Some truly unfortunate raw stats on police violence's unfortunate because of two reasons:
1) It's showing that our media is creating an image of a major crisis out of something where there is none
2) It's making a large chunk of our population look like complete morons for believing it

so there's an acceptable number of innocent people being killed by police?

Is this the argument you are trying to make.

Yes, most police are honest, hardworking and do a difficult job, and they deserve praise for it. Or at least a decent paycheck, which most of them are getting on our dime.

that still doesn't excuse the Freddy Grays, the Michael Browns and the Sandra Blands who are are mistreated at the hands of law enforcement.

Michael Brown? The cop has been cleared several times over.

Cops are doing a difficult job, most those mistreated are repeat offender criminals. We shouldn't make it a harder job for all police because of this. Wake up. Without our police we will become Mexico.
Michael Brown? The cop has been cleared several times over.

No, the system failed miserably to hold anyone accountable for a death that never should have happened. That's not the same thing. Just imagine Mike Brown was your hypothetical kid who made a bad decision that day for whatever reason teens make bad decisions. I don't think you'd be as cool with a cop shooting him 8 times with no consequences.

Silly Negro. Rights are for White People!

Cops are doing a difficult job, most those mistreated are repeat offender criminals.

Who last time I checked, STILL Had rights. I should point out that most of the things they had "offended" were penny-ante stuff we don't throw people in jail for, much less kill them.

We shouldn't make it a harder job for all police because of this. Wake up. Without our police we will become Mexico.

The people who make the job harder for all police are the bad apples like Wilson and Encina and Slager who abuse their authority.

That said, I think there are some simple reforms we can make. Make body cameras mandetory. That will make the police and citizens act better, as it will all be on tape. ANd when they don't, we will have a pretty clear record of what actually happened.
Michael Brown? The cop has been cleared several times over.

No, the system failed miserably to hold anyone accountable for a death that never should have happened. That's not the same thing. Just imagine Mike Brown was your hypothetical kid who made a bad decision that day for whatever reason teens make bad decisions. I don't think you'd be as cool with a cop shooting him 8 times with no consequences.

Silly Negro. Rights are for White People!

Cops are doing a difficult job, most those mistreated are repeat offender criminals.

Who last time I checked, STILL Had rights. I should point out that most of the things they had "offended" were penny-ante stuff we don't throw people in jail for, much less kill them.

We shouldn't make it a harder job for all police because of this. Wake up. Without our police we will become Mexico.

The people who make the job harder for all police are the bad apples like Wilson and Encina and Slager who abuse their authority.

That said, I think there are some simple reforms we can make. Make body cameras mandetory. That will make the police and citizens act better, as it will all be on tape. ANd when they don't, we will have a pretty clear record of what actually happened.

What if Mike Brown was a legal concealed carry holder. And a larger man began to attack Mike Brown...and was trying to take his firearm from him. Would Mike Brown have been justified in a self defense shooting??? Yes. He would.
What did Darren Wilson do wrong?

He saw a robbery suspect.
He tried to stop him...alone...which unfortunately is just reality for cops.
He was attacked.
His attacker tried to take his gun from him and was punching him in the head...which could knock him unconcious.
He stopped this threat by shooting it.

What did he do wrong?
Michael Brown? The cop has been cleared several times over.

No, the system failed miserably to hold anyone accountable for a death that never should have happened. That's not the same thing. Just imagine Mike Brown was your hypothetical kid who made a bad decision that day for whatever reason teens make bad decisions. I don't think you'd be as cool with a cop shooting him 8 times with no consequences.

Silly Negro. Rights are for White People!

Cops are doing a difficult job, most those mistreated are repeat offender criminals.

Who last time I checked, STILL Had rights. I should point out that most of the things they had "offended" were penny-ante stuff we don't throw people in jail for, much less kill them.

We shouldn't make it a harder job for all police because of this. Wake up. Without our police we will become Mexico.

The people who make the job harder for all police are the bad apples like Wilson and Encina and Slager who abuse their authority.

That said, I think there are some simple reforms we can make. Make body cameras mandetory. That will make the police and citizens act better, as it will all be on tape. ANd when they don't, we will have a pretty clear record of what actually happened.

Bad decision? He robbed a store, walked down the middle of the road, and attacked a cop. Sorry I don't feel for him at all. I care about the cops life he ruined.
so there's an acceptable number of innocent people being killed by police?
Id say these figures are nothing short of amazing. Do you have a system in mind that will get better results than our current one? Lets hear it then.
What did Darren Wilson do wrong?

He saw a robbery suspect.
He tried to stop him...alone...which unfortunately is just reality for cops.
He was attacked.
His attacker tried to take his gun from him and was punching him in the head...which could knock him unconcious.
He stopped this threat by shooting it.

What did he do wrong?

He kept shooting at the guy when he was running away. That's what he did wrong. When the last six shots were fired, the guy was 100 feet away from him.
so there's an acceptable number of innocent people being killed by police?
Id say these figures are nothing short of amazing. Do you have a system in mind that will get better results than our current one? Lets hear it then.

I've got a lot of good ideas.

First and foremost, ALL shootings should be investigated by a body that is separate from the police department itself.

Second, Body Cameras should be standard equipment.

Third, no more of this pulling people over for "Driving while black".
What did Darren Wilson do wrong?

He saw a robbery suspect.
He tried to stop him...alone...which unfortunately is just reality for cops.
He was attacked.
His attacker tried to take his gun from him and was punching him in the head...which could knock him unconcious.
He stopped this threat by shooting it.

What did he do wrong?

He kept shooting at the guy when he was running away. That's what he did wrong. When the last six shots were fired, the guy was 100 feet away from him.

