Some truly unfortunate raw stats on police violence

Hey Joe those Ni gg ers sold us DEFECTIVE ni gg ers, as a white investor, I want my money back ..................

I hear the murder rate is up locally, black boys shoot 5 in park, what a lovely way to play ..................

Why do you ni gg ers come in and tell your lies that you know you will be made to look like a moron in??

Your own ni gg ers sold your brothers into slavery, stupid ...................

The slaves were "sold" more or less legally by their (black) owners. Scholars estimate that about 12,000,000 Africans were sold by Africans to Europeans (most of them before 1776, when the USA wasn't yet born) and 17,000,000 were sold to Arabs.

Guy, you are making your fellow right wingers look like the morons here.
The righties were the the abolitionists advocating for freedom. Your type has always served Satan and been on the wrong side of history.

I think you are a little confused. Conservatives want to keep things the way they are. Progressives want to change things.

the CONSERVATIVES wanted to keep slavery the way it was. The decades before the Civil War was one comprimise after another to keep the slave-holders happy.

Abe Lincoln (the one you like to celebrate the assassination of, apparently) as no "rightie".
I'm not the least bit confused. We've always been the liberals throughout history. Thomas Jefferson and Alex De Tockville are our philosophical fathers, and going back further to Jesus Christ who "came to set the captive free". Your kind had enslaved mankind since the beginning, for you are of your father, the devil, opposing human freedom and resisting the ordinances of God.

There's no confusion here. My spiritual discernment has been deftly honed all my life through the reading of God's Word.
The righties were the the abolitionists advocating for freedom. Your type has always served Satan and been on the wrong side of history.

I think you are a little confused. Conservatives want to keep things the way they are. Progressives want to change things.

the CONSERVATIVES wanted to keep slavery the way it was. The decades before the Civil War was one comprimise after another to keep the slave-holders happy.

Abe Lincoln (the one you like to celebrate the assassination of, apparently) as no "rightie".
I'm not the least bit confused. We've always been the liberals throughout history. Thomas Jefferson and Alex De Tockville are our philosophical fathers, and going back further to Jesus Christ who "came to set the captive free". Your kind had enslaved mankind since the beginning, for you are of your father, the devil, opposing human freedom and resisting the ordinances of God.

There's no confusion here. My spiritual discernment has been deftly honed all my life through the reading of God's Word.

You're exactly right.

Republicans fought to liberate slaves. Republicans passed civil rights. Republicans now fight for liberty via smaller government.

Democrats enslaved blacks. Founded the KKK. Passed oppressive laws. And continue to want people chained by more government.

100% correct you are.
I'm not the least bit confused. We've always been the liberals throughout history. Thomas Jefferson and Alex De Tockville are our philosophical fathers, and going back further to Jesus Christ who "came to set the captive free". Your kind had enslaved mankind since the beginning, for you are of your father, the devil, opposing human freedom and resisting the ordinances of God.

There's no confusion here. My spiritual discernment has been deftly honed all my life through the reading of God's Word.

Guy, Jesus was totally good with slavery. He didn't speak out against slavery, once.

God didn't change him mind on slavery, PEOPLE did.

Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner who regularly raped his slave, Sally Hemmings, fathering six children on her.

Is this the best you can come up with?
So to's like a 200,000 mile highway system. And the liberals and media wants the whole thing shut down and repaved because of 10 crappy pot holes.
Wrong. You get rid of the pot holes and hold bad cops accountable.
So to's like a 200,000 mile highway system. And the liberals and media wants the whole thing shut down and repaved because of 10 crappy pot holes.
Wrong. You get rid of the pot holes and hold bad cops accountable.

Exactly right. But both are very small localized issues and are NOT a national crisis.
"Republicans fought to liberate slaves." b9
There's another thread in these fora about whether the War of Northern Aggression was fought over slavery. I don't recall any definitive answer on that issue in that thread.
In any case, as Republicans allegedly did so, they fought side by side with Democrats, equally committed to the cause.
"Republicans passed civil rights." b9
Yes. The GOP's 19th Century record on that is something to be proud of.
But at the time those 19 Century actions were taken, those living to appreciate them are all gone today.

