Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Whaddya want a Kewpie doll?

BTW, if you wanna take a bet on visiting capitals and naming them, name the stakes. I'll kick your arse from Manhattan to Monrovia (yeah, that's right, toddle off and look up that last one)....

You are aware that Manhattan isn't the capital of anything right slick? As for Monrovia, thankfully I've never had the misfortune of visiting Liberia, though I have been in numerous other African nations.

Facts dont matter to libtards. It is likely enough for Grump that he thinks it is a cap[itol in his own mind, his own fantasy about the world around him, and so he could not possibly care less if Manhatten is an actual capitol or not.

And dont ever expect him or any libtard to actually admit that they have been wrong or mistaken about anything. The hubris of infallibility is one of the cornerstones of libtardism, which is kind of like a religion to them and why they all seem to agree with each other so much. They have abandoned any requirement to think for themselves and instead subscribe to leftwing ideology that does their thinking for them and tells them what is right and what is good; no need to critique it at all, in fact they vociferously discourage that among their own number.

During the OWS movement, if a person was saying something that someone disagreed with they would holler out 'MIND CHECK!' and others would pick up the chant and shout down the speaker till they gave up, I kid you not. Standard libtardism these days.

Check out this whole video, but an example of what I iam refering to happens at 8:40
[ame=]Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis! - YouTube[/ame]

You're so right. We need to ban liberals and liberalism in this nation. They pose a greater clear and present danger to our kids adn our freedon than all the guns in the world.
Here's the freaking facts.
1. The govt may or may not ban certain types of weapons. Best you go get one now while you still can if you want one.

2. The vast majority of legal gun owners will not turn in any guns if the govt goes along with the proposals of many of the socialist democrats who are calling for confiscation or mandatory sales to the govt.

3. People will still be able to purchase firearms, like they are still able to purchase coke, heroin and meth, all of which have been banned for decades, in EVERY town, city and suburb in this nation.

4. The govt doesn't have the balls or the resources to force gun owners to turn in their weapons so don't worry about it. If they try to do so, pray you aren't among the first few hundred that they attempt to disarm and end up having to kill before the outcry stops their illegal, immoral and un-Constitutional actions.

5. The govt has been trying to disarm the street gangs around this nation for decades. Last I checked the street gangs have over 1.4 million members, most of whom are armed, this according to the DOJ. How much more successful do you think they will be in disrarming John Q. Public? Their track record sucks.

6. The govt. may wish to order a national firearms registry. Do not comply or comply, the choice is yours, but the smart money says step one; registry, step two; see #2 because confiscation follows registry. As we where shown during Katrina most recently.

7. Gun bans will be no more effective in keeping people "safer" than were drunk driving bans, 10,839 deaths last year, or dope bans over 35,000 deaths a year have been. Scumbags will still posses and use firearms in a criminal way, just like scumbags continue to drive drunk and use and sell dope.

With all that said, it's no big deal. If the socialists attempt to abridge your constitutional rights, the ONLY choice you need make is whether you will be sheeple and allow them to, or whether you will stand like free men and women and resist their tyranny.

As one guy once stated, gun registration is the yellow line, a warning of what is to come and so reasonable gun owners should take steps to hide their guns and give an explanation as to what happened to them to throw off the governement until sanity returns.

The red line is when the government starts to invade peoples homes to take their guns by force. They will masquerade such seizures to the public's eye by saying that they were raiding the homes for drugs, child porn or prostitution, just fill in the blank.

But people who actually know the people involved will put the word out what the real reasons were and eventually it will be plain what is really going on.

I pray ever day it doesnt come down to that, but we seem heading in that direction.

When the mass media can convince the vast majority of Americans that a man defending himself from lethal attack is a murderer himself for doing so, we know what side of the street they stand on.

No one should ever make the mistake of trusting anything the media says about the violence that is being slowly unleashed in this country by those who have proven themselves willing to cause the deaths of hundreds of people in order to themselves create enough chaos to justify taking away our guns.

There is no justifiable reason to disarm the public and leave them at the mercy of criminals within and outside the government.
You are aware that Manhattan isn't the capital of anything right slick? As for Monrovia, thankfully I've never had the misfortune of visiting Liberia, though I have been in numerous other African nations.

