Someone explain to me how Trump "failed" on Covid?


** According to you the WHO organization does not suggest people wear mask. Really? I mean Really? Do you have any evidence to prove that?

Andy ....... This is my post #155.

** I asked you several questions here. Where are the answer?
Andy. .........From my post #155. I asked you 5 questions to prove it. I have not heard from you.

The World Health Organization has warned leaders against relying on COVID-19 lockdowns to tackle outbreaks — after previously saying countries should be careful how quickly they reopen.

WHO envoy Dr. David Nabarro said such restrictive measures should only be treated as a last resort, the British magazine the Spectator reported in a video interview.

“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” Nabarro said.

“The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.”

Nabarro said tight restrictions cause significant harm, particularly on the global economy.

“Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,” he said.

He added that lockdowns have severely impacted countries that rely on tourism.

“Just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry in the Caribbean, for example, or in the Pacific because people aren’t taking their holidays,” Nabarro told the outlet.

“Look what’s happened to smallholder farmers all over the world. Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition.”
If you don't understand by now, maybe it'll finally sink into your thick skull on the night of November 3rd.

See ya then.
If youre banking all your hopes on Nov 3rd, i think you are setting yourself up for a lot of disappointment. :laugh:
I just drove from the Houston Texas area all the way to NW Iowa, and back (slightly different route coming back).
I have never seen so many political campaign signs and flags in my life, almost every single one of them for Trump. Driveways, storefronts, hillsides, in hundreds of yards, on people's fences, etc. I never seen anything like it before.
I drove over a bridge and on a sandbar in the river (Kansas iirc) someone had planted a flagpole with an American flag and a "Trump 2020" flag. I saw some Biden/Harris signs too, they were out there, but the ratio was something like 200 to 1.
I also saw 3 Trump stuff stores, that is stores that sell nothing but Trump swag; has anyone seen any Biden/Harris stores? Me either....
And there is a Trump Burger just north of here, too.

Just on the visible evidence alone, across a pretty broad cross-section of the US, Trump has an absolute shitload of support..... I'm going to be extremely suspicious if he loses, especially considering all the election fuckery the Democrats keep getting busted at.
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York alone and our numbers would be far better. Thanks, Cuomo.

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?
He left lockdowns to the idiot governors. And he never educated most of America that we are the fattest country and it’s our fault that we have so many deaths. Fat and unhealthy. I would Have gone down that path. Make America Healthy Again. Other than that I do not have any issues with him.

If having the people in high office complain about health worked... then why didn't Michael Obama's fight against obesity work?

That was a big thing. Schools were dumping pizza for broccoli. I remember that. Why didn't that work? (ironically I love broccoli.... with seasoned salt and butter.... but...)

I don't think Trump sitting around going "ya'll fat" is going to cause anyone anywhere, to change their diet or start exercising. It certainly wouldn't motivate me.

Regardless, more than half of all deaths, were in nursing homes. I highly doubt if Trump had won the office, and started cheesy motivational speeches, that elderly over the age of 70, would start pumping iron, or walking a treadmill.

Yes, herd immunity strategy would have isolated the elderly from the young deliberately wanting to get infected, and it also would have ended it much faster. That would have saved lives.
Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.
If these folks refuse to admit that (a) Trump admitted that he regularly misled us about the severity of the virus, (b) he continually mocked Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and (c) he created and maintained an environment with this followers and even the WHITE HOUSE that no doubt led to more infections, then they're just too far lost in the cult mentality to deal with on a serious basis.
Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.
If these folks refuse to admit that (a) Trump admitted that he regularly misled us about the severity of the virus, (b) he continually mocked Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and (c) he created and maintained an environment with this followers and even the WHITE HOUSE that no doubt led to more infections, then they're just too far lost in the cult mentality to deal with on a serious basis.

But it turned out Trump was right about covid-19
I am not a Trump supporter, and his motives may have been economic, but the lock down has proven to be incredibly foolish.

First of all, the reason the health experts goofed and thought covid-19 was 10 times more lethal than it really is, was because testing was limited to only those obviously symptomatic.
Now that we expended testing, we discovered that 90% of those infected actually were asymptomatic. That has 2 huge implications. One is that the virus is only a tenth as lethal as we thought it was. The second is most people then had to already be inherently immune, and we started off VERY close to herd immunity from day one.

Again, lock downs and masks protect NO ONE. All they do is flatten the curve, which means it only delays the problem for later. And that means more deaths, since people still get infected due to the common food supply.
Lock downs do not and can not ever work to end any epidemic.
ONLY herd immunity can or ever will end any epidemic.
And the faster you get it over with, the fewer deaths.
If you don't understand by now, maybe it'll finally sink into your thick skull on the night of November 3rd.

See ya then.

This of course isn't an answer, it's a plea.

When it comes to PROGS history and rational thought are unimportant. What's important to them is how they feel, and how they want to feel is all their problems are because of Trump.
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York alone and our numbers would be far better. Thanks, Cuomo.

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?

We know Paul, you, Mango Menace and his know-nothing radiologist advocate "herd mentality". We've been through this my friend. INFINITY. Trump failed in every manner possible. It would take far too much bandwidth to explain it all over again.

Blue State governors failed, and you know that, Turd Man.

Trump has no say in Florida, it's all DeSantis, just like the other States.

No, since you want to play the blame game, the blame is accurately placed on you
Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.
If these folks refuse to admit that (a) Trump admitted that he regularly misled us about the severity of the virus, (b) he continually mocked Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and (c) he created and maintained an environment with this followers and even the WHITE HOUSE that no doubt led to more infections, then they're just too far lost in the cult mentality to deal with on a serious basis.

