Some questions for Democrats and other Trump critics

Most trump supporters I know are old white men and women.
They hardly frighten me.

It obvious how he stiffed contractors.
You should be pissed about how trump screws hard working contractors, but NO, you will come back with a response of "He didn't do that." or "He only did that when the work was sub-standard."

Always an excuse.
He uses the strategy of suing people and bankrupting them, or they give up before they go broke.
Solid business strategy.......^^^^^^^.....right?
No, he is pure scum.

Your TDS is really bad, maybe you need to visit a doctor?
How long have you been experiencing these intrusive thoughts in your head?
What do you mean?

I might know someone who knows someone who you can talk to in order to proscribe something
I have since change the word "hate" to "criticize" in the OP. What has Trump shown himself to be, and how has that affected you on a personal basis, I mean besides being personally offended? True, I support Trump and am loyal. But what makes you fear my loyalty to Trump, my country, my government, takes precedence over God?

Is that what you fear the most about Trump?
I made valid criticisms of Trump.

His dishonesty, thievery, bullying, ...I'm sure you can look them up.
All are valid and all can be documented right down to his open threats of violence toward a NY prosecutor.

Fear is not a word I'd use to describe what I think of the collective you and your fealty to Trump.

Disappointment, sadness, but most often you could describe my attitude as that of a small child cruelly making fun of a mentally handicapped person.

I'd say my vision of you and Trump is that of an abusive marriage. Trump takes the rent and grocery money to party down at the strip club then when he comes home he blames it on you and you apologize because you're afraid he won't 'love' you anymore.

A typical narcissistic relationship.

The question is why you continue to be Trump's victim when there are other choices?
you could describe my attitude as that of a small child cruelly making fun of a mentally handicapped person.
I describe my own attitude as that of an intelligent adult thinking rationally, myself.

If you want to see yourself as a small child, through, then go for it, dude.
Someone please explain this to me: What did President Trump do to you, personally? How did he negatively-affect your own personal safety, security, or prosperity? In what manner did he infringe on any of your personal Constitutional rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, freedom from unreasonable searches, or any other Constitutional protections?

Did he cause you any personal financial loss? Did he make your life less safe? Did he prevent you from voting, from going to the schools of your choice, from marrying anyone you wanted, or from working or earning a living? Did he increase your taxes, cause you or any of your family members personal injury, death, or other other personal losses in the way of property loss, the loss of liberty, safety, security, or happiness?

What did he do to you personally, which makes you criticize him so much?
Trump beat the annointed one, Hillary. That's something that has stuck in their craw and the pain just won't go away. It's like a disease that must be irradicated at all costs. The disease is called TDS.
You are of course correct, Trump just hired people he had no idea who they were and just put them into positions of power....and in your world that is worthy of worship.

Actually, they just didn't live up to his expectations. But even if they weren't the best ones for the job, how did that affect you personally?
Biden sucks. He is just pandering to every group he can think of. He is a fucking terrible president.

When the best defense you can give for Trump is "yeah but Biden" that should tell you something about Trump.

That tells me nothing about Trump. Did I makes any comparisons to Biden in the OP? Did I even mention Joe Biden?
That tells me nothing about Trump. Did I makes any comparisons to Biden in the OP? Did I even mention Joe Biden?

The person I responded do it. What the fuck dude, can you not even follow the flow of a simple thread?
Actually, they just didn't live up to his expectations. But even if they weren't the best ones for the job, how did that affect you personally?

This says much about you. If you are not personally affected you do not give a fuck.

Shitty way to live, but you do seem to by happy so I guess it is working for you.
I made valid criticisms of Trump.

His dishonesty, thievery, bullying, ...I'm sure you can look them up.
All are valid and all can be documented right down to his open threats of violence toward a NY prosecutor.

Fear is not a word I'd use to describe what I think of the collective you and your fealty to Trump.

Disappointment, sadness, but most often you could describe my attitude as that of a small child cruelly making fun of a mentally handicapped person.

I'd say my vision of you and Trump is that of an abusive marriage. Trump takes the rent and grocery money to party down at the strip club then when he comes home he blames it on you and you apologize because you're afraid he won't 'love' you anymore.

A typical narcissistic relationship.

The question is why you continue to be Trump's victim when there are other choices?

How was he "dishonest"? I don't recall being lied to, and he did manage to fulfill as many campaign promises as he could, in spite of being fought tooth and nail by the Democrats and even members of his own party. Did he lie to you?

What "thievery" are you alleging? Did Trump use his office for personal monetary gain? If so, why did he lose money while in office? And why did he donate his salary? Did he steal something of yours?

And how is "bullying" a problem? Most every President I've ever known, going back to Truman, has done that in order to get things done. But I'd be more interested in know how he "bullied" you. Did he make you do something you didn't want to do, under a threat or duress?
Nine pages now...And the best any of the leftbats have come up with is......

View attachment 768890
They don't even understand political principles much less follow any.

All they know is the unquestioning fealty demanded of them by their masters.

Where you or I might see a politician as working for US (and why Trump was under attack) they see themselves as the subjects of those in office.

They love the nanny state because they want a nanny.

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