Someone explain to me how Trump "failed" on Covid?

How can anyone not know what the answers to these questions are?

Whether you agree with them or not, whether you think they're valid or not, how in the hell can you not know them?
well tell us your answer.
In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.

Yeah, he knew is was deadly (that was before hardly any deaths were associated with it), he knew it was highly contagious (after China said it was not) and airborne (that wasn't determined until long after research had been completed here after China lied about that also).

Put your blame where it belongs on China. Tell us what should have been done differently. That is where you, Biden and the rest of the Dumbocrats always cannot answer.

That’s a total HOGWASH. That’s been proven many time it’s just that you refused to believe the truth but let me update your dumb ignorance.
When Coronavirus hit China it was new it’s understood that they didn’t knew what they have and what they are doing ....... but by January and February they are in full scale war of corona virus. We knew then by March that it was dangerous. Trump even admitted with Woodward in a recorded interview that it’s very dangerous and airborne.

It came from China.......... But that doesn’t mean we have to play dumb, play it down and act stupid.

It came from China, it came from China, it came from China........ YES, Yes and Yes. So what are you going to do about it? Trump anti mask, anti social distancing, indoor rallies, indoor meetings..... arrogantly NO FUCKING BIG DEAL. Number one source of lies and misinformation That’s the president handling the pandemic crisis. He even made fun of Biden wearing mask. So you tell me who is responsible for all these crisis.
You or most of you Trump humpers are very dishonest.

Your question....... Tell you what should have Trump done differently?
1. Promote mask usage and social distancing like his pandemic policy says.
2. Do not promote anti mask and believe science not from a conspiracies.
3. Stop lying and stop tweeting nonsense misinformation.
4. Stop blaming and finger pointing. Accept responsibility.

So let me ask you a question. What part in these crisis that the democrats lied?
How can anyone not know what the answers to these questions are?

Whether you agree with them or not, whether you think they're valid or not, how in the hell can you not know them?
well tell us your answer.
In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.

"He said downplay, so that means he lied!! No, I don't have to show you any actual falsehoods! I posted a link to someone else's vague accusations, so how DARE you expect me to have original thoughts!"

Since we both know you have nothing else TO put into it beyond empty assertions, your attempt to deflect fails. Again.

You're welcome for yet another translation from leftist bullshit to English.

Should he have came out as you wanted and caused nationwide panic?

YOU should take time to read what you're responding to and understand it, instead of just kneejerking to an attack.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

So, the President is expected to be able to see the future? The COVID response Trump took was as good or better than any world leader at the time based on the information available at the time, and far better than any other U.S. politician.

This is my point - NOT ONE DEMOCRAT CAN POINT TO ANY ACTIONS OR WORDS TO SHOW THEY WOULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING BETTER THAN WHAT TRUMP DID. The whole "He messed up on COVID" attack is a big lie, and no Democrat has been able to show me I am wrong in saying this.

Look at a timeline of actions taken by world leaders. Trump was the first leader of any country that did not have a direct border to China to issue a travel ban from China. The FIRST ONE! How can you get better than that?

Another lie I have seen from the Democrats was that people were still coming in. By the Constitution you cannot deny entrance to the U.S. to an American citizen, so they were allowed back in - BUT they had to go through only a few named airports and then go into 14-day quarantine. Soon after Trump also banned entry from European countries.
The truth? Look at the results and where we are today. You called that he did his best. Yes he did his best to proved that he failed very badly.

Yeah, I think he did a fantastic job.

The only way you could assume he didn't... is if you wanted him to be a dictator.

There is only one way you could stop this virus. Roll out the national guard. Quarantine entire cities, like China did, and Italy did. Trap people in their homes. Turn cities in into ghost towns. And prevent people from entering the US entirely.

Now the problem there is that people like you, on your side of the ideology, have been screaming that Trump is a fascist and a dictator for years now.

But in order to do everything above, he would have to be a fascist dictator. He would have to violate all the limits the Constitution has on the Federal government.

And not only that, but it would contradict everything you have support up until now. For example, when Trump sent Federal Troops to Portland to defend Federal property, you screamed about that.

Well in order to do a complete national lock down, he would have to send Federal Troops everywhere.

So which is it? Should Trump have done more? Or should Trump not be a dictator? Can't be both. Mutual exclusive claims. Which do you really want?

Similarly, he would have to prevent absolutely anyone from entering the country. That means back when the Travel Bans first came into being, you can't push a NO BAN Act, to remove the authority of the President to ban traveling.

So which is it? Is banning travel "racists" and you want a NO BAN Act, or should Trump have the authority to block Travel when it is for the national good?

Mutually exclusive claim. Can't be both. Which is it?

That means we need to prevent people from crossing into the US illegally. We need to protect our borders.

So which is it? Should Trump prevent possibly contagious people from crossing into the country illegally? Or is protecting our countries borders wrong?