In contrast, more recent substantive action for such civil rights was promoted by LBJ, a Democrat.
And I have vague but living memory of LBJ's Civil Rights Act being signed into law.
"Republicans now fight for liberty via smaller government." b9
Here's a little history for you:
In the 1830s the Democratic Party developed the characteristics it retained until the end of the century. Democrats argued that the national government should do nothing that the states could do for themselves ... *

Please note how very similar this is to the 10th Amendment argument Republicans make in support of their 2nd Amendment rights.

Republican Presidential candidate former TX Governor George Bush "ran in 2000 promising to strengthen Social Security, the emblematic achievement of the New Deal, promising to enrich the entitlement menu of Medicare, the emblematic achievement of the Great Society. He has increased education spending and the federal involvement in education. He is the President who has increased the welfare state more than any President since 1965. Bill Clinton is the only modern President to repeal an entitlement program with the signing of welfare reform act. I do think the labels are considerably blurred." George Will / ABC-TV This Week
"Democrats enslaved blacks. Founded the KKK. Passed oppressive laws. And continue to want people chained by more government." b9 #64
In centuries past, perhaps.
"You're exactly right." ...
"100% correct you are. " b9 #64
b9 #64 tap-dances through history in a way Ginger Rodgers would swoon over.

And the sanity check that disproves this selectively painted picture are the public opinion polls that matter most: those public opinion polls held on election day.
- The Democrats generally receive broad support from minorities including Blacks and Hispanics.
- The Democrat party is the first to have elected a Black to our executive branch.
"What we mistake for thought may merely be the reinforcement of our own prejudice." Italo Benin PhD
It's called "confirmation bias" b9.

And this hilarious cherry-picking of history of yours is clearly overwhelmed with it.

* Encarta® 98 Desk Encyclopedia © & 1996-97 Microsoft Corporation.
All rights reserved.
I'm not the least bit confused. We've always been the liberals throughout history. Thomas Jefferson and Alex De Tockville are our philosophical fathers, and going back further to Jesus Christ who "came to set the captive free". Your kind had enslaved mankind since the beginning, for you are of your father, the devil, opposing human freedom and resisting the ordinances of God.

There's no confusion here. My spiritual discernment has been deftly honed all my life through the reading of God's Word.

Guy, Jesus was totally good with slavery. He didn't speak out against slavery, once.

God didn't change him mind on slavery, PEOPLE did.

Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner who regularly raped his slave, Sally Hemmings, fathering six children on her.

Is this the best you can come up with?

How do you know Jefferson raped her? I bet it was consensual.
"How do you know Jefferson raped her? I bet it was consensual." Ll
Sally Hemmings was T.J.'s property, his slave.
Slaves cannot consent. The slave / master relationship is INTRINSICALLY coercive, and thus whatever "consent" she might have offered would not be recognized as being legally valid.
Coerced agreements are not binding in law.

And if TJ wanted her on legitimate basis he could have freed her.
He didn't.
Why do you suppose that is?

I suspect it's because he feared she'd leave him.
"How do you know Jefferson raped her? I bet it was consensual." Ll
Sally Hemmings was T.J.'s property, his slave.
Slaves cannot consent. The slave / master relationship is INTRINSICALLY coercive, and thus whatever "consent" she might have offered would not be recognized as being legally valid.
Coerced agreements are not binding in law.

And if TJ wanted her on legitimate basis he could have freed her.
He didn't.
Why do you suppose that is?

I suspect it's because he feared she'd leave him.

Maybe he did free her. Maybe she stayed because she wanted to. Fact is, you nor I knows the dynamics of their relationship. And yes, a slave can give consent.
"Maybe he did free her." Ll
I've read many accounts of TJ, including his relationship w/ SH.

All of the accounts I've read referred to her as a N e g r o slave.
Once freed, it's no longer slavery.
So no.
I know of no historical account that TJ freed SH.
To the contrary; some Founders had no slaves, Ben Franklin for example.
Other Founders ordered his slaves freed upon his death.
Jefferson famously did not.
"yes, a slave can give consent." Ll
They could SAY yes. It's simply not legally binding.
Nor is it legally binding for a minor to consent.

