Someone explain to me how Trump "failed" on Covid?

The most protected man in America got the virus, what does that tell you?
That Trump sure knows how to FAIL....!

Another question...why is it that at rallies Trump can attract thousands and Joe can only attract dozens?
What will it say when such a simp defeats that POWERHOUSE of Donald Trump?

What will it say of your Dear Leader?
Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.
If these folks refuse to admit that (a) Trump admitted that he regularly misled us about the severity of the virus, (b) he continually mocked Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and (c) he created and maintained an environment with this followers and even the WHITE HOUSE that no doubt led to more infections, then they're just too far lost in the cult mentality to deal with on a serious basis.

"If these folks refuse to accept my biased viewpoint as fact, then they're just stupid, and I never debate anyone who's stupid enough to disagree with me!!!"

And that's why you're left stroking off the likes of Charwin in the losers' corner.
Yet you are not even trying to engage with me. Try me. Losers corner according to whom? that is funny.

** According to you the WHO organization does not suggest people wear mask. Really? I mean Really? Do you have any evidence to prove that?

Andy ....... This is my post #155.

** I asked you several questions here. Where are the answer?
Andy. .........From my post #155. I asked you 5 questions to prove it. I have not heard from you.

The World Health Organization has warned leaders against relying on COVID-19 lockdowns to tackle outbreaks — after previously saying countries should be careful how quickly they reopen.

WHO envoy Dr. David Nabarro said such restrictive measures should only be treated as a last resort, the British magazine the Spectator reported in a video interview.

“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” Nabarro said.

“The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.”

Nabarro said tight restrictions cause significant harm, particularly on the global economy.

“Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,” he said.

He added that lockdowns have severely impacted countries that rely on tourism.

“Just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry in the Caribbean, for example, or in the Pacific because people aren’t taking their holidays,” Nabarro told the outlet.

“Look what’s happened to smallholder farmers all over the world. Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition.”
You may want to address that to governors of Florida, Texas and Arizona that just came out from lockdown???
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?

I used your evidence. You provided the evidence, that I used against you.

YOU said the Chinese were wearing masks even before the out break. I agreed, and cited that as the logical reasoning that masks do not prevent Covid-19, because they did, then it should have never left China. They should never have had an outbreak to begin with.

Further, you pointed out that the Chinese have a different culture, one of compliance to a dangerous authoritarian regime, that jails doctors. I agreed, and cited that no matter who was in office, Trump or anyone else, that Americans would still be Americans, and that we wouldn't bend over to every single edict given by government.

You are asking for evidence of my position, when YOU gave the evidence of my position.
You are going in circles Andy. You used evidence what I told you. REALLY?

Let me repeat it again. PAY ATTENTION when Coronavirus outbreak in China started Chines in general don’t know what they have and don’t know what to do even with the mask. They used mask because of dirty air over and over....... PAY ATTENTION when it started they used the same attitude using mask over and over. By the time they know it’s dangerous it’s too late. What part of that don’t you understand.

That makes no sense. You are suggesting that masks only work, if they were not originally used because of dirty air? Now masks only work if your attitude is right?

They only work if you replace them over and over?

That's funny, because I don't know anyone anywhere, that is not using the same mask over and over. No one. The most hard core "must wear masks or the planet dies" people are all using the same mask over and over.

I'd be hard pressed to find a single person anywhere who is NOT using the same mask over and over.

If you really believe what you are saying, then I think you are nuts.
You are spinning and twisting around like a wet pretzel.
I told you over and over the mask behavior and attitude they have before the pandemic using dirty mask over and over for several days...... They also ban selling exotic animals for consumptions....... You don’t know anything about China.

Mask only now works because they are not using the same dirty mask over and over. Of course...... What part of that don’t you understand? They even wear mask inside their home. And I KNOW how you are going to come back with your rebuttal

You don’t know anyone NOT using the same mask over and over. I don’t. I replaced it twice a day depending how many times I go out. And I know several people and so are friends and families does do that.

You don’t know anyone NOT using same mask over and over. Are they using it over and over for several days?

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

You don’t know any one NOT using the same mask over and over. That means they are using mask except you.

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

What are you even talking about?

I've been wearing a mask since March. I'm in the minority of what? Once again, you have no point, and so you make up stuff.

Its actually quite funny. You haven't been able to make a single valid argument yet, but every post you start shrieking about how I'm "spinning and twisting around"... but then *YOU* are the one that has to make false accusations about the other person, to try and have a point?

Nah, if anyone is "spinning and twisting around" it's you.

You know nothing about me, yet claim I'm in the minority of Americans who don't wear masks?

I have followed every single guideline given about this Covid-19 crap. I have worn masks, socially distanced, and haven't gone to Church since March. My church still isn't open even now. (online church of course, but we haven't met at the Church building).

I have not used personal experience in our conversation, because the evidence alone is enough. The fact you have failed to refute a single point I've made, is proof the evidence alone is enough.

But, one of the reasons that I personally am convinced that all the mask wearing and social distancing, and lock downs are completely ineffective, and pointless.... is because I personally followed all of your guidelines, and so did everyone I know, and everyone still got sick.

I got sick. My parents got sick. My friends and neighbors got sick. My co-workers all got sick. Everyone I know got sick, and we all... ALL.... followed the mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing guidelines.

*** If does that work? If you follow all the Covid-19 rules, and everyone still got sick.... explain?

You can't. I'm you'll blather on that we must not have followed all the rules, but know for a fact we did... and we still got sick.

So.... Yeah. But we don't need my personal experience. We can just look at the facts. None those rules have worked anywhere. None of them. And I realize you think your posts somehow contradicted my points... but that's because you obviously don't realize your posts contradicted nothing. You didn't. You keep saying the same utterly irrelevant statements, acting like you have a point, but you don't. None of them were valid counter arguments.

Sorry, but you are just wrong. None of those were good points. Or even valid. Either masks work or they don't. All masks get dirty. I don't see a single person using new masks every day.

Even the WHO said they don't recommend that healthy people wear masks, or that mask wearing is effective at all.

Rotten Bologna. You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

You are LYING..... You said it over and over mask is NOT good. You are 100% anti mask. Do you expect me to believe that you really wore mask? Then SUDDENLY (now you are loosing) now you’ve used mask. Very funny. All anti mask are the minorities. That includes your lousy president.

Spinning? That is sad. I don’t spin anything, every single point I made, never did, talked to you straight to the point. You were using my own words to spin around. Sadly.

Of course I used own my experience. What do you expect? Suddenly you are now using your experience to make a point. Sadly.

According to you. I mean you. I failed to refute every single point you made. WRONG. I BLASTED you all the way over and over.

You got sick, your parents got sick, your neighbors got sick, your co workers ALL got sick. And they all wear mask. How many people is that? MY GOD..... GOOD LORD did you made god angry? Are you the center of epidemic? An (now you are using your experience) anti-mask talking? Do you expect me to believe that? Nah! I don’t believe you. Zero. Did you watched them at home or they have kids? I doubt it.

I can tell you alone that hispanics here in California they do wear mask when they go out or work but they still got sick and die. High percentage of Covid deaths here are hispanics. You know why? (Explanation) Most have crowded home and apartments with maximum or over capacity, using the same restrooms, too close and dont wear mask inside the house.

Trump’s orbit 12 or more people got sick non of them wear mask. Look at Trump’s rallies thousands don’t wear mask. How many of those do you think that got sick that they denied? How many of those do you think wear mask in their daily routine or at home?

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it. Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

You are saying mask is not good anyway. So we should follow your belief don’t wear mask because it’s not good? Explain that.

According to you Andy. You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

You said....I mean you Andy. Even WHO said they don’t recommend healthy people wear mask..... Can you prove that? Any link?

That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Because I’m healthy I should recklessly do not wear mask.... What if sat next, following, took over a sit of an infected person? What do you think the percentage of catching it with out mask? And why should I risk my health because of stupidity?

*** My explanation......
*** My explanation......
1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

2. If they followed. If they followed they still got sick. How do you even know that they really followed? Did they followed rules at home? Did they have kids running around? There are lots of factors that a person can get infected.

I asked you 4 questions here in this post. I expect an answer.

You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

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No, I'm not losing. Only in your own tiny little mind.

Yes have been wearing masks since March. Yes, everyone I know still got sick. No, I'm not lying simply because I must be or your pathetic ideology doesn't work.

You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

Um, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. All of them. All 300 people at the facility where I work, all use the same mask over and over. The only time someone uses a different mask, is when they leave their mask at home, and they go and get one of the cheap 25¢ cloth masks the company hands out. But I can tell you from direct personal knowledge, that the box of clothe masks has been sitting there for the last 2 months without being replaced.

I'm not sure what you want me to explain. They use the same mask over and over for this entire year. What more do you want me to explain?

My old company (I was laid off in April before I got this job), they all used the same masks every single day.

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it.Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

That's a dumb statement. Saying masks are not effective, doesn't magically mean they cause people to die. Something that has no benefit, does not automatically mean it has a negative effect. You seem to be implying that somehow saying there is no evidence that masks prevent Covid, must mean that I think wearing a mask will somehow cause people to die. No.

As for asking if masks are not effective, why have we not seen nurses and doctors falling over in mass death....... That's pretty easy to explain. It's the same reason we don't see people falling over in mass deaths anywhere.

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These are numbers from the CDC. The ratio of people who get sick and die, to the ratio of people who don't have any symptoms at all, is massively in favor of the latter.

In the absolute worst case Scenario, with the highest risk age group, you have barely a 0.09% chance of dying of Covid-19.

For the next age group up, 50 to 69 year olds, you have barely a 0.01% chance.

What that means is that 99% of all people, including those in hospitals who work as nurses and doctors.....

Will not only not die of Covid-19, they may never even know they have it. A doctor and a nurse, has a higher chance of dying in a car crash on the way to the hospital, then dying of Covid-19 they caught in the hospital from Covid-19 patients.

1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

No, I don't. There is no evidence to support that conclusion. That's just your opinion. That's fine to have that opinion, but there is zero evidence whatsoever. There is no data that masks have been even in the smallest way, effective at stopping Covid.

None. NONE. ZERO. That statement above is not evidence. That's opinion.

My opinion... no. I have read the documents, looked at the data, read the statements by WHO and other groups. None show that mask wearing would have reduced the number of Covid cases.

Oh! Andy

AGAIN. I asked you several questions. You have not answer all except pure nonsense rebuttal.

First of all you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about. NONE. I NEVER said mask will stop all deaths and infections but it will slow the spread of infections.

Regarding WHO..... You do not post. Repeat you do not post something that you cannot back up. I asked you twice about this BS. You came up empty. You lied.

You (Andy) posted previously that ALL of your coworkers wear mask but ALL got sick. You mentioned it here that you have 300 co workers. ALL 300 GOT SICK? 100% total wipe out? Really? I mean REALLY? You are lying.

You (Andy) is saying that ALL 300 wear cloth mask? ALL? You are talking about cloth mask that can be used over and over. But you have to wash it. Is that why ALL 300 of your coworkers including you got sick because they never wash it?

I’m in the medical instruments business I used 4 to 5 boxes (50 in each box) of disposable mask every day for my employees. Some bring their own cloth mask but most use the one I supplied. Two got sick badly but they admitted they went to a bachelorette party on Wednesday (off on Thursday & Friday) and wedding on Saturday by Monday morning they called sick.

Using car crash to explain your experience about Covid death is just pure amateur. You might as well use the death of H1N1.

Your chart fromCDC percentage of this and that and ages..... don’t mean a diddly squat. It’s a cut out and paste. Where’s the link?? You BS on the WHO. How do I know that chart came from CDC?

You can use your .00000001% BS however you want..... look at the number of deaths 200,000+ and counting. Meaning you are down playing the numbers of deaths and infections. How about the numbers of people that recover with long lasting damage to the lungs? Just because they are old they need to die? Thats the reason why that loser moron downplayed the severity of this crisis.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

Your lousy leader get tested almost every day or every other day. Running around without a mask..... He got Covid-19.

Here is the link and latest from CDC dated October 2020 if you really want to see the truth and specific numbers of deaths and specific categories.

There is no evidence that masks have slowed the infection.

Yes I know what I am talking about.

Don't you look stupid?

Yes all 300 wear masks. And the company has everyone screened with a temperature check every morning at the start of the shift. And if you are caught not wearing your mask, the managers will come get you.

I did not say that all 300 got sick. I said everyone I know got sick. I don't know all 300 of the people who work there.

As for could it be because we don't wash our masks.... I have no idea, but that doesn't matter to my point. No one is washing their masks. I don't know single person anywhere that is.

Point being, if mask washing, or mask replacing is required for them to stop Covid-19, and no one is doing that... then Masks are doing nothing, and we need to stop this nonsense.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

So here you are trying to claim that things are great, in a thread where you have been trying to make the case things are terrible, and Trump is to blame. 8 out of 10 wear masks, but things are terrible and it's Trumps fault? Again, I find it amusing you claim I'm the one twisting around, while you can't even go a couple of posts without contradicting your original position.

I don't believe there is only 7 million infections. We already know that the vast majority of people have no symptoms. Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.

There are likely 70 million people who have already had Covid-19.

Nor do I believe that the reason for the number of infections has anything to do with masks.

If you believe that masks are what prevented there being 300 million infections, then you truly are ignorant.

Denmark and Sweden actually discouraged use of masks. Less than 5% of the population said they wore a mask.

Yet both Denmark and Sweden had lower rates of infection than the US over the same time period.
Here is a link from Denmark about mask. You don’t know what you are talking about Dude.

Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.

Health authorities had previously deemed the wearing of face masks in public spacesunnecessary but changed their recommendation following advice from the World Health Organization (WHO) in late June.

I'm amused that posted proof of my position, and claimed it contradicted me.

According to the link you just posted, it wasn't until early July that the government of Denmark reversed their stance and encouraged mask wearing.

That statement by your link, validates the statements in my link, that barely 5% of Denmark people wore masks by July 8th.
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***1. So, as you can see, the United States started wearing masks in mass, by March, and was up near 70% of the public by April.

Meanwhile, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, even Britain, has a fraction as many people wearing masks from March, April, May, June, and into the start of July.

Yet, the US had a higher incident rate of Covid-19 (according to the official numbers), than any of those countries where a fraction as many people wore masks. In the case of Sweden and Denmark, a tiny tiny fraction.

As I have said numerous times, there is ZERO evidence that masks work. Zero.

By the way, just to add to the endless evidence that masks are utterly ineffective, the CDC showed this in their Sept 11th report.

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So what you are looking at, is a survey of people who contracted Covid-19.

***2. Of people who contracted Covid-19, 70% said they "ALWAYS" wore a mask.
An additional 14% said they "OFTEN" wore a mask.

That means 85% of people who contracted covid, were wearing masks.

Once again.... ZERO evidence that masks work. Zero. None.

Oh Boy..... Of course Denmark changed their minds in July when they found out mask is needed. What part of that don’t you understand? Now they wear mask.

Right this second Europe are facing another lock down. link below.

YOU are a hardliner anti mask. YOU are entitled to your opinion. YOU went all over to defend your opinion with no single hard evidence that mask doesn’t work. YOU posted your own experience but most or ALL are lies. YOU can not even get your stories straight. What make you think YOUR opinion has any credibilities?

Yes US started wearing mask in mass number and social distancing in mid March 2020 ...... That is because Trump declared Pandemic crisis in mid March. AGAIN. What part of that don’t you understand? Lordy.

You are trying very hard to compare how we behave here in US to other countries. Each countries has handled and behaved this Pandemic crisis differently.

***1. Where did you get 70%?

***2. You lie a lot Andy. Of people contracted Covid-19 70% always wear mask. WHERE IS THAT FROM YOUR LINK?

Let say you are telling the truth ...... They always wear mask during outdoor activities but did they practices mask and other precautions at home, did they clean the way they should handled a meat and chicken during the crisis, did they disinfect can goods and fruits, did they wipe the handle of grocery carts or gas, did they ask their children to wash their hands and face after they played outside? Just because you wear mask outdoors but do you do not practice cleanliness at home mask became useless. It’s that simple.

Like Mexicans the highest victims of CV deaths and infections here in California. I have not seen a single Mexicans that do not wear a mask but 6 or more in a 2 bedrooms with one bathroom apartments or 8 in a 3 bedroom house. But I’ve seen lots of Mexicans with their kids in a car and they don’t wear mask. What do you think is the percentage of these people getting infected?

Ive read enough of these comments to see that some people are guided by hate.
Hate can cause such damage. It can cause a person to loose the abilty of logical thinking and common sense.
Im not very smart myself, and so I try really really hard not to hate.
Well give us a reasonable rebuttal why WE need to love this racist dog, ignorant, unhinged, incompetent, immortal, unethical, inciting violence against his own people??.

I’ve asked this question many times. What is there to love about Trump? PLEASE give me a reason what is there to love with this moron president?
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?

I used your evidence. You provided the evidence, that I used against you.

YOU said the Chinese were wearing masks even before the out break. I agreed, and cited that as the logical reasoning that masks do not prevent Covid-19, because they did, then it should have never left China. They should never have had an outbreak to begin with.

Further, you pointed out that the Chinese have a different culture, one of compliance to a dangerous authoritarian regime, that jails doctors. I agreed, and cited that no matter who was in office, Trump or anyone else, that Americans would still be Americans, and that we wouldn't bend over to every single edict given by government.

You are asking for evidence of my position, when YOU gave the evidence of my position.
You are going in circles Andy. You used evidence what I told you. REALLY?

Let me repeat it again. PAY ATTENTION when Coronavirus outbreak in China started Chines in general don’t know what they have and don’t know what to do even with the mask. They used mask because of dirty air over and over....... PAY ATTENTION when it started they used the same attitude using mask over and over. By the time they know it’s dangerous it’s too late. What part of that don’t you understand.

That makes no sense. You are suggesting that masks only work, if they were not originally used because of dirty air? Now masks only work if your attitude is right?

They only work if you replace them over and over?

That's funny, because I don't know anyone anywhere, that is not using the same mask over and over. No one. The most hard core "must wear masks or the planet dies" people are all using the same mask over and over.

I'd be hard pressed to find a single person anywhere who is NOT using the same mask over and over.

If you really believe what you are saying, then I think you are nuts.
You are spinning and twisting around like a wet pretzel.
I told you over and over the mask behavior and attitude they have before the pandemic using dirty mask over and over for several days...... They also ban selling exotic animals for consumptions....... You don’t know anything about China.

Mask only now works because they are not using the same dirty mask over and over. Of course...... What part of that don’t you understand? They even wear mask inside their home. And I KNOW how you are going to come back with your rebuttal

You don’t know anyone NOT using the same mask over and over. I don’t. I replaced it twice a day depending how many times I go out. And I know several people and so are friends and families does do that.