Facts dont matter to libtards. It is likely enough for Grump that he thinks it is a cap[itol in his own mind, his own fantasy about the world around him, and so he could not possibly care less if Manhatten is an actual capitol or not.

And dont ever expect him or any libtard to actually admit that they have been wrong or mistaken about anything. The hubris of infallibility is one of the cornerstones of libtardism, which is kind of like a religion to them and why they all seem to agree with each other so much. They have abandoned any requirement to think for themselves and instead subscribe to leftwing ideology that does their thinking for them and tells them what is right and what is good; no need to critique it at all, in fact they vociferously discourage that among their own number.

During the OWS movement, if a person was saying something that someone disagreed with they would holler out 'MIND CHECK!' and others would pick up the chant and shout down the speaker till they gave up, I kid you not. Standard libtardism these days.

Check out this whole video, but an example of what I iam refering to happens at 8:40
[ame=]Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis! - YouTube[/ame]

You're so right. We need to ban liberals and liberalism in this nation. They pose a greater clear and present danger to our kids adn our freedon than all the guns in the world.

We dopnt have to ban them; just expose them to facts, reason and the light of Gods Truth and they will dry up and blow away of their own accord.

And guns are not a threat to our freedom or our kids. Guns are their surest protection.
Here's the freaking facts.
1. The govt may or may not ban certain types of weapons. Best you go get one now while you still can if you want one.

2. The vast majority of legal gun owners will not turn in any guns if the govt goes along with the proposals of many of the socialist democrats who are calling for confiscation or mandatory sales to the govt.

3. People will still be able to purchase firearms, like they are still able to purchase coke, heroin and meth, all of which have been banned for decades, in EVERY town, city and suburb in this nation.

4. The govt doesn't have the balls or the resources to force gun owners to turn in their weapons so don't worry about it. If they try to do so, pray you aren't among the first few hundred that they attempt to disarm and end up having to kill before the outcry stops their illegal, immoral and un-Constitutional actions.

5. The govt has been trying to disarm the street gangs around this nation for decades. Last I checked the street gangs have over 1.4 million members, most of whom are armed, this according to the DOJ. How much more successful do you think they will be in disrarming John Q. Public? Their track record sucks.

6. The govt. may wish to order a national firearms registry. Do not comply or comply, the choice is yours, but the smart money says step one; registry, step two; see #2 because confiscation follows registry. As we where shown during Katrina most recently.

7. Gun bans will be no more effective in keeping people "safer" than were drunk driving bans, 10,839 deaths last year, or dope bans over 35,000 deaths a year have been. Scumbags will still posses and use firearms in a criminal way, just like scumbags continue to drive drunk and use and sell dope.

With all that said, it's no big deal. If the socialists attempt to abridge your constitutional rights, the ONLY choice you need make is whether you will be sheeple and allow them to, or whether you will stand like free men and women and resist their tyranny.

As one guy once stated, gun registration is the yellow line, a warning of what is to come and so reasonable gun owners should take steps to hide their guns and give an explanation as to what happened to them to throw off the governement until sanity returns.

The red line is when the government starts to invade peoples homes to take their guns by force. They will masquerade such seizures to the public's eye by saying that they were raiding the homes for drugs, child porn or prostitution, just fill in the blank.

But people who actually know the people involved will put the word out what the real reasons were and eventually it will be plain what is really going on.

I pray ever day it doesnt come down to that, but we seem heading in that direction.

When the mass media can convince the vast majority of Americans that a man defending himself from lethal attack is a murderer himself for doing so, we know what side of the street they stand on.

No one should ever make the mistake of trusting anything the media says about the violence that is being slowly unleashed in this country by those who have proven themselves willing to cause the deaths of hundreds of people in order to themselves create enough chaos to justify taking away our guns.

There is no justifiable reason to disarm the public and leave them at the mercy of criminals within and outside the government.