An adult could trick a 12 year old to "consent" to an adult for sex.
It simply isn't legally binding.

I'd also like to congratulate myself on reaching triple digits on my post counter at this domain. Way to go sear!
"Maybe he did free her." Ll
I've read many accounts of TJ, including his relationship w/ SH.

All of the accounts I've read referred to her as a N e g r o slave.
Once freed, it's no longer slavery.
So no.
I know of no historical account that TJ freed SH.
To the contrary; some Founders had no slaves, Ben Franklin for example.
Other Founders ordered his slaves freed upon his death.
Jefferson famously did not.
"yes, a slave can give consent." Ll
They could SAY yes. It's simply not legally binding.
Nor is it legally binding for a minor to consent.

An adult could trick a 12 year old to "consent" to an adult for sex.
It simply isn't legally binding.

I'd also like to congratulate myself on reaching triple digits on my post counter at this domain. Way to go sear!

It was a verbal agreement between them. Legally binding? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA That's funny shit right there!!
How do you know Jefferson raped her? I bet it was consensual.

Are you fucking retarded? How can you have "consensual" sex with someone who is legally property? By definition, a slave can't consent to anything. They have to do what they are told. They are property.

Or do you really think that a 16 year old girl just wanted to have sex with a 46 year old man? I think the fact he could have her whipped, sold or send out to do hard labor in the field more than counts as "coercion".
How do you know Jefferson raped her? I bet it was consensual.

Are you fucking retarded? How can you have "consensual" sex with someone who is legally property? By definition, a slave can't consent to anything. They have to do what they are told. They are property.

Or do you really think that a 16 year old girl just wanted to have sex with a 46 year old man? I think the fact he could have her whipped, sold or send out to do hard labor in the field more than counts as "coercion".

I would imagine he asked, "do you want to have sex?" and she answered. "yes". That's consent.

Funny thing is, neither of us knows exactly what happened. And another thing, it doesn't fucking matter!!!
I would imagine he asked, "do you want to have sex?" and she answered. "yes". That's consent.

Funny thing is, neither of us knows exactly what happened. And another thing, it doesn't fucking matter!!!

Well, actually, it does matter. If you instigate a war based on the notion that you are fighting for all men being equal, and then you go home and rape the shit out of some poor girl because she happens to be your property, and because she happens to be all of 1/4 black, it' kind of reeks of hypocrisy.

Again, this thread is about how police routinely violate the rights of people based on their skin color. When you have a country that was founded on "All Men are created equal- except those who happen to be a certain pigmentation, then fuck those guys", you do have a problem.
I would imagine he asked, "do you want to have sex?" and she answered. "yes". That's consent.

Funny thing is, neither of us knows exactly what happened. And another thing, it doesn't fucking matter!!!

Well, actually, it does matter. If you instigate a war based on the notion that you are fighting for all men being equal, and then you go home and rape the shit out of some poor girl because she happens to be your property, and because she happens to be all of 1/4 black, it' kind of reeks of hypocrisy.

Again, this thread is about how police routinely violate the rights of people based on their skin color. When you have a country that was founded on "All Men are created equal- except those who happen to be a certain pigmentation, then fuck those guys", you do have a problem.

The problem is people like you that make blanket statements that are untrue. Such as, "police routinely violate the rights of people based on their skin color".

All men were created equal, but not men are equal. In this country every person has an equal opportunity. It's the choices the individual makes that determines if they're successful or not.

BTW, Jefferson has nothing to do with the topic.
The problem is people like you that make blanket statements that are untrue. Such as, "police routinely violate the rights of people based on their skin color".

All men were created equal, but not men are equal. In this country every person has an equal opportunity. It's the choices the individual makes that determines if they're successful or not.

BTW, Jefferson has nothing to do with the topic.

Actually, he kind of does... this country was not based on all men are created equal. It was based on some being slaves, some being born with silver spoons in their mouths.

You'd have to be a complete retard to think some poor kid in the ghetto has the same "opportunities" a kid from a rich suburb has.

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