Someone explain the supposedly 30,000 ventilators for New York?

According to the World Health Organization,
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive.

SO explain this math...
595,953 total cases as of 3/27/20 at 8:27 PM..
So according to the above:
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization or 595,953 divided by 7 equals 85,136 hospitalized Covid-19 patients .
AND of the 85,136 hospitalized.... 5% require ventilators or 4,257 ventilators....hmmm....

Please some one explain because IF I use 5% of the 595,953 cases need ventilators... that is 29,798 ventilators world wide!

Something doesn't make sense here...
View attachment 316187
There were 1,450 reported hospitalizations in NYC that went to 5,250 in 7 days. That's a growth rate of 3.6x. Unless the growth rate can be slowed those numbers imply over 800K in one month.

5% of 800K is 40K.
According to the World Health Organization,
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive.

SO explain this math...
595,953 total cases as of 3/27/20 at 8:27 PM..
So according to the above:
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization or 595,953 divided by 7 equals 85,136 hospitalized Covid-19 patients .
AND of the 85,136 hospitalized.... 5% require ventilators or 4,257 ventilators....hmmm....

Please some one explain because IF I use 5% of the 595,953 cases need ventilators... that is 29,798 ventilators world wide!

Something doesn't make sense here...
View attachment 316187
They have enough but not enough if growth is exponential so they would like to be prepared also need more beds and medical professionals. Hopefully in 2-3 weeks the doctors and nurses who got the disease recover, become immune and we can make some real progress.
In the case of New York... currently today they have 30,000 cases. To get to the 600,000 case level that 5% require ventilators (30,000 ventilators is Cuomo's goal) means nearly 17 times growth factor in cases.

That’s the problem with exponential growth. That is four doublings.

Yes and governors are panicking because the media cannot be trusted.

Don’t bore me with your whining about the media.
I think it is the reason behind all the false data. Sorry you're bored. Watch a cartoon.
According to the World Health Organization,
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive.

SO explain this math...
595,953 total cases as of 3/27/20 at 8:27 PM..
So according to the above:
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization or 595,953 divided by 7 equals 85,136 hospitalized Covid-19 patients .
AND of the 85,136 hospitalized.... 5% require ventilators or 4,257 ventilators....hmmm....

Please some one explain because IF I use 5% of the 595,953 cases need ventilators... that is 29,798 ventilators world wide!

Something doesn't make sense here...
View attachment 316187
They have enough but not enough if growth is exponential so they would like to be prepared also need more beds and medical professionals. Hopefully in 2-3 weeks the doctors and nurses who got the disease recover, become immune and we can make some real progress.
In the case of New York... currently today they have 30,000 cases. To get to the 600,000 case level that 5% require ventilators (30,000 ventilators is Cuomo's goal) means nearly 17 times growth factor in cases.

That’s the problem with exponential growth. That is four doublings.

Yes and governors are panicking because the media cannot be trusted.

Don’t bore me with your whining about the media.
I think it is the reason behind all the false data. Sorry you're bored. Watch a cartoon.

You’re very predictable.
Actually that is not true.
Please don't tell me your denial of the facts extends to refusing to accept the cavalier way Trump spoke about the virus when the spread was just beginning in the US. Of how those complaints about media sensationalism have blown up in his orange face.
Actually that is not true.
Please don't tell me your denial of the facts extends to refusing to accept the cavalier way Trump spoke about the virus when the spread was just beginning in the US. Of how those complaints about media sensationalism have blown up in his orange face.
I gave you proof that the health commissioner on Feb 6th said it was no big deal and the city was prepared. You just glossed over that. Explain why.
I gave a concrete example why you cannot trust the media.
You do know the nitwit speaking on the video, the one making a fool out of herself, was taped on Feb. 5, right? I hope she makes a public statement apologizing for being so totally wrong.
Actually that is not true.
Please don't tell me your denial of the facts extends to refusing to accept the cavalier way Trump spoke about the virus when the spread was just beginning in the US. Of how those complaints about media sensationalism have blown up in his orange face.
I gave you proof that the health commissioner on Feb 6th said it was no big deal and the city was prepared. You just glossed over that. Explain why.
Please don't tell me your denial of the facts extends to refusing to accept the cavalier way Trump spoke about the virus when the spread was just beginning in the US. Or how those complaints about media sensationalism have blown up in his orange face.
I gave a concrete example why you cannot trust the media.
You do know the nitwit speaking on the video, the one making a fool out of herself, was taped on Feb. 5, right? I hope she makes a public statement apologizing for being so totally wrong.
6th and long after the Trump travel ban. So if she didn’t know and she is the medical expert in the largest city in the US how would Trump? Do explain that one. And again this was after the China travel ban when Biden called him xenophobic. Imagine if he didn’t impose it.
Actually that is not true.
Please don't tell me your denial of the facts extends to refusing to accept the cavalier way Trump spoke about the virus when the spread was just beginning in the US. Of how those complaints about media sensationalism have blown up in his orange face.
I gave You proof that the media at best was inconsistent and do you blame him for what is happening in Socialist Europe?
6th and long after the Trump travel ban. So if she didn’t know and she is the medical expert in the largest city in the US how would Trump? Do explain that one.
Trump should have known because he had the benefit of folks like Dr. Fauci telling him opinions like Trump's, and that moron woman from NY, were wrong.
BTW, blaming the media for airing an interview with a public health person, instead of blaming the ignorance of the public health person, puts you in the same idiot column Trump belongs in.
The media did it's best, and by and large succeeded, in providing the public with accurate info from experts. Unfortunately, that message was undermined by Trump's lies and misinformation.
According to the World Health Organization,
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive.

SO explain this math...
595,953 total cases as of 3/27/20 at 8:27 PM..
So according to the above:
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization or 595,953 divided by 7 equals 85,136 hospitalized Covid-19 patients .
AND of the 85,136 hospitalized.... 5% require ventilators or 4,257 ventilators....hmmm....

Please some one explain because IF I use 5% of the 595,953 cases need ventilators... that is 29,798 ventilators world wide!

Something doesn't make sense here...
View attachment 316187

For someone so inept at basic analysis my advice is to just not worry your pointy little head about it and leave it to professionals.

If you think Cuomo and New York hospitals are scrambling for ventilators because they just don't know math you need to think again and much harder.
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I gave You proof that the media at best was inconsistent
You gave me proof of nothing of the kind. You are conflating information and opinions given by media personalities with giving air time to supposed experts..........some of which gave bad info or advice. The same kind of bad info and advice Trump gave.

All while his admin took what precautionary measures should have been taken far, far too lightly.
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Actually that is not true.
Please don't tell me your denial of the facts extends to refusing to accept the cavalier way Trump spoke about the virus when the spread was just beginning in the US. Of how those complaints about media sensationalism have blown up in his orange face.
I gave you proof that the health commissioner on Feb 6th said it was no big deal and the city was prepared. You just glossed over that. Explain why.
Please don't tell me your denial of the facts extends to refusing to accept the cavalier way Trump spoke about the virus when the spread was just beginning in the US. Or how those complaints about media sensationalism have blown up in his orange face.
I showed you that medical experts were more cavalier about it than he was and how is he responsible for Europe? You have been dodging that question from me for some reason? TDS?

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