"If these folks refuse to accept my biased viewpoint as fact, then they're just stupid, and I never debate anyone who's stupid enough to disagree with me!!!"

And that's why you're left stroking off the likes of Charwin in the losers' corner.
Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.
If these folks refuse to admit that (a) Trump admitted that he regularly misled us about the severity of the virus, (b) he continually mocked Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and (c) he created and maintained an environment with this followers and even the WHITE HOUSE that no doubt led to more infections, then they're just too far lost in the cult mentality to deal with on a serious basis.

"If these folks refuse to accept my biased viewpoint as fact, then they're just stupid, and I never debate anyone who's stupid enough to disagree with me!!!"

And that's why you're left stroking off the likes of Charwin in the losers' corner.
I notice you didn't even try to deny anything.

You're a fine example. Good job.
Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.
If these folks refuse to admit that (a) Trump admitted that he regularly misled us about the severity of the virus, (b) he continually mocked Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and (c) he created and maintained an environment with this followers and even the WHITE HOUSE that no doubt led to more infections, then they're just too far lost in the cult mentality to deal with on a serious basis.

"If these folks refuse to accept my biased viewpoint as fact, then they're just stupid, and I never debate anyone who's stupid enough to disagree with me!!!"

And that's why you're left stroking off the likes of Charwin in the losers' corner.
I notice you didn't even try to deny anything.

You're a fine example. Good job.

I notice you think you deserve to be taken seriously without saying anything deserving of respect.

You're an accurate example of a leftist, which is to say you're a shitty example of a thinking person.
Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.
If these folks refuse to admit that (a) Trump admitted that he regularly misled us about the severity of the virus, (b) he continually mocked Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and (c) he created and maintained an environment with this followers and even the WHITE HOUSE that no doubt led to more infections, then they're just too far lost in the cult mentality to deal with on a serious basis.

"If these folks refuse to accept my biased viewpoint as fact, then they're just stupid, and I never debate anyone who's stupid enough to disagree with me!!!"

And that's why you're left stroking off the likes of Charwin in the losers' corner.
I notice you didn't even try to deny anything.

You're a fine example. Good job.

I notice you think you deserve to be taken seriously without saying anything deserving of respect.

You're an accurate example of a leftist, which is to say you're a shitty example of a thinking person.
And again. Good stuff.
Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.
If these folks refuse to admit that (a) Trump admitted that he regularly misled us about the severity of the virus, (b) he continually mocked Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and (c) he created and maintained an environment with this followers and even the WHITE HOUSE that no doubt led to more infections, then they're just too far lost in the cult mentality to deal with on a serious basis.

"If these folks refuse to accept my biased viewpoint as fact, then they're just stupid, and I never debate anyone who's stupid enough to disagree with me!!!"

And that's why you're left stroking off the likes of Charwin in the losers' corner.
I notice you didn't even try to deny anything.

You're a fine example. Good job.

I notice you think you deserve to be taken seriously without saying anything deserving of respect.

You're an accurate example of a leftist, which is to say you're a shitty example of a thinking person.
And again. Good stuff.

Well, if you're proud of your ability to be a public fool, then at least you're playing to your strengths.

I believe your boyfriend is waiting for you, btw.
Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.
If these folks refuse to admit that (a) Trump admitted that he regularly misled us about the severity of the virus, (b) he continually mocked Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and (c) he created and maintained an environment with this followers and even the WHITE HOUSE that no doubt led to more infections, then they're just too far lost in the cult mentality to deal with on a serious basis.

"If these folks refuse to accept my biased viewpoint as fact, then they're just stupid, and I never debate anyone who's stupid enough to disagree with me!!!"

And that's why you're left stroking off the likes of Charwin in the losers' corner.
I notice you didn't even try to deny anything.

You're a fine example. Good job.

I notice you think you deserve to be taken seriously without saying anything deserving of respect.

You're an accurate example of a leftist, which is to say you're a shitty example of a thinking person.
And again. Good stuff.

Well, if you're proud of your ability to be a public fool, then at least you're playing to your strengths.

I believe your boyfriend is waiting for you, btw.
Strike three. You're a liar and a coward.

Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.
If these folks refuse to admit that (a) Trump admitted that he regularly misled us about the severity of the virus, (b) he continually mocked Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and (c) he created and maintained an environment with this followers and even the WHITE HOUSE that no doubt led to more infections, then they're just too far lost in the cult mentality to deal with on a serious basis.

"If these folks refuse to accept my biased viewpoint as fact, then they're just stupid, and I never debate anyone who's stupid enough to disagree with me!!!"

And that's why you're left stroking off the likes of Charwin in the losers' corner.
I notice you didn't even try to deny anything.

You're a fine example. Good job.

I notice you think you deserve to be taken seriously without saying anything deserving of respect.

You're an accurate example of a leftist, which is to say you're a shitty example of a thinking person.
And again. Good stuff.

Well, if you're proud of your ability to be a public fool, then at least you're playing to your strengths.

I believe your boyfriend is waiting for you, btw.
Strike three. You're a liar and a coward.


"That's the third time I didn't like how you refused to treat my bullshit like it was serious. So I'm going to run away and pretend that's not what I'm doing."

Run along, fool, until the next time I need to point out what a puff of methane you really are.
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York alone and our numbers would be far better. Thanks, Cuomo.

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?
Don't ever expect a straight answer from the board dems. They thought the travel ban was racist.
If you don't understand by now, maybe it'll finally sink into your thick skull on the night of November 3rd.

See ya then.

Another question...why is it that at rallies Trump can attract thousands and Joe can only attract dozens?
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York alone and our numbers would be far better. Thanks, Cuomo.

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?

PopulationTotal DeathsDeaths/1M pop
Rest of the world7,447,861,313851,709114


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