Someone explain to me how Trump "failed" on Covid?

What is the USA death rate compared to the EU countries with their Gubmint run healthcare?
There are currently 28 countries in the EU. If you want to know the comparisons of each country I suggest you do the research. You can start with the link I provided as it shows all the COVID stats around the world.
Ok Sport, here is a list.

Pull out what you think makes your casel

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

Coronavirus (COVID-19) U.S. Deaths
My case. I stated that the US is number 1 in COVID deaths. Even your chart backs that up. Not sure what you are trying to get at with this EU comparison.
I asked what our death rate was compared to EU countries with govt run healthcare. You asked for a link. I provided it.

The link shows our death rate to be 1/2-1/3 of those countries.

Learn to read.
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?
It can't be explained because It isn't so.
In fact Joe Bidens plan is a plagiarized copy of what Trump and pence have ALREADY done.
This is the list in order of total lives saved by treatment, and we are second behind India of ALL nations.

How can anyone not know what the answers to these questions are?

Whether you agree with them or not, whether you think they're valid or not, how in the hell can you not know them?
well tell us your answer.
In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.
What is the USA death rate compared to the EU countries with their Gubmint run healthcare?
There are currently 28 countries in the EU. If you want to know the comparisons of each country I suggest you do the research. You can start with the link I provided as it shows all the COVID stats around the world.
Ok Sport, here is a list.

Pull out what you think makes your casel

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

Coronavirus (COVID-19) U.S. Deaths
My case. I stated that the US is number 1 in COVID deaths. Even your chart backs that up. Not sure what you are trying to get at with this EU comparison.
I asked what our death rate was compared to EU countries with govt run healthcare. You asked for a link. I provided it.

The link shows our death rate to be 1/2-1/3 of those countries.

Learn to read.
I did not ask for a link. And you tell me I need to learn to read. Also the US death rate is not 1/2-1/3 of those countries. I stated the US led the world in deaths. This was not wrong. I believe when you say death rate you are trying determine death rates per capita per one million people. Only Spain and Belgium have a higher Per Capita rate while the 26 other EU countries don't.
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?
It can't be explained because It isn't so.
In fact Joe Bidens plan is a plagiarized copy of what Trump and pence have ALREADY done.
10 months into the pandemic, Biden/Harris have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight to plagiarize and modify daily their virtual response to the outbreak. They are fortunate enough to be able to look at what has and what has not been shown to be effective against C-19. President Trump didn't have the luxury of hindsight and as we have seen the "science" on C-19 changes almost daily from source to source. What we do know is Biden failed miserably during the H1N1 pandemic but fortunately for him and us, the H1N1 was not as virulent as C-19. Bidens own administration admitted that they made every mistake in the book with H1N1 and it was nothing more than sheer luck that more lives weren't lost.
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?
It can't be explained because It isn't so.
In fact Joe Bidens plan is a plagiarized copy of what Trump and pence have ALREADY done.
10 months into the pandemic, Biden/Harris have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight to plagiarize and modify daily their virtual response to the outbreak. They are fortunate enough to be able to look at what has and what has not been shown to be effective against C-19. President Trump didn't have the luxury of hindsight and as we have seen the "science" on C-19 changes almost daily from source to source. What we do know is Biden failed miserably during the H1N1 pandemic but fortunately for him and us, the H1N1 was not as virulent as C-19. Bidens own administration admitted that they made every mistake in the book with H1N1 and it was nothing more than sheer luck that more lives weren't lost.

Eight years after the Obamunists experienced the H1N1, how is it that they never replenished ventilators, never replenished testing kits, never made sure there were enough PTE’s, the face shields, the masks, enough gloves, etc.???

Gives poignant meaning to ‘a day late, and a dollar short.’

"H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus
The response to the H1N1 disease was far slower."
H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus - Big League Politics
In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.
So I began reading the material in the link from post #52. so here's a quote from it.
"In fact, there are many reasons the US death toll is so high, including a national response plagued by delays at the federal level, wishful thinking by President Trump, "

Plagued by delays of what? delays is a cop out statement.

you must think the virus can be avoided. So I'm asking you what could have moved faster. what? name something. don't throw out delayed response, delayed doing what?