You don’t know anyone NOT using same mask over and over. Are they using it over and over for several days?

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

You don’t know any one NOT using the same mask over and over. That means they are using mask except you.

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

What are you even talking about?

I've been wearing a mask since March. I'm in the minority of what? Once again, you have no point, and so you make up stuff.

Its actually quite funny. You haven't been able to make a single valid argument yet, but every post you start shrieking about how I'm "spinning and twisting around"... but then *YOU* are the one that has to make false accusations about the other person, to try and have a point?

Nah, if anyone is "spinning and twisting around" it's you.

You know nothing about me, yet claim I'm in the minority of Americans who don't wear masks?

I have followed every single guideline given about this Covid-19 crap. I have worn masks, socially distanced, and haven't gone to Church since March. My church still isn't open even now. (online church of course, but we haven't met at the Church building).

I have not used personal experience in our conversation, because the evidence alone is enough. The fact you have failed to refute a single point I've made, is proof the evidence alone is enough.

But, one of the reasons that I personally am convinced that all the mask wearing and social distancing, and lock downs are completely ineffective, and pointless.... is because I personally followed all of your guidelines, and so did everyone I know, and everyone still got sick.

I got sick. My parents got sick. My friends and neighbors got sick. My co-workers all got sick. Everyone I know got sick, and we all... ALL.... followed the mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing guidelines.

*** If does that work? If you follow all the Covid-19 rules, and everyone still got sick.... explain?

You can't. I'm you'll blather on that we must not have followed all the rules, but know for a fact we did... and we still got sick.

So.... Yeah. But we don't need my personal experience. We can just look at the facts. None those rules have worked anywhere. None of them. And I realize you think your posts somehow contradicted my points... but that's because you obviously don't realize your posts contradicted nothing. You didn't. You keep saying the same utterly irrelevant statements, acting like you have a point, but you don't. None of them were valid counter arguments.

Sorry, but you are just wrong. None of those were good points. Or even valid. Either masks work or they don't. All masks get dirty. I don't see a single person using new masks every day.

Even the WHO said they don't recommend that healthy people wear masks, or that mask wearing is effective at all.

Rotten Bologna. You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

You are LYING..... You said it over and over mask is NOT good. You are 100% anti mask. Do you expect me to believe that you really wore mask? Then SUDDENLY (now you are loosing) now you’ve used mask. Very funny. All anti mask are the minorities. That includes your lousy president.

Spinning? That is sad. I don’t spin anything, every single point I made, never did, talked to you straight to the point. You were using my own words to spin around. Sadly.

Of course I used own my experience. What do you expect? Suddenly you are now using your experience to make a point. Sadly.

According to you. I mean you. I failed to refute every single point you made. WRONG. I BLASTED you all the way over and over.

You got sick, your parents got sick, your neighbors got sick, your co workers ALL got sick. And they all wear mask. How many people is that? MY GOD..... GOOD LORD did you made god angry? Are you the center of epidemic? An (now you are using your experience) anti-mask talking? Do you expect me to believe that? Nah! I don’t believe you. Zero. Did you watched them at home or they have kids? I doubt it.

I can tell you alone that hispanics here in California they do wear mask when they go out or work but they still got sick and die. High percentage of Covid deaths here are hispanics. You know why? (Explanation) Most have crowded home and apartments with maximum or over capacity, using the same restrooms, too close and dont wear mask inside the house.

Trump’s orbit 12 or more people got sick non of them wear mask. Look at Trump’s rallies thousands don’t wear mask. How many of those do you think that got sick that they denied? How many of those do you think wear mask in their daily routine or at home?

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it. Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

You are saying mask is not good anyway. So we should follow your belief don’t wear mask because it’s not good? Explain that.

According to you Andy. You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

You said....I mean you Andy. Even WHO said they don’t recommend healthy people wear mask..... Can you prove that? Any link?

That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Because I’m healthy I should recklessly do not wear mask.... What if sat next, following, took over a sit of an infected person? What do you think the percentage of catching it with out mask? And why should I risk my health because of stupidity?

*** My explanation......
*** My explanation......
1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

2. If they followed. If they followed they still got sick. How do you even know that they really followed? Did they followed rules at home? Did they have kids running around? There are lots of factors that a person can get infected.

I asked you 4 questions here in this post. I expect an answer.

You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

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No, I'm not losing. Only in your own tiny little mind.

Yes have been wearing masks since March. Yes, everyone I know still got sick. No, I'm not lying simply because I must be or your pathetic ideology doesn't work.

You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

Um, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. All of them. All 300 people at the facility where I work, all use the same mask over and over. The only time someone uses a different mask, is when they leave their mask at home, and they go and get one of the cheap 25¢ cloth masks the company hands out. But I can tell you from direct personal knowledge, that the box of clothe masks has been sitting there for the last 2 months without being replaced.

I'm not sure what you want me to explain. They use the same mask over and over for this entire year. What more do you want me to explain?

My old company (I was laid off in April before I got this job), they all used the same masks every single day.

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it.Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

That's a dumb statement. Saying masks are not effective, doesn't magically mean they cause people to die. Something that has no benefit, does not automatically mean it has a negative effect. You seem to be implying that somehow saying there is no evidence that masks prevent Covid, must mean that I think wearing a mask will somehow cause people to die. No.

As for asking if masks are not effective, why have we not seen nurses and doctors falling over in mass death....... That's pretty easy to explain. It's the same reason we don't see people falling over in mass deaths anywhere.

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These are numbers from the CDC. The ratio of people who get sick and die, to the ratio of people who don't have any symptoms at all, is massively in favor of the latter.

In the absolute worst case Scenario, with the highest risk age group, you have barely a 0.09% chance of dying of Covid-19.

For the next age group up, 50 to 69 year olds, you have barely a 0.01% chance.

What that means is that 99% of all people, including those in hospitals who work as nurses and doctors.....

Will not only not die of Covid-19, they may never even know they have it. A doctor and a nurse, has a higher chance of dying in a car crash on the way to the hospital, then dying of Covid-19 they caught in the hospital from Covid-19 patients.

1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

No, I don't. There is no evidence to support that conclusion. That's just your opinion. That's fine to have that opinion, but there is zero evidence whatsoever. There is no data that masks have been even in the smallest way, effective at stopping Covid.

None. NONE. ZERO. That statement above is not evidence. That's opinion.

My opinion... no. I have read the documents, looked at the data, read the statements by WHO and other groups. None show that mask wearing would have reduced the number of Covid cases.

Oh! Andy

AGAIN. I asked you several questions. You have not answer all except pure nonsense rebuttal.

First of all you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about. NONE. I NEVER said mask will stop all deaths and infections but it will slow the spread of infections.

Regarding WHO..... You do not post. Repeat you do not post something that you cannot back up. I asked you twice about this BS. You came up empty. You lied.

You (Andy) posted previously that ALL of your coworkers wear mask but ALL got sick. You mentioned it here that you have 300 co workers. ALL 300 GOT SICK? 100% total wipe out? Really? I mean REALLY? You are lying.

You (Andy) is saying that ALL 300 wear cloth mask? ALL? You are talking about cloth mask that can be used over and over. But you have to wash it. Is that why ALL 300 of your coworkers including you got sick because they never wash it?

I’m in the medical instruments business I used 4 to 5 boxes (50 in each box) of disposable mask every day for my employees. Some bring their own cloth mask but most use the one I supplied. Two got sick badly but they admitted they went to a bachelorette party on Wednesday (off on Thursday & Friday) and wedding on Saturday by Monday morning they called sick.

Using car crash to explain your experience about Covid death is just pure amateur. You might as well use the death of H1N1.

Your chart fromCDC percentage of this and that and ages..... don’t mean a diddly squat. It’s a cut out and paste. Where’s the link?? You BS on the WHO. How do I know that chart came from CDC?

You can use your .00000001% BS however you want..... look at the number of deaths 200,000+ and counting. Meaning you are down playing the numbers of deaths and infections. How about the numbers of people that recover with long lasting damage to the lungs? Just because they are old they need to die? Thats the reason why that loser moron downplayed the severity of this crisis.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

Your lousy leader get tested almost every day or every other day. Running around without a mask..... He got Covid-19.

Here is the link and latest from CDC dated October 2020 if you really want to see the truth and specific numbers of deaths and specific categories.

There is no evidence that masks have slowed the infection.

Yes I know what I am talking about.

Don't you look stupid?

Yes all 300 wear masks. And the company has everyone screened with a temperature check every morning at the start of the shift. And if you are caught not wearing your mask, the managers will come get you.

I did not say that all 300 got sick. I said everyone I know got sick. I don't know all 300 of the people who work there.

*** As for could it be because we don't wash our masks.... I have no idea, but that doesn't matter to my point. No one is washing their masks. I don't know single person anywhere that is.

Point being, if mask washing, or mask replacing is required for them to stop Covid-19, and no one is doing that... then Masks are doing nothing, and we need to stop this nonsense.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

So here you are trying to claim that things are great, in a thread where you have been trying to make the case things are terrible, and Trump is to blame. 8 out of 10 wear masks, but things are terrible and it's Trumps fault? Again, I find it amusing you claim I'm the one twisting around, while you can't even go a couple of posts without contradicting your original position.

I don't believe there is only 7 million infections. We already know that the vast majority of people have no symptoms. Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.

There are likely 70 million people who have already had Covid-19.

Nor do I believe that the reason for the number of infections has anything to do with masks.

If you believe that masks are what prevented there being 300 million infections, then you truly are ignorant.

Denmark and Sweden actually discouraged use of masks. Less than 5% of the population said they wore a mask.

Yet both Denmark and Sweden had lower rates of infection than the US over the same time period.

NO you don’t know what you are talking about. I look stupid? Stop you are tickling me. It’s laughable when you are posting against science, lying and just pure BS.

Here is a very good example of you BS from your post #193 ........... “All your co workers got sick”. ALL 300. You are lying again.

Your links. What is that has anything to do with what you believed? Did you even read what it mean? Read and explain to me what that mean and compared to your lousy opinion.

*** You don’t know all your 300 coworkers, you don’t know if they are washing or replacing their mask every day..... YOU don’t know ANYTHING period but you keep blabbering about your coworkers didn’t do this and did that. That’s silly.

Let say you wear mask.... there are several places that you can get infected even if you wear a mask.... Like when you go to groceries, get a gas, don’t wash your hands, handles of your restrooms and door entrances. Do you wipe them with anti bacterial?

RIGHT NOW. The best way to fight this Pandemic is to wear a mask. That is based from science of the NIH, CDC, doctors and hospitals and Trump Coronavirus (Hypocrite) policy. If you have a problem with that that is your problem. I don’t care. Don’t wear mask but don’t stay close to me.

What basis do you have that mask doesn’t help slow the spread of coronavirus?

You (Andy) said...... “Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.”.......... HOW IN THE HELL do you know you are sick without being tested? You have the symptoms.... Oh I’m sick I’m just going to sit here and die and don’t worry about it. That is the DUMBEST and STUPIDEST thing I ever heard since this CV hit US........... You, your parents, your friends, all your 300 coworkers got sick and just sat there? REALLY? Talking about stupid.

As far as twisting NO I did not twist anything on my post because I don’t need to but you did. That is why I keep saying “you (Andy)” to make sure you don’t twist what I’ve just said.

As far as Trump a real piece of shit. Yes he is responsible for these deaths, infections crisis and economic crisis. Who else do you think should take the blame? You gave him credits during good times.... he should take the credits during bad times....... that is just fair....... Yes we know the CV came from China, China, China .... But that doesn’t mean we have to act STUPID (like mask), play dumb, play down, finger pointing, this a Democrat hoax, keeps blaming and spread misinformation.

On top of being racist dog shit and inciting violence against his own fellow Americans the democrats, look at him from the beginning February till today October still playing it down spreading misinformation. Like no big deal it will just miraculously disappear. His attitude is like they have underlying illness diabetes, heart, kidney, hb and they are old anyway so who cares? Does he give a shit? FUCK NO. According to Trump mask is not good because a waitress told him. He even mocked Biden for following Trump policy about mask........ He literally destroyed and fucked up this country almost on purpose.

Now you tell me what is this president good for?

Andy...... I don’t see rebuttal of this post. It’s really painful when you are caught lying.
Well give us a reasonable rebuttal why WE need to love this racist dog, ignorant, unhinged, incompetent, immortal, unethical, inciting violence against his own people??.

I’ve asked this question many times. What is there to love about Trump? PLEASE give me a reason what is there to love with this moron president?
Have you ever noticed how some members dont resort to name calling ?
Its because they dont have to....most of the time.
If you havent read all of his accomplishments, then I cant help you.
If you don't understand by now, maybe it'll finally sink into your thick skull on the night of November 3rd.

See ya then.

Another question...why is it that at rallies Trump can attract thousands and Joe can only attract dozens?
The difference is after the election. The problem with Trump rallies are 99% whiteys. It doesn’t represent a real view of Americans. Where are the black, browns, yellows?

Let say Trump rallies average 25,000 per rallies which is very generous.

Compared that to these major unions that endorsed Biden. WOW.
1. Teachers union with 1.7 millions members.
2. USPS Union with 300,000 members.
3. USW United steel workers with almost one million members.

See how we dwarf these Trump exclusive whiteys members (only) Trump rallies? See the differences? Don’t forget their families and friends that they take it them. I didn’t even include the LGBTQ, hispanics, blacks, Asians, Muslims....... American citizens. But you can enjoy your rallies.

These endorsements include the Teamsters union, the United Auto Workers, the United Food and Commercial Workers union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, and the Service Employees International Union.
Biden is also supported by the AFL-CIO, a body representing 55 labor unions with 12.5 million members. The AFL-CIO has endorsed the Democratic candidate in every election since 1976. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka explained the endorsement on 26 May.

"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?

I used your evidence. You provided the evidence, that I used against you.

YOU said the Chinese were wearing masks even before the out break. I agreed, and cited that as the logical reasoning that masks do not prevent Covid-19, because they did, then it should have never left China. They should never have had an outbreak to begin with.

Further, you pointed out that the Chinese have a different culture, one of compliance to a dangerous authoritarian regime, that jails doctors. I agreed, and cited that no matter who was in office, Trump or anyone else, that Americans would still be Americans, and that we wouldn't bend over to every single edict given by government.

You are asking for evidence of my position, when YOU gave the evidence of my position.
You are going in circles Andy. You used evidence what I told you. REALLY?

Let me repeat it again. PAY ATTENTION when Coronavirus outbreak in China started Chines in general don’t know what they have and don’t know what to do even with the mask. They used mask because of dirty air over and over....... PAY ATTENTION when it started they used the same attitude using mask over and over. By the time they know it’s dangerous it’s too late. What part of that don’t you understand.

That makes no sense. You are suggesting that masks only work, if they were not originally used because of dirty air? Now masks only work if your attitude is right?

They only work if you replace them over and over?

That's funny, because I don't know anyone anywhere, that is not using the same mask over and over. No one. The most hard core "must wear masks or the planet dies" people are all using the same mask over and over.

I'd be hard pressed to find a single person anywhere who is NOT using the same mask over and over.

If you really believe what you are saying, then I think you are nuts.
You are spinning and twisting around like a wet pretzel.
I told you over and over the mask behavior and attitude they have before the pandemic using dirty mask over and over for several days...... They also ban selling exotic animals for consumptions....... You don’t know anything about China.

Mask only now works because they are not using the same dirty mask over and over. Of course...... What part of that don’t you understand? They even wear mask inside their home. And I KNOW how you are going to come back with your rebuttal

You don’t know anyone NOT using the same mask over and over. I don’t. I replaced it twice a day depending how many times I go out. And I know several people and so are friends and families does do that.

You don’t know anyone NOT using same mask over and over. Are they using it over and over for several days?

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

You don’t know any one NOT using the same mask over and over. That means they are using mask except you.

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

What are you even talking about?

I've been wearing a mask since March. I'm in the minority of what? Once again, you have no point, and so you make up stuff.

Its actually quite funny. You haven't been able to make a single valid argument yet, but every post you start shrieking about how I'm "spinning and twisting around"... but then *YOU* are the one that has to make false accusations about the other person, to try and have a point?

Nah, if anyone is "spinning and twisting around" it's you.

You know nothing about me, yet claim I'm in the minority of Americans who don't wear masks?

I have followed every single guideline given about this Covid-19 crap. I have worn masks, socially distanced, and haven't gone to Church since March. My church still isn't open even now. (online church of course, but we haven't met at the Church building).

I have not used personal experience in our conversation, because the evidence alone is enough. The fact you have failed to refute a single point I've made, is proof the evidence alone is enough.

But, one of the reasons that I personally am convinced that all the mask wearing and social distancing, and lock downs are completely ineffective, and pointless.... is because I personally followed all of your guidelines, and so did everyone I know, and everyone still got sick.

I got sick. My parents got sick. My friends and neighbors got sick. My co-workers all got sick. Everyone I know got sick, and we all... ALL.... followed the mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing guidelines.

*** If does that work? If you follow all the Covid-19 rules, and everyone still got sick.... explain?

You can't. I'm you'll blather on that we must not have followed all the rules, but know for a fact we did... and we still got sick.

So.... Yeah. But we don't need my personal experience. We can just look at the facts. None those rules have worked anywhere. None of them. And I realize you think your posts somehow contradicted my points... but that's because you obviously don't realize your posts contradicted nothing. You didn't. You keep saying the same utterly irrelevant statements, acting like you have a point, but you don't. None of them were valid counter arguments.

Sorry, but you are just wrong. None of those were good points. Or even valid. Either masks work or they don't. All masks get dirty. I don't see a single person using new masks every day.

Even the WHO said they don't recommend that healthy people wear masks, or that mask wearing is effective at all.

Rotten Bologna. You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

You are LYING..... You said it over and over mask is NOT good. You are 100% anti mask. Do you expect me to believe that you really wore mask? Then SUDDENLY (now you are loosing) now you’ve used mask. Very funny. All anti mask are the minorities. That includes your lousy president.

Spinning? That is sad. I don’t spin anything, every single point I made, never did, talked to you straight to the point. You were using my own words to spin around. Sadly.

Of course I used own my experience. What do you expect? Suddenly you are now using your experience to make a point. Sadly.

According to you. I mean you. I failed to refute every single point you made. WRONG. I BLASTED you all the way over and over.

You got sick, your parents got sick, your neighbors got sick, your co workers ALL got sick. And they all wear mask. How many people is that? MY GOD..... GOOD LORD did you made god angry? Are you the center of epidemic? An (now you are using your experience) anti-mask talking? Do you expect me to believe that? Nah! I don’t believe you. Zero. Did you watched them at home or they have kids? I doubt it.

