Some Truth About Donald Trump


Silver Member
Feb 4, 2017
In all fairness, I will disclose that I am a conservative who supported Ted Cruz. Nonetheless, I voted for Trump in the general election because Hillary is a coil of dog shit, as is just about every Democrat today. As a conservative I am able to look at things objectively and honestly, unlike the leftist scum. Here are a few truths about Donald Trump:

1. He is an old man. Old people generally become goofy, inarticulate, and confused.

2. He has been incredibly successful financially during his life. I find that to be admirable. You may not.

3. He is a virgin politician during a time when politics is a highly refined discipline. Some people do not like the fact that politics has become a highly refined discipline.

4. Trump is highly intelligent, but he is getting up there in age (it is worth repeating that he is old).

5. He is a showman of who loves attention.

6. He is a big idea man, not a micro-manager.

7. He is not a zealot; he is a provocateur.

8. He repeats himself a lot and repeatedly gets lost in his thoughts while speaking. This makes it hard for some of us to listen to him.

9. He is not a conservative. He is a populist, and populism is dangerous and does not really gel with our system of a representative republic.

10. Having a businessman as president is not a bad thing. It is seemingly an awesome thing. But, the positives of this can be offset when the person is a smart-assed Yankee Bullshit artist.

Fact is, a lot of us down south were not crazy about Trump. But we CLEARLY would vote for anyone but Clinton.

11. Trump does not understand how to conduct foreign policy. Of course, neither do Obama and Hillary.

12. Despite the fact that Trump was not my first pick, I fully support him now that he is our president. Only UN-American shit bags oppose a sitting president (note: there is a big difference between the Tea Party and you leftist scum bags. For example, Barry may have been a dumb ni**er, but he was OUR dumb ni**er. Today the leftist scum act like they want Trump violently deposed. THAT is very UN-Cool).

13. Despite Trump's shortcomings he is right about some things. The media is fucking him by creating narratives that do not comport with established facts. Maybe you leftist schmucks should try to be objective and not always default to anti-Trump positions upon being triggered, like some kind of dumb machine.

14. Trump likes women, a lot.

15. Trump is a narcissist.

16. His relationship with Ivanka is creepy as hell. There are certain photos of the 2 together when Ivanka was younger that clearly sexualize her in Trump's presence. This is fucked up. But since Don is such a Fucking narcissist, maybe he legitimately did not notice (or maybe he was in the room coaching Jared during the conception of Ivanka's children, who knows. Who fucking knows... ewwww...).

17. The fact that Trump is a realty tv personality is douchey in my book.

18. If the DNC had not nominated a lying, criminal, sub-human, evil piece of shit to run in the general election, then Trump probably would not have won. Therefore, NONE of you leftist scum have ANY right to bitch about Trump.

19. You have to accept the good with the bad. If allowed to, I believe that Trump will make America prosperous again. But along with prosperity we are going to have to get used to living in what would have been a very bad idea for a Rodney Dangerfield movie in the eighties.

20. I don't think that Don is fucking Melania anymore. She seems cold, I think, because she hates her new role. But in addition to that, she is a MILF in her sexual prime and Don is at the age where your dick stops working and your testosterone levels drop. Don now consumes himself with politics. There has got to be tension there. If she gets dick from another source, then Don will cut her off, and probably destroy her for humiliating him. There is also a minor kid in the mix. Melania's situation sucks, she is getting fucked without getting fucked. I feel a little sorry for her.
I like Trump voted for him and only because Cruz was gone . Who of the republican so called moderates was better than Trump ?? I like the fact that he is an old man with what I think are the correct ideas for the USA , his kids , his Grandkids , my kids and my Grandkids Rob . -------------- Go TRUMP
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I like Trump voted for him and only because Cruz was gone . Who of the republican so called moderates was better than Trump ?? I like the fact that he is an old man with what I think are the correct ideas for the USA , his kids , his Grandkids , my kids and my Grandkids Rob . -------------- Go TRUMP
I would have voted for Idi Amin over Hillary.
The coil of dog shit no one wants to deal with is the american political system.
In all fairness, I will disclose that I am a conservative who supported Ted Cruz. Nonetheless, I voted for Trump in the general election because Hillary is a coil of dog shit, as is just about every Democrat today. As a conservative I am able to look at things objectively and honestly, unlike the leftist scum. Here are a few truths about Donald Trump:

1. He is an old man. Old people generally become goofy, inarticulate, and confused.

2. He has been incredibly successful financially during his life. I find that to be admirable. You may not.

3. He is a virgin politician during a time when politics is a highly refined discipline. Some people do not like the fact that politics has become a highly refined discipline.