Are you suggesting there should have already been a vaccine? hahahahahahahahahaha it takes years to make a vaccine. you're nothing but a cop out hiding in plain site.
hey yo, to all my conservative Trump loving buds in here. These demofks think one can avoid catching a virus!!!! hahahahahaahahahhaa

Can you fking believe that?

I guess they think one can see it and step around it.

I also supposed they never get bit by mosquitos too, they avoid them and never get bit.

Didn't they say patient zero was bitten by a bat or something? so how does one avoid that?

Have they tested every bat on the planet?

I am truly done with their blame game.
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In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.
So I began reading the material in the link from post #52. so here's a quote from it.
"In fact, there are many reasons the US death toll is so high, including a national response plagued by delays at the federal level, wishful thinking by President Trump, "

Plagued by delays of what? delays is a cop out statement.

you must think the virus can be avoided. So I'm asking you what could have moved faster. what? name something. don't throw out delayed response, delayed doing what?

Are you suggesting there should have already been a vaccine? hahahahahahahahahaha it takes years to make a vaccine. you're nothing but a cop out hiding in plain site.
I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything, ever.
hey yo, to all my conservative Trump loving buds in here. These demofks think one can avoid catching a virus!!!! hahahahahaahahahhaa
Can you fking believe that?
and they think that you can stop a virus from spreading, which is 110% totally assininie.
In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.
So I began reading the material in the link from post #52. so here's a quote from it.
"In fact, there are many reasons the US death toll is so high, including a national response plagued by delays at the federal level, wishful thinking by President Trump, "

Plagued by delays of what? delays is a cop out statement.

you must think the virus can be avoided. So I'm asking you what could have moved faster. what? name something. don't throw out delayed response, delayed doing what?

Are you suggesting there should have already been a vaccine? hahahahahahahahahaha it takes years to make a vaccine. you're nothing but a cop out hiding in plain site.
I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything, ever.
cause you can't. you got nothing. flinging unexplained pooh is your job.
hey yo, to all my conservative Trump loving buds in here. These demofks think one can avoid catching a virus!!!! hahahahahaahahahhaa
Can you fking believe that?
and they think that you can stop a virus from spreading, which is 110% totally assininie.
especially Mac, he's got the pedal to the metal in here. claiming shit he can't explain. I just asked him, he declined as usual.

he uses statements like 'plagued by delays' , well ok, if there wasn't a delay in x, y or z, would the patients have lived? no one can answer that. the pure asinine posting of each and every demofk in here politicizing this is reprehensible.
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In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.
So I began reading the material in the link from post #52. so here's a quote from it.
"In fact, there are many reasons the US death toll is so high, including a national response plagued by delays at the federal level, wishful thinking by President Trump, "

Plagued by delays of what? delays is a cop out statement.

you must think the virus can be avoided. So I'm asking you what could have moved faster. what? name something. don't throw out delayed response, delayed doing what?

Are you suggesting there should have already been a vaccine? hahahahahahahahahaha it takes years to make a vaccine. you're nothing but a cop out hiding in plain site.
President Trump's national response has moved at record pace on everything from travel bans, virus testing, medical supplies/equipment, therapeutic drug development/distribution, vaccination research/development/testing. Compare and contrast the Trump/Pence admin response to C-19 to that of Obama/Biden response to H1N1.
In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.
So I began reading the material in the link from post #52. so here's a quote from it.
"In fact, there are many reasons the US death toll is so high, including a national response plagued by delays at the federal level, wishful thinking by President Trump, "

Plagued by delays of what? delays is a cop out statement.

you must think the virus can be avoided. So I'm asking you what could have moved faster. what? name something. don't throw out delayed response, delayed doing what?

Are you suggesting there should have already been a vaccine? hahahahahahahahahaha it takes years to make a vaccine. you're nothing but a cop out hiding in plain site.
President Trump's national response has moved at record pace on everything from travel bans, virus testing, medical supplies/equipment, therapeutic drug development/distribution, vaccination research/development/testing. Compare and contrast the Trump/Pence admin response to C-19 to that of Obama/Biden response to H1N1.
I like how they all keep using the H1N1 count of ~16,000 deaths. The facts are that hundreds of thousands died due to it. Pence was accurate in his numbers.


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