I can tell you alone that hispanics here in California they do wear mask when they go out or work but they still got sick and die. High percentage of Covid deaths here are hispanics. You know why? (Explanation) Most have crowded home and apartments with maximum or over capacity, using the same restrooms, too close and dont wear mask inside the house.

Trump’s orbit 12 or more people got sick non of them wear mask. Look at Trump’s rallies thousands don’t wear mask. How many of those do you think that got sick that they denied? How many of those do you think wear mask in their daily routine or at home?

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it. Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

You are saying mask is not good anyway. So we should follow your belief don’t wear mask because it’s not good? Explain that.

According to you Andy. You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

You said....I mean you Andy. Even WHO said they don’t recommend healthy people wear mask..... Can you prove that? Any link?

That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Because I’m healthy I should recklessly do not wear mask.... What if sat next, following, took over a sit of an infected person? What do you think the percentage of catching it with out mask? And why should I risk my health because of stupidity?

*** My explanation......
*** My explanation......
1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

2. If they followed. If they followed they still got sick. How do you even know that they really followed? Did they followed rules at home? Did they have kids running around? There are lots of factors that a person can get infected.

I asked you 4 questions here in this post. I expect an answer.

You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

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No, I'm not losing. Only in your own tiny little mind.

Yes have been wearing masks since March. Yes, everyone I know still got sick. No, I'm not lying simply because I must be or your pathetic ideology doesn't work.

You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

Um, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. All of them. All 300 people at the facility where I work, all use the same mask over and over. The only time someone uses a different mask, is when they leave their mask at home, and they go and get one of the cheap 25¢ cloth masks the company hands out. But I can tell you from direct personal knowledge, that the box of clothe masks has been sitting there for the last 2 months without being replaced.

I'm not sure what you want me to explain. They use the same mask over and over for this entire year. What more do you want me to explain?

My old company (I was laid off in April before I got this job), they all used the same masks every single day.

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it.Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

That's a dumb statement. Saying masks are not effective, doesn't magically mean they cause people to die. Something that has no benefit, does not automatically mean it has a negative effect. You seem to be implying that somehow saying there is no evidence that masks prevent Covid, must mean that I think wearing a mask will somehow cause people to die. No.

As for asking if masks are not effective, why have we not seen nurses and doctors falling over in mass death....... That's pretty easy to explain. It's the same reason we don't see people falling over in mass deaths anywhere.

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These are numbers from the CDC. The ratio of people who get sick and die, to the ratio of people who don't have any symptoms at all, is massively in favor of the latter.

In the absolute worst case Scenario, with the highest risk age group, you have barely a 0.09% chance of dying of Covid-19.

For the next age group up, 50 to 69 year olds, you have barely a 0.01% chance.

What that means is that 99% of all people, including those in hospitals who work as nurses and doctors.....

Will not only not die of Covid-19, they may never even know they have it. A doctor and a nurse, has a higher chance of dying in a car crash on the way to the hospital, then dying of Covid-19 they caught in the hospital from Covid-19 patients.

1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

No, I don't. There is no evidence to support that conclusion. That's just your opinion. That's fine to have that opinion, but there is zero evidence whatsoever. There is no data that masks have been even in the smallest way, effective at stopping Covid.

None. NONE. ZERO. That statement above is not evidence. That's opinion.

My opinion... no. I have read the documents, looked at the data, read the statements by WHO and other groups. None show that mask wearing would have reduced the number of Covid cases.

Oh! Andy

AGAIN. I asked you several questions. You have not answer all except pure nonsense rebuttal.

First of all you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about. NONE. I NEVER said mask will stop all deaths and infections but it will slow the spread of infections.

Regarding WHO..... You do not post. Repeat you do not post something that you cannot back up. I asked you twice about this BS. You came up empty. You lied.

You (Andy) posted previously that ALL of your coworkers wear mask but ALL got sick. You mentioned it here that you have 300 co workers. ALL 300 GOT SICK? 100% total wipe out? Really? I mean REALLY? You are lying.

You (Andy) is saying that ALL 300 wear cloth mask? ALL? You are talking about cloth mask that can be used over and over. But you have to wash it. Is that why ALL 300 of your coworkers including you got sick because they never wash it?

I’m in the medical instruments business I used 4 to 5 boxes (50 in each box) of disposable mask every day for my employees. Some bring their own cloth mask but most use the one I supplied. Two got sick badly but they admitted they went to a bachelorette party on Wednesday (off on Thursday & Friday) and wedding on Saturday by Monday morning they called sick.

Using car crash to explain your experience about Covid death is just pure amateur. You might as well use the death of H1N1.

Your chart fromCDC percentage of this and that and ages..... don’t mean a diddly squat. It’s a cut out and paste. Where’s the link?? You BS on the WHO. How do I know that chart came from CDC?

You can use your .00000001% BS however you want..... look at the number of deaths 200,000+ and counting. Meaning you are down playing the numbers of deaths and infections. How about the numbers of people that recover with long lasting damage to the lungs? Just because they are old they need to die? Thats the reason why that loser moron downplayed the severity of this crisis.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

Your lousy leader get tested almost every day or every other day. Running around without a mask..... He got Covid-19.

Here is the link and latest from CDC dated October 2020 if you really want to see the truth and specific numbers of deaths and specific categories.

There is no evidence that masks have slowed the infection.

Yes I know what I am talking about.

Don't you look stupid?

Yes all 300 wear masks. And the company has everyone screened with a temperature check every morning at the start of the shift. And if you are caught not wearing your mask, the managers will come get you.

I did not say that all 300 got sick. I said everyone I know got sick. I don't know all 300 of the people who work there.

As for could it be because we don't wash our masks.... I have no idea, but that doesn't matter to my point. No one is washing their masks. I don't know single person anywhere that is.

Point being, if mask washing, or mask replacing is required for them to stop Covid-19, and no one is doing that... then Masks are doing nothing, and we need to stop this nonsense.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

So here you are trying to claim that things are great, in a thread where you have been trying to make the case things are terrible, and Trump is to blame. 8 out of 10 wear masks, but things are terrible and it's Trumps fault? Again, I find it amusing you claim I'm the one twisting around, while you can't even go a couple of posts without contradicting your original position.

I don't believe there is only 7 million infections. We already know that the vast majority of people have no symptoms. Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.

There are likely 70 million people who have already had Covid-19.

Nor do I believe that the reason for the number of infections has anything to do with masks.

If you believe that masks are what prevented there being 300 million infections, then you truly are ignorant.

Denmark and Sweden actually discouraged use of masks. Less than 5% of the population said they wore a mask.

Yet both Denmark and Sweden had lower rates of infection than the US over the same time period.
Here is a link from Denmark about mask. You don’t know what you are talking about Dude.

Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.

Health authorities had previously deemed the wearing of face masks in public spacesunnecessary but changed their recommendation following advice from the World Health Organization (WHO) in late June.

I'm amused that posted proof of my position, and claimed it contradicted me.

According to the link you just posted, it wasn't until early July that the government of Denmark reversed their stance and encouraged mask wearing.

That statement by your link, validates the statements in my link, that barely 5% of Denmark people wore masks by July 8th.
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***1. So, as you can see, the United States started wearing masks in mass, by March, and was up near 70% of the public by April.

Meanwhile, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, even Britain, has a fraction as many people wearing masks from March, April, May, June, and into the start of July.

Yet, the US had a higher incident rate of Covid-19 (according to the official numbers), than any of those countries where a fraction as many people wore masks. In the case of Sweden and Denmark, a tiny tiny fraction.

As I have said numerous times, there is ZERO evidence that masks work. Zero.

By the way, just to add to the endless evidence that masks are utterly ineffective, the CDC showed this in their Sept 11th report.

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So what you are looking at, is a survey of people who contracted Covid-19.

***2. Of people who contracted Covid-19, 70% said they "ALWAYS" wore a mask.
An additional 14% said they "OFTEN" wore a mask.

That means 85% of people who contracted covid, were wearing masks.

Once again.... ZERO evidence that masks work. Zero. None.

Oh Boy..... Of course Denmark changed their minds in July when they found out mask is needed. What part of that don’t you understand? Now they wear mask.

Right this second Europe are facing another lock down. link below.

YOU are a hardliner anti mask. YOU are entitled to your opinion. YOU went all over to defend your opinion with no single hard evidence that mask doesn’t work. YOU posted your own experience but most or ALL are lies. YOU can not even get your stories straight. What make you think YOUR opinion has any credibilities?

Yes US started wearing mask in mass number and social distancing in mid March 2020 ...... That is because Trump declared Pandemic crisis in mid March. AGAIN. What part of that don’t you understand? Lordy.

You are trying very hard to compare how we behave here in US to other countries. Each countries has handled and behaved this Pandemic crisis differently.

***1. Where did you get 70%?

***2. You lie a lot Andy. Of people contracted Covid-19 70% always wear mask. WHERE IS THAT FROM YOUR LINK?

Let say you are telling the truth ...... They always wear mask during outdoor activities but did they practices mask and other precautions at home, did they clean the way they should handled a meat and chicken during the crisis, did they disinfect can goods and fruits, did they wipe the handle of grocery carts or gas, did they ask their children to wash their hands and face after they played outside? Just because you wear mask outdoors but do you do not practice cleanliness at home mask became useless. It’s that simple.

Like Mexicans the highest victims of CV deaths and infections here in California. I have not seen a single Mexicans that do not wear a mask but 6 or more in a 2 bedrooms with one bathroom apartments or 8 in a 3 bedroom house. But I’ve seen lots of Mexicans with their kids in a car and they don’t wear mask. What do you think is the percentage of these people getting infected?

Oh Boy..... Of course Denmark changed their minds in July when they found out mask is needed. What part of that don’t you understand? Now they wear mask.

Right this second Europe are facing another lock down. link below.

Again, that makes my point. If it worked.... why is Europe facing another lock down?

And while you can say "They found out they needed masks", and that's a useful conclusion to fit the ideology, it still doesn't fit the data.

No matter how you cut it, Denmark without masks had lower rates of infection. How is that possible, if by your logic, masks slow the spread? Doesn't make sense.

YOU went all over to defend your opinion with no single hard evidence that mask doesn’t work.

Well, honestly that just makes you an ignorant fool, that is too full of his own self importance to look at the data, because I have posted a half dozen, to a dozen articles backing absolutely everything I have said.

If you can't get that.... that makes you just a dumb person. You want to be dumb, fine. But don't expect anyone to see you as anything but the ignorant mindless fool that you are.
Well give us a reasonable rebuttal why WE need to love this racist dog, ignorant, unhinged, incompetent, immortal, unethical, inciting violence against his own people??.

I’ve asked this question many times. What is there to love about Trump? PLEASE give me a reason what is there to love with this moron president?
Have you ever noticed how some members dont resort to name calling ?
Its because they dont have to....most of the time.
If you havent read all of his accomplishments, then I cant help you.
Well my dear. Don’t resort in name calling. Oh Please. Name calling, hate, lies, especially post fake media against Biden even from other countries, false about Biden ..... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
I understand truth hurts when your idol is being trash. Tell me what is there to best describe Trump ignorance?

Maybe you can tell him not make fun of old people just like one of his tweets mocking old people in a wheelchair. I’m not old and a long way to go before 65 but my uncle and his friends that are in wheelchair are very furious. Link below. I mean How low can you get? See you all on election.

President Donald Trump tweeted an image Tuesday of his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, edited onto the body of an elderly person sitting in a wheelchair, endorsing him for “Resident” of a retirement home.
The image showed a room full of elderly wheelchair users with Biden’s face superimposed on one of them. Biden is 77, Trump is 74.

A recent national Fox News survey found Biden had a narrow lead with likely voters 65 and older. A CNN poll found Biden was up by 21 percentage points, with 60% for Biden and 39% for Trump.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?

I used your evidence. You provided the evidence, that I used against you.

YOU said the Chinese were wearing masks even before the out break. I agreed, and cited that as the logical reasoning that masks do not prevent Covid-19, because they did, then it should have never left China. They should never have had an outbreak to begin with.

Further, you pointed out that the Chinese have a different culture, one of compliance to a dangerous authoritarian regime, that jails doctors. I agreed, and cited that no matter who was in office, Trump or anyone else, that Americans would still be Americans, and that we wouldn't bend over to every single edict given by government.

You are asking for evidence of my position, when YOU gave the evidence of my position.
You are going in circles Andy. You used evidence what I told you. REALLY?

Let me repeat it again. PAY ATTENTION when Coronavirus outbreak in China started Chines in general don’t know what they have and don’t know what to do even with the mask. They used mask because of dirty air over and over....... PAY ATTENTION when it started they used the same attitude using mask over and over. By the time they know it’s dangerous it’s too late. What part of that don’t you understand.

That makes no sense. You are suggesting that masks only work, if they were not originally used because of dirty air? Now masks only work if your attitude is right?

They only work if you replace them over and over?

That's funny, because I don't know anyone anywhere, that is not using the same mask over and over. No one. The most hard core "must wear masks or the planet dies" people are all using the same mask over and over.

I'd be hard pressed to find a single person anywhere who is NOT using the same mask over and over.

If you really believe what you are saying, then I think you are nuts.
You are spinning and twisting around like a wet pretzel.
I told you over and over the mask behavior and attitude they have before the pandemic using dirty mask over and over for several days...... They also ban selling exotic animals for consumptions....... You don’t know anything about China.

Mask only now works because they are not using the same dirty mask over and over. Of course...... What part of that don’t you understand? They even wear mask inside their home. And I KNOW how you are going to come back with your rebuttal

You don’t know anyone NOT using the same mask over and over. I don’t. I replaced it twice a day depending how many times I go out. And I know several people and so are friends and families does do that.

You don’t know anyone NOT using same mask over and over. Are they using it over and over for several days?

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

You don’t know any one NOT using the same mask over and over. That means they are using mask except you.

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

What are you even talking about?

I've been wearing a mask since March. I'm in the minority of what? Once again, you have no point, and so you make up stuff.

Its actually quite funny. You haven't been able to make a single valid argument yet, but every post you start shrieking about how I'm "spinning and twisting around"... but then *YOU* are the one that has to make false accusations about the other person, to try and have a point?

Nah, if anyone is "spinning and twisting around" it's you.

You know nothing about me, yet claim I'm in the minority of Americans who don't wear masks?

I have followed every single guideline given about this Covid-19 crap. I have worn masks, socially distanced, and haven't gone to Church since March. My church still isn't open even now. (online church of course, but we haven't met at the Church building).

I have not used personal experience in our conversation, because the evidence alone is enough. The fact you have failed to refute a single point I've made, is proof the evidence alone is enough.

But, one of the reasons that I personally am convinced that all the mask wearing and social distancing, and lock downs are completely ineffective, and pointless.... is because I personally followed all of your guidelines, and so did everyone I know, and everyone still got sick.

I got sick. My parents got sick. My friends and neighbors got sick. My co-workers all got sick. Everyone I know got sick, and we all... ALL.... followed the mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing guidelines.

*** If does that work? If you follow all the Covid-19 rules, and everyone still got sick.... explain?

You can't. I'm you'll blather on that we must not have followed all the rules, but know for a fact we did... and we still got sick.

So.... Yeah. But we don't need my personal experience. We can just look at the facts. None those rules have worked anywhere. None of them. And I realize you think your posts somehow contradicted my points... but that's because you obviously don't realize your posts contradicted nothing. You didn't. You keep saying the same utterly irrelevant statements, acting like you have a point, but you don't. None of them were valid counter arguments.

Sorry, but you are just wrong. None of those were good points. Or even valid. Either masks work or they don't. All masks get dirty. I don't see a single person using new masks every day.

Even the WHO said they don't recommend that healthy people wear masks, or that mask wearing is effective at all.

Rotten Bologna. You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

You are LYING..... You said it over and over mask is NOT good. You are 100% anti mask. Do you expect me to believe that you really wore mask? Then SUDDENLY (now you are loosing) now you’ve used mask. Very funny. All anti mask are the minorities. That includes your lousy president.

Spinning? That is sad. I don’t spin anything, every single point I made, never did, talked to you straight to the point. You were using my own words to spin around. Sadly.

Of course I used own my experience. What do you expect? Suddenly you are now using your experience to make a point. Sadly.

According to you. I mean you. I failed to refute every single point you made. WRONG. I BLASTED you all the way over and over.

You got sick, your parents got sick, your neighbors got sick, your co workers ALL got sick. And they all wear mask. How many people is that? MY GOD..... GOOD LORD did you made god angry? Are you the center of epidemic? An (now you are using your experience) anti-mask talking? Do you expect me to believe that? Nah! I don’t believe you. Zero. Did you watched them at home or they have kids? I doubt it.

I can tell you alone that hispanics here in California they do wear mask when they go out or work but they still got sick and die. High percentage of Covid deaths here are hispanics. You know why? (Explanation) Most have crowded home and apartments with maximum or over capacity, using the same restrooms, too close and dont wear mask inside the house.

Trump’s orbit 12 or more people got sick non of them wear mask. Look at Trump’s rallies thousands don’t wear mask. How many of those do you think that got sick that they denied? How many of those do you think wear mask in their daily routine or at home?

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it. Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

You are saying mask is not good anyway. So we should follow your belief don’t wear mask because it’s not good? Explain that.

According to you Andy. You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

You said....I mean you Andy. Even WHO said they don’t recommend healthy people wear mask..... Can you prove that? Any link?

That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Because I’m healthy I should recklessly do not wear mask.... What if sat next, following, took over a sit of an infected person? What do you think the percentage of catching it with out mask? And why should I risk my health because of stupidity?

*** My explanation......
*** My explanation......
1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

2. If they followed. If they followed they still got sick. How do you even know that they really followed? Did they followed rules at home? Did they have kids running around? There are lots of factors that a person can get infected.

I asked you 4 questions here in this post. I expect an answer.

You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

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No, I'm not losing. Only in your own tiny little mind.

Yes have been wearing masks since March. Yes, everyone I know still got sick. No, I'm not lying simply because I must be or your pathetic ideology doesn't work.

You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

Um, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. All of them. All 300 people at the facility where I work, all use the same mask over and over. The only time someone uses a different mask, is when they leave their mask at home, and they go and get one of the cheap 25¢ cloth masks the company hands out. But I can tell you from direct personal knowledge, that the box of clothe masks has been sitting there for the last 2 months without being replaced.

I'm not sure what you want me to explain. They use the same mask over and over for this entire year. What more do you want me to explain?

My old company (I was laid off in April before I got this job), they all used the same masks every single day.

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it.Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

That's a dumb statement. Saying masks are not effective, doesn't magically mean they cause people to die. Something that has no benefit, does not automatically mean it has a negative effect. You seem to be implying that somehow saying there is no evidence that masks prevent Covid, must mean that I think wearing a mask will somehow cause people to die. No.

