Some Thoughts About Robin Williams Suicide.

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A couple of things -- i see that a lot of "fans" are upset that too much detail in their opinion was given out about the details of his suicide. I'm not all that in to this story -- candidly im surprised its getting as much attention as it is -- but i disagree with their position. The public has a right to know these details with him just as with anyone else. Dont want to see or hear it? Dont watch; dont listen.

also on al esser point im i reading things right that apparently he and his wife were sleeping in seperate bedroom? she says she got up and left thinking he was still asleep -- that would be hard to miss if they were sleeping together. so in addition to the alleged financial prob;lems could their have been marital problems as well? am i putting too fine apoint on this?

Na-nu Na-nu! Shazzbut!

ps -- i also heard that he ahd come to refuse to talk about Mork because he felt it was beneath the serious actor he had become -- much like Fred Gwynn would not talk about Herman Munster -- anyone ever hear this and knoows if its true?

I wouldn't be surprised that Robin Williams and his wife didn't share a bedroom. Apparently he has been having difficulties---depression, heart operation --for some time. I think they have been married for almost 2 decades?

Rumors are floating about financial problems---possible bankruptcy--but could well be unfounded.

Also surprised that there has been so much attention focused on his death. It seems that we receive detailed information on anything and everything these days. It was pretty clear to me when they announced --asphyxiation--so the additional information wasn't that shocking.

I am sorry he had a difficult life--very talented individual.

Some theories that his heart problems may have contributed to his depression. I can believe that.
A couple of things -- i see that a lot of "fans" are upset that too much detail in their opinion was given out about the details of his suicide. I'm not all that in to this story -- candidly im surprised its getting as much attention as it is -- but i disagree with their position. The public has a right to know these details with him just as with anyone else. Dont want to see or hear it? Dont watch; dont listen.

also on al esser point im i reading things right that apparently he and his wife were sleeping in seperate bedroom? she says she got up and left thinking he was still asleep -- that would be hard to miss if they were sleeping together. so in addition to the alleged financial prob;lems could their have been marital problems as well? am i putting too fine apoint on this?

Na-nu Na-nu! Shazzbut!

ps -- i also heard that he ahd come to refuse to talk about Mork because he felt it was beneath the serious actor he had become -- much like Fred Gwynn would not talk about Herman Munster -- anyone ever hear this and knoows if its true?

I wouldn't be surprised that Robin Williams and his wife didn't share a bedroom. Apparently he has been having difficulties---depression, heart operation --for some time. I think they have been married for almost 2 decades?

Rumors are floating about financial problems---possible bankruptcy--but could well be unfounded.

Also surprised that there has been so much attention focused on his death. It seems that we receive detailed information on anything and everything these days. It was pretty clear to me when they announced --asphyxiation--so the additional information wasn't that shocking.

I am sorry he had a difficult life--very talented individual.

Some theories that his heart problems may have contributed to his depression. I can believe that.

that all makes sense. only one other thing - his current (last) wife -#3 - was only since 2011

Wasnt a huge fan of his but i did see the Happy Days episode where he made his big debut when it was originally broadcast -- one of the funniest half hours of televaision i ever saw. I was like -- who is this guy?!
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A couple of things -- i see that a lot of "fans" are upset that too much detail in their opinion was given out about the details of his suicide. I'm not all that in to this story -- candidly im surprised its getting as much attention as it is -- but i disagree with their position. The public has a right to know these details with him just as with anyone else. Dont want to see or hear it? Dont watch; dont listen.

also on al esser point im i reading things right that apparently he and his wife were sleeping in seperate bedroom? she says she got up and left thinking he was still asleep -- that would be hard to miss if they were sleeping together. so in addition to the alleged financial prob;lems could their have been marital problems as well? am i putting too fine apoint on this?

Na-nu Na-nu! Shazzbut!

ps -- i also heard that he ahd come to refuse to talk about Mork because he felt it was beneath the serious actor he had become -- much like Fred Gwynn would not talk about Herman Munster -- anyone ever hear this and knoows if its true?

I wouldn't be surprised that Robin Williams and his wife didn't share a bedroom. Apparently he has been having difficulties---depression, heart operation --for some time. I think they have been married for almost 2 decades?

Rumors are floating about financial problems---possible bankruptcy--but could well be unfounded.

