Some questions for Democrats and other Trump critics

Most trump supporters I know are old white men and women.
They hardly frighten me.

It obvious how he stiffed contractors.
You should be pissed about how trump screws hard working contractors, but NO, you will come back with a response of "He didn't do that." or "He only did that when the work was sub-standard."

Always an excuse.
He uses the strategy of suing people and bankrupting them, or they give up before they go broke.
Solid business strategy.......^^^^^^^.....right?
No, he is pure scum.

Are you a contractor, and did he stiff you? Did he sue you personally, or cause you to go bankrupt?
This has never been about Trump. Not for even a moment. He's just one disturbed, needy person.

I would ask the opposite, how such a person could be so attractive to so many.
In other words, you have no legitimate answer. All you got, along with the rest of you deranged leftist nitwits is TDS. Unlike Biden, he did nothing to personally harm me or you. Can you say the same for that asshole in the white house? FJB
For Democrats, it is either adoration or hatred. That is a clear sign of emotional instability, likely caused by a dysfunctional relationship with their own fathers.
Well, the question was what has he done to make us hate him.

Are you saying you don't hate liberals, democrats, etc?

You once compared them to cockroaches.
Hate? That is called reflection.

The president must lead.
not bully, berate, abuse, threaten, lie, steal

The behaviors above are all part of Trump's persona.
Leadership is not within his skill set.

Yet, despite that these traits in Trump are indisputable, you claim pointing them out as disqualifying for a president is "hate."

The better question would be why do you and others like you give your faith and allegiance to such a flawed individual?
Well, this is what they want, though.

They're victims. They want someone to "lead" them into their "war". He has said it himself: He is their "retribution". He knows them. They want a pugilistic strongman type.

That's why this has never been about him. He was the one who was shameless enough to take advantage of a profound sociological problem, stipulated, but he sure as hell didn't start it.
Lol You’ll always have this huh? You haven’t won anything of real consequence since 2016 so you will continue to milk it far beyond what it was originally worth.

You love her that much huh?

My sister in law died of COVID
That is personal

I live in NJ and pay over $20,000 in state and local taxes. Trump capped SALT at $10,000

Cost me a $10,000 deduction

If that's such a bad thing, why hasn't President Biden removed the SALT cap?
Personally I don't think the billionaire playboy with no morals was ever fit to be President and leader of the free world. Not that there's anything wrong with being a billionaire playboy with no morals, just not as president.
…. and being a community organizer offers more qualification to be President??
What did Trump steal from you personally? Did he bully you into doing something against your will? When did he threaten or abuse you personally, or steal anything from you?
Where have I said I hate Trump?

I find him a foul creature worthy of contempt but that has nothing to do with politics. I've felt this way about Trump since the 80s.

But you failed to answer my question.

Given who and what Trump has shown himself to be over the course of the last 40 years, why would you give this Wormtongue you utter and complete allegiance. Loyalty that exceeds that for your country, your government, and even your God?
So your objection is an appeal to emotion.
No. The bulk of his post reflects he personally misses the $10,000 tax deduction more.
What did Trump steal from you personally? Did he bully you into doing something against your will? When did he threaten or abuse you personally, or steal anything from you?

I was not personally impacted by Trump's anti-2nd amendment EO but I still think it was wrong of him to do.
Being a playboy with no morals is not what made him unfit to be president.
Are you saying he wasn't a billionaire playboy with no morals? If he had presidential qualities like Clinton,
Bush or Obama,, his billionaire playboy with no morals status would make no difference, like Clinton.
This has never been about Trump. Not for even a moment. He's just one disturbed, needy person.

I would ask the opposite, how such a person could be so attractive to so many.
The majority of Democrats and lefties are disturbed needy persons. He should be right up your alley.

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