As for asking if masks are not effective, why have we not seen nurses and doctors falling over in mass death....... That's pretty easy to explain. It's the same reason we don't see people falling over in mass deaths anywhere.

View attachment 400399

These are numbers from the CDC. The ratio of people who get sick and die, to the ratio of people who don't have any symptoms at all, is massively in favor of the latter.

In the absolute worst case Scenario, with the highest risk age group, you have barely a 0.09% chance of dying of Covid-19.

For the next age group up, 50 to 69 year olds, you have barely a 0.01% chance.

What that means is that 99% of all people, including those in hospitals who work as nurses and doctors.....

Will not only not die of Covid-19, they may never even know they have it. A doctor and a nurse, has a higher chance of dying in a car crash on the way to the hospital, then dying of Covid-19 they caught in the hospital from Covid-19 patients.

1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

No, I don't. There is no evidence to support that conclusion. That's just your opinion. That's fine to have that opinion, but there is zero evidence whatsoever. There is no data that masks have been even in the smallest way, effective at stopping Covid.

None. NONE. ZERO. That statement above is not evidence. That's opinion.

My opinion... no. I have read the documents, looked at the data, read the statements by WHO and other groups. None show that mask wearing would have reduced the number of Covid cases.

Oh! Andy

AGAIN. I asked you several questions. You have not answer all except pure nonsense rebuttal.

First of all you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about. NONE. I NEVER said mask will stop all deaths and infections but it will slow the spread of infections.

Regarding WHO..... You do not post. Repeat you do not post something that you cannot back up. I asked you twice about this BS. You came up empty. You lied.

You (Andy) posted previously that ALL of your coworkers wear mask but ALL got sick. You mentioned it here that you have 300 co workers. ALL 300 GOT SICK? 100% total wipe out? Really? I mean REALLY? You are lying.

You (Andy) is saying that ALL 300 wear cloth mask? ALL? You are talking about cloth mask that can be used over and over. But you have to wash it. Is that why ALL 300 of your coworkers including you got sick because they never wash it?

I’m in the medical instruments business I used 4 to 5 boxes (50 in each box) of disposable mask every day for my employees. Some bring their own cloth mask but most use the one I supplied. Two got sick badly but they admitted they went to a bachelorette party on Wednesday (off on Thursday & Friday) and wedding on Saturday by Monday morning they called sick.

Using car crash to explain your experience about Covid death is just pure amateur. You might as well use the death of H1N1.

Your chart fromCDC percentage of this and that and ages..... don’t mean a diddly squat. It’s a cut out and paste. Where’s the link?? You BS on the WHO. How do I know that chart came from CDC?

You can use your .00000001% BS however you want..... look at the number of deaths 200,000+ and counting. Meaning you are down playing the numbers of deaths and infections. How about the numbers of people that recover with long lasting damage to the lungs? Just because they are old they need to die? Thats the reason why that loser moron downplayed the severity of this crisis.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

Your lousy leader get tested almost every day or every other day. Running around without a mask..... He got Covid-19.

Here is the link and latest from CDC dated October 2020 if you really want to see the truth and specific numbers of deaths and specific categories.

There is no evidence that masks have slowed the infection.

Yes I know what I am talking about.

Don't you look stupid?

Yes all 300 wear masks. And the company has everyone screened with a temperature check every morning at the start of the shift. And if you are caught not wearing your mask, the managers will come get you.

I did not say that all 300 got sick. I said everyone I know got sick. I don't know all 300 of the people who work there.

*** As for could it be because we don't wash our masks.... I have no idea, but that doesn't matter to my point. No one is washing their masks. I don't know single person anywhere that is.

Point being, if mask washing, or mask replacing is required for them to stop Covid-19, and no one is doing that... then Masks are doing nothing, and we need to stop this nonsense.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

So here you are trying to claim that things are great, in a thread where you have been trying to make the case things are terrible, and Trump is to blame. 8 out of 10 wear masks, but things are terrible and it's Trumps fault? Again, I find it amusing you claim I'm the one twisting around, while you can't even go a couple of posts without contradicting your original position.

I don't believe there is only 7 million infections. We already know that the vast majority of people have no symptoms. Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.

There are likely 70 million people who have already had Covid-19.

Nor do I believe that the reason for the number of infections has anything to do with masks.

If you believe that masks are what prevented there being 300 million infections, then you truly are ignorant.

Denmark and Sweden actually discouraged use of masks. Less than 5% of the population said they wore a mask.

Yet both Denmark and Sweden had lower rates of infection than the US over the same time period.

NO you don’t know what you are talking about. I look stupid? Stop you are tickling me. It’s laughable when you are posting against science, lying and just pure BS.

Here is a very good example of you BS from your post #193 ........... “All your co workers got sick”. ALL 300. You are lying again.

Your links. What is that has anything to do with what you believed? Did you even read what it mean? Read and explain to me what that mean and compared to your lousy opinion.

*** You don’t know all your 300 coworkers, you don’t know if they are washing or replacing their mask every day..... YOU don’t know ANYTHING period but you keep blabbering about your coworkers didn’t do this and did that. That’s silly.

Let say you wear mask.... there are several places that you can get infected even if you wear a mask.... Like when you go to groceries, get a gas, don’t wash your hands, handles of your restrooms and door entrances. Do you wipe them with anti bacterial?

RIGHT NOW. The best way to fight this Pandemic is to wear a mask. That is based from science of the NIH, CDC, doctors and hospitals and Trump Coronavirus (Hypocrite) policy. If you have a problem with that that is your problem. I don’t care. Don’t wear mask but don’t stay close to me.

What basis do you have that mask doesn’t help slow the spread of coronavirus?

You (Andy) said...... “Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.”.......... HOW IN THE HELL do you know you are sick without being tested? You have the symptoms.... Oh I’m sick I’m just going to sit here and die and don’t worry about it. That is the DUMBEST and STUPIDEST thing I ever heard since this CV hit US........... You, your parents, your friends, all your 300 coworkers got sick and just sat there? REALLY? Talking about stupid.

As far as twisting NO I did not twist anything on my post because I don’t need to but you did. That is why I keep saying “you (Andy)” to make sure you don’t twist what I’ve just said.

As far as Trump a real piece of shit. Yes he is responsible for these deaths, infections crisis and economic crisis. Who else do you think should take the blame? You gave him credits during good times.... he should take the credits during bad times....... that is just fair....... Yes we know the CV came from China, China, China .... But that doesn’t mean we have to act STUPID (like mask), play dumb, play down, finger pointing, this a Democrat hoax, keeps blaming and spread misinformation.

On top of being racist dog shit and inciting violence against his own fellow Americans the democrats, look at him from the beginning February till today October still playing it down spreading misinformation. Like no big deal it will just miraculously disappear. His attitude is like they have underlying illness diabetes, heart, kidney, hb and they are old anyway so who cares? Does he give a shit? FUCK NO. According to Trump mask is not good because a waitress told him. He even mocked Biden for following Trump policy about mask........ He literally destroyed and fucked up this country almost on purpose.

Now you tell me what is this president good for?

Andy...... I don’t see rebuttal of this post. It’s really painful when you are caught lying.

You can believe whatever dumb myth makes you feel better about your willful incompetence.

And by the way... I have life outside of forums. Just because I don't always respond to your nonsense constantly after repeatedly proving you wrong with clear evidence.... doesn't mean I was lying, or that I care what you think.

You are not that important to me. In fact, you are less important to me, than you were before, because after providing repeated clear undeniable evidence, you claimed I had not posted any.

That makes you a moron, instead of a man. I care a ton less about morons.

Thomas Sowell famously said "Debating smart people is easy. They know their own limitations. It's debating stupid people that is hard".

And you just proved Sowell right. When you are smacked around with data, and you act like a baby, and say "la la la I can't hear you".... that makes you too childish, and moronic to care about.


When you act like a toddler, you get treated like a toddler. Now grow up, before you try and engage with adults again.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?

I used your evidence. You provided the evidence, that I used against you.

YOU said the Chinese were wearing masks even before the out break. I agreed, and cited that as the logical reasoning that masks do not prevent Covid-19, because they did, then it should have never left China. They should never have had an outbreak to begin with.

Further, you pointed out that the Chinese have a different culture, one of compliance to a dangerous authoritarian regime, that jails doctors. I agreed, and cited that no matter who was in office, Trump or anyone else, that Americans would still be Americans, and that we wouldn't bend over to every single edict given by government.

You are asking for evidence of my position, when YOU gave the evidence of my position.
You are going in circles Andy. You used evidence what I told you. REALLY?

Let me repeat it again. PAY ATTENTION when Coronavirus outbreak in China started Chines in general don’t know what they have and don’t know what to do even with the mask. They used mask because of dirty air over and over....... PAY ATTENTION when it started they used the same attitude using mask over and over. By the time they know it’s dangerous it’s too late. What part of that don’t you understand.

That makes no sense. You are suggesting that masks only work, if they were not originally used because of dirty air? Now masks only work if your attitude is right?

They only work if you replace them over and over?

That's funny, because I don't know anyone anywhere, that is not using the same mask over and over. No one. The most hard core "must wear masks or the planet dies" people are all using the same mask over and over.

I'd be hard pressed to find a single person anywhere who is NOT using the same mask over and over.

If you really believe what you are saying, then I think you are nuts.
You are spinning and twisting around like a wet pretzel.
I told you over and over the mask behavior and attitude they have before the pandemic using dirty mask over and over for several days...... They also ban selling exotic animals for consumptions....... You don’t know anything about China.

Mask only now works because they are not using the same dirty mask over and over. Of course...... What part of that don’t you understand? They even wear mask inside their home. And I KNOW how you are going to come back with your rebuttal

You don’t know anyone NOT using the same mask over and over. I don’t. I replaced it twice a day depending how many times I go out. And I know several people and so are friends and families does do that.

You don’t know anyone NOT using same mask over and over. Are they using it over and over for several days?

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

You don’t know any one NOT using the same mask over and over. That means they are using mask except you.

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

What are you even talking about?

I've been wearing a mask since March. I'm in the minority of what? Once again, you have no point, and so you make up stuff.

Its actually quite funny. You haven't been able to make a single valid argument yet, but every post you start shrieking about how I'm "spinning and twisting around"... but then *YOU* are the one that has to make false accusations about the other person, to try and have a point?

Nah, if anyone is "spinning and twisting around" it's you.

You know nothing about me, yet claim I'm in the minority of Americans who don't wear masks?

I have followed every single guideline given about this Covid-19 crap. I have worn masks, socially distanced, and haven't gone to Church since March. My church still isn't open even now. (online church of course, but we haven't met at the Church building).

I have not used personal experience in our conversation, because the evidence alone is enough. The fact you have failed to refute a single point I've made, is proof the evidence alone is enough.

But, one of the reasons that I personally am convinced that all the mask wearing and social distancing, and lock downs are completely ineffective, and pointless.... is because I personally followed all of your guidelines, and so did everyone I know, and everyone still got sick.

I got sick. My parents got sick. My friends and neighbors got sick. My co-workers all got sick. Everyone I know got sick, and we all... ALL.... followed the mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing guidelines.

*** If does that work? If you follow all the Covid-19 rules, and everyone still got sick.... explain?

You can't. I'm you'll blather on that we must not have followed all the rules, but know for a fact we did... and we still got sick.

So.... Yeah. But we don't need my personal experience. We can just look at the facts. None those rules have worked anywhere. None of them. And I realize you think your posts somehow contradicted my points... but that's because you obviously don't realize your posts contradicted nothing. You didn't. You keep saying the same utterly irrelevant statements, acting like you have a point, but you don't. None of them were valid counter arguments.

Sorry, but you are just wrong. None of those were good points. Or even valid. Either masks work or they don't. All masks get dirty. I don't see a single person using new masks every day.

Even the WHO said they don't recommend that healthy people wear masks, or that mask wearing is effective at all.

Rotten Bologna. You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

You are LYING..... You said it over and over mask is NOT good. You are 100% anti mask. Do you expect me to believe that you really wore mask? Then SUDDENLY (now you are loosing) now you’ve used mask. Very funny. All anti mask are the minorities. That includes your lousy president.

Spinning? That is sad. I don’t spin anything, every single point I made, never did, talked to you straight to the point. You were using my own words to spin around. Sadly.

Of course I used own my experience. What do you expect? Suddenly you are now using your experience to make a point. Sadly.

According to you. I mean you. I failed to refute every single point you made. WRONG. I BLASTED you all the way over and over.

You got sick, your parents got sick, your neighbors got sick, your co workers ALL got sick. And they all wear mask. How many people is that? MY GOD..... GOOD LORD did you made god angry? Are you the center of epidemic? An (now you are using your experience) anti-mask talking? Do you expect me to believe that? Nah! I don’t believe you. Zero. Did you watched them at home or they have kids? I doubt it.

I can tell you alone that hispanics here in California they do wear mask when they go out or work but they still got sick and die. High percentage of Covid deaths here are hispanics. You know why? (Explanation) Most have crowded home and apartments with maximum or over capacity, using the same restrooms, too close and dont wear mask inside the house.

Trump’s orbit 12 or more people got sick non of them wear mask. Look at Trump’s rallies thousands don’t wear mask. How many of those do you think that got sick that they denied? How many of those do you think wear mask in their daily routine or at home?

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it. Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

You are saying mask is not good anyway. So we should follow your belief don’t wear mask because it’s not good? Explain that.

According to you Andy. You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

You said....I mean you Andy. Even WHO said they don’t recommend healthy people wear mask..... Can you prove that? Any link?

That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Because I’m healthy I should recklessly do not wear mask.... What if sat next, following, took over a sit of an infected person? What do you think the percentage of catching it with out mask? And why should I risk my health because of stupidity?

*** My explanation......
*** My explanation......
1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

2. If they followed. If they followed they still got sick. How do you even know that they really followed? Did they followed rules at home? Did they have kids running around? There are lots of factors that a person can get infected.

I asked you 4 questions here in this post. I expect an answer.

You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

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No, I'm not losing. Only in your own tiny little mind.

Yes have been wearing masks since March. Yes, everyone I know still got sick. No, I'm not lying simply because I must be or your pathetic ideology doesn't work.

You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

Um, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. All of them. All 300 people at the facility where I work, all use the same mask over and over. The only time someone uses a different mask, is when they leave their mask at home, and they go and get one of the cheap 25¢ cloth masks the company hands out. But I can tell you from direct personal knowledge, that the box of clothe masks has been sitting there for the last 2 months without being replaced.

I'm not sure what you want me to explain. They use the same mask over and over for this entire year. What more do you want me to explain?

My old company (I was laid off in April before I got this job), they all used the same masks every single day.

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it.Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

That's a dumb statement. Saying masks are not effective, doesn't magically mean they cause people to die. Something that has no benefit, does not automatically mean it has a negative effect. You seem to be implying that somehow saying there is no evidence that masks prevent Covid, must mean that I think wearing a mask will somehow cause people to die. No.

As for asking if masks are not effective, why have we not seen nurses and doctors falling over in mass death....... That's pretty easy to explain. It's the same reason we don't see people falling over in mass deaths anywhere.

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These are numbers from the CDC. The ratio of people who get sick and die, to the ratio of people who don't have any symptoms at all, is massively in favor of the latter.

In the absolute worst case Scenario, with the highest risk age group, you have barely a 0.09% chance of dying of Covid-19.

For the next age group up, 50 to 69 year olds, you have barely a 0.01% chance.

What that means is that 99% of all people, including those in hospitals who work as nurses and doctors.....

Will not only not die of Covid-19, they may never even know they have it. A doctor and a nurse, has a higher chance of dying in a car crash on the way to the hospital, then dying of Covid-19 they caught in the hospital from Covid-19 patients.

1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

No, I don't. There is no evidence to support that conclusion. That's just your opinion. That's fine to have that opinion, but there is zero evidence whatsoever. There is no data that masks have been even in the smallest way, effective at stopping Covid.

None. NONE. ZERO. That statement above is not evidence. That's opinion.

My opinion... no. I have read the documents, looked at the data, read the statements by WHO and other groups. None show that mask wearing would have reduced the number of Covid cases.

Oh! Andy

AGAIN. I asked you several questions. You have not answer all except pure nonsense rebuttal.

First of all you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about. NONE. I NEVER said mask will stop all deaths and infections but it will slow the spread of infections.

Regarding WHO..... You do not post. Repeat you do not post something that you cannot back up. I asked you twice about this BS. You came up empty. You lied.

You (Andy) posted previously that ALL of your coworkers wear mask but ALL got sick. You mentioned it here that you have 300 co workers. ALL 300 GOT SICK? 100% total wipe out? Really? I mean REALLY? You are lying.

You (Andy) is saying that ALL 300 wear cloth mask? ALL? You are talking about cloth mask that can be used over and over. But you have to wash it. Is that why ALL 300 of your coworkers including you got sick because they never wash it?

I’m in the medical instruments business I used 4 to 5 boxes (50 in each box) of disposable mask every day for my employees. Some bring their own cloth mask but most use the one I supplied. Two got sick badly but they admitted they went to a bachelorette party on Wednesday (off on Thursday & Friday) and wedding on Saturday by Monday morning they called sick.

Using car crash to explain your experience about Covid death is just pure amateur. You might as well use the death of H1N1.

Your chart fromCDC percentage of this and that and ages..... don’t mean a diddly squat. It’s a cut out and paste. Where’s the link?? You BS on the WHO. How do I know that chart came from CDC?

You can use your .00000001% BS however you want..... look at the number of deaths 200,000+ and counting. Meaning you are down playing the numbers of deaths and infections. How about the numbers of people that recover with long lasting damage to the lungs? Just because they are old they need to die? Thats the reason why that loser moron downplayed the severity of this crisis.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

Your lousy leader get tested almost every day or every other day. Running around without a mask..... He got Covid-19.

Here is the link and latest from CDC dated October 2020 if you really want to see the truth and specific numbers of deaths and specific categories.

There is no evidence that masks have slowed the infection.

Yes I know what I am talking about.

Don't you look stupid?

Yes all 300 wear masks. And the company has everyone screened with a temperature check every morning at the start of the shift. And if you are caught not wearing your mask, the managers will come get you.

I did not say that all 300 got sick. I said everyone I know got sick. I don't know all 300 of the people who work there.

As for could it be because we don't wash our masks.... I have no idea, but that doesn't matter to my point. No one is washing their masks. I don't know single person anywhere that is.

Point being, if mask washing, or mask replacing is required for them to stop Covid-19, and no one is doing that... then Masks are doing nothing, and we need to stop this nonsense.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

So here you are trying to claim that things are great, in a thread where you have been trying to make the case things are terrible, and Trump is to blame. 8 out of 10 wear masks, but things are terrible and it's Trumps fault? Again, I find it amusing you claim I'm the one twisting around, while you can't even go a couple of posts without contradicting your original position.