Also surprised that there has been so much attention focused on his death. It seems that we receive detailed information on anything and everything these days. It was pretty clear to me when they announced --asphyxiation--so the additional information wasn't that shocking.

I am sorry he had a difficult life--very talented individual.

Some theories that his heart problems may have contributed to his depression. I can believe that.

that all makes sense. only one other thing - his current (last) wife -#3 - was only since 2011

Wasnt a huge fan of his but i did see the Happy Days episode where he made his big debut when it was originally broadcast -- one of the funniest half hours of televaision i ever saw. I was like -- who is this guy?!

I remember Mork and Mindy and it was one of the better sitcoms--then and maybe more so now. I can understand why he might not always want to be remembered for Mork.

Probably like watching a kindergarten play at this point in his life.

I hadn't kept up with him---professionally or personally. Still not surprised he wasn't sharing a bedroom with his wife. I would assume he kept an atypical schedule---and if he had health problems -- that is sometimes necessary or desirable.

In the world of comedy---which is broad he was certainly an icon.

They said that he attended Juilliard with Christopher Reeves---rigorous training. No doubt he was extremely intelligent and highly skilled.

Dr. Drew had Mackenzie Phillips on his show---(I personally never need to hear her story again) but she knew him from the early years---crazy times in the 70's. Hopefully that is now clear to everyone and if it isn't there is not much more to be said.
Robin Williams was bipolar.

He dealt on a daily basis with more monsters than you will in a lifetime.

For the benefit of those who do not want to remain ignorant:

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness - Mental Health Support, Education and Advocacy

Regards from Rosie

1. You don't know what I deal with.

2. I deal with far more than Robin Williams ever did (bipolar or no bipolar)

How interesting that you were a friend of Robin Williams.

Rarely does a loving public get an accurate first hand take on the pain that leads up to a celebrities suicide.

Do tell.

You're welcome. :D
We can and should honor Robin for all his fine contributions to the world of entertainment, and any charitable endevours he might have had. We should also express condolences to his family, who now suffer his loss.

We should not honor however the way he wrecked his life, and those of his wonderful wife and family. I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to injuries acquired on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regular basis. But this is a guy who did this to himself - with alcohol and drugs, and wound up hurting others in the process.

Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, and surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

Lesson to be had > KIDS. If you must drink, do it occasionally and in moderation, and don't do ANY recreational drugs, and take prescription drugs only if/whenever absolutely necessary.
do us a favor and step out in front of a bus.
We can and should honor Robin for all his fine contributions to the world of entertainment, and any charitable endevours he might have had. We should also express condolences to his family, who now suffer his loss.

We should not honor however the way he wrecked his life, and those of his wonderful wife and family. I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to injuries acquired on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regular basis. But this is a guy who did this to himself - with alcohol and drugs, and wound up hurting others in the process.

Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, and surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

Lesson to be had > KIDS. If you must drink, do it occasionally and in moderation, and don't do ANY recreational drugs, and take prescription drugs only if/whenever absolutely necessary.

Like many you're completely ignorant about clinical depression. Mr. Williams suffered from a medical condition which caused an imbalance in his brain, making things you and I might have been able to cope with seem overwhelming. If I whack you in the head with a tire iron and you then suffer from physiological/organic mental illness is that your fault or mine? If you spend the rest of your days in yor home never coming out until you die of sheer indifference and apathy was it you just bemoaning your lot, or could it be there was something amiss inside your head?

To put it another way: is a veteran who comes back from war suffering PTSD just a wimp? Or is there a reason for their condition best left to mental health professionals to help them cope with and overcome?

I AM a veteran who has PTSD, and has had clinical depression, and has agoraphobia/

"Like many" you enter a post assuming you know more than the person you're addressing, while they know more than you do, and from first hand knowledge. And I haven't heard that Robin Williams was wacked "in the head with a tire iron", or anything of the sort, have you ?
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And now, one of the daughters has announced that she is shutting down her access to social media because of bullying and negativity she has received due to her father's death.

Probably the less I say about that, the better.
And now, one of the daughters has announced that she is shutting down her access to social media because of bullying and negativity she has received due to her father's death.

Probably the less I say about that, the better.

That is unbelievable and shameful. At a time when people need love, compassion, and support, this is what they get? Doesn't say too much about humanity that people would react in this way.
We can and should honor Robin for all his fine contributions to the world of entertainment, and any charitable endevours he might have had. We should also express condolences to his family, who now suffer his loss.