4. Trump is highly intelligent, but he is getting up there in age (it is worth repeating that he is old).

5. He is a showman of who loves attention.

6. He is a big idea man, not a micro-manager.

7. He is not a zealot; he is a provocateur.

8. He repeats himself a lot and repeatedly gets lost in his thoughts while speaking. This makes it hard for some of us to listen to him.

9. He is not a conservative. He is a populist, and populism is dangerous and does not really gel with our system of a representative republic.

10. Having a businessman as president is not a bad thing. It is seemingly an awesome thing. But, the positives of this can be offset when the person is a smart-assed Yankee Bullshit artist.

Fact is, a lot of us down south were not crazy about Trump. But we CLEARLY would vote for anyone but Clinton.

11. Trump does not understand how to conduct foreign policy. Of course, neither do Obama and Hillary.

12. Despite the fact that Trump was not my first pick, I fully support him now that he is our president. Only UN-American shit bags oppose a sitting president (note: there is a big difference between the Tea Party and you leftist scum bags. For example, Barry may have been a dumb ni**er, but he was OUR dumb ni**er. Today the leftist scum act like they want Trump violently deposed. THAT is very UN-Cool).

13. Despite Trump's shortcomings he is right about some things. The media is fucking him by creating narratives that do not comport with established facts. Maybe you leftist schmucks should try to be objective and not always default to anti-Trump positions upon being triggered, like some kind of dumb machine.

14. Trump likes women, a lot.

15. Trump is a narcissist.

16. His relationship with Ivanka is creepy as hell. There are certain photos of the 2 together when Ivanka was younger that clearly sexualize her in Trump's presence. This is fucked up. But since Don is such a Fucking narcissist, maybe he legitimately did not notice (or maybe he was in the room coaching Jared during the conception of Ivanka's children, who knows. Who fucking knows... ewwww...).

17. The fact that Trump is a realty tv personality is douchey in my book.

18. If the DNC had not nominated a lying, criminal, sub-human, evil piece of shit to run in the general election, then Trump probably would not have won. Therefore, NONE of you leftist scum have ANY right to bitch about Trump.

19. You have to accept the good with the bad. If allowed to, I believe that Trump will make America prosperous again. But along with prosperity we are going to have to get used to living in what would have been a very bad idea for a Rodney Dangerfield movie in the eighties.

20. I don't think that Don is fucking Melania anymore. She seems cold, I think, because she hates her new role. But in addition to that, she is a MILF in her sexual prime and Don is at the age where your dick stops working and your testosterone levels drop. Don now consumes himself with politics. There has got to be tension there. If she gets dick from another source, then Don will cut her off, and probably destroy her for humiliating him. There is also a minor kid in the mix. Melania's situation sucks, she is getting fucked without getting fucked. I feel a little sorry for her.

Way too long; read anyway. Just to cherrypick so as not to go on AS long...

2 - highly debatable. It's been estimated that had he simply invested his father's gift of untold millions given him for doing absolutely nothing, he'd have at least as much fortune as he has now --- whatever that is, since he won't say; and related:

10 - The idea that a good businessman (if Rump can be described as such, also dubious, see above) should make for a good government leader is a non sequitur. The reason is far deeper than "experience in handling money" -- business and government serve opposite goals. Business is there to enrich itself, at the expense of the populace, and demands efficiency, order and unquestioned authority. Government, at least the democratic type we fancy as an ideal, demands the opposite of those. These are dynamics that pull in two different directions. If a person experienced in one is to be successful in the other, they must do so in spite of, not because of, their previous experience. They must in effect do a 180.

This is one of many things I kept pointing out to Rumpbots during the campaign: governnment is (supposedly) there to serve the People. What sense then does it make to install a freak whose entire existence, for 70 years, has been to serve Numero Uno, and expect him to pull a 180? As you point out --- he's old.