I don't believe there is only 7 million infections. We already know that the vast majority of people have no symptoms. Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.

There are likely 70 million people who have already had Covid-19.

Nor do I believe that the reason for the number of infections has anything to do with masks.

If you believe that masks are what prevented there being 300 million infections, then you truly are ignorant.

Denmark and Sweden actually discouraged use of masks. Less than 5% of the population said they wore a mask.

Yet both Denmark and Sweden had lower rates of infection than the US over the same time period.
Here is a link from Denmark about mask. You don’t know what you are talking about Dude.

Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.

Health authorities had previously deemed the wearing of face masks in public spacesunnecessary but changed their recommendation following advice from the World Health Organization (WHO) in late June.

I'm amused that posted proof of my position, and claimed it contradicted me.

According to the link you just posted, it wasn't until early July that the government of Denmark reversed their stance and encouraged mask wearing.

That statement by your link, validates the statements in my link, that barely 5% of Denmark people wore masks by July 8th.
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***1. So, as you can see, the United States started wearing masks in mass, by March, and was up near 70% of the public by April.

Meanwhile, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, even Britain, has a fraction as many people wearing masks from March, April, May, June, and into the start of July.

Yet, the US had a higher incident rate of Covid-19 (according to the official numbers), than any of those countries where a fraction as many people wore masks. In the case of Sweden and Denmark, a tiny tiny fraction.

As I have said numerous times, there is ZERO evidence that masks work. Zero.

By the way, just to add to the endless evidence that masks are utterly ineffective, the CDC showed this in their Sept 11th report.

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So what you are looking at, is a survey of people who contracted Covid-19.

***2. Of people who contracted Covid-19, 70% said they "ALWAYS" wore a mask.
An additional 14% said they "OFTEN" wore a mask.

That means 85% of people who contracted covid, were wearing masks.

Once again.... ZERO evidence that masks work. Zero. None.

Oh Boy..... Of course Denmark changed their minds in July when they found out mask is needed. What part of that don’t you understand? Now they wear mask.

Right this second Europe are facing another lock down. link below.

YOU are a hardliner anti mask. YOU are entitled to your opinion. YOU went all over to defend your opinion with no single hard evidence that mask doesn’t work. YOU posted your own experience but most or ALL are lies. YOU can not even get your stories straight. What make you think YOUR opinion has any credibilities?

Yes US started wearing mask in mass number and social distancing in mid March 2020 ...... That is because Trump declared Pandemic crisis in mid March. AGAIN. What part of that don’t you understand? Lordy.

You are trying very hard to compare how we behave here in US to other countries. Each countries has handled and behaved this Pandemic crisis differently.

***1. Where did you get 70%?

***2. You lie a lot Andy. Of people contracted Covid-19 70% always wear mask. WHERE IS THAT FROM YOUR LINK?

Let say you are telling the truth ...... They always wear mask during outdoor activities but did they practices mask and other precautions at home, did they clean the way they should handled a meat and chicken during the crisis, did they disinfect can goods and fruits, did they wipe the handle of grocery carts or gas, did they ask their children to wash their hands and face after they played outside? Just because you wear mask outdoors but do you do not practice cleanliness at home mask became useless. It’s that simple.

Like Mexicans the highest victims of CV deaths and infections here in California. I have not seen a single Mexicans that do not wear a mask but 6 or more in a 2 bedrooms with one bathroom apartments or 8 in a 3 bedroom house. But I’ve seen lots of Mexicans with their kids in a car and they don’t wear mask. What do you think is the percentage of these people getting infected?

Oh Boy..... Of course Denmark changed their minds in July when they found out mask is needed. What part of that don’t you understand? Now they wear mask.

Right this second Europe are facing another lock down. link below.

Again, that makes my point. If it worked.... why is Europe facing another lock down?

And while you can say "They found out they needed masks", and that's a useful conclusion to fit the ideology, it still doesn't fit the data.

No matter how you cut it, Denmark without masks had lower rates of infection. How is that possible, if by your logic, masks slow the spread? Doesn't make sense.

YOU went all over to defend your opinion with no single hard evidence that mask doesn’t work.

Well, honestly that just makes you an ignorant fool, that is too full of his own self importance to look at the data, because I have posted a half dozen, to a dozen articles backing absolutely everything I have said.

If you can't get that.... that makes you just a dumb person. You want to be dumb, fine. But don't expect anyone to see you as anything but the ignorant mindless fool that you are.

Fool? That is because European didn’t learn the lesson about mask and other precautions. I speak French and Italian and I know they lots of Europeans they partied, groups, schools and lots of gathering they didn’t wear mask.

You keep sticking your dick in Denmark. Why do you think they changed their minds about wearing a mask? Before they didn’t now they do.. WHY? because they found out it’s very important. What part of your IGNORANCE don’t pick that up?

You are very ignorant just because they failed because they wearing mask? YOU don’t know anything about Chinese, YOU don’t know anything what is going on in Europe. YOU don’t know a diddly squat about your co workers. Let alone blabbering about Europeans. Dude what is wrong with you?

*** Honestly? Really you lie like hell what makes you think those are credible? Yes you posted links that came from nowhere and obsolete.

Anf how in the HELL I can be fool, ignorant mindless when I’m advocating and supporting people to wear a mask. Compared from 8 out of 10 Americans supports wearing mask. YOU are the minorities.
How can I be wrong when my strong pro mask supported by CDC, NIH and your lousy president CV-19 policy? You are on the other side the minorities. You are one funny lousy Dude. Your opinion is nothing but worthless.

AGAIN I asked you 2 questions about your 70% I didn’t get any answer. WHY? You lied again. That’s funny.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?

I used your evidence. You provided the evidence, that I used against you.

YOU said the Chinese were wearing masks even before the out break. I agreed, and cited that as the logical reasoning that masks do not prevent Covid-19, because they did, then it should have never left China. They should never have had an outbreak to begin with.

Further, you pointed out that the Chinese have a different culture, one of compliance to a dangerous authoritarian regime, that jails doctors. I agreed, and cited that no matter who was in office, Trump or anyone else, that Americans would still be Americans, and that we wouldn't bend over to every single edict given by government.

You are asking for evidence of my position, when YOU gave the evidence of my position.
You are going in circles Andy. You used evidence what I told you. REALLY?

Let me repeat it again. PAY ATTENTION when Coronavirus outbreak in China started Chines in general don’t know what they have and don’t know what to do even with the mask. They used mask because of dirty air over and over....... PAY ATTENTION when it started they used the same attitude using mask over and over. By the time they know it’s dangerous it’s too late. What part of that don’t you understand.

That makes no sense. You are suggesting that masks only work, if they were not originally used because of dirty air? Now masks only work if your attitude is right?

They only work if you replace them over and over?

That's funny, because I don't know anyone anywhere, that is not using the same mask over and over. No one. The most hard core "must wear masks or the planet dies" people are all using the same mask over and over.

I'd be hard pressed to find a single person anywhere who is NOT using the same mask over and over.

If you really believe what you are saying, then I think you are nuts.
You are spinning and twisting around like a wet pretzel.
I told you over and over the mask behavior and attitude they have before the pandemic using dirty mask over and over for several days...... They also ban selling exotic animals for consumptions....... You don’t know anything about China.

Mask only now works because they are not using the same dirty mask over and over. Of course...... What part of that don’t you understand? They even wear mask inside their home. And I KNOW how you are going to come back with your rebuttal

You don’t know anyone NOT using the same mask over and over. I don’t. I replaced it twice a day depending how many times I go out. And I know several people and so are friends and families does do that.

You don’t know anyone NOT using same mask over and over. Are they using it over and over for several days?

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

You don’t know any one NOT using the same mask over and over. That means they are using mask except you.

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

What are you even talking about?

I've been wearing a mask since March. I'm in the minority of what? Once again, you have no point, and so you make up stuff.

Its actually quite funny. You haven't been able to make a single valid argument yet, but every post you start shrieking about how I'm "spinning and twisting around"... but then *YOU* are the one that has to make false accusations about the other person, to try and have a point?

Nah, if anyone is "spinning and twisting around" it's you.

You know nothing about me, yet claim I'm in the minority of Americans who don't wear masks?

I have followed every single guideline given about this Covid-19 crap. I have worn masks, socially distanced, and haven't gone to Church since March. My church still isn't open even now. (online church of course, but we haven't met at the Church building).

I have not used personal experience in our conversation, because the evidence alone is enough. The fact you have failed to refute a single point I've made, is proof the evidence alone is enough.

But, one of the reasons that I personally am convinced that all the mask wearing and social distancing, and lock downs are completely ineffective, and pointless.... is because I personally followed all of your guidelines, and so did everyone I know, and everyone still got sick.

I got sick. My parents got sick. My friends and neighbors got sick. My co-workers all got sick. Everyone I know got sick, and we all... ALL.... followed the mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing guidelines.

*** If does that work? If you follow all the Covid-19 rules, and everyone still got sick.... explain?

You can't. I'm you'll blather on that we must not have followed all the rules, but know for a fact we did... and we still got sick.

So.... Yeah. But we don't need my personal experience. We can just look at the facts. None those rules have worked anywhere. None of them. And I realize you think your posts somehow contradicted my points... but that's because you obviously don't realize your posts contradicted nothing. You didn't. You keep saying the same utterly irrelevant statements, acting like you have a point, but you don't. None of them were valid counter arguments.

Sorry, but you are just wrong. None of those were good points. Or even valid. Either masks work or they don't. All masks get dirty. I don't see a single person using new masks every day.

Even the WHO said they don't recommend that healthy people wear masks, or that mask wearing is effective at all.

Rotten Bologna. You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

You are LYING..... You said it over and over mask is NOT good. You are 100% anti mask. Do you expect me to believe that you really wore mask? Then SUDDENLY (now you are loosing) now you’ve used mask. Very funny. All anti mask are the minorities. That includes your lousy president.

Spinning? That is sad. I don’t spin anything, every single point I made, never did, talked to you straight to the point. You were using my own words to spin around. Sadly.

Of course I used own my experience. What do you expect? Suddenly you are now using your experience to make a point. Sadly.

According to you. I mean you. I failed to refute every single point you made. WRONG. I BLASTED you all the way over and over.

You got sick, your parents got sick, your neighbors got sick, your co workers ALL got sick. And they all wear mask. How many people is that? MY GOD..... GOOD LORD did you made god angry? Are you the center of epidemic? An (now you are using your experience) anti-mask talking? Do you expect me to believe that? Nah! I don’t believe you. Zero. Did you watched them at home or they have kids? I doubt it.

I can tell you alone that hispanics here in California they do wear mask when they go out or work but they still got sick and die. High percentage of Covid deaths here are hispanics. You know why? (Explanation) Most have crowded home and apartments with maximum or over capacity, using the same restrooms, too close and dont wear mask inside the house.

Trump’s orbit 12 or more people got sick non of them wear mask. Look at Trump’s rallies thousands don’t wear mask. How many of those do you think that got sick that they denied? How many of those do you think wear mask in their daily routine or at home?

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it. Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

You are saying mask is not good anyway. So we should follow your belief don’t wear mask because it’s not good? Explain that.

According to you Andy. You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

You said....I mean you Andy. Even WHO said they don’t recommend healthy people wear mask..... Can you prove that? Any link?

That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Because I’m healthy I should recklessly do not wear mask.... What if sat next, following, took over a sit of an infected person? What do you think the percentage of catching it with out mask? And why should I risk my health because of stupidity?

*** My explanation......
*** My explanation......
1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

2. If they followed. If they followed they still got sick. How do you even know that they really followed? Did they followed rules at home? Did they have kids running around? There are lots of factors that a person can get infected.

I asked you 4 questions here in this post. I expect an answer.

You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

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No, I'm not losing. Only in your own tiny little mind.

Yes have been wearing masks since March. Yes, everyone I know still got sick. No, I'm not lying simply because I must be or your pathetic ideology doesn't work.

You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

Um, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. All of them. All 300 people at the facility where I work, all use the same mask over and over. The only time someone uses a different mask, is when they leave their mask at home, and they go and get one of the cheap 25¢ cloth masks the company hands out. But I can tell you from direct personal knowledge, that the box of clothe masks has been sitting there for the last 2 months without being replaced.

I'm not sure what you want me to explain. They use the same mask over and over for this entire year. What more do you want me to explain?

My old company (I was laid off in April before I got this job), they all used the same masks every single day.

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it.Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

That's a dumb statement. Saying masks are not effective, doesn't magically mean they cause people to die. Something that has no benefit, does not automatically mean it has a negative effect. You seem to be implying that somehow saying there is no evidence that masks prevent Covid, must mean that I think wearing a mask will somehow cause people to die. No.

As for asking if masks are not effective, why have we not seen nurses and doctors falling over in mass death....... That's pretty easy to explain. It's the same reason we don't see people falling over in mass deaths anywhere.

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These are numbers from the CDC. The ratio of people who get sick and die, to the ratio of people who don't have any symptoms at all, is massively in favor of the latter.

In the absolute worst case Scenario, with the highest risk age group, you have barely a 0.09% chance of dying of Covid-19.

For the next age group up, 50 to 69 year olds, you have barely a 0.01% chance.

What that means is that 99% of all people, including those in hospitals who work as nurses and doctors.....

Will not only not die of Covid-19, they may never even know they have it. A doctor and a nurse, has a higher chance of dying in a car crash on the way to the hospital, then dying of Covid-19 they caught in the hospital from Covid-19 patients.

1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

No, I don't. There is no evidence to support that conclusion. That's just your opinion. That's fine to have that opinion, but there is zero evidence whatsoever. There is no data that masks have been even in the smallest way, effective at stopping Covid.

None. NONE. ZERO. That statement above is not evidence. That's opinion.

My opinion... no. I have read the documents, looked at the data, read the statements by WHO and other groups. None show that mask wearing would have reduced the number of Covid cases.

Oh! Andy

AGAIN. I asked you several questions. You have not answer all except pure nonsense rebuttal.

First of all you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about. NONE. I NEVER said mask will stop all deaths and infections but it will slow the spread of infections.

Regarding WHO..... You do not post. Repeat you do not post something that you cannot back up. I asked you twice about this BS. You came up empty. You lied.

You (Andy) posted previously that ALL of your coworkers wear mask but ALL got sick. You mentioned it here that you have 300 co workers. ALL 300 GOT SICK? 100% total wipe out? Really? I mean REALLY? You are lying.

You (Andy) is saying that ALL 300 wear cloth mask? ALL? You are talking about cloth mask that can be used over and over. But you have to wash it. Is that why ALL 300 of your coworkers including you got sick because they never wash it?

I’m in the medical instruments business I used 4 to 5 boxes (50 in each box) of disposable mask every day for my employees. Some bring their own cloth mask but most use the one I supplied. Two got sick badly but they admitted they went to a bachelorette party on Wednesday (off on Thursday & Friday) and wedding on Saturday by Monday morning they called sick.

Using car crash to explain your experience about Covid death is just pure amateur. You might as well use the death of H1N1.

Your chart fromCDC percentage of this and that and ages..... don’t mean a diddly squat. It’s a cut out and paste. Where’s the link?? You BS on the WHO. How do I know that chart came from CDC?

You can use your .00000001% BS however you want..... look at the number of deaths 200,000+ and counting. Meaning you are down playing the numbers of deaths and infections. How about the numbers of people that recover with long lasting damage to the lungs? Just because they are old they need to die? Thats the reason why that loser moron downplayed the severity of this crisis.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

Your lousy leader get tested almost every day or every other day. Running around without a mask..... He got Covid-19.

Here is the link and latest from CDC dated October 2020 if you really want to see the truth and specific numbers of deaths and specific categories.

There is no evidence that masks have slowed the infection.

Yes I know what I am talking about.

Don't you look stupid?

Yes all 300 wear masks. And the company has everyone screened with a temperature check every morning at the start of the shift. And if you are caught not wearing your mask, the managers will come get you.

I did not say that all 300 got sick. I said everyone I know got sick. I don't know all 300 of the people who work there.

As for could it be because we don't wash our masks.... I have no idea, but that doesn't matter to my point. No one is washing their masks. I don't know single person anywhere that is.

Point being, if mask washing, or mask replacing is required for them to stop Covid-19, and no one is doing that... then Masks are doing nothing, and we need to stop this nonsense.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

So here you are trying to claim that things are great, in a thread where you have been trying to make the case things are terrible, and Trump is to blame. 8 out of 10 wear masks, but things are terrible and it's Trumps fault? Again, I find it amusing you claim I'm the one twisting around, while you can't even go a couple of posts without contradicting your original position.

I don't believe there is only 7 million infections. We already know that the vast majority of people have no symptoms. Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.

There are likely 70 million people who have already had Covid-19.

Nor do I believe that the reason for the number of infections has anything to do with masks.

If you believe that masks are what prevented there being 300 million infections, then you truly are ignorant.

Denmark and Sweden actually discouraged use of masks. Less than 5% of the population said they wore a mask.

Yet both Denmark and Sweden had lower rates of infection than the US over the same time period.
Here is a link from Denmark about mask. You don’t know what you are talking about Dude.

Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.

Health authorities had previously deemed the wearing of face masks in public spacesunnecessary but changed their recommendation following advice from the World Health Organization (WHO) in late June.

I'm amused that posted proof of my position, and claimed it contradicted me.

According to the link you just posted, it wasn't until early July that the government of Denmark reversed their stance and encouraged mask wearing.

That statement by your link, validates the statements in my link, that barely 5% of Denmark people wore masks by July 8th.
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***1. So, as you can see, the United States started wearing masks in mass, by March, and was up near 70% of the public by April.

Meanwhile, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, even Britain, has a fraction as many people wearing masks from March, April, May, June, and into the start of July.

Yet, the US had a higher incident rate of Covid-19 (according to the official numbers), than any of those countries where a fraction as many people wore masks. In the case of Sweden and Denmark, a tiny tiny fraction.

As I have said numerous times, there is ZERO evidence that masks work. Zero.

By the way, just to add to the endless evidence that masks are utterly ineffective, the CDC showed this in their Sept 11th report.

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So what you are looking at, is a survey of people who contracted Covid-19.

***2. Of people who contracted Covid-19, 70% said they "ALWAYS" wore a mask.
An additional 14% said they "OFTEN" wore a mask.

That means 85% of people who contracted covid, were wearing masks.

Once again.... ZERO evidence that masks work. Zero. None.

Oh Boy..... Of course Denmark changed their minds in July when they found out mask is needed. What part of that don’t you understand? Now they wear mask.

Right this second Europe are facing another lock down. link below.

