Some questions for Democrats and other Trump critics

Thanks for the input Biden voter.

There is still time for you to try out for the women's weightlifting team, "libertarian".

Here is my vote for Biden....
I describe my own attitude as that of an intelligent adult thinking rationally, myself.

If you want to see yourself as a small child, through, then go for it, dude.
If your demonstrated fealty to Trump is what you call rational adult thinking then your self delusion is obvious .


I'd love to have rational adult conversations but, unfortunately, I must speak in the language of the audience. You and your fellow TrumpTards.
This has never been about Trump. Not for even a moment. He's just one disturbed, needy person.

I would ask the opposite, how such a person could be so attractive to so many.
If you don't know, you're not paying attention.
Someone please explain this to me: What did President Trump do to you, personally? How did he negatively-affect your own personal safety, security, or prosperity? In what manner did he infringe on any of your personal Constitutional rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, freedom from unreasonable searches, or any other Constitutional protections?

Did he cause you any personal financial loss? Did he make your life less safe? Did he prevent you from voting, from going to the schools of your choice, from marrying anyone you wanted, or from working or earning a living? Did he increase your taxes, cause you or any of your family members personal injury, death, or other other personal losses in the way of property loss, the loss of liberty, safety, security, or happiness?

What did he do to you personally, which makes you criticize him so much?

He took the right to choose away from every woman in America.
How was he "dishonest"? I don't recall being lied to, and he did manage to fulfill as many campaign promises as he could, in spite of being fought tooth and nail by the Democrats and even members of his own party. Did he lie to you?

What "thievery" are you alleging? Did Trump use his office for personal monetary gain? If so, why did he lose money while in office? And why did he donate his salary? Did he steal something of yours?

And how is "bullying" a problem? Most every President I've ever known, going back to Truman, has done that in order to get things done. But I'd be more interested in know how he "bullied" you. Did he make you do something you didn't want to do, under a threat or duress?
Surely you're just feigning ignorance.

And these are just the ones not shielded by NDAAs.

Hundreds of gifts worth many thousands are missing
Remember Trump-U?

Bullying is not leadership. Just ask Trump's pal Putin how bullying works out when you need loyalty.
Well, this is what they want, though.

They're victims. They want someone to "lead" them into their "war". He has said it himself: He is their "retribution". He knows them. They want a pugilistic strongman type.

That's why this has never been about him. He was the one who was shameless enough to take advantage of a profound sociological problem, stipulated, but he sure as hell didn't start it.
Fucking retarded.

Righties want someone who will ENFORCE THE LAW.

The EXISTING law, not something he pulls out of his butt 24 hours after he's inaugurated.

Damn you TDS'ers are stupid.
An abused spouse will often endure the abuse because of their own lack of self esteem.

That would be another parallel.

And, of course, how an abused child will cling to their abuser.

The question, though, remains unanswered.

Given what is known about Trump, why do his followers cling to him like like socks coming from the dryer?
I have never voted for Trump, child.

Do you wish to try again?
Did I say "vote?"
or did I say "fealty?"

I'm pretty sure lots of your Proud Boy cohorts never voted for Trump either.

This might help.

Doubtful but there's always hope.
Surely you're just feigning ignorance.

And these are just the ones not shielded by NDAAs.

Hundreds of gifts worth many thousands are missing
Remember Trump-U?

Bullying is not leadership. Just ask Trump's pal Putin how bullying works out when you need loyalty.

None of those "crimes" in the link you posted are of any significance. Nor have any of them proven. The status of most of them is "Investigation closed while Trump was president", and many of them are bullshit allegations which never went anywhere. If any of them were of substance, why isn't he being charged with any of those crimes today? Why are you having to all the way back to the Stormy Daniels fake scandal, and even failing again to get an indictment with that idiocy?

In other words, "No, you don't got him this time." The ignorance is on your part, for trying the same stupid things over and over, while expecting a different result. Actually, that's insanity you folks are suffering from.
Someone please explain this to me: What did President Trump do to you, personally?

Nothing particularly bad. In fact, I did okay financially during his term. I don't attribute that to anything he did though.

I will actually give him credit for getting the COVID stimulus package passed. Not that he did it all by himself, but taking my partisan blinders off, his economic response to a situation we've not seen in 100 years...was actually pretty good, I must say. There was waste and fraud, sure, but there would have been waste and fraud no matter who jammed those packages through.

How did he negatively-affect your own personal safety, security, or prosperity?

Mine? He didn't. But I am a pluralist. I don't see politics strictly in terms of how it benefits me or not.

In what manner did he infringe on any of your personal Constitutional rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, freedom from unreasonable searches, or any other Constitutional protections?

Pretty solid evidence his DHS took liberties with protesters' and journalists' rights in US cities. Calling the media "fake news"...that's the stuff of Asian/Eurasian/South American/African dictators.

What did he do to you personally, which makes you criticize him so much?

He's a pathological liar. I will never forgive him or his enablers for the big lie and January 6th. It was the worst political crisis in this country since probably the 1870s, and he bears 100% of the blame. Not too pleased with his supporters but I accept that they're brainwashed and I have a civic responsibility to engage with people I don't necessarily agree with (in real life, not when I'm shitposting).
Did I say "vote?"
or did I say "fealty?"

I'm pretty sure lots of your Proud Boy cohorts never voted for Trump either.

This might help.

Doubtful but there's always hope.
You are really quite the confused little twat, aren't you?

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