5 is corrected by the more accurate 15. As for 7, readily agreed although we have a more accurate and frank term for it: "Troll". Which is in no way a positive.

13 (reading past the butthurt) you fail to mention a big one, that Rump besides being an inveterate Narcissist is a self-delusionist in the mold of Norman Vincent Peale meets George Orwell. His 'alt facts' (formerly called "lies") are intended to supplant real historical ones that he happens not to like as they interfere with both of the above traits: Narcissistic Personality Disorder and undisciplined self-delusion. Hence "three million illegals voted" and "umpteen million came to my inauguration" because his self-delusional narcissistic bubble cannot handle the fact that Hillary got more votes and O'bama got more crowd.

Which is immeasurably pathetic, and all by itself demonstrates the man belongs in a mental institution.

16 and 17: absolutely :beer: To the latter, Rump represents everything that is insidious ABOUT TV, the most insidious propaganda device ever invented. It's no accident that he gets all his info, and training, from it.

Another one not listed that I would add: Rump has never held a job or taken any kind of responsibility for anything in his life. Literally in his life. Perhaps the fact that he's had everything handed to him for nothing has something to do with his interior guilt that drives his self-delusional narcissism, but it's kind of mega-scary to put such an Irresponsible into what is arguably the most responsible job in the world.

18 --- that's entirely on the DNC, not "leftist scum" or "the electorate". And that's because we live in a self-perpetuating Duopoly that ensures that no Sanderses, Steins, McMullens, or any other threat to that Duopoly is any more than a side show. THAT is the issue. And it's equally true that the RNC could have refused to have anything to do with the orange pied piper, and sent him packing despite whatever he got from the primaries, out of principle. Like they did in 1912.

But nooooo --- both sides of that same-coin Duopoly went with what they thought was access to power, rather than any kind of principle. So that's what we were stuck with on November 8 and that's what we're stuck with now.

and finally -- 12 is intimately revealing of where you're coming from. :eusa_hand:
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In all fairness, I will disclose that I am a conservative who supported Ted Cruz. Nonetheless, I voted for Trump in the general election because Hillary is a coil of dog shit, as is just about every Democrat today. As a conservative I am able to look at things objectively and honestly, unlike the leftist scum. Here are a few truths about Donald Trump:

1. He is an old man. Old people generally become goofy, inarticulate, and confused.

2. He has been incredibly successful financially during his life. I find that to be admirable. You may not.

3. He is a virgin politician during a time when politics is a highly refined discipline. Some people do not like the fact that politics has become a highly refined discipline.

4. Trump is highly intelligent, but he is getting up there in age (it is worth repeating that he is old).

5. He is a showman of who loves attention.

6. He is a big idea man, not a micro-manager.

7. He is not a zealot; he is a provocateur.

8. He repeats himself a lot and repeatedly gets lost in his thoughts while speaking. This makes it hard for some of us to listen to him.

9. He is not a conservative. He is a populist, and populism is dangerous and does not really gel with our system of a representative republic.

10. Having a businessman as president is not a bad thing. It is seemingly an awesome thing. But, the positives of this can be offset when the person is a smart-assed Yankee Bullshit artist.

Fact is, a lot of us down south were not crazy about Trump. But we CLEARLY would vote for anyone but Clinton.

11. Trump does not understand how to conduct foreign policy. Of course, neither do Obama and Hillary.

12. Despite the fact that Trump was not my first pick, I fully support him now that he is our president. Only UN-American shit bags oppose a sitting president (note: there is a big difference between the Tea Party and you leftist scum bags. For example, Barry may have been a dumb ni**er, but he was OUR dumb ni**er. Today the leftist scum act like they want Trump violently deposed. THAT is very UN-Cool).

13. Despite Trump's shortcomings he is right about some things. The media is fucking him by creating narratives that do not comport with established facts. Maybe you leftist schmucks should try to be objective and not always default to anti-Trump positions upon being triggered, like some kind of dumb machine.