Can't be both. Mutually exclusive claims. Which is it?

So over and over and over, you guys on the left, contradict yourself. You complain any time Trump does something proper to protect the country, and actively work to undermine him.... and at the same time complain he didn't do enough to protect the country.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

So, the President is expected to be able to see the future? The COVID response Trump took was as good or better than any world leader at the time based on the information available at the time, and far better than any other U.S. politician.

This is my point - NOT ONE DEMOCRAT CAN POINT TO ANY ACTIONS OR WORDS TO SHOW THEY WOULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING BETTER THAN WHAT TRUMP DID. The whole "He messed up on COVID" attack is a big lie, and no Democrat has been able to show me I am wrong in saying this.

Look at a timeline of actions taken by world leaders. Trump was the first leader of any country that did not have a direct border to China to issue a travel ban from China. The FIRST ONE! How can you get better than that?

Another lie I have seen from the Democrats was that people were still coming in. By the Constitution you cannot deny entrance to the U.S. to an American citizen, so they were allowed back in - BUT they had to go through only a few named airports and then go into 14-day quarantine. Soon after Trump also banned entry from European countries.
The truth? Look at the results and where we are today. You called that he did his best. Yes he did his best to proved that he failed very badly.

Yeah, I think he did a fantastic job.

The only way you could assume he didn't... is if you wanted him to be a dictator.

There is only one way you could stop this virus. Roll out the national guard. Quarantine entire cities, like China did, and Italy did. Trap people in their homes. Turn cities in into ghost towns. And prevent people from entering the US entirely.

Now the problem there is that people like you, on your side of the ideology, have been screaming that Trump is a fascist and a dictator for years now.

But in order to do everything above, he would have to be a fascist dictator. He would have to violate all the limits the Constitution has on the Federal government.

And not only that, but it would contradict everything you have support up until now. For example, when Trump sent Federal Troops to Portland to defend Federal property, you screamed about that.

Well in order to do a complete national lock down, he would have to send Federal Troops everywhere.

So which is it? Should Trump have done more? Or should Trump not be a dictator? Can't be both. Mutual exclusive claims. Which do you really want?

Similarly, he would have to prevent absolutely anyone from entering the country. That means back when the Travel Bans first came into being, you can't push a NO BAN Act, to remove the authority of the President to ban traveling.

So which is it? Is banning travel "racists" and you want a NO BAN Act, or should Trump have the authority to block Travel when it is for the national good?

Mutually exclusive claim. Can't be both. Which is it?

That means we need to prevent people from crossing into the US illegally. We need to protect our borders.

So which is it? Should Trump prevent possibly contagious people from crossing into the country illegally? Or is protecting our countries borders wrong?

Can't be both. Mutually exclusive claims. Which is it?

So over and over and over, you guys on the left, contradict yourself. You complain any time Trump does something proper to protect the country, and actively work to undermine him.... and at the same time complain he didn't do enough to protect the country.

Wrong very wrong. LOL. Where do you judge from he did a fantastic job? Do you know where we are economically, health crisis and racial tensions?

The least minimum he can do was promote using mask and social distancing. Start with that. No one said about dictatorship or fascist to control the virus. Nobody.

Trump sent federal agents to Portland yes.... but he did that in his own without the coordination of local and state governors. Instead of working with them, he insulted and fighting with them, arrested protesters in unmarked vans. So you are wrong however you protect Trump. Until now he has not done that.
Lock down..... several states that includes several republican governors shut down their states but they didn’t need the National guards to enforce it. You are wrong again.

Travel ban. Is a separate issue way off from this crisis and will take several pages to debunk you.
Racist? Trump proved himself a racist pig he even supported the the White supremacist. That’s a fact.

The only contagious people that we blamed in general came from China and Europe. Travel ban from China at the start was only for non US citizens but US citizens was allowed to travel back and forth. Keep your facts straight. Trump failed.

We never contradict our self. We clearly blamed right straight to his face for ignorance, incompetent and ineptness.

What difference does it make for a Trump supporters like you? He is a lousy president and lying asshole you don’t even know the differences. Like Portland, total failure of handling the pandemic. He downplayed and play dumb before...... after 6 to 9 months from January till today ..... continue to play dumb and play it down. His followers like you CHEERS. Sadly.
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A: I don't think Obama did anything at all, in regardless to the Swine Flu.

B: they didn't lock down the country, or start demanding people wear masks.

C: We already had a functional vaccine for the Swine Flu.

D: and most importantly, Republicans do not try and use pandemics for political gain, and it wasn't an election year.

The Obama administration issued many guidelines during pandemic. The situation was handled by presenting information and facts, not wildly marching out the medical scientist on one hand and then Obama downplaying the virus on the other. Hundreds of schools closed. I believe the guideline issued by the administration was they were to close for 14 days whenever it was discovered that someone in the school was infected. Local school officials adjusted and implemented the guidelines as their situation called for.