We should not honor however the way he wrecked his life, and those of his wonderful wife and family. I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to injuries acquired on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regular basis. But this is a guy who did this to himself - with alcohol and drugs, and wound up hurting others in the process.

Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, and surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

Lesson to be had > KIDS. If you must drink, do it occasionally and in moderation, and don't do ANY recreational drugs, and take prescription drugs only if/whenever absolutely necessary.

Like many you're completely ignorant about clinical depression. Mr. Williams suffered from a medical condition which caused an imbalance in his brain, making things you and I might have been able to cope with seem overwhelming. If I whack you in the head with a tire iron and you then suffer from physiological/organic mental illness is that your fault or mine? If you spend the rest of your days in yor home never coming out until you die of sheer indifference and apathy was it you just bemoaning your lot, or could it be there was something amiss inside your head?

To put it another way: is a veteran who comes back from war suffering PTSD just a wimp? Or is there a reason for their condition best left to mental health professionals to help them cope with and overcome?

I AM a veteran who has PTSD, and has had clinical depression, and has agoraphobia/

"Like many" you enter a post assuming you know more than the person you're addressing, while they know more than you do, and from first hand knowledge. And I haven't heard that Robin Williams was wacked "in the head with a tire iron", or anything of the sort, have you ?
if any of that is true then you are in no position to give advice...
"All told, more than five million people recite the Serenity Prayer at meetings across the United States every year...

Peer-reviewed studies peg the success rate of AA somewhere between 5 and 10 percent. That is, about one of every fifteen people who enter these programs is able to become and stay sober. In 2006, one of the most prestigious scientific research organizations in the world, the Cochrane Collaboration, conducted a review of the many studies conducted between 1966 and 2005 and reached a stunning conclusion: “No experimental studies unequivocally demonstrated the effectiveness of AA” in treating alcoholism. This group reached the same conclusion about professional AA-oriented treatment (12-step facilitation therapy, or TSF), which is the core of virtually every alcoholism-rehabilitation program in the country."
The pseudo-science of Alcoholics Anonymous: There?s a better way to treat addiction -

I applaud people addicted to something seeking help, but would suggest proven addiction-recovery programs, or at least something with a greater than 5-10% success rate. The 'spontaneous' recovery rate is 5% so it's basicly within the margin of error whether it's actually doing anything real. Reason likely being alcohol-addicition is physical and psychological, yet 'talk therapy' is only psychological treatment.

I don't know about the 5-10% success rate that you cite, so I make no judgement about it pro or con. I did have a friend once who was a member of AA and I know that it was helping him intermittantly. In other words, he would get sober, and become a much better person, in a number of ways. This often lasted for a month or two, and then he would start drinking again. I encouraged him to go back to the meetings, and he did and got sober again. I was his next-door neighbor and I moved away, and so did he and we haven't kept touch. Wherever he is, I hope he's doing well, because I know his struggle is a tough one.

One thing I will say about this former friendship that is somewhat notable, is that I once told this guy (Keith is his name) that if he was feeling down and miserable, to knock on my door and bring his guitar with him. He did this sometimes, and we would talk and play our guitars together. I remember him saying this was a better therapy than even the AA meetings (which usually did help him).

So there are some ways we can help our pals when they need us, if we get a little creative about it. You don't have to be a guitar or other instrument player. It could be anything you have in common with the person in need. Maybe you both have pets, like the same TV show, play Scattergories, have similar political views, whatever. Just be a friend, be there, get the person to be doing something worthwhile, and help that person lift him/herself. It makes you feel better too.
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Like many you're completely ignorant about clinical depression. Mr. Williams suffered from a medical condition which caused an imbalance in his brain, making things you and I might have been able to cope with seem overwhelming. If I whack you in the head with a tire iron and you then suffer from physiological/organic mental illness is that your fault or mine? If you spend the rest of your days in yor home never coming out until you die of sheer indifference and apathy was it you just bemoaning your lot, or could it be there was something amiss inside your head?

To put it another way: is a veteran who comes back from war suffering PTSD just a wimp? Or is there a reason for their condition best left to mental health professionals to help them cope with and overcome?