Good points. Unfortunately many of us know the real reasons behind the left's desire to disarm us and it has absolutely nothing to do with keeping us safer or protecting our kids. Hell, that protecting our kids crap coming from the people who promote, condone and protect the murder of over 1,000,000 million lives a year makes me laugh. I actually wrote to obama after the TV appearance he made after the shooting telling him how full of crap he was with his crocodile tears and his bs that he cares about the kids, when he voted to allow kids born alive after a botched abortion to be left to die and that decent Americans knew he was full of crap and could care less. I of course got no response from the white house, no surprise there.
The latest stroke of liberal genius..........their idea to promote "increased school safety" = hire more hall pass guys.

So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Many have fought and died for our rights.


If rights aren't important.

Did they die in vain?

Most of our wars have been fought in the interests of the wealthy, so yeah, in most cases, they did die in vain.
[ame=]Funniest Movie Line Ever - YouTube[/ame]
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Many have fought and died for our rights.


If rights aren't important.

Did they die in vain?

Most of our wars have been fought in the interests of the wealthy, so yeah, in most cases, they did die in vain.

Why do you hate America?
You are on the exact same level as those two, grump, make no mistake about that.
You get what you give, dude, embrace it. :D

:rolleyes: pffft What do you know about Grump has given to this forum? He has been a highly esteemed member at USMB since 2006. Dr Grump is one of the most intelligent posters among us, so you should take your own advice and embrace that.

From Dr Grumps sig:
"Religion attacks us in our deepest integrity by saying we wouldn't be able to make a moral decision without it, and that a supernatural dictatorship is our only hope. That makes us all into serfs. And chess and Tantric sex and Chinese food are pointless if you must enjoy them as a serf.'' Christopher Hitchens.

That has to be one of the dumbest quotes in the history of mankind, and I cant recall much of anyting from Grump that wasnt either an unsupported assertion, emotional blather, or just plain ole smartassed bile.

IF you can present an intelligent comment the man has EVER made, it would be of great interest to me.

Thus far from my perspective he is hardly worth the time to look up his posts as he never seems to add anything of enough substance to make it worth the time and trouble.

The day you come across as a rational, reasonable person on any subject is the day you will be taken seriously.

You calling a quote from Hitchens 'dumb' is like Adolf Hitler accusing Mother Teresa of being insane. In other words, you're full of shit....

I have made many intelligent comment on this board, although I do tend to stoop down to the lowest common denominator when speaking with neocon whackos like you.

Believe it or not, over the years I have had some fantastic debates with normal cons on this board. Few and far between, but they have happened.

What really cracks me up about the likes of you and your kind is that your arguments are so vacuous yet you think if you link to some whacko site or quote Alex Jones, Hannity [insert loud mouth neocon whackjob hero's name here] that somehow it's fact, and if you are called out on it, then us normal folk or lefties are just leftie progressives.
Many have fought and died for our rights.


If rights aren't important.

Did they die in vain?

Most of our wars have been fought in the interests of the wealthy, so yeah, in most cases, they did die in vain.

Why do you hate America?

When you tell a five year old he's misbehaving, he screams out "Why do you hate me!"

It doesn't work for 5 year olds, it doesn't work for countries.

Fact is, except for the Civil War (half of it, anyway, the other half really did die for rich people), the only wars we've fought that have been really justified were WWII.

Every other war was the wealthy trying to have the government go get something for them.
Please tell me - because from the gun nuts here, they don't seem to be showing much sympathy toward the dead kids, just about the thought of their guns being taken away.

There has been overwhelming sympathy toward the dead kids. The only NUTS here are the ones climbing on the pile of dead children & using them for a soap box to take away our freedoms before their bodies were even cold or the facts have come out.

Why wait until the facts come out? We know the facts - a gun was used to murder 28 people.

Let's put it on a level that you might better understand. A person murdered 28 people, and most of them were children. The fact that he used a gun in no way makes the gun responsible for his actions. As an analogy, there have been many instances in the past few years where individuals have driven their vehicles into crowds of people and several of them died. But I didn't hear repeated cries to ban the vehicles they were driving. That's because vehicles don't kill or injure people without someone at the wheel causing those injuries.
The same is true with firearms. I can load every one of my weapons and lay them on a chair, bed, table, etc.. Without someone picking them up and using them in an irresponsible manner, they are harmless.
Perhaps you should step back and use a bit of logic instead of being blown about by your emotions.
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Many have fought and died for our rights.