Now compare this to a situation to what we have under Trump. State governors, business leaders, school officials in performing their duties are reliant on medical knowledge available through federal agencies. Who are they trusting? It is rather obvious it's with this administration's medical scientists. What is Fauci saying today, expect 400,00 dead, wasn't it?
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
Mask in China. Those Chinese wear mask even before the pandemic because of dirty air. Like i posted many times I have business in China since 1995 that is why I speak Mandarin Chinese. And I wear mask every time I travel to China.

How did Chinese got infected and thousands deaths even wearing a mask? Read my post do not stare at it. Because Chinese are dirty and they didn’t knew how deadly the virus was before it became a pandemic so it spread like hell. But in general populations they learned the lessons the hard way.
Here in US we have 2 problems A. People like you who refuse to believe in science like mask . B. Denials that we have a problems.

If Obama or Biden is the president he will encourage Americans to wear mask and social distancing. Listen to science. Compared to Trump arrogantly anti mask and social distancing against his own policy.

If mask doesn’t work you should write or call the CDC, NIH and Trump administration to change this policies that mask is bad.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
Mask in China. Those Chinese wear mask even before the pandemic because of dirty air. Like i posted many times I have business in China since 1995 that is why I speak Mandarin Chinese. And I wear mask every time I travel to China.

How did Chinese got infected and thousands deaths even wearing a mask? Read my post do not stare at it. Because Chinese are dirty and they didn’t knew how deadly the virus was before it became a pandemic so it spread like hell. But in general populations they learned the lessons the hard way.
Here in US we have 2 problems A. People like you who refuse to believe in science like mask . B. Denials that we have a problems.

If Obama or Biden is the president he will encourage Americans to wear mask and social distancing. Listen to science. Compared to Trump arrogantly anti mask and social distancing against his own policy.

If mask doesn’t work you should write or call the CDC, NIH and Trump administration to change this policies that mask is bad.

An add on. The biggest mistakes of Mask in China.

Before the pandemic Chinese wear mask because of dirty air......... they wear the same mask over and over for several days because it’s just a dirty air of heavy smog which is not a virus. They did the same at the start of the pandemic which kills thousands. They learned the lessons the hard way.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
Mask in China. Those Chinese wear mask even before the pandemic because of dirty air. Like i posted many times I have business in China since 1995 that is why I speak Mandarin Chinese. And I wear mask every time I travel to China.

How did Chinese got infected and thousands deaths even wearing a mask? Read my post do not stare at it. Because Chinese are dirty and they didn’t knew how deadly the virus was before it became a pandemic so it spread like hell. But in general populations they learned the lessons the hard way.
Here in US we have 2 problems A. People like you who refuse to believe in science like mask . B. Denials that we have a problems.

If Obama or Biden is the president he will encourage Americans to wear mask and social distancing. Listen to science. Compared to Trump arrogantly anti mask and social distancing against his own policy.

If mask doesn’t work you should write or call the CDC, NIH and Trump administration to change this policies that mask is bad.

Mask in China. Those Chinese wear mask even before the pandemic because of dirty air. Like i posted many times I have business in China since 1995 that is why I speak Mandarin Chinese. And I wear mask every time I travel to China.

And it stopped Covid-19 instantly. That's why it never got out of China, and never became a pandemic.

Because Chinese are dirty and they didn’t knew how deadly the virus was before it became a pandemic so it spread like hell. But in general populations they learned the lessons the hard way.

Oh.... so dirty, is more important the mask wearing? Because I don't hear any politician including Trump, saying to be dirty.

What I hear them saying is that masks are not effective. Which your own post states.

That said, I don't know what you are talking about. I'm not say you are wrong. I don't know. I can't live your experience.

But I know Chinese people, who escaped from China to come to the US. Not one is dirty.

If Obama or Biden is the president he will encourage Americans to wear mask and social distancing. Listen to science. Compared to Trump arrogantly anti mask and social distancing against his own policy.

No. No American is going to sit there saying "Oh.... Obama has a mask, therefore I should."
Not true.

If mask doesn’t work you should write or call the CDC, NIH and Trump administration to change this policies that mask is bad.

Originally they didn't support wearing masks, until political pressure was put on them to change the policy.

Even the World Health Organization does not suggest people wear masks.

There is no evidence masks are effective. I don't need to write anyone. The evidence is already there.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
Mask in China. Those Chinese wear mask even before the pandemic because of dirty air. Like i posted many times I have business in China since 1995 that is why I speak Mandarin Chinese. And I wear mask every time I travel to China.