I AM a veteran who has PTSD, and has had clinical depression, and has agoraphobia/

"Like many" you enter a post assuming you know more than the person you're addressing, while they know more than you do, and from first hand knowledge. And I haven't heard that Robin Williams was wacked "in the head with a tire iron", or anything of the sort, have you ?
if any of that is true then you are in no position to give advice...

I just gave some advice in the previous post (# 110). You might try it too.
I AM a veteran who has PTSD, and has had clinical depression, and has agoraphobia/

"Like many" you enter a post assuming you know more than the person you're addressing, while they know more than you do, and from first hand knowledge. And I haven't heard that Robin Williams was wacked "in the head with a tire iron", or anything of the sort, have you ?
if any of that is true then you are in no position to give advice...

I just gave some advice in the previous post (# 110). You might try it too.
yes you did ....
We can and should honor Robin for all his fine contributions to the world of entertainment, and any charitable endevours he might have had. We should also express condolences to his family, who now suffer his loss.

We should not honor however the way he wrecked his life, and those of his wonderful wife and family. I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to injuries acquired on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regular basis. But this is a guy who did this to himself - with alcohol and drugs, and wound up hurting others in the process.

Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, and surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

Lesson to be had > KIDS. If you must drink, do it occasionally and in moderation, and don't do ANY recreational drugs, and take prescription drugs only if/whenever absolutely necessary.
do us a favor and step out in front of a bus.

Have you ever considered seeing a psychiatrist ? I'll do YOU a favor and not bash your empty head in, in this thread. You've already hurt yourself enough, here.
Robin Williams was one of the best comedians of our time and also one of the most accomplished actors in a variety of roles. He was able to do what many comedians have never done, cross-over into dramatic roles and win great acclaim in doing so. He was a very talented man and he will be sorely missed. It gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach to hear that he committed suicide. I can only imagine the pain his family must be going through at this time. It's one thing to lose someone you love, but to lose them to suicide is almost too much to take.

Depression is difficult for people without it to comprehend. It seems as if someone like Robin Williams, with the fame and fortune he had achieved, would have no reason to be depressed. But depression isn't like being in a bad mood or down in the dumps. It's more like falling into an emotional black hole that continues to suck you in. It's almost impossible to escape. There is no connection with fame or fortune, or even reasons to be happy in life, it sometimes doesn't make any rational sense at all. I'm sure this was the case with Williams.

Another comedian who was one of his early mentors and very similar in many respects is Jonathan Winters. It's interesting to note, Winters suffered with extreme bouts of depression all through his life. Before his big role in It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, he was actually institutionalized for about 8 months. There are probably dozens of other examples, that one was just on my mind as I thought about Robin Williams today.
The topic is Robin Williams' suicide. You started the thread. Now, after all these posts you suddenly want it to be about military casualties and your assumptions of what people do or don't do on Memorial day??

Try again.

NO. The topic is NOT Robin Williams' suicide. The topic is what the title is >> Some Thoughts About Robin Williams Suicide. And some of those thoughts are the overattention given to Robin (someone who had it easy in life), as opposed to others who had it rough (like in the military), and who died honorably, and got little or no attention at all.

Are you really this dumb ? You don't get to define what the topic is. I do. The author of the OP. Here is the pure refute of what you're saying right above your post, in the quote highlighted in blue. Suddenly ? HA HA > Again, it was in the OP, you idiot. Some people have to be told twice. Or 3 or 4 times.

"I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to injuries acquired [B]on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regular basis."[/B]

Yeah, and the topic is how you have suffered much more than he did.

And the topic is that you somehow know that his addictions were the cause of his depression, and not the other way around.

And the topic is your ranting at anyone who doesn't run away from your threats.

And the topic is that you know what others do on their Memorial Day holiday.

Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm sure, where ever Robin Williams is, he is heart-broken that you don't have any sympathy for him. I'm sure he would change it all (if he could) just because of that.

1. I didn't say, that, you did.

2. I didn't say that, you did.

3. As I recall, You're the only one I threatened with a report.

4. Sure I know what others do on Memorial Day. So do you.
You didn't have to tell YesterdayBorn that/ I already told him. But thanks anyway. :lol:

Now try reading the thread, before you post again.

^^^^ This. :eusa_clap:

If you guys can't talk about the OP, please leave and allow the grown-ups to discuss this in an adult-like manner, thanks.