YOU are a hardliner anti mask. YOU are entitled to your opinion. YOU went all over to defend your opinion with no single hard evidence that mask doesn’t work. YOU posted your own experience but most or ALL are lies. YOU can not even get your stories straight. What make you think YOUR opinion has any credibilities?

Yes US started wearing mask in mass number and social distancing in mid March 2020 ...... That is because Trump declared Pandemic crisis in mid March. AGAIN. What part of that don’t you understand? Lordy.

You are trying very hard to compare how we behave here in US to other countries. Each countries has handled and behaved this Pandemic crisis differently.

***1. Where did you get 70%?

***2. You lie a lot Andy. Of people contracted Covid-19 70% always wear mask. WHERE IS THAT FROM YOUR LINK?

Let say you are telling the truth ...... They always wear mask during outdoor activities but did they practices mask and other precautions at home, did they clean the way they should handled a meat and chicken during the crisis, did they disinfect can goods and fruits, did they wipe the handle of grocery carts or gas, did they ask their children to wash their hands and face after they played outside? Just because you wear mask outdoors but do you do not practice cleanliness at home mask became useless. It’s that simple.

Like Mexicans the highest victims of CV deaths and infections here in California. I have not seen a single Mexicans that do not wear a mask but 6 or more in a 2 bedrooms with one bathroom apartments or 8 in a 3 bedroom house. But I’ve seen lots of Mexicans with their kids in a car and they don’t wear mask. What do you think is the percentage of these people getting infected?

Oh Boy..... Of course Denmark changed their minds in July when they found out mask is needed. What part of that don’t you understand? Now they wear mask.

Right this second Europe are facing another lock down. link below.

Again, that makes my point. If it worked.... why is Europe facing another lock down?

And while you can say "They found out they needed masks", and that's a useful conclusion to fit the ideology, it still doesn't fit the data.

No matter how you cut it, Denmark without masks had lower rates of infection. How is that possible, if by your logic, masks slow the spread? Doesn't make sense.

YOU went all over to defend your opinion with no single hard evidence that mask doesn’t work.

Well, honestly that just makes you an ignorant fool, that is too full of his own self importance to look at the data, because I have posted a half dozen, to a dozen articles backing absolutely everything I have said.

If you can't get that.... that makes you just a dumb person. You want to be dumb, fine. But don't expect anyone to see you as anything but the ignorant mindless fool that you are.

Fool? That is because European didn’t learn the lesson about mask and other precautions. I speak French and Italian and I know they lots of Europeans they partied, groups, schools and lots of gathering they didn’t wear mask.

You keep sticking your dick in Denmark. Why do you think they changed their minds about wearing a mask? Before they didn’t now they do.. WHY? because they found out it’s very important. What part of your IGNORANCE don’t pick that up?

You are very ignorant just because they failed because they wearing mask? YOU don’t know anything about Chinese, YOU don’t know anything what is going on in Europe. YOU don’t know a diddly squat about your co workers. Let alone blabbering about Europeans. Dude what is wrong with you?

*** Honestly? Really you lie like hell what makes you think those are credible? Yes you posted links that came from nowhere and obsolete.

Anf how in the HELL I can be fool, ignorant mindless when I’m advocating and supporting people to wear a mask. Compared from 8 out of 10 Americans supports wearing mask. YOU are the minorities.
How can I be wrong when my strong pro mask supported by CDC, NIH and your lousy president CV-19 policy? You are on the other side the minorities. You are one funny lousy Dude. Your opinion is nothing but worthless.

AGAIN I asked you 2 questions about your 70% I didn’t get any answer. WHY? You lied again. That’s funny.

I no longer care what a fool says.

I have given you numerous links and data on the topic, and without even considering that evidence, you pretended that I gave you none.

I don't need to justify myself to a complete moron. If you can't even admit that I gave you data to consider, then you are too stupid to talk to.

And when at stupid person calls me a liar... that's a compliment. When smart people call me a liar, then I need to consider. But you are nowhere even close to being a smart person. You are a complete idiot to your very core, and what you think, no longer matters to anyone who is worth caring about.


Act like a toddler, get treated like a toddler.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?

I used your evidence. You provided the evidence, that I used against you.

YOU said the Chinese were wearing masks even before the out break. I agreed, and cited that as the logical reasoning that masks do not prevent Covid-19, because they did, then it should have never left China. They should never have had an outbreak to begin with.

Further, you pointed out that the Chinese have a different culture, one of compliance to a dangerous authoritarian regime, that jails doctors. I agreed, and cited that no matter who was in office, Trump or anyone else, that Americans would still be Americans, and that we wouldn't bend over to every single edict given by government.

You are asking for evidence of my position, when YOU gave the evidence of my position.
You are going in circles Andy. You used evidence what I told you. REALLY?

Let me repeat it again. PAY ATTENTION when Coronavirus outbreak in China started Chines in general don’t know what they have and don’t know what to do even with the mask. They used mask because of dirty air over and over....... PAY ATTENTION when it started they used the same attitude using mask over and over. By the time they know it’s dangerous it’s too late. What part of that don’t you understand.

That makes no sense. You are suggesting that masks only work, if they were not originally used because of dirty air? Now masks only work if your attitude is right?

They only work if you replace them over and over?

That's funny, because I don't know anyone anywhere, that is not using the same mask over and over. No one. The most hard core "must wear masks or the planet dies" people are all using the same mask over and over.

I'd be hard pressed to find a single person anywhere who is NOT using the same mask over and over.

If you really believe what you are saying, then I think you are nuts.
You are spinning and twisting around like a wet pretzel.
I told you over and over the mask behavior and attitude they have before the pandemic using dirty mask over and over for several days...... They also ban selling exotic animals for consumptions....... You don’t know anything about China.

Mask only now works because they are not using the same dirty mask over and over. Of course...... What part of that don’t you understand? They even wear mask inside their home. And I KNOW how you are going to come back with your rebuttal

You don’t know anyone NOT using the same mask over and over. I don’t. I replaced it twice a day depending how many times I go out. And I know several people and so are friends and families does do that.

You don’t know anyone NOT using same mask over and over. Are they using it over and over for several days?

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

You don’t know any one NOT using the same mask over and over. That means they are using mask except you.

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

What are you even talking about?

I've been wearing a mask since March. I'm in the minority of what? Once again, you have no point, and so you make up stuff.

Its actually quite funny. You haven't been able to make a single valid argument yet, but every post you start shrieking about how I'm "spinning and twisting around"... but then *YOU* are the one that has to make false accusations about the other person, to try and have a point?

Nah, if anyone is "spinning and twisting around" it's you.

You know nothing about me, yet claim I'm in the minority of Americans who don't wear masks?

I have followed every single guideline given about this Covid-19 crap. I have worn masks, socially distanced, and haven't gone to Church since March. My church still isn't open even now. (online church of course, but we haven't met at the Church building).

I have not used personal experience in our conversation, because the evidence alone is enough. The fact you have failed to refute a single point I've made, is proof the evidence alone is enough.

But, one of the reasons that I personally am convinced that all the mask wearing and social distancing, and lock downs are completely ineffective, and pointless.... is because I personally followed all of your guidelines, and so did everyone I know, and everyone still got sick.

I got sick. My parents got sick. My friends and neighbors got sick. My co-workers all got sick. Everyone I know got sick, and we all... ALL.... followed the mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing guidelines.

*** If does that work? If you follow all the Covid-19 rules, and everyone still got sick.... explain?

You can't. I'm you'll blather on that we must not have followed all the rules, but know for a fact we did... and we still got sick.

So.... Yeah. But we don't need my personal experience. We can just look at the facts. None those rules have worked anywhere. None of them. And I realize you think your posts somehow contradicted my points... but that's because you obviously don't realize your posts contradicted nothing. You didn't. You keep saying the same utterly irrelevant statements, acting like you have a point, but you don't. None of them were valid counter arguments.

Sorry, but you are just wrong. None of those were good points. Or even valid. Either masks work or they don't. All masks get dirty. I don't see a single person using new masks every day.

Even the WHO said they don't recommend that healthy people wear masks, or that mask wearing is effective at all.

Rotten Bologna. You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

You are LYING..... You said it over and over mask is NOT good. You are 100% anti mask. Do you expect me to believe that you really wore mask? Then SUDDENLY (now you are loosing) now you’ve used mask. Very funny. All anti mask are the minorities. That includes your lousy president.

Spinning? That is sad. I don’t spin anything, every single point I made, never did, talked to you straight to the point. You were using my own words to spin around. Sadly.

Of course I used own my experience. What do you expect? Suddenly you are now using your experience to make a point. Sadly.

According to you. I mean you. I failed to refute every single point you made. WRONG. I BLASTED you all the way over and over.

You got sick, your parents got sick, your neighbors got sick, your co workers ALL got sick. And they all wear mask. How many people is that? MY GOD..... GOOD LORD did you made god angry? Are you the center of epidemic? An (now you are using your experience) anti-mask talking? Do you expect me to believe that? Nah! I don’t believe you. Zero. Did you watched them at home or they have kids? I doubt it.

I can tell you alone that hispanics here in California they do wear mask when they go out or work but they still got sick and die. High percentage of Covid deaths here are hispanics. You know why? (Explanation) Most have crowded home and apartments with maximum or over capacity, using the same restrooms, too close and dont wear mask inside the house.

Trump’s orbit 12 or more people got sick non of them wear mask. Look at Trump’s rallies thousands don’t wear mask. How many of those do you think that got sick that they denied? How many of those do you think wear mask in their daily routine or at home?

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it. Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

You are saying mask is not good anyway. So we should follow your belief don’t wear mask because it’s not good? Explain that.

According to you Andy. You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

You said....I mean you Andy. Even WHO said they don’t recommend healthy people wear mask..... Can you prove that? Any link?

That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Because I’m healthy I should recklessly do not wear mask.... What if sat next, following, took over a sit of an infected person? What do you think the percentage of catching it with out mask? And why should I risk my health because of stupidity?

*** My explanation......
*** My explanation......
1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

2. If they followed. If they followed they still got sick. How do you even know that they really followed? Did they followed rules at home? Did they have kids running around? There are lots of factors that a person can get infected.

I asked you 4 questions here in this post. I expect an answer.

You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

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No, I'm not losing. Only in your own tiny little mind.

Yes have been wearing masks since March. Yes, everyone I know still got sick. No, I'm not lying simply because I must be or your pathetic ideology doesn't work.

You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

Um, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. All of them. All 300 people at the facility where I work, all use the same mask over and over. The only time someone uses a different mask, is when they leave their mask at home, and they go and get one of the cheap 25¢ cloth masks the company hands out. But I can tell you from direct personal knowledge, that the box of clothe masks has been sitting there for the last 2 months without being replaced.

I'm not sure what you want me to explain. They use the same mask over and over for this entire year. What more do you want me to explain?

My old company (I was laid off in April before I got this job), they all used the same masks every single day.

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it.Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

That's a dumb statement. Saying masks are not effective, doesn't magically mean they cause people to die. Something that has no benefit, does not automatically mean it has a negative effect. You seem to be implying that somehow saying there is no evidence that masks prevent Covid, must mean that I think wearing a mask will somehow cause people to die. No.

As for asking if masks are not effective, why have we not seen nurses and doctors falling over in mass death....... That's pretty easy to explain. It's the same reason we don't see people falling over in mass deaths anywhere.

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These are numbers from the CDC. The ratio of people who get sick and die, to the ratio of people who don't have any symptoms at all, is massively in favor of the latter.

In the absolute worst case Scenario, with the highest risk age group, you have barely a 0.09% chance of dying of Covid-19.

For the next age group up, 50 to 69 year olds, you have barely a 0.01% chance.

What that means is that 99% of all people, including those in hospitals who work as nurses and doctors.....

Will not only not die of Covid-19, they may never even know they have it. A doctor and a nurse, has a higher chance of dying in a car crash on the way to the hospital, then dying of Covid-19 they caught in the hospital from Covid-19 patients.

1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

No, I don't. There is no evidence to support that conclusion. That's just your opinion. That's fine to have that opinion, but there is zero evidence whatsoever. There is no data that masks have been even in the smallest way, effective at stopping Covid.

None. NONE. ZERO. That statement above is not evidence. That's opinion.

My opinion... no. I have read the documents, looked at the data, read the statements by WHO and other groups. None show that mask wearing would have reduced the number of Covid cases.

Oh! Andy

AGAIN. I asked you several questions. You have not answer all except pure nonsense rebuttal.

First of all you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about. NONE. I NEVER said mask will stop all deaths and infections but it will slow the spread of infections.

Regarding WHO..... You do not post. Repeat you do not post something that you cannot back up. I asked you twice about this BS. You came up empty. You lied.

You (Andy) posted previously that ALL of your coworkers wear mask but ALL got sick. You mentioned it here that you have 300 co workers. ALL 300 GOT SICK? 100% total wipe out? Really? I mean REALLY? You are lying.

You (Andy) is saying that ALL 300 wear cloth mask? ALL? You are talking about cloth mask that can be used over and over. But you have to wash it. Is that why ALL 300 of your coworkers including you got sick because they never wash it?

I’m in the medical instruments business I used 4 to 5 boxes (50 in each box) of disposable mask every day for my employees. Some bring their own cloth mask but most use the one I supplied. Two got sick badly but they admitted they went to a bachelorette party on Wednesday (off on Thursday & Friday) and wedding on Saturday by Monday morning they called sick.

Using car crash to explain your experience about Covid death is just pure amateur. You might as well use the death of H1N1.

Your chart fromCDC percentage of this and that and ages..... don’t mean a diddly squat. It’s a cut out and paste. Where’s the link?? You BS on the WHO. How do I know that chart came from CDC?

You can use your .00000001% BS however you want..... look at the number of deaths 200,000+ and counting. Meaning you are down playing the numbers of deaths and infections. How about the numbers of people that recover with long lasting damage to the lungs? Just because they are old they need to die? Thats the reason why that loser moron downplayed the severity of this crisis.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

Your lousy leader get tested almost every day or every other day. Running around without a mask..... He got Covid-19.

Here is the link and latest from CDC dated October 2020 if you really want to see the truth and specific numbers of deaths and specific categories.

There is no evidence that masks have slowed the infection.

Yes I know what I am talking about.

Don't you look stupid?

Yes all 300 wear masks. And the company has everyone screened with a temperature check every morning at the start of the shift. And if you are caught not wearing your mask, the managers will come get you.

I did not say that all 300 got sick. I said everyone I know got sick. I don't know all 300 of the people who work there.

*** As for could it be because we don't wash our masks.... I have no idea, but that doesn't matter to my point. No one is washing their masks. I don't know single person anywhere that is.

Point being, if mask washing, or mask replacing is required for them to stop Covid-19, and no one is doing that... then Masks are doing nothing, and we need to stop this nonsense.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

So here you are trying to claim that things are great, in a thread where you have been trying to make the case things are terrible, and Trump is to blame. 8 out of 10 wear masks, but things are terrible and it's Trumps fault? Again, I find it amusing you claim I'm the one twisting around, while you can't even go a couple of posts without contradicting your original position.

I don't believe there is only 7 million infections. We already know that the vast majority of people have no symptoms. Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.

There are likely 70 million people who have already had Covid-19.

Nor do I believe that the reason for the number of infections has anything to do with masks.

If you believe that masks are what prevented there being 300 million infections, then you truly are ignorant.

Denmark and Sweden actually discouraged use of masks. Less than 5% of the population said they wore a mask.

Yet both Denmark and Sweden had lower rates of infection than the US over the same time period.

NO you don’t know what you are talking about. I look stupid? Stop you are tickling me. It’s laughable when you are posting against science, lying and just pure BS.

Here is a very good example of you BS from your post #193 ........... “All your co workers got sick”. ALL 300. You are lying again.

Your links. What is that has anything to do with what you believed? Did you even read what it mean? Read and explain to me what that mean and compared to your lousy opinion.

*** You don’t know all your 300 coworkers, you don’t know if they are washing or replacing their mask every day..... YOU don’t know ANYTHING period but you keep blabbering about your coworkers didn’t do this and did that. That’s silly.

Let say you wear mask.... there are several places that you can get infected even if you wear a mask.... Like when you go to groceries, get a gas, don’t wash your hands, handles of your restrooms and door entrances. Do you wipe them with anti bacterial?

RIGHT NOW. The best way to fight this Pandemic is to wear a mask. That is based from science of the NIH, CDC, doctors and hospitals and Trump Coronavirus (Hypocrite) policy. If you have a problem with that that is your problem. I don’t care. Don’t wear mask but don’t stay close to me.

What basis do you have that mask doesn’t help slow the spread of coronavirus?

You (Andy) said...... “Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.”.......... HOW IN THE HELL do you know you are sick without being tested? You have the symptoms.... Oh I’m sick I’m just going to sit here and die and don’t worry about it. That is the DUMBEST and STUPIDEST thing I ever heard since this CV hit US........... You, your parents, your friends, all your 300 coworkers got sick and just sat there? REALLY? Talking about stupid.

As far as twisting NO I did not twist anything on my post because I don’t need to but you did. That is why I keep saying “you (Andy)” to make sure you don’t twist what I’ve just said.

As far as Trump a real piece of shit. Yes he is responsible for these deaths, infections crisis and economic crisis. Who else do you think should take the blame? You gave him credits during good times.... he should take the credits during bad times....... that is just fair....... Yes we know the CV came from China, China, China .... But that doesn’t mean we have to act STUPID (like mask), play dumb, play down, finger pointing, this a Democrat hoax, keeps blaming and spread misinformation.

On top of being racist dog shit and inciting violence against his own fellow Americans the democrats, look at him from the beginning February till today October still playing it down spreading misinformation. Like no big deal it will just miraculously disappear. His attitude is like they have underlying illness diabetes, heart, kidney, hb and they are old anyway so who cares? Does he give a shit? FUCK NO. According to Trump mask is not good because a waitress told him. He even mocked Biden for following Trump policy about mask........ He literally destroyed and fucked up this country almost on purpose.

Now you tell me what is this president good for?

Andy...... I don’t see rebuttal of this post. It’s really painful when you are caught lying.

You can believe whatever dumb myth makes you feel better about your willful incompetence.

And by the way... I have life outside of forums. Just because I don't always respond to your nonsense constantly after repeatedly proving you wrong with clear evidence.... doesn't mean I was lying, or that I care what you think.

You are not that important to me. In fact, you are less important to me, than you were before, because after providing repeated clear undeniable evidence, you claimed I had not posted any.

That makes you a moron, instead of a man. I care a ton less about morons.

Thomas Sowell famously said "Debating smart people is easy. They know their own limitations. It's debating stupid people that is hard".

And you just proved Sowell right. When you are smacked around with data, and you act like a baby, and say "la la la I can't hear you".... that makes you too childish, and moronic to care about.


