Some truly unfortunate raw stats on police violence

So not just a racist cop but a larger racist conspiracy? Do you know how damn lunatic you Leftwats are thinking that there are racists everywhere you look? Such paranoia is usually treated with medication and you seriously need it.

Guy, McCullough (the DA) withheld key evidence from the Grand Jury and let Wilson

Read the New Yorker profile of Wilson, where he talks about "the blacks'.
So you still want face the reality of Michael Brown, ni gg er thug who strong armed a store clerk, was stopped by law enforcement which he savagely beat and after being shot attempting to get the officers gun started to flee. When the officer who was still dazed was able to get to his feet and draw his weapon the thug then attempted to rush and tackle him at which point he got what he deserved.

A jury of his peers found him not guilty, and even though you HNIC sent his little boy ni gg er to investigate for civil charges he came up empty handed.

Okay, so DA whitewashes an investigation, and the Justice Department realizes they'd have a serious Double Jeopardy issue if they had an investigation...

Doesn't take away from the fact a racist cop shot an unarmed kid who was no immediate threat... six times.

But yeah, guy you can't use the N-word and then get to claim your guys were in the right... just saying....

It's amazing, you keep repeating the same BS expecting some of it to stick.
Just because you get shot by the police for attacking the police doesn't make the police racist, but don't let me stop you from your unhinged rants.
Nobody cares about Michael Brown.

Had to laugh my balls of yesterday..........front page of the New York Times was an almost full page article about Ferguson a year later and Im thinking, " wonder this paper has lost a billion subscriptions......maybe 179 people even care about this!!"

In fact, this is the most popular t-shirt in Furguson these days,................

Just because you get shot by the police for attacking the police doesn't make the police racist, but don't let me stop you from your unhinged rants.

Um, yeah, go read his New Yorker profile... where he talks about "the blacks" and "those people'.

The blacks. The whites. The asians. The hispanics. The russians.

You lefties created this sub group culture. got it.

In a year....about 12-14 million arrests are made. Out of 330 million citizens.
Police state? Thats about 13 out of 330 people. Or....about 4% of people. Now...consider how many REPEAT offenders we's probably more like 1% of people. Chances you have of being arrested for something....very small....and likely completely your own fault.

Now....about 400-500 of those arrests result in offender death. Tragic...yes. But....that's about 0.003%. Most of those are white. And most of those involve officers being shot at first.

TINY number (fact checked by Politifact Fatal police shootings occur in tiny percentage of arrests in U.S. Milwaukee s police chief says PolitiFact Wisconsin

Roughly 1,000,000 law enforcement officers in a cumulative 300 BILLION hours per year of police work. And maybe 10-20 questionable shootings occur a year. Again....tragic....but an EXTREMELY tiny number.'s unfortunate because of two reasons:
1) It's showing that our media is creating an image of a major crisis out of something where there is none
2) It's making a large chunk of our population look like complete morons for believing it

Yeah, considering the number of murders in the country, who gives a feck about 400 people dying in dubious circumstances at the hands of the police. Let's just say they all deserved it then we can go back to our lives being happy that it wasn't us that it happened to, but scum we labelled as bad a long time ago, just after we forced their mother to not have an abortion or something.
The blacks. The whites. The asians. The hispanics. The russians.

You lefties created this sub group culture. got it.

Uh, no, guy. This sub-group culture was started when righties decided to kidnap a bunch of people from Africa and sell them.
The righties were the the abolitionists advocating for freedom. Your type has always served Satan and been on the wrong side of history.
The blacks. The whites. The asians. The hispanics. The russians.

You lefties created this sub group culture. got it.

Uh, no, guy. This sub-group culture was started when righties decided to kidnap a bunch of people from Africa and sell them.

Why do you ni gg ers come in and tell your lies that you know you will be made to look like a moron in??

Your own ni gg ers sold your brothers into slavery, stupid ...................

The slaves were "sold" more or less legally by their (black) owners. Scholars estimate that about 12,000,000 Africans were sold by Africans to Europeans (most of them before 1776, when the USA wasn't yet born) and 17,000,000 were sold to Arabs.,d.dmo
The largest difference is in police militarization, police recruitment, and just how impossible it is for cops to lose their jobs over even serious matters, even if they are caught red handed on camera.
The blacks. The whites. The asians. The hispanics. The russians.

You lefties created this sub group culture. got it.

Uh, no, guy. This sub-group culture was started when righties decided to kidnap a bunch of people from Africa and sell them.