If rights aren't important.

Did they die in vain?

Most of our wars have been fought in the interests of the wealthy, so yeah, in most cases, they did die in vain.

Lets see, in US history we have the REvolutionary War, the War of 1812 (the Brits were snatching American sailors and forcing them into indentured servitude in His Majesties royal navy), the Mexican American War (fought due to the Mexican government sending an army into South Texas across the Rio Grande), The War of Northern Aggression (aka the civil war), the First World War (started by inane Europeans, but they dragged us into it by attacking our shipping) the second world War (Japs attacked us first and Hitler declared war on us first), and nothing since that but a bunch of police actions done with the blessings of the world community of nations in some fashion or other.

Well, you were right about the WoNA, but you are full of shyte on the rest, numnuts.
There has been overwhelming sympathy toward the dead kids. The only NUTS here are the ones climbing on the pile of dead children & using them for a soap box to take away our freedoms before their bodies were even cold or the facts have come out.

Why wait until the facts come out? We know the facts - a gun was used to murder 28 people.

Facts known. It was an AR-15, an assault weopon.

Look, dumbass, the Bushmaster is not an assault weapon. It is a military style, but is not actually an assault weapon. Assault weapons are weapons bought by military forces around the world and single shot rifles are NOT in demand.

But dont let facts get in the way of your fucking pitty party.
:rolleyes: pffft What do you know about Grump has given to this forum? He has been a highly esteemed member at USMB since 2006. Dr Grump is one of the most intelligent posters among us, so you should take your own advice and embrace that.

From Dr Grumps sig:
"Religion attacks us in our deepest integrity by saying we wouldn't be able to make a moral decision without it, and that a supernatural dictatorship is our only hope. That makes us all into serfs. And chess and Tantric sex and Chinese food are pointless if you must enjoy them as a serf.'' Christopher Hitchens.

That has to be one of the dumbest quotes in the history of mankind, and I cant recall much of anyting from Grump that wasnt either an unsupported assertion, emotional blather, or just plain ole smartassed bile.

IF you can present an intelligent comment the man has EVER made, it would be of great interest to me.

Thus far from my perspective he is hardly worth the time to look up his posts as he never seems to add anything of enough substance to make it worth the time and trouble.

The day you come across as a rational, reasonable person on any subject is the day you will be taken seriously.

Well, then take this seriously...go fuck yourself. They day people like you start talking nice to me is the day I will eat a fucking bullet.

You calling a quote from Hitchens 'dumb' is like Adolf Hitler accusing Mother Teresa of being insane. In other words, you're full of shit....


I have made many intelligent comment on this board, ....

Yeah, Einstein, like that one?

Most of our wars have been fought in the interests of the wealthy, so yeah, in most cases, they did die in vain.

Why do you hate America?

When you tell a five year old he's misbehaving, he screams out "Why do you hate me!"

It doesn't work for 5 year olds, it doesn't work for countries.

Fact is, except for the Civil War (half of it, anyway, the other half really did die for rich people), the only wars we've fought that have been really justified were WWII.

Every other war was the wealthy trying to have the government go get something for them.

You are lying again.

The Revolutionary War was justified, as was the Mexican American War, the War of 1812, and World War 1.

Who the fuck do you think you are, so morally perfect that you can damn all prior American generations for not agreeing with your delusions?

You are such a damned troll it isnt even funny any more, dipshit.
Most of our wars have been fought in the interests of the wealthy, so yeah, in most cases, they did die in vain.

Lets see, in US history we have the REvolutionary War, the War of 1812 (the Brits were snatching American sailors and forcing them into indentured servitude in His Majesties royal navy), the Mexican American War (fought due to the Mexican government sending an army into South Texas across the Rio Grande), The War of Northern Aggression (aka the civil war), the First World War (started by inane Europeans, but they dragged us into it by attacking our shipping) the second world War (Japs attacked us first and Hitler declared war on us first), and nothing since that but a bunch of police actions done with the blessings of the world community of nations in some fashion or other.