When you act like a toddler, you get treated like a toddler. Now grow up, before you try and engage with adults again.

I’m not important to you? You make me laugh Dude. Look at how many and how much are your lousy nonsense rebuttals.

How can I be following a dumb myth when I’m complying with your own lousy leader CV-19 policy?
How can I be stupid when I’m following science a well known agencies around the world NIH and CDC as a standard when pertains to safety, infections and pandemic crisis. At the same time you are very stupid trying to promote against them. GROW THE FUCK UP DUDE.

I act like a toddler? Dude I responded exactly and properly how you sent me your rebuttal. YOU started it when you start loosing not me. That is always been my policy. If you don’t start using any foul language. I don’t. Try to remember that.

Yes I know you have a life outside just like everyone else but you pick and choose what rebuttal you want ... Ignoring the questions. I asked you 2 questions here about your 70%. And where is that from your link?? You avoided it. Means YOU are LYING. So what part are your post are telling the truth? So tell me what is your credibility if you even have any?
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?

I used your evidence. You provided the evidence, that I used against you.

YOU said the Chinese were wearing masks even before the out break. I agreed, and cited that as the logical reasoning that masks do not prevent Covid-19, because they did, then it should have never left China. They should never have had an outbreak to begin with.

Further, you pointed out that the Chinese have a different culture, one of compliance to a dangerous authoritarian regime, that jails doctors. I agreed, and cited that no matter who was in office, Trump or anyone else, that Americans would still be Americans, and that we wouldn't bend over to every single edict given by government.

You are asking for evidence of my position, when YOU gave the evidence of my position.
You are going in circles Andy. You used evidence what I told you. REALLY?

Let me repeat it again. PAY ATTENTION when Coronavirus outbreak in China started Chines in general don’t know what they have and don’t know what to do even with the mask. They used mask because of dirty air over and over....... PAY ATTENTION when it started they used the same attitude using mask over and over. By the time they know it’s dangerous it’s too late. What part of that don’t you understand.

That makes no sense. You are suggesting that masks only work, if they were not originally used because of dirty air? Now masks only work if your attitude is right?

They only work if you replace them over and over?

That's funny, because I don't know anyone anywhere, that is not using the same mask over and over. No one. The most hard core "must wear masks or the planet dies" people are all using the same mask over and over.

I'd be hard pressed to find a single person anywhere who is NOT using the same mask over and over.

If you really believe what you are saying, then I think you are nuts.
You are spinning and twisting around like a wet pretzel.
I told you over and over the mask behavior and attitude they have before the pandemic using dirty mask over and over for several days...... They also ban selling exotic animals for consumptions....... You don’t know anything about China.

Mask only now works because they are not using the same dirty mask over and over. Of course...... What part of that don’t you understand? They even wear mask inside their home. And I KNOW how you are going to come back with your rebuttal

You don’t know anyone NOT using the same mask over and over. I don’t. I replaced it twice a day depending how many times I go out. And I know several people and so are friends and families does do that.

You don’t know anyone NOT using same mask over and over. Are they using it over and over for several days?

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

You don’t know any one NOT using the same mask over and over. That means they are using mask except you.

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

What are you even talking about?

I've been wearing a mask since March. I'm in the minority of what? Once again, you have no point, and so you make up stuff.

Its actually quite funny. You haven't been able to make a single valid argument yet, but every post you start shrieking about how I'm "spinning and twisting around"... but then *YOU* are the one that has to make false accusations about the other person, to try and have a point?

Nah, if anyone is "spinning and twisting around" it's you.

You know nothing about me, yet claim I'm in the minority of Americans who don't wear masks?

I have followed every single guideline given about this Covid-19 crap. I have worn masks, socially distanced, and haven't gone to Church since March. My church still isn't open even now. (online church of course, but we haven't met at the Church building).

I have not used personal experience in our conversation, because the evidence alone is enough. The fact you have failed to refute a single point I've made, is proof the evidence alone is enough.

But, one of the reasons that I personally am convinced that all the mask wearing and social distancing, and lock downs are completely ineffective, and pointless.... is because I personally followed all of your guidelines, and so did everyone I know, and everyone still got sick.

I got sick. My parents got sick. My friends and neighbors got sick. My co-workers all got sick. Everyone I know got sick, and we all... ALL.... followed the mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing guidelines.

*** If does that work? If you follow all the Covid-19 rules, and everyone still got sick.... explain?

You can't. I'm you'll blather on that we must not have followed all the rules, but know for a fact we did... and we still got sick.

So.... Yeah. But we don't need my personal experience. We can just look at the facts. None those rules have worked anywhere. None of them. And I realize you think your posts somehow contradicted my points... but that's because you obviously don't realize your posts contradicted nothing. You didn't. You keep saying the same utterly irrelevant statements, acting like you have a point, but you don't. None of them were valid counter arguments.

Sorry, but you are just wrong. None of those were good points. Or even valid. Either masks work or they don't. All masks get dirty. I don't see a single person using new masks every day.

Even the WHO said they don't recommend that healthy people wear masks, or that mask wearing is effective at all.

Rotten Bologna. You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

You are LYING..... You said it over and over mask is NOT good. You are 100% anti mask. Do you expect me to believe that you really wore mask? Then SUDDENLY (now you are loosing) now you’ve used mask. Very funny. All anti mask are the minorities. That includes your lousy president.

Spinning? That is sad. I don’t spin anything, every single point I made, never did, talked to you straight to the point. You were using my own words to spin around. Sadly.

Of course I used own my experience. What do you expect? Suddenly you are now using your experience to make a point. Sadly.

According to you. I mean you. I failed to refute every single point you made. WRONG. I BLASTED you all the way over and over.

You got sick, your parents got sick, your neighbors got sick, your co workers ALL got sick. And they all wear mask. How many people is that? MY GOD..... GOOD LORD did you made god angry? Are you the center of epidemic? An (now you are using your experience) anti-mask talking? Do you expect me to believe that? Nah! I don’t believe you. Zero. Did you watched them at home or they have kids? I doubt it.

I can tell you alone that hispanics here in California they do wear mask when they go out or work but they still got sick and die. High percentage of Covid deaths here are hispanics. You know why? (Explanation) Most have crowded home and apartments with maximum or over capacity, using the same restrooms, too close and dont wear mask inside the house.

Trump’s orbit 12 or more people got sick non of them wear mask. Look at Trump’s rallies thousands don’t wear mask. How many of those do you think that got sick that they denied? How many of those do you think wear mask in their daily routine or at home?

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it. Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

You are saying mask is not good anyway. So we should follow your belief don’t wear mask because it’s not good? Explain that.

According to you Andy. You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

You said....I mean you Andy. Even WHO said they don’t recommend healthy people wear mask..... Can you prove that? Any link?

That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Because I’m healthy I should recklessly do not wear mask.... What if sat next, following, took over a sit of an infected person? What do you think the percentage of catching it with out mask? And why should I risk my health because of stupidity?

*** My explanation......
*** My explanation......
1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

2. If they followed. If they followed they still got sick. How do you even know that they really followed? Did they followed rules at home? Did they have kids running around? There are lots of factors that a person can get infected.

I asked you 4 questions here in this post. I expect an answer.

You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

View attachment 400395

No, I'm not losing. Only in your own tiny little mind.

Yes have been wearing masks since March. Yes, everyone I know still got sick. No, I'm not lying simply because I must be or your pathetic ideology doesn't work.

You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

Um, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. All of them. All 300 people at the facility where I work, all use the same mask over and over. The only time someone uses a different mask, is when they leave their mask at home, and they go and get one of the cheap 25¢ cloth masks the company hands out. But I can tell you from direct personal knowledge, that the box of clothe masks has been sitting there for the last 2 months without being replaced.

I'm not sure what you want me to explain. They use the same mask over and over for this entire year. What more do you want me to explain?

My old company (I was laid off in April before I got this job), they all used the same masks every single day.

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it.Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

That's a dumb statement. Saying masks are not effective, doesn't magically mean they cause people to die. Something that has no benefit, does not automatically mean it has a negative effect. You seem to be implying that somehow saying there is no evidence that masks prevent Covid, must mean that I think wearing a mask will somehow cause people to die. No.

As for asking if masks are not effective, why have we not seen nurses and doctors falling over in mass death....... That's pretty easy to explain. It's the same reason we don't see people falling over in mass deaths anywhere.

View attachment 400399

These are numbers from the CDC. The ratio of people who get sick and die, to the ratio of people who don't have any symptoms at all, is massively in favor of the latter.

In the absolute worst case Scenario, with the highest risk age group, you have barely a 0.09% chance of dying of Covid-19.

For the next age group up, 50 to 69 year olds, you have barely a 0.01% chance.

What that means is that 99% of all people, including those in hospitals who work as nurses and doctors.....

Will not only not die of Covid-19, they may never even know they have it. A doctor and a nurse, has a higher chance of dying in a car crash on the way to the hospital, then dying of Covid-19 they caught in the hospital from Covid-19 patients.

1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

No, I don't. There is no evidence to support that conclusion. That's just your opinion. That's fine to have that opinion, but there is zero evidence whatsoever. There is no data that masks have been even in the smallest way, effective at stopping Covid.

None. NONE. ZERO. That statement above is not evidence. That's opinion.

My opinion... no. I have read the documents, looked at the data, read the statements by WHO and other groups. None show that mask wearing would have reduced the number of Covid cases.

Oh! Andy

AGAIN. I asked you several questions. You have not answer all except pure nonsense rebuttal.

First of all you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about. NONE. I NEVER said mask will stop all deaths and infections but it will slow the spread of infections.

Regarding WHO..... You do not post. Repeat you do not post something that you cannot back up. I asked you twice about this BS. You came up empty. You lied.

You (Andy) posted previously that ALL of your coworkers wear mask but ALL got sick. You mentioned it here that you have 300 co workers. ALL 300 GOT SICK? 100% total wipe out? Really? I mean REALLY? You are lying.

You (Andy) is saying that ALL 300 wear cloth mask? ALL? You are talking about cloth mask that can be used over and over. But you have to wash it. Is that why ALL 300 of your coworkers including you got sick because they never wash it?

I’m in the medical instruments business I used 4 to 5 boxes (50 in each box) of disposable mask every day for my employees. Some bring their own cloth mask but most use the one I supplied. Two got sick badly but they admitted they went to a bachelorette party on Wednesday (off on Thursday & Friday) and wedding on Saturday by Monday morning they called sick.

Using car crash to explain your experience about Covid death is just pure amateur. You might as well use the death of H1N1.

Your chart fromCDC percentage of this and that and ages..... don’t mean a diddly squat. It’s a cut out and paste. Where’s the link?? You BS on the WHO. How do I know that chart came from CDC?

You can use your .00000001% BS however you want..... look at the number of deaths 200,000+ and counting. Meaning you are down playing the numbers of deaths and infections. How about the numbers of people that recover with long lasting damage to the lungs? Just because they are old they need to die? Thats the reason why that loser moron downplayed the severity of this crisis.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

Your lousy leader get tested almost every day or every other day. Running around without a mask..... He got Covid-19.

Here is the link and latest from CDC dated October 2020 if you really want to see the truth and specific numbers of deaths and specific categories.

There is no evidence that masks have slowed the infection.

Yes I know what I am talking about.

Don't you look stupid?

Yes all 300 wear masks. And the company has everyone screened with a temperature check every morning at the start of the shift. And if you are caught not wearing your mask, the managers will come get you.

I did not say that all 300 got sick. I said everyone I know got sick. I don't know all 300 of the people who work there.

*** As for could it be because we don't wash our masks.... I have no idea, but that doesn't matter to my point. No one is washing their masks. I don't know single person anywhere that is.

Point being, if mask washing, or mask replacing is required for them to stop Covid-19, and no one is doing that... then Masks are doing nothing, and we need to stop this nonsense.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

So here you are trying to claim that things are great, in a thread where you have been trying to make the case things are terrible, and Trump is to blame. 8 out of 10 wear masks, but things are terrible and it's Trumps fault? Again, I find it amusing you claim I'm the one twisting around, while you can't even go a couple of posts without contradicting your original position.

I don't believe there is only 7 million infections. We already know that the vast majority of people have no symptoms. Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.

There are likely 70 million people who have already had Covid-19.

Nor do I believe that the reason for the number of infections has anything to do with masks.

If you believe that masks are what prevented there being 300 million infections, then you truly are ignorant.

Denmark and Sweden actually discouraged use of masks. Less than 5% of the population said they wore a mask.

Yet both Denmark and Sweden had lower rates of infection than the US over the same time period.

NO you don’t know what you are talking about. I look stupid? Stop you are tickling me. It’s laughable when you are posting against science, lying and just pure BS.

Here is a very good example of you BS from your post #193 ........... “All your co workers got sick”. ALL 300. You are lying again.

Your links. What is that has anything to do with what you believed? Did you even read what it mean? Read and explain to me what that mean and compared to your lousy opinion.

*** You don’t know all your 300 coworkers, you don’t know if they are washing or replacing their mask every day..... YOU don’t know ANYTHING period but you keep blabbering about your coworkers didn’t do this and did that. That’s silly.

Let say you wear mask.... there are several places that you can get infected even if you wear a mask.... Like when you go to groceries, get a gas, don’t wash your hands, handles of your restrooms and door entrances. Do you wipe them with anti bacterial?

RIGHT NOW. The best way to fight this Pandemic is to wear a mask. That is based from science of the NIH, CDC, doctors and hospitals and Trump Coronavirus (Hypocrite) policy. If you have a problem with that that is your problem. I don’t care. Don’t wear mask but don’t stay close to me.

What basis do you have that mask doesn’t help slow the spread of coronavirus?

You (Andy) said...... “Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.”.......... HOW IN THE HELL do you know you are sick without being tested? You have the symptoms.... Oh I’m sick I’m just going to sit here and die and don’t worry about it. That is the DUMBEST and STUPIDEST thing I ever heard since this CV hit US........... You, your parents, your friends, all your 300 coworkers got sick and just sat there? REALLY? Talking about stupid.

As far as twisting NO I did not twist anything on my post because I don’t need to but you did. That is why I keep saying “you (Andy)” to make sure you don’t twist what I’ve just said.

As far as Trump a real piece of shit. Yes he is responsible for these deaths, infections crisis and economic crisis. Who else do you think should take the blame? You gave him credits during good times.... he should take the credits during bad times....... that is just fair....... Yes we know the CV came from China, China, China .... But that doesn’t mean we have to act STUPID (like mask), play dumb, play down, finger pointing, this a Democrat hoax, keeps blaming and spread misinformation.

On top of being racist dog shit and inciting violence against his own fellow Americans the democrats, look at him from the beginning February till today October still playing it down spreading misinformation. Like no big deal it will just miraculously disappear. His attitude is like they have underlying illness diabetes, heart, kidney, hb and they are old anyway so who cares? Does he give a shit? FUCK NO. According to Trump mask is not good because a waitress told him. He even mocked Biden for following Trump policy about mask........ He literally destroyed and fucked up this country almost on purpose.

Now you tell me what is this president good for?

Andy...... I don’t see rebuttal of this post. It’s really painful when you are caught lying.

You can believe whatever dumb myth makes you feel better about your willful incompetence.

And by the way... I have life outside of forums. Just because I don't always respond to your nonsense constantly after repeatedly proving you wrong with clear evidence.... doesn't mean I was lying, or that I care what you think.

You are not that important to me. In fact, you are less important to me, than you were before, because after providing repeated clear undeniable evidence, you claimed I had not posted any.

That makes you a moron, instead of a man. I care a ton less about morons.

Thomas Sowell famously said "Debating smart people is easy. They know their own limitations. It's debating stupid people that is hard".

And you just proved Sowell right. When you are smacked around with data, and you act like a baby, and say "la la la I can't hear you".... that makes you too childish, and moronic to care about.


When you act like a toddler, you get treated like a toddler. Now grow up, before you try and engage with adults again.

I’m not important to you? You make me laugh Dude. Look at how many and how much are your lousy nonsense rebuttals.

How can I be following a dumb myth when I’m complying with your own lousy leader CV-19 policy?
How can I be stupid when I’m following science a well known agencies around the world NIH and CDC as a standard when pertains to safety, infections and pandemic crisis. At the same time you are very stupid trying to promote against them. GROW THE FUCK UP DUDE.

I act like a toddler? Dude I responded exactly and properly how you sent me your rebuttal. YOU started it when you start loosing not me. That is always been my policy. If you don’t start using any foul language. I don’t. Try to remember that.

Yes I know you have a life outside just like everyone else but you pick and choose what rebuttal you want ... Ignoring the questions. I asked you 2 questions here about your 70%. And where is that from your link?? You avoided it. Means YOU are LYING. So what part are your post are telling the truth? So tell me what is your credibility if you even have any?

Yeah, you are acting like a toddler. I provided clear proof, or at least evidence, and all you did was say "La la la I can't hear you".


You are in fact a toddler. Go grow up, before you try an engage with adults again. Adults are not obligated to entertain your whiny "I can't hear anything I don't like" posts.

Grow up, or get out. This is a forum for adults. You are not acting like one.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?

I used your evidence. You provided the evidence, that I used against you.

YOU said the Chinese were wearing masks even before the out break. I agreed, and cited that as the logical reasoning that masks do not prevent Covid-19, because they did, then it should have never left China. They should never have had an outbreak to begin with.

Further, you pointed out that the Chinese have a different culture, one of compliance to a dangerous authoritarian regime, that jails doctors. I agreed, and cited that no matter who was in office, Trump or anyone else, that Americans would still be Americans, and that we wouldn't bend over to every single edict given by government.

You are asking for evidence of my position, when YOU gave the evidence of my position.
You are going in circles Andy. You used evidence what I told you. REALLY?

Let me repeat it again. PAY ATTENTION when Coronavirus outbreak in China started Chines in general don’t know what they have and don’t know what to do even with the mask. They used mask because of dirty air over and over....... PAY ATTENTION when it started they used the same attitude using mask over and over. By the time they know it’s dangerous it’s too late. What part of that don’t you understand.

That makes no sense. You are suggesting that masks only work, if they were not originally used because of dirty air? Now masks only work if your attitude is right?

They only work if you replace them over and over?

That's funny, because I don't know anyone anywhere, that is not using the same mask over and over. No one. The most hard core "must wear masks or the planet dies" people are all using the same mask over and over.

I'd be hard pressed to find a single person anywhere who is NOT using the same mask over and over.

If you really believe what you are saying, then I think you are nuts.
You are spinning and twisting around like a wet pretzel.
I told you over and over the mask behavior and attitude they have before the pandemic using dirty mask over and over for several days...... They also ban selling exotic animals for consumptions....... You don’t know anything about China.

