Some questions for Democrats and other Trump critics

I would ask the opposite, how such a person could be so attractive to so many.

Just consider the alternatives.

Someone please explain this to me: What did President Trump do to you, personally? How did he negatively-affect your own personal safety, security, or prosperity? In what manner did he infringe on any of your personal Constitutional rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, freedom from unreasonable searches, or any other Constitutional protections?

Did he cause you any personal financial loss? Did he make your life less safe? Did he prevent you from voting, from going to the schools of your choice, from marrying anyone you wanted, or from working or earning a living? Did he increase your taxes, cause you or any of your family members personal injury, death, or other other personal losses in the way of property loss, the loss of liberty, safety, security, or happiness?

What did he do to you personally, which makes you criticize him so much?

He hurt their feelings.
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And, of course, how an abused child will cling to their abuser.

The question, though, remains unanswered.

Given what is known about Trump, why do his followers cling to him like like socks coming from the dryer?
I'm still trying to understand it. I just mentioned in another thread that this is something that is just different. We use words like "cult" and "religion" to describe it, but even those don't hit the mark.

A couple of minutes ago, one of them told me that he doesn't care what Trump does, because the poster just wanted to kill "the libs". I guess that could be a part of it. So what makes a person so fill of rage that he wants to kill such a large group of Americans?

This is a psychological, sociological, anthropological study for the ages, that's for sure.
I'm still trying to understand it. I just mentioned in another thread that this is something that is just different. We use words like "cult" and "religion" to describe it, but even those don't hit the mark.

A couple of minutes ago, one of them told me that he doesn't care what Trump does, because the poster just wanted to kill "the libs". I guess that could be a part of it. So what makes a person so fill of rage that he wants to kill such a large group of Americans?

This is a psychological, sociological, anthropological study for the ages, that's for sure.

Insufferable as ever.
I'm still trying to understand it. I just mentioned in another thread that this is something that is just different. We use words like "cult" and "religion" to describe it, but even those don't hit the mark.

A couple of minutes ago, one of them told me that he doesn't care what Trump does, because the poster just wanted to kill "the libs". I guess that could be a part of it. So what makes a person so fill of rage that he wants to kill such a large group of Americans?

This is a psychological, sociological, anthropological study for the ages, that's for sure.
Across the last 240 years there have been extremists on both sides.
People who believe their way is the only way and to choose a different path is betrayal.

These people, as a group, found their voice in Trump. A person with no ideological foundation beyond "what's in it for me" and willing to say anything if he thinks it will benefit him.

But of interest is how so many disparate interests can seem to speak with a single voice.

Surely some pro-gun type must be pro-choice, a few pro-life types might also be pro-immigration. When the term "lock step" is used it is referring to today's GOP.

On another thread I used the phrase "when ideology becomes theology."

Way back when "excommunication" was a fate worse than death because there would be no path to "the promised land" for those excommunicated souls.

I believe a similar dynamic is in play in today's GOP. People swearing as fact things they know to be false over fear of being excommunicated, or in more recent terms, "CANCELLED," by their fellow "believers.
Across the last 240 years there have been extremists on both sides.
People who believe their way is the only way and to choose a different path is betrayal.

These people, as a group, found their voice in Trump. A person with no ideological foundation beyond "what's in it for me" and willing to say anything if he thinks it will benefit him.

But of interest is how so many disparate interests can seem to speak with a single voice.

Surely some pro-gun type must be pro-choice, a few pro-life types might also be pro-immigration. When the term "lock step" is used it is referring to today's GOP.

On another thread I used the phrase "when ideology becomes theology."

Way back when "excommunication" was a fate worse than death because there would be no path to "the promised land" for those excommunicated souls.

I believe a similar dynamic is in play in today's GOP. People swearing as fact things they know to be false over fear of being excommunicated, or in more recent terms, "CANCELLED," by their fellow "believers.
Two thoughts on that:

I think that ideology -- political, religious, whatever -- is usually (note the italics) a negative, counterproductive mindset, regardless of whether it's from the Left or the Right. Ideology warps perceptions, it distorts thought processes, and perhaps most damaging, it robs a person of their natural human curiosity. An ideology essentially replaces curiosity, because the whole story is laid out within that ideology and is not supposed to be questioned. Trying to reason with an ideologue is all but impossible. They have to bring their defenses down on their own, in their own time.

I just don't yet have a grasp on this current orange phenomenon, after seven years of examining it. I do understand the issue positions, whether I agree with them or not, but this "when ideology becomes theology" phrase you use, when combined with the specific person around whom all this is centered, is simply inexplicable to me. You may be right, it may just be something as simple as fear of being excommunicated, but I don't know. What I do know is that this is about FAR more than politics for them. This is culture, a lifestyle, a part of them, not unlike religion or cultism.
Two thoughts on that:

I think that ideology -- political, religious, whatever -- is usually (note the italics) a negative, counterproductive mindset, regardless of whether it's from the Left or the Right. Ideology warps perceptions, it distorts thought processes, and perhaps most damaging, it robs a person of their natural human curiosity. An ideology essentially replaces curiosity, because the whole story is laid out within that ideology and is not supposed to be questioned. Trying to reason with an ideologue is all but impossible. They have to bring their defenses down on their own, in their own time.

