with Trump. That's one more than anyone else has come up with.

I dunno. He is overweight. That bastard.

And he does have a funny hair style. The bastard

And his skin color is orange. The bastard!

And he did write some weird ass word in lieu of “coffee.” That bastard.

And he doesn’t speak or tweet in a polished manner. That bastard.

I believe that summarizes the leftist talking points about Trump, the aforesaid bastard.
Exactly. It's the general wave of fascism that bothers me. Some of these people are all-in on the jackboot stuff, and Trump actually muted their ambitions. DeSantis seems ready to fan the flames.
Yep. This had been growing for a long time. I don't know about you, but I had no idea it had metastasized like this.

Trump saw it, adapted to it, and ran with it. He has spent the last seven years speaking exclusively to them, in their language, no exceptions.

To quote another poster, he "took one look at the talk radio crowd and said 'this is gonna be EASY'".
Hahahaha. Anyone calling the POTUS "a dementia laden pedo" certainly caucuses with them. A latent Novell-Republican. Come on, get out of that closet.
Nonsense. It’s obvious that Potato has dementia. And if you were honest, even you would concede his pedo tendencies.

But you’re not honest.
Instead he replaced most of the outsiders in his Admin with establishment swamp critters.

Was Trump aware of their policies when he hired them for the cabinet position? Was there an employment application they had to fill out, stating their stance on every possible aspect, or an agreement form that they would not be an establishment swamp critter?

Perhaps the problem was that Trump didn't have super-extraordinary ESP powers to delve into their minds, just to make sure they weren't actually establishment swamp critters. Or maybe he was just too trusting?
Was Trump aware of their policies when he hired them for the cabinet position? Was there an employment application they had to fill out, stating their stance on every possible aspect, or an agreement form that they would not be an establishment swamp critter?

Perhaps the problem was that Trump didn't have super-extraordinary ESP powers to delve into their minds, just to make sure they weren't actually establishment swamp critters. Or maybe he was just too trusting?

You are of course correct, Trump just hired people he had no idea who they were and just put them into positions of power....and in your world that is worthy of worship.
Hahahaha. Anyone calling the POTUS "a dementia laden pedo" certainly caucuses with them. A latent Novell-Republican. Come on, get out of that closet.
Not my fault you don’t follow my posts criticizing the republicans in the house,senate and in general. They are all a bunch of pussies that do not fight for their constituents.
Someone please explain this to me: What did President Trump do to you, personally? How did he negatively-affect your own personal safety, security, or prosperity? In what manner did he infringe on any of your personal Constitutional rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, freedom from unreasonable searches, or any other Constitutional protections?

Did he cause you any personal financial loss? Did he make your life less safe? Did he prevent you from voting, from going to the schools of your choice, from marrying anyone you wanted, or from working or earning a living? Did he increase your taxes, cause you or any of your family members personal injury, death, or other other personal losses in the way of property loss, the loss of liberty, safety, security, or happiness?

What did he do to you personally, which makes you criticize him so much?
He lied and stoked anger and division with those lies. He’s toxic and belongs nowhere near any elected leadership
You are of course correct, Trump just hired people he had no idea who they were and just put them into positions of power....and in your world that is worthy of worship.
Look who Biden put in positions of power. A bunch of activist trannies,LGBT diversity hires and a furry who is a luggage clepto.
Both Clintons are also such disturbed, needy persons, yet moonbats like you flocked to them like moths to a flame.

Yep, one more example of how alike the two sides are...yet they hate each other
Look who Biden put in positions of power. A bunch of activist trannies,LGBT diversity hires and a furry who is a luggage clepto.

Yes, and people like Galt give Biden all the blame for those people, but Trump has no responsibility for the people he hired. The duplicity is so thick you could cut it with a knife. And you will not say a word to him, since you cannot risk being thrown out of the tribe.
Yes, and people like Galt give Biden all the blame for those people, but Trump has no responsibility for the people he hired. The duplicity is so thick you could cut it with a knife. And you will not say a word to him, since you cannot risk being thrown out of the tribe.
Apparently once again you didn’t read the thread.

Here …I will throw you a bone. Trumps AG was a worthless piece of shit.
Yep, one more example of how alike the two sides are...yet they hate each other
You seem unable or unwilling to make distinctions.

I don’t hate the Dims. I hate a great deal of their policies and much of what they “stand for.”

On the other hand, I’m also not pleased with the run of the mill weak-willed Republicans who have played “go along to get along” for so long with the Democratics.

The answer is to put some steel rods in the backs of the Republicans so that they can stand firm against the fake-“liberals” of the Dim Party. In short, the answer is to correct the entire damn GOP. Obviously, it is too late to return the Dim Parody to sanity.

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