Well, you were right about the WoNA, but you are full of shyte on the rest, numnuts.[/QUOTE]

Well, actually, the Civil War was the only one I'd count as a good war, the only mistake is we didn't line up Davis, Lee, and every other slave-raping traitor and hang the shit out of them.

Put let's look at the list.

Revolutionary War- Rich Slave-rapist didn't want to pay their taxes. Got stupid poor people to fight a war for them.

War of 1812- We tried to snatch Canada while England was busy saving the world from Napoleon.

Mexican war- We beat up and stole land from a smaller weaker nation.

Civil War- fought to put an end to slavery.

Spanish-American War- We beat up on a smaller weaker nation.

Philippine War- Tried to impose ourselves on the Filipinos, who weren't too keen on the idea.

World War 1- After we let the Europeans borrow up to their eyeballs, we had tohelp them win the war so the Banksters wouldn't lose their money.

WWII - We were attacked- so that was justified.

Korea- I would almost consider that justified.

Vietnam- Sorry, the Vietnamese wanted communism. We had no business being there.

Gulf War - Yeah, we need to save the Emir and his right to marry a new virgin every week!

Afghanistan- Justified in getting Bin Laden, if we did that. Trying to prop up Karzai, not so much.

Iraq- "Saddam tried to kill my pappy! We're gonna hang him Texas Style"

None of those wars were our "freedoms" at stake. Someone convincedthe gullible that this was the case, but usually, thereare rich folks getting poor people to die.

Now, if we had a mandetory draft for the children of the wealthy and put them in an elite unit that would be the first deployed to any war zone, you'd be amazed how fast we avoided wars.

Peace in our time, baby!
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

I am not really sure what the point is here, Noomi, but no one is seriously trying or thinking about taking away people having guns. That is simply one side using fear to do what it normally does to prevent any rational debate taking place on limiting the access to firearms.

Most rational people in this country, many who have guns, like myself, do not want to have military style rifles capable of firing 30 or more rounds on the streets of our nation without a special license. We also do not want handguns that can fire more than 10 rounds with one clip. We also do not want people who are mentally ill, criminals, or others who have proven dangers to our communities to have them either, but one side does not want to hear any of it, and the other is just as intransigent.

As a result, we continue to have, and will have more of, the violence we still see.

The majority of people don't have any gripe with shotguns, rifles, and pistols in the home. But, they do, more and more, want some sensible solutions being worked out without the fringe elements on both sides spoiling reasonable change toward a safer society.
"Why is a gun more important than a human life?"
Guns aren't. But freedom and the US Constitution are. Many lives were spent to obtain and keep them.
Please tell me - because from the gun nuts here, they don't seem to be showing much sympathy toward the dead kids, just about the thought of their guns being taken away.
That's because the pro-gun argument is neither reactionary nor predicated upon emotion - unlike the arguments againt it.
I am not really sure what the point is here, Noomi, but no one is seriously trying or thinking about taking away people having guns.
Iowa lawmaker calls for retroactive gun bans, confiscations of semi-automatic weapons | The Daily Caller

That is simply one side using fear to do what it normally does to prevent any rational debate taking place on limiting the access to firearms.
As opposed to the reactionary, irrational, emotion-based platform of those who seek more gun control?

Most rational people in this country, many who have guns, like myself, do not want to have military style rifles capable of firing 30 or more rounds on the streets of our nation without a special license.
Aside from the fact that you cannot support this claim...
-Explain exactly how the 1994 AWB prevented this.
-Explain exactly how reinstating the 1994 AWB will prevent this.

We also do not want handguns that can fire more than 10 rounds with one clip.
Aside from the fact you cannot suppot this claim...
Magazine, not clip.
If you arent aware of the basic terminlogy associated with the issue, you clearly cannot have a reasoned discussion regarding same.

We also do not want people who are mentally ill, criminals, or others who have proven dangers to our communities to have them either..
This has been federal law since 1968 - for almost 45 years.
No one disagrees with it.

As a result, we continue to have, and will have more of, the violence we still see.
Never mind the fact that none of the mindless, reactionary, emotion-based suggestions put forth by the anti-gun side will do anything to stop it.
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