Hey Joe those Ni gg ers sold us DEFECTIVE ni gg ers, as a white investor, I want my money back ..................

I hear the murder rate is up locally, black boys shoot 5 in park, what a lovely way to play ..................

In a year....about 12-14 million arrests are made. Out of 330 million citizens.
Police state? Thats about 13 out of 330 people. Or....about 4% of people. Now...consider how many REPEAT offenders we's probably more like 1% of people. Chances you have of being arrested for something....very small....and likely completely your own fault.

Now....about 400-500 of those arrests result in offender death. Tragic...yes. But....that's about 0.003%. Most of those are white. And most of those involve officers being shot at first.

TINY number (fact checked by Politifact Fatal police shootings occur in tiny percentage of arrests in U.S. Milwaukee s police chief says PolitiFact Wisconsin

Roughly 1,000,000 law enforcement officers in a cumulative 300 BILLION hours per year of police work. And maybe 10-20 questionable shootings occur a year. Again....tragic....but an EXTREMELY tiny number.'s unfortunate because of two reasons:
1) It's showing that our media is creating an image of a major crisis out of something where there is none
2) It's making a large chunk of our population look like complete morons for believing it

Yeah, considering the number of murders in the country, who gives a feck about 400 people dying in dubious circumstances at the hands of the police. Let's just say they all deserved it then we can go back to our lives being happy that it wasn't us that it happened to, but scum we labelled as bad a long time ago, just after we forced their mother to not have an abortion or something.

Well....most of those 400 were obviously justified shootings. A handful are not. Small handful. USMB liberals Ravi and ClosedCaption both said the number is around 6. 6 total unjustified shootings. Put of 1,000,000 cops making 14,000,000 arrests.....during 300,000,000,000 hours of police work.

An unjustified police shooting is...statistically. ...extremely rare. And we're burning our country down over it.

In a year....about 12-14 million arrests are made. Out of 330 million citizens.
Police state? Thats about 13 out of 330 people. Or....about 4% of people. Now...consider how many REPEAT offenders we's probably more like 1% of people. Chances you have of being arrested for something....very small....and likely completely your own fault.

Now....about 400-500 of those arrests result in offender death. Tragic...yes. But....that's about 0.003%. Most of those are white. And most of those involve officers being shot at first.

TINY number (fact checked by Politifact Fatal police shootings occur in tiny percentage of arrests in U.S. Milwaukee s police chief says PolitiFact Wisconsin

Roughly 1,000,000 law enforcement officers in a cumulative 300 BILLION hours per year of police work. And maybe 10-20 questionable shootings occur a year. Again....tragic....but an EXTREMELY tiny number.'s unfortunate because of two reasons:
1) It's showing that our media is creating an image of a major crisis out of something where there is none
2) It's making a large chunk of our population look like complete morons for believing it

Yeah, considering the number of murders in the country, who gives a feck about 400 people dying in dubious circumstances at the hands of the police. Let's just say they all deserved it then we can go back to our lives being happy that it wasn't us that it happened to, but scum we labelled as bad a long time ago, just after we forced their mother to not have an abortion or something.

Well....most of those 400 were obviously justified shootings. A handful are not. Small handful. USMB liberals Ravi and ClosedCaption both said the number is around 6. 6 total unjustified shootings. Put of 1,000,000 cops making 14,000,000 arrests.....during 300,000,000,000 hours of police work.

An unjustified police shooting is...statistically. ...extremely rare. And we're burning our country down over it.

Shouldn't a country examine in detail when police are doing something wrong? I mean, if you DIDN'T examine this, what are the consequences then?
The country isn't being burned down because of unjustified shootings, it's going down because the govts are unwilling to deal with the problems of society.
The righties were the the abolitionists advocating for freedom. Your type has always served Satan and been on the wrong side of history.

I think you are a little confused. Conservatives want to keep things the way they are. Progressives want to change things.

the CONSERVATIVES wanted to keep slavery the way it was. The decades before the Civil War was one comprimise after another to keep the slave-holders happy.

Abe Lincoln (the one you like to celebrate the assassination of, apparently) as no "rightie".
Why do you ni gg ers come in and tell your lies that you know you will be made to look like a moron in??

Your own ni gg ers sold your brothers into slavery, stupid ...................

The slaves were "sold" more or less legally by their (black) owners. Scholars estimate that about 12,000,000 Africans were sold by Africans to Europeans (most of them before 1776, when the USA wasn't yet born) and 17,000,000 were sold to Arabs.

Guy, you are making your fellow right wingers look like the morons here.

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