Mask only now works because they are not using the same dirty mask over and over. Of course...... What part of that don’t you understand? They even wear mask inside their home. And I KNOW how you are going to come back with your rebuttal

You don’t know anyone NOT using the same mask over and over. I don’t. I replaced it twice a day depending how many times I go out. And I know several people and so are friends and families does do that.

You don’t know anyone NOT using same mask over and over. Are they using it over and over for several days?

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

You don’t know any one NOT using the same mask over and over. That means they are using mask except you.

Eight in 10 Americans wear mask. So you are the minority.

What are you even talking about?

I've been wearing a mask since March. I'm in the minority of what? Once again, you have no point, and so you make up stuff.

Its actually quite funny. You haven't been able to make a single valid argument yet, but every post you start shrieking about how I'm "spinning and twisting around"... but then *YOU* are the one that has to make false accusations about the other person, to try and have a point?

Nah, if anyone is "spinning and twisting around" it's you.

You know nothing about me, yet claim I'm in the minority of Americans who don't wear masks?

I have followed every single guideline given about this Covid-19 crap. I have worn masks, socially distanced, and haven't gone to Church since March. My church still isn't open even now. (online church of course, but we haven't met at the Church building).

I have not used personal experience in our conversation, because the evidence alone is enough. The fact you have failed to refute a single point I've made, is proof the evidence alone is enough.

But, one of the reasons that I personally am convinced that all the mask wearing and social distancing, and lock downs are completely ineffective, and pointless.... is because I personally followed all of your guidelines, and so did everyone I know, and everyone still got sick.

I got sick. My parents got sick. My friends and neighbors got sick. My co-workers all got sick. Everyone I know got sick, and we all... ALL.... followed the mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing guidelines.

*** If does that work? If you follow all the Covid-19 rules, and everyone still got sick.... explain?

You can't. I'm you'll blather on that we must not have followed all the rules, but know for a fact we did... and we still got sick.

So.... Yeah. But we don't need my personal experience. We can just look at the facts. None those rules have worked anywhere. None of them. And I realize you think your posts somehow contradicted my points... but that's because you obviously don't realize your posts contradicted nothing. You didn't. You keep saying the same utterly irrelevant statements, acting like you have a point, but you don't. None of them were valid counter arguments.

Sorry, but you are just wrong. None of those were good points. Or even valid. Either masks work or they don't. All masks get dirty. I don't see a single person using new masks every day.

Even the WHO said they don't recommend that healthy people wear masks, or that mask wearing is effective at all.

Rotten Bologna. You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

You are LYING..... You said it over and over mask is NOT good. You are 100% anti mask. Do you expect me to believe that you really wore mask? Then SUDDENLY (now you are loosing) now you’ve used mask. Very funny. All anti mask are the minorities. That includes your lousy president.

Spinning? That is sad. I don’t spin anything, every single point I made, never did, talked to you straight to the point. You were using my own words to spin around. Sadly.

Of course I used own my experience. What do you expect? Suddenly you are now using your experience to make a point. Sadly.

According to you. I mean you. I failed to refute every single point you made. WRONG. I BLASTED you all the way over and over.

You got sick, your parents got sick, your neighbors got sick, your co workers ALL got sick. And they all wear mask. How many people is that? MY GOD..... GOOD LORD did you made god angry? Are you the center of epidemic? An (now you are using your experience) anti-mask talking? Do you expect me to believe that? Nah! I don’t believe you. Zero. Did you watched them at home or they have kids? I doubt it.

I can tell you alone that hispanics here in California they do wear mask when they go out or work but they still got sick and die. High percentage of Covid deaths here are hispanics. You know why? (Explanation) Most have crowded home and apartments with maximum or over capacity, using the same restrooms, too close and dont wear mask inside the house.

Trump’s orbit 12 or more people got sick non of them wear mask. Look at Trump’s rallies thousands don’t wear mask. How many of those do you think that got sick that they denied? How many of those do you think wear mask in their daily routine or at home?

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it. Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

You are saying mask is not good anyway. So we should follow your belief don’t wear mask because it’s not good? Explain that.

According to you Andy. You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

You said....I mean you Andy. Even WHO said they don’t recommend healthy people wear mask..... Can you prove that? Any link?

That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Because I’m healthy I should recklessly do not wear mask.... What if sat next, following, took over a sit of an infected person? What do you think the percentage of catching it with out mask? And why should I risk my health because of stupidity?

*** My explanation......
*** My explanation......
1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

2. If they followed. If they followed they still got sick. How do you even know that they really followed? Did they followed rules at home? Did they have kids running around? There are lots of factors that a person can get infected.

I asked you 4 questions here in this post. I expect an answer.

You’ve been fighting using mask from the beginning NOW suddenly you are wearing mask then your relatives got sick. BULLSHIT Dude. I know you are loosing by using my own words against me.

View attachment 400395

No, I'm not losing. Only in your own tiny little mind.

Yes have been wearing masks since March. Yes, everyone I know still got sick. No, I'm not lying simply because I must be or your pathetic ideology doesn't work.

You don’t see a single person using new mask every day. Why? Because you don’t have experience or just plain not telling the truth. Are you saying that your co workers or you use the same mask every day they when they come to work? Really? Explain.

Um, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. All of them. All 300 people at the facility where I work, all use the same mask over and over. The only time someone uses a different mask, is when they leave their mask at home, and they go and get one of the cheap 25¢ cloth masks the company hands out. But I can tell you from direct personal knowledge, that the box of clothe masks has been sitting there for the last 2 months without being replaced.

I'm not sure what you want me to explain. They use the same mask over and over for this entire year. What more do you want me to explain?

My old company (I was laid off in April before I got this job), they all used the same masks every single day.

I will ask you the same question again. If mask is not good the way you portrayed it.Then we should see thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses that got sick and die. Correct? So where are they? Explain that.

That's a dumb statement. Saying masks are not effective, doesn't magically mean they cause people to die. Something that has no benefit, does not automatically mean it has a negative effect. You seem to be implying that somehow saying there is no evidence that masks prevent Covid, must mean that I think wearing a mask will somehow cause people to die. No.

As for asking if masks are not effective, why have we not seen nurses and doctors falling over in mass death....... That's pretty easy to explain. It's the same reason we don't see people falling over in mass deaths anywhere.

View attachment 400399

These are numbers from the CDC. The ratio of people who get sick and die, to the ratio of people who don't have any symptoms at all, is massively in favor of the latter.

In the absolute worst case Scenario, with the highest risk age group, you have barely a 0.09% chance of dying of Covid-19.

For the next age group up, 50 to 69 year olds, you have barely a 0.01% chance.

What that means is that 99% of all people, including those in hospitals who work as nurses and doctors.....

Will not only not die of Covid-19, they may never even know they have it. A doctor and a nurse, has a higher chance of dying in a car crash on the way to the hospital, then dying of Covid-19 they caught in the hospital from Covid-19 patients.

1. 8 out 10 wear mask. In 331+ US populations ...... Only 7 millions+so far got infected. If Americans didn’t wear mask you should see far higher than 7+ millions. Don’t you think?

No, I don't. There is no evidence to support that conclusion. That's just your opinion. That's fine to have that opinion, but there is zero evidence whatsoever. There is no data that masks have been even in the smallest way, effective at stopping Covid.

None. NONE. ZERO. That statement above is not evidence. That's opinion.

My opinion... no. I have read the documents, looked at the data, read the statements by WHO and other groups. None show that mask wearing would have reduced the number of Covid cases.

Oh! Andy

AGAIN. I asked you several questions. You have not answer all except pure nonsense rebuttal.

First of all you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about. NONE. I NEVER said mask will stop all deaths and infections but it will slow the spread of infections.

Regarding WHO..... You do not post. Repeat you do not post something that you cannot back up. I asked you twice about this BS. You came up empty. You lied.

You (Andy) posted previously that ALL of your coworkers wear mask but ALL got sick. You mentioned it here that you have 300 co workers. ALL 300 GOT SICK? 100% total wipe out? Really? I mean REALLY? You are lying.

You (Andy) is saying that ALL 300 wear cloth mask? ALL? You are talking about cloth mask that can be used over and over. But you have to wash it. Is that why ALL 300 of your coworkers including you got sick because they never wash it?

I’m in the medical instruments business I used 4 to 5 boxes (50 in each box) of disposable mask every day for my employees. Some bring their own cloth mask but most use the one I supplied. Two got sick badly but they admitted they went to a bachelorette party on Wednesday (off on Thursday & Friday) and wedding on Saturday by Monday morning they called sick.

Using car crash to explain your experience about Covid death is just pure amateur. You might as well use the death of H1N1.

Your chart fromCDC percentage of this and that and ages..... don’t mean a diddly squat. It’s a cut out and paste. Where’s the link?? You BS on the WHO. How do I know that chart came from CDC?

You can use your .00000001% BS however you want..... look at the number of deaths 200,000+ and counting. Meaning you are down playing the numbers of deaths and infections. How about the numbers of people that recover with long lasting damage to the lungs? Just because they are old they need to die? Thats the reason why that loser moron downplayed the severity of this crisis.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

Your lousy leader get tested almost every day or every other day. Running around without a mask..... He got Covid-19.

Here is the link and latest from CDC dated October 2020 if you really want to see the truth and specific numbers of deaths and specific categories.

There is no evidence that masks have slowed the infection.

Yes I know what I am talking about.

Don't you look stupid?

Yes all 300 wear masks. And the company has everyone screened with a temperature check every morning at the start of the shift. And if you are caught not wearing your mask, the managers will come get you.

I did not say that all 300 got sick. I said everyone I know got sick. I don't know all 300 of the people who work there.

As for could it be because we don't wash our masks.... I have no idea, but that doesn't matter to my point. No one is washing their masks. I don't know single person anywhere that is.

Point being, if mask washing, or mask replacing is required for them to stop Covid-19, and no one is doing that... then Masks are doing nothing, and we need to stop this nonsense.

8 of 10 wear mask. only 7+ millions infections out of 313 millions populations. That is a very good odd. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

So here you are trying to claim that things are great, in a thread where you have been trying to make the case things are terrible, and Trump is to blame. 8 out of 10 wear masks, but things are terrible and it's Trumps fault? Again, I find it amusing you claim I'm the one twisting around, while you can't even go a couple of posts without contradicting your original position.

I don't believe there is only 7 million infections. We already know that the vast majority of people have no symptoms. Further, I know for a fact that most people who did get sick, didn't go to be tested. I didn't. My parents didn't. My friends didn't. My co-workers didn't.

There are likely 70 million people who have already had Covid-19.

Nor do I believe that the reason for the number of infections has anything to do with masks.

If you believe that masks are what prevented there being 300 million infections, then you truly are ignorant.

Denmark and Sweden actually discouraged use of masks. Less than 5% of the population said they wore a mask.

Yet both Denmark and Sweden had lower rates of infection than the US over the same time period.
Here is a link from Denmark about mask. You don’t know what you are talking about Dude.

Death here in US is now over 215,000 compared that to any countries in this planet we are the worst however you twist it.

Health authorities had previously deemed the wearing of face masks in public spacesunnecessary but changed their recommendation following advice from the World Health Organization (WHO) in late June.

I'm amused that posted proof of my position, and claimed it contradicted me.

According to the link you just posted, it wasn't until early July that the government of Denmark reversed their stance and encouraged mask wearing.

That statement by your link, validates the statements in my link, that barely 5% of Denmark people wore masks by July 8th.
View attachment 400806

***1. So, as you can see, the United States started wearing masks in mass, by March, and was up near 70% of the public by April.

Meanwhile, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, even Britain, has a fraction as many people wearing masks from March, April, May, June, and into the start of July.

Yet, the US had a higher incident rate of Covid-19 (according to the official numbers), than any of those countries where a fraction as many people wore masks. In the case of Sweden and Denmark, a tiny tiny fraction.

As I have said numerous times, there is ZERO evidence that masks work. Zero.

By the way, just to add to the endless evidence that masks are utterly ineffective, the CDC showed this in their Sept 11th report.

View attachment 400809
So what you are looking at, is a survey of people who contracted Covid-19.

***2. Of people who contracted Covid-19, 70% said they "ALWAYS" wore a mask.
An additional 14% said they "OFTEN" wore a mask.

That means 85% of people who contracted covid, were wearing masks.

Once again.... ZERO evidence that masks work. Zero. None.

Oh Boy..... Of course Denmark changed their minds in July when they found out mask is needed. What part of that don’t you understand? Now they wear mask.

Right this second Europe are facing another lock down. link below.

YOU are a hardliner anti mask. YOU are entitled to your opinion. YOU went all over to defend your opinion with no single hard evidence that mask doesn’t work. YOU posted your own experience but most or ALL are lies. YOU can not even get your stories straight. What make you think YOUR opinion has any credibilities?

Yes US started wearing mask in mass number and social distancing in mid March 2020 ...... That is because Trump declared Pandemic crisis in mid March. AGAIN. What part of that don’t you understand? Lordy.

You are trying very hard to compare how we behave here in US to other countries. Each countries has handled and behaved this Pandemic crisis differently.

***1. Where did you get 70%?

***2. You lie a lot Andy. Of people contracted Covid-19 70% always wear mask. WHERE IS THAT FROM YOUR LINK?

Let say you are telling the truth ...... They always wear mask during outdoor activities but did they practices mask and other precautions at home, did they clean the way they should handled a meat and chicken during the crisis, did they disinfect can goods and fruits, did they wipe the handle of grocery carts or gas, did they ask their children to wash their hands and face after they played outside? Just because you wear mask outdoors but do you do not practice cleanliness at home mask became useless. It’s that simple.

Like Mexicans the highest victims of CV deaths and infections here in California. I have not seen a single Mexicans that do not wear a mask but 6 or more in a 2 bedrooms with one bathroom apartments or 8 in a 3 bedroom house. But I’ve seen lots of Mexicans with their kids in a car and they don’t wear mask. What do you think is the percentage of these people getting infected?

Oh Boy..... Of course Denmark changed their minds in July when they found out mask is needed. What part of that don’t you understand? Now they wear mask.

Right this second Europe are facing another lock down. link below.

Again, that makes my point. If it worked.... why is Europe facing another lock down?

And while you can say "They found out they needed masks", and that's a useful conclusion to fit the ideology, it still doesn't fit the data.

No matter how you cut it, Denmark without masks had lower rates of infection. How is that possible, if by your logic, masks slow the spread? Doesn't make sense.

YOU went all over to defend your opinion with no single hard evidence that mask doesn’t work.

Well, honestly that just makes you an ignorant fool, that is too full of his own self importance to look at the data, because I have posted a half dozen, to a dozen articles backing absolutely everything I have said.

If you can't get that.... that makes you just a dumb person. You want to be dumb, fine. But don't expect anyone to see you as anything but the ignorant mindless fool that you are.

Fool? That is because European didn’t learn the lesson about mask and other precautions. I speak French and Italian and I know they lots of Europeans they partied, groups, schools and lots of gathering they didn’t wear mask.

You keep sticking your dick in Denmark. Why do you think they changed their minds about wearing a mask? Before they didn’t now they do.. WHY? because they found out it’s very important. What part of your IGNORANCE don’t pick that up?

You are very ignorant just because they failed because they wearing mask? YOU don’t know anything about Chinese, YOU don’t know anything what is going on in Europe. YOU don’t know a diddly squat about your co workers. Let alone blabbering about Europeans. Dude what is wrong with you?

*** Honestly? Really you lie like hell what makes you think those are credible? Yes you posted links that came from nowhere and obsolete.

Anf how in the HELL I can be fool, ignorant mindless when I’m advocating and supporting people to wear a mask. Compared from 8 out of 10 Americans supports wearing mask. YOU are the minorities.
How can I be wrong when my strong pro mask supported by CDC, NIH and your lousy president CV-19 policy? You are on the other side the minorities. You are one funny lousy Dude. Your opinion is nothing but worthless.

AGAIN I asked you 2 questions about your 70% I didn’t get any answer. WHY? You lied again. That’s funny.

I no longer care what a fool says.

I have given you numerous links and data on the topic, and without even considering that evidence, you pretended that I gave you none.

I don't need to justify myself to a complete moron. If you can't even admit that I gave you data to consider, then you are too stupid to talk to.

And when at stupid person calls me a liar... that's a compliment. When smart people call me a liar, then I need to consider. But you are nowhere even close to being a smart person. You are a complete idiot to your very core, and what you think, no longer matters to anyone who is worth caring about.


Act like a toddler, get treated like a toddler.

You lied a lot Dude. I know It hurts when you are blasted and caught you lying.

You no longer care what fools say. Really???. I gave you straight facts and realities. No more no less. I challenged your post to prove as simple as 70%. You came back NOTHING and crying like the victim. Now you are running.

Yes you need to justify your self when you post something that is questionable. That is the posters responsibility just incase you don’t know. When they asked you a question about your post it’s your job to prove it. You are a veteran here you should know the drill.

It’s a HYPOCRITE and dumb for you to say Im not important when you spent several days and numerous nonsense rebuttal. I will never say something that stupid.

The only reason and only reason...... I didn’t let you go that easy and challenged you very hard.... BECAUSE you are part of this crisis. You are part of the problem. You are spreading false information that mask is not good. That’s the stupidest and dumbest thing anyone can say in the middle of health crisis. “Like if you are healthy mask is not required”. I wonder who is the stupid fuck that teaches you that.
If you don't understand by now, maybe it'll finally sink into your thick skull on the night of November 3rd.

See ya then.

Another question...why is it that at rallies Trump can attract thousands and Joe can only attract dozens?
The difference is after the election. The problem with Trump rallies are 99% whiteys. It doesn’t represent a real view of Americans. Where are the black, browns, yellows?

Let say Trump rallies average 25,000 per rallies which is very generous.

Compared that to these major unions that endorsed Biden. WOW.
1. Teachers union with 1.7 millions members.
2. USPS Union with 300,000 members.
3. USW United steel workers with almost one million members.

See how we dwarf these Trump exclusive whiteys members (only) Trump rallies? See the differences? Don’t forget their families and friends that they take it them. I didn’t even include the LGBTQ, hispanics, blacks, Asians, Muslims....... American citizens. But you can enjoy your rallies.

These endorsements include the Teamsters union, the United Auto Workers, the United Food and Commercial Workers union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, and the Service Employees International Union.
Biden is also supported by the AFL-CIO, a body representing 55 labor unions with 12.5 million members. The AFL-CIO has endorsed the Democratic candidate in every election since 1976. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka explained the endorsement on 26 May.

So you contend a lot of people who support Trump are white while minorities and many large unions support Biden.

OK. I will take your word for that. Now explain to me why all or at least some of those Biden supporters don’t show up at his rallies?

Here’s the crowd at a 2020 Bernie rally.



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