Some questions for Democrats and other Trump critics

Which executive order was that, and how did it infringe on the Second Amendment?

His Bump Stock banning EO. If you cannot figure out how it infringed on the Second Amendment then that is all on you.

But, how did I know you would defend it, you just truly cannot say anything at all bad about the man....your tribe might turn on you.
The majority of Democrats and lefties are disturbed needy persons. He should be right up your alley.
Here we go again. Another Trumpster who is ignorant about my politics. Boring.

And attempted deflection noted and always appreciated.
Where have I said I hate Trump?

I find him a foul creature worthy of contempt but that has nothing to do with politics. I've felt this way about Trump since the 80s.

But you failed to answer my question.

Given who and what Trump has shown himself to be over the course of the last 40 years, why would you give this Wormtongue you utter and complete allegiance. Loyalty that exceeds that for your country, your government, and even your God?

I have since change the word "hate" to "criticize" in the OP. What has Trump shown himself to be, and how has that affected you on a personal basis, I mean besides being personally offended? True, I support Trump and am loyal. But what makes you fear my loyalty to Trump, my country, my government, takes precedence over God?

Is that what you fear the most about Trump?
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His Bump Stock banning EO. If you cannot figure out how it infringed on the Second Amendment then that is all on you.

But, how did I know you would defend it, you just truly cannot say anything at all bad about the man....your tribe might turn on you.

Bump stocks are not firearms.
Which executive order was that, and how did it infringe on the Second Amendment?
It infringed in the 2nd Amendment the same way that full-auto bans do.....But at least that right was legislated away....EOs in this realm are overreach.
Here is the deal - Trump is an ass of a man. He is rude, self-centered, egotistical and downright narcissistic. That is a given.

As a president, he was unabashedly pro-American, pro-American workers (which USED to be a Democrat position), created the highest employment level among blacks ever, and had America's enemies at bay.

The very qualities he exhibited as a president were the very reasons the Globalists needed to take him down, so the legacy media stepped in and demonized everything he did. Their job was made easier because of his personal qualities, and so they have created the impression among the proles that Trump represents the sum of all their fears.

This is why the proles in this forum are so obsessed with him. They have been conditioned to exhibit and emotional reaction instead of a rational one, and as we see here, are incapable of analyzing his presidency In terms of things that really matter, and so can only fling poop at bad orange man.
It infringed in the 2nd Amendment the same way that full-auto bans do.....But at least that right was legislated away....EOs in this realm are overreach.

True, I disagreed with Trump on that point. But having never owned a bumpfire stock, that never affected me personally.
This has never been about Trump. Not for even a moment. He's just one disturbed, needy person.

I would ask the opposite, how such a person could be so attractive to so many.
So, he didn’t do any of the things to you or which adversely affect you.

Nice try at the old side-step.
Neither is ammunition, strictly speaking

Bumpfire stocks you can do without, they are accessories. Ammunition you can't do without.. Incidentally, it was two Democrat Presidents who enacted bans on ammunition from China and Russia: Clinton and Obama.
Here is the deal - Trump is an ass of a man. He is rude, self-centered, egotistical and downright narcissistic. That is a given.

As a president, he was unabashedly pro-American, pro-American workers (which USED to be a Democrat position), created the highest employment level among blacks ever, and had America's enemies at bay.

The very qualities he exhibited as a president were the very reasons the Globalists needed to take him down, so the legacy media stepped in and demonized everything he did. Their job was made easier because of his personal qualities, and so they have created the impression among the proles that Trump represents the sum of all their fears.

This is why the proles in this forum are so obsessed with him. They have been conditioned to exhibit and emotional reaction instead of a rational one, and as we see here, are incapable of analyzing his presidency In terms of things that really matter, and so can only fling poop at bad orange man.
I have plenty of things that drove me nuts about him, insofar as policy and appointments went (i.e. Bolton, Kavanaugh being the least 4thA-friendly candidate on his list, the budget busting, attacking Syria), but none of the moonbats ever can speak to those issues.

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