Some questions for Democrats and other Trump critics

Biden sucks. He is just pandering to every group he can think of. He is a fucking terrible president.

When the best defense you can give for Trump is "yeah but Biden" that should tell you something about Trump.
It wasn’t a defense. It was a question since you never acknowledge Biden’s incompetence. And he has the biggest joke of an administration to date bar none.
Your first post was just tossing emotionally incontinent words out there, and you got called on it.....Sorry I hurt your butt.

Not sorry.
Wrong. My first post was answering the question. Trump spreading lies is not emotional. It is factual. The hatred and division that I saw is not emotional it is real and factual and something I saw and experienced in my life.

You’re trying very hard to just label and dismiss my reply instead of responding to it. Cheap tactic.
It wasn’t a defense. It was a question since you never acknowledge Biden’s incompetence. And he has the biggest joke of an administration to date bar none.

Yes it is. But the thread is about Trump started by a Trump worshiper...and all you can do is deflect to Biden instead of Trump
Wrong. My first post was answering the question. Trump spreading lies is not emotional. It is factual. The hatred and division that I saw is not emotional it is real and factual and something I saw and experienced in my life.

You’re trying very hard to just label and dismiss my reply instead of responding to it. Cheap tactic.
Show us on the doll where Orange Man touched you.
Someone please explain this to me: What did President Trump do to you, personally?
He tried to destroy my faith in the elections with fraudulent claims and lies about the elections.

He encouraged the riot on Jan 6th against my Government. Then he sat by and did nothing for hours to stop his MAGAMOB's actions. He was not capable of graciously and publicly accepting his defeat to Joe Biden causing great despair between his followers and the Americans who still believe in law and order.

Worst of all, he made my mother, who use to be a Saint, want to see Soro's blown up. That's right, he corrupted my mother........
Exactly. It's the general wave of fascism that bothers me. Some of these people are all-in on the jackboot stuff, and Trump actually muted their ambitions. DeSantis seems ready to fan the flames.
Trump let the rioters run wild because the media was waiting to call him an authoritarian. The left however is going after parents and was a cheerleader for extended lockdowns. If you look in the mirror, I'm sure your jackboots are nice and shiny.
He tried to destroy my faith in the elections with fraudulent claims and lies about the elections.

He encouraged the riot on Jan 6th against my Government. Then he sat by and did nothing for hours to stop his MAGAMOB's actions. He was not capable of graciously and publicly accepting his defeat to Joe Biden causing great despair between his followers and the Americans who still believe in law and order.

Worst of all, he made my mother, who use to be a Saint, want to see Soro's blown up. That's right, he corrupted my mother........
Thanks for that, Mika. :lmao:
Trump let the rioters run wild because the media was waiting to call him an authoritarian. The left however is going after parents and was a cheerleader for extended lockdowns. If you look in the mirror, I'm sure your jackboots are nice and shiny.
I'm not on the left, I have no jackboots.
Well, the question was what has he done to make us hate him.

Are you saying you don't hate liberals, democrats, etc?

You once compared them to cockroaches.
If not 100% cockroach, you liberals are leeches with the implicit intent of living off successful conservatives. A free ride for all, no one is responsible for their actions and no one is guilty of anything. Just how clueless can you be? You support allowing thugs to steal up to and including a certain monetary threshold without serious criminal charges. Just a slap on the wrist and have a good day. Liberals make the sane around us, sick to their stomachs. FJB
Someone please explain this to me: What did President Trump do to you, personally? How did he negatively-affect your own personal safety, security, or prosperity? In what manner did he infringe on any of your personal Constitutional rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, freedom from unreasonable searches, or any other Constitutional protections?

Did he cause you any personal financial loss? Did he make your life less safe? Did he prevent you from voting, from going to the schools of your choice, from marrying anyone you wanted, or from working or earning a living? Did he increase your taxes, cause you or any of your family members personal injury, death, or other other personal losses in the way of property loss, the loss of liberty, safety, security, or happiness?

What did he do to you personally, which makes you criticize him so much?

He committed a crime by trying to get a foreign leader to open an investigation into a political rival.

He unconstitutionally tried to flip an election he lost.

He inspired a violent mob to ransack the Capitol.
Exploded into bits.

Thanks to the Dirty Don, mom is corrupt.
How long have you been experiencing these intrusive thoughts in your head? Are you in your late teens or early twenties by any chance?

If so, I might know someone who knows someone who you can talk to in order to proscribe something that can help with that.

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