If you oppose Protectionist on this issue, then tell us why.

I oppose anyone trying to belittle someone else's pain by saying "I have had it so much worse than he has". Especially when they don't know the person.

I also find it amusing that Protard went off on someone, basically saying "You don't know anything about me!!", and yet he has tried to say, several times, that Robin Williams was depressed because of his substance abuse, and that the substance abuse was not an attempt to self-medicate his depression or mental health issue.

I'm not a fan of reading people trying to sound like experts when they are idiots.

WinterBorn is a troll who follows me around from thread to thread, enraged over the numerous times I've handed him his ass in the forum. That's why he engages in name-calling like Protard, idiot, pretend to be laughing at me, and other disparaging things (whatever he can think of at the moment). Oh well, like many things in life, this forum isn't perfect either. Now back to the topic. :D
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We can and should honor Robin for all his fine contributions to the world of entertainment, and any charitable endevours he might have had. We should also express condolences to his family, who now suffer his loss.

We should not honor however the way he wrecked his life, and those of his wonderful wife and family. I could have more sympathy for Robin if he had succumbed to injuries acquired on a military battlefield, as veterans are having happen to them on a regular basis. But this is a guy who did this to himself - with alcohol and drugs, and wound up hurting others in the process.

Depression ? This guy had fame, fortune, the admiration of millions of fans for his great talents, and a wonderful family. No way this guy should have gone out this way. Thousands of people are homeless and hungry, and they don't commit suicide. The Iraqi Tazidis are stranded on a mountain, in 120 degree heat, homeless, hungry, and surrounded by ISIS killer lunatics, and they're hanging in there.

Lesson to be had > KIDS. If you must drink, do it occasionally and in moderation, and don't do ANY recreational drugs, and take prescription drugs only if/whenever absolutely necessary.

Like many you're completely ignorant about clinical depression. Mr. Williams suffered from a medical condition which caused an imbalance in his brain, making things you and I might have been able to cope with seem overwhelming. If I whack you in the head with a tire iron and you then suffer from physiological/organic mental illness is that your fault or mine? If you spend the rest of your days in yor home never coming out until you die of sheer indifference and apathy was it you just bemoaning your lot, or could it be there was something amiss inside your head?

To put it another way: is a veteran who comes back from war suffering PTSD just a wimp? Or is there a reason for their condition best left to mental health professionals to help them cope with and overcome?

I AM a veteran who has PTSD, and has had clinical depression, and has agoraphobia/

"Like many" you enter a post assuming you know more than the person you're addressing, while they know more than you do, and from first hand knowledge. And I haven't heard that Robin Williams was wacked "in the head with a tire iron", or anything of the sort, have you ?

Well .... so much for the bus idea...

Nuts !!!
^^^^ This. :eusa_clap:

If you guys can't talk about the OP, please leave and allow the grown-ups to discuss this in an adult-like manner, thanks.

If you oppose Protectionist on this issue, then tell us why.

I oppose anyone trying to belittle someone else's pain by saying "I have had it so much worse than he has". Especially when they don't know the person.

I also find it amusing that Protard went off on someone, basically saying "You don't know anything about me!!", and yet he has tried to say, several times, that Robin Williams was depressed because of his substance abuse, and that the substance abuse was not an attempt to self-medicate his depression or mental health issue.

I'm not a fan of reading people trying to sound like experts when they are idiots.

WinterBorn is a troll who follows me around from thread to thread, enraged over the numerous times I've handed him his ass in the forum. That's why he engages in name-calling like Protard, idiot, pretend to be laughing at me, and other disparaging things (whatever he can think of at the moment). Oh well, **** many things in life, this forum isn't perfect either. Now back to the topic. :D

Protect, you really are starting to embarrass yourself, now.
And now, one of the daughters has announced that she is shutting down her access to social media because of bullying and negativity she has received due to her father's death.

Probably the less I say about that, the better.

That is unbelievable and shameful. At a time when people need love, compassion, and support, this is what they get? Doesn't say too much about humanity that people would react in this way.

Hopefully, that negativity will be countered out with lots of positive love, compassion, and support, as it probably will. This all doesn't surprise me though. We see bullying and negativity from A FEW posters right here in our own social media, and some of it right here in this thread. And it too is countered with many good posts, like the one you've just submitted here. Thanks.
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