Bad decision? He robbed a store, walked down the middle of the road, and attacked a cop. Sorry I don't feel for him at all. I care about the cops life he ruined.

Nobody ruined that racist cops life but that racist cop.
What did Darren Wilson do wrong?

He saw a robbery suspect.
He tried to stop him...alone...which unfortunately is just reality for cops.
He was attacked.
His attacker tried to take his gun from him and was punching him in the head...which could knock him unconcious.
He stopped this threat by shooting it.

What did he do wrong?

He kept shooting at the guy when he was running away. That's what he did wrong. When the last six shots were fired, the guy was 100 feet away from him. Forensic evidence proved he was NOT shot in the back. Science.

Yes....he was running back at him for round 2. In round 1 he tried to take Wilson's gun....and lost. Is Wilson obligated to try to keep his gun twice? No. He's not.
so there's an acceptable number of innocent people being killed by police?
Id say these figures are nothing short of amazing. Do you have a system in mind that will get better results than our current one? Lets hear it then.

I've got a lot of good ideas.

First and foremost, ALL shootings should be investigated by a body that is separate from the police department itself.

Second, Body Cameras should be standard equipment.

Third, no more of this pulling people over for "Driving while black".

You mean like state and county police? And a grand jury? And a federal probe? OH YEAH....all that happened. They also found Darren Wilson innocent.

so there's an acceptable number of innocent people being killed by police?
Id say these figures are nothing short of amazing. Do you have a system in mind that will get better results than our current one? Lets hear it then.

I've got a lot of good ideas.

First and foremost, ALL shootings should be investigated by a body that is separate from the police department itself.

Second, Body Cameras should be standard equipment.

Third, no more of this pulling people over for "Driving while black".

You mean like state and county police? And a grand jury? And a federal probe? OH YEAH....all that happened. They also found Darren Wilson innocent.

Body cams - good idea.

That should be implemented and not only for the accountability that it brings but for the protection of the officer. Has this indecent been recorded the altercation would have been known from the start.

Hands up don't shoot would not have existed and Wilson would be in a better spot than he is in now.

There will certainly always be those that hate and degenerate no matter what the evidence states. There will always be people like Joe right here in this thread that ignore the blatant facts of any case to scream racism and hate. They will be massively mitigated though by recording and documenting what actually happens in these altercations. Before the facts came out there were literally millions and millions of people that had already convinced themselves that Brown was only guilty of being black and Wilson murdered Brown without cause. They still believe that Brown was trying to surrender when shot.
Anyone that claims there isn't discrimination in the U.S. against dark-skinned people is wrong.
It shows up in many ways.
A stat I read in just the past week, unemployment among young Blacks is about twice what it is among Whites the same age.
Many may accuse Blacks of being lazy.
But if they're lazy, why are they looking for work?

that is your OPINION

the employment gap can be explained by the achievement gap,
that's not discrimination. The cause is a fact those of your ilk are unwilling to accept and demand reverse discrimination as a remedy
Body cams are gonna be awesome! !!!

Most cops hated it at was seen as a symbol of distrust. Like an assumption that they're all corrupt.

But....the media won't report this....but a HUGE number of shit heads complaints have been voided by body cams.

For every 1 bad cop it clears 99 good ones! Those are the unreported ones that IA clears every week without media hype as morons file false comolaints.

I'm loving this new body cam thing. Let society see just how fucked up people really are.
SJSU shooting: Officers cleared, family outraged, split views on body cam video

By Robert Salonga

[email protected]

Posted: 05/22/2015 10:12:30 AM PDT102 Comments | Updated: 3 months ago

SAN JOSE -- They all looked at the same footage. One side saw a lawful police shooting of a man, holding a blade, closing in on an officer. The other saw an execution of a man, holding a tool, just trying to walk away.

In what is believed to be Santa Clara County's first instance where video from an officer-worn body camera figured prominently in the investigation of a police shooting, the District Attorney's Office on Friday cleared two San Jose State officers in the Feb. 21, 2014 death of 38-year-old Antonio Guzman Lopez just off the campus's southern edge.

SJSU shooting Officers cleared family outraged split views on body cam video - San Jose Mercury News
SJSU shooting: Officers cleared, family outraged, split views on body cam video

By Robert Salonga

[email protected]

Posted: 05/22/2015 10:12:30 AM PDT102 Comments | Updated: 3 months ago

SAN JOSE -- They all looked at the same footage. One side saw a lawful police shooting of a man, holding a blade, closing in on an officer. The other saw an execution of a man, holding a tool, just trying to walk away.

In what is believed to be Santa Clara County's first instance where video from an officer-worn body camera figured prominently in the investigation of a police shooting, the District Attorney's Office on Friday cleared two San Jose State officers in the Feb. 21, 2014 death of 38-year-old Antonio Guzman Lopez just off the campus's southern edge.

SJSU shooting Officers cleared family outraged split views on body cam video - San Jose Mercury News

Man....liberals could see a video of a thug driving an Abrams tank at a cop and the cop shooting him....and they'd say it was unjustified. They'd say "Oh...he should've dove around the tank or just out ran it in his car. They need better training on how to defend against tanks without shooting people."

Of course they say that's an unrealistic scenario..... Forensic evidence proved he was NOT shot in the back. Science.

Yes....he was running back at him for round 2. In round 1 he tried to take Wilson's gun....and lost. Is Wilson obligated to try to keep his gun twice? No. He's not.

Science only proves that Brown was facing Wilson when he was shot. It does not prove that Wilson was justified shooting the kid SIX TIMES.

And how is it that when you have white criminals like Holmes, Loughner, that Dylann kid, all the nuts waiving their guns around, no one feels a need to shoot anyone.

But man, some scary black kid--- OH MY GOD SHOOT IT BEFORE IT GETS ME!!!!!!!!

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