14. Trump likes women, a lot.

15. Trump is a narcissist.

16. His relationship with Ivanka is creepy as hell. There are certain photos of the 2 together when Ivanka was younger that clearly sexualize her in Trump's presence. This is fucked up. But since Don is such a Fucking narcissist, maybe he legitimately did not notice (or maybe he was in the room coaching Jared during the conception of Ivanka's children, who knows. Who fucking knows... ewwww...).

17. The fact that Trump is a realty tv personality is douchey in my book.

18. If the DNC had not nominated a lying, criminal, sub-human, evil piece of shit to run in the general election, then Trump probably would not have won. Therefore, NONE of you leftist scum have ANY right to bitch about Trump.

19. You have to accept the good with the bad. If allowed to, I believe that Trump will make America prosperous again. But along with prosperity we are going to have to get used to living in what would have been a very bad idea for a Rodney Dangerfield movie in the eighties.

20. I don't think that Don is fucking Melania anymore. She seems cold, I think, because she hates her new role. But in addition to that, she is a MILF in her sexual prime and Don is at the age where your dick stops working and your testosterone levels drop. Don now consumes himself with politics. There has got to be tension there. If she gets dick from another source, then Don will cut her off, and probably destroy her for humiliating him. There is also a minor kid in the mix. Melania's situation sucks, she is getting fucked without getting fucked. I feel a little sorry for her.

Way too long; read anyway. Just to cherrypick so as not to go on AS long...

2 - highly debatable. It's been estimated that had he simply invested his father's gift of untold millions given him for doing absolutely nothing, he'd have at least as much fortune as he has now --- whatever that is, since he won't say; and related:

10 - The idea that a good businessman (if Rump can be described as such, also dubious, see above) should make for a good government leader is a non sequitur. The reason is far deeper than "experience in handling money" -- business and government serve opposite goals. Business is there to enrich itself, at the expense of the populace, and demands efficiency, order and unquestioned authority. Government, at least the democratic type we fancy as an ideal, demands the opposite of those. These are dynamics that pull in two different directions. If a person experienced in one is to be successful in the other, they must do so in spite of, not because of, their previous experience. They must in effect do a 180.

This is one of many things I kept pointing out to Rumpbots during the campaign: governnment is (supposedly) there to serve the People. What sense then does it make to install a freak whose entire existence, for 70 years, has been to serve Numero Uno, and expect him to pull a 180? As you point out --- he's old.

5 is corrected by the more accurate 15. As for 7, readily agreed although we have a more accurate and frank term for it: "Troll". Which is in no way a positive.

13 (reading past the butthurt) you fail to mention a big one, that Rump besides being an inveterate Narcissist is a self-delusionist in the mold of Norman Vincent Peale meets George Orwell. His 'alt facts' (formerly called "lies") are intended to supplant real historical ones that he happens not to like as they interfere with both of the above traits: Narcissistic Personality Disorder and undisciplined self-delusion. Hence "three million illegals voted" and "umpteen million came to my inauguration" because his self-delusional narcissistic bubble cannot handle the fact that Hillary got more votes and O'bama got more crowd.

Which is immeasurably pathetic, and all by itself demonstrates the man belongs in a mental institution.

16 and 17: absolutely :beer: To the latter, Rump represents everything that is insidious ABOUT TV, the most insidious propaganda device ever invented. It's no accident that he gets all his info, and training, from it.

Another one not listed that I would add: Rump has never held a job or taken any kind of responsibility for anything in his life. Literally in his life. Perhaps the fact that he's had everything handed to him for nothing has something to do with his interior guilt that drives his self-delusional narcissism, but it's kind of mega-scary to put such an Irresponsible into what is arguably the most responsible job in the world.

18 --- that's entirely on the DNC, not "leftist scum" or "the electorate". And that's because we live in a self-perpetuating Duopoly that ensures that no Sanderses, Steins, McMullens, or any other threat to that Duopoly is any more than a side show. THAT is the issue. And it's equally true that the RNC could have refused to have anything to do with the orange pied piper, and sent him packing despite whatever he got from the primaries, out of principle. Like they did in 1912.

But nooooo --- both sides of that same-coin Duopoly went with what they thought was access to power, rather than any kind of principle. So that's what we were stuck with on November 8 and that's what we're stuck with now.

and finally -- 12 is intimately revealing of where you're coming from. :eusa_hand:
All fair criticisms. Thanks for reading.

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