I just don't yet have a grasp on this current orange phenomenon, after seven years of examining it. I do understand the issue positions, whether I agree with them or not, but this "when ideology becomes theology" phrase you use, when combined with the specific person around whom all this is centered, is simply inexplicable to me. You may be right, it may just be something as simple as fear of being excommunicated, but I don't know. What I do know is that this is about FAR more than politics for them. This is culture, a lifestyle, a part of them, not unlike religion or cultism.
i'll need to think on this.
Someone please explain this to me: What did President Trump do to you, personally? How did he negatively-affect your own personal safety, security, or prosperity? In what manner did he infringe on any of your personal Constitutional rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, freedom from unreasonable searches, or any other Constitutional protections?

Did he cause you any personal financial loss? Did he make your life less safe? Did he prevent you from voting, from going to the schools of your choice, from marrying anyone you wanted, or from working or earning a living? Did he increase your taxes, cause you or any of your family members personal injury, death, or other other personal losses in the way of property loss, the loss of liberty, safety, security, or happiness?

What did he do to you personally, which makes you criticize him so much?

I don’t live in the United States of America, but I can still name things that Donald Trump, that Peart did that personally impacted the lives of every person living in the world.

Fracturing NATO

Emboldening, Russia, China, and every authoritarian dictator in Asia, Europe and Africa.
Someone please explain this to me: What did President Trump do to you, personally? How did he negatively-affect your own personal safety, security, or prosperity?
I'm a Never Trumper.

Well, let's see. Trump ignored the pandemic, even calling it a hoax, until it could no longer be ignored, thus allowing the pandemic to get a strong foothold in America, putting every one of us in danger and killing more than a million of us, including some of my friends.

Trump added $8 trillion to the debt. That affects all of us and the unborn.

Trump destroyed my party of origin. It was already pretty gutted, but he delivered the kill shot.

Trump shunned our allies, and pandered to our enemies, thus emboldening them and putting the lives of every American at risk.

Were you in a coma or something?
I don’t live in the United States of America, but I can still name things that Donald Trump, that Peart did that personally impacted the lives of every person living in the world.

Fracturing NATO

Emboldening, Russia, China, and every authoritarian dictator in Asia, Europe and Africa.
Trump left NATO stronger…NATO even stated that

Trump didn’t have a more flexible policy with putin and allow him to invade Ukraine…that was Obama.
Ideology warps perceptions, it distorts thought processes, and perhaps most damaging, it robs a person of their natural human curiosity.
Oh, man. You hit the nail right on the head. It has astonished me to see an utter lack of critical thinking by Trump's Tru Bleevers.

TRUMP: Biden shot the moon out of the sky!

TARD HERD: Biden shot the moon out of the sky!

RATIONAL PERSON: Um...retards? Look out the window.

TARD HERD: You commie groomer bastard!
Trump left NATO stronger…NATO even stated that

Trump didn’t have a more flexible policy with putin and allow him to invade Ukraine…that was Obama.

Trump weakened NATO, questioned the US role in NATO, would not confirm his support of Article 5.

Made our allies question US commitment to global alliances
Trump weakened NATO, questioned the US role in NATO, would not confirm his support of Article 5.

Made our allies question US commitment to global alliances
he got members to pay up making in stronger

even the.NATO Sec General stated e left it stronger
he got members to pay up making in stronger

even the.NATO Sec General stated e left it stronger

Everything with Trump began and ended with money

He never questioned the NATO mission, joint training, military strength…just money

NATO is much stronger under Biden
Everything with Trump began and ended with money

He never questioned the NATO mission, joint training, military strength…just money

NATO is much stronger under Biden
yeah because money is needed to do all those things
NATO is a joint military alliance
There is much, much more important issues than who is paying what.
haha no money is massively important for defense…bullets cost money…and the fact it’s joint means it’s very important where the money comes from

obamas more flexible with putin policies weakened nato, and allowed putin to invade Eastern Europe, trump put a pause to that invasion and started arming Ukraine and strengthening NATO by getting members to start pouring money in…thank goodness for that or Ukraine likely would be over run now, since they invaded again when weak Xiden took office
haha no money is massively important for defense…bullets cost money…and the fact it’s joint means it’s very important where the money comes from

obamas more flexible with putin policies weakened nato, and allowed putin to invade Eastern Europe, trump put a pause to that invasion and started arming Ukraine and strengthening NATO by getting members to start pouring money in…thank goodness for that or Ukraine likely would be over run now, since they invaded again when weak Xiden took office
Nobody pays money to NATO
They just pay for their own military

Crybaby Trump whined that other nations don’t invest as much in their military as we do

Trump questioned the US role in NATO, wanted to drop out, wouldn‘t commit to article five for mutual defense.

NATO was weaker under his leadership

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