How did Chinese got infected and thousands deaths even wearing a mask? Read my post do not stare at it. Because Chinese are dirty and they didn’t knew how deadly the virus was before it became a pandemic so it spread like hell. But in general populations they learned the lessons the hard way.
Here in US we have 2 problems A. People like you who refuse to believe in science like mask . B. Denials that we have a problems.

If Obama or Biden is the president he will encourage Americans to wear mask and social distancing. Listen to science. Compared to Trump arrogantly anti mask and social distancing against his own policy.

If mask doesn’t work you should write or call the CDC, NIH and Trump administration to change this policies that mask is bad.

Mask in China. Those Chinese wear mask even before the pandemic because of dirty air. Like i posted many times I have business in China since 1995 that is why I speak Mandarin Chinese. And I wear mask every time I travel to China.

And it stopped Covid-19 instantly. That's why it never got out of China, and never became a pandemic.

Because Chinese are dirty and they didn’t knew how deadly the virus was before it became a pandemic so it spread like hell. But in general populations they learned the lessons the hard way.

Oh.... so dirty, is more important the mask wearing? Because I don't hear any politician including Trump, saying to be dirty.

What I hear them saying is that masks are not effective. Which your own post states.

That said, I don't know what you are talking about. I'm not say you are wrong. I don't know. I can't live your experience.

But I know Chinese people, who escaped from China to come to the US. Not one is dirty.

If Obama or Biden is the president he will encourage Americans to wear mask and social distancing. Listen to science. Compared to Trump arrogantly anti mask and social distancing against his own policy.

No. No American is going to sit there saying "Oh.... Obama has a mask, therefore I should."
Not true.

If mask doesn’t work you should write or call the CDC, NIH and Trump administration to change this policies that mask is bad.

Originally they didn't support wearing masks, until political pressure was put on them to change the policy.

Even the World Health Organization does not suggest people wear masks.

There is no evidence masks are effective. I don't need to write anyone. The evidence is already there.

I never said it stop instantly. I gave you an exact usages of mask in China. And who are you to dispute a pandemic?

China is dirty. You don’t even know what mean. I mean dirty like kids running around in the provinces without pants and they shit just around their houses, they butchered live animals using the same chopping board when cooked, wet markets, toilet is just a hole on the ground etc etc etc. You can even Google which country is the top 10 most polluted country in the world.

Pay Attention let me repeat it again. Most are accustomed using mask before the Pandemic because of dirty air using it over and over just like me when I was there. I only replaced it because I don’t know where I placed it.... Then Coronavirus came.... they used the same attitude not replacing dirty mask, they learned the hard way. NOW it’s a different attitude. Read my post do not stare at it.

You did not hear them saying China is dirty? Why should you wait to tell you China is dirty. I based it from my own experience.

You heard from Chinese that mask is not effective. Really? Who? Do you have a proof?

According to you...... You know Chinese that escapes and they don’t look dirty. Do you expect them to fly with dirty clothes?

If Obama or Biden is the president they will ENCOURAGE people to wear mask. Pay attention read my post do not stare at it. Look at Biden encouraging people to wear mask blasting idiot Trump. Yes a president should set an example based from science not discouraged people not to wear mask.

According to you..... NIH and CDC was only pressured politically to wear mask? Really? Do you have a proof or a link?

If mask is not effective then we should see thousands of doctors and nurses that died of Coronavirus. Don’t you think? Scientists, experts, hospitals, nurses and doctors..... do not agree with you.

What evidence do you have that mask is not effective?

According to you the WHO organization does not suggest people wear mask. Really? I mean Really? Do you have any evidence to prove that?
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

So what if China is and was lying? Is that supposed to be an excuse for Trump failures handling the Coronavirus?

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant. Here in US are fighting of stupid mask.

Well yes, actually. The basis of the argument is "see china did it better"... right but if they lied... then no they didn't.

The difference between us and the Chinese general populations. They heavily wear mask even inside their homes, even before the pandemic and very compliant

TRUE TRUE TRUE! Yes. Correct. You got it.

Do you not realize that you blew up your own position?

You stated the truth about China. Now.... can you think logically about the implications?

1. You are blaming Trump for that fact that culturally we are different than China. Do you think that if Obama was president right now, that everyone would magically become compliant slaves to the government?

Do you know why they are complaint slaves to the government in China? Because if they don't comply, they end up disappearing.

Is that what you want Trump to do? Start secret police, and making people disappear? Because that is in fact what you are advocating when you point to the "success of China on Covid".

But there is a second implication of your factually true statement.

2. Yes... *YES*... Chinese in China wear masks all the time. Very compliant as you said.

Do you not see a problem there? Can you not see it?

Chinese wear masks all the time. Very compliant. Follow all the government dictations.

Still don't see the problem? Where did Covid-19 originate?

Let's review shall we? China which has an extremely compliant population, where the government tosses people in jail for not complying, which has been wearing masks constantly.

Please explain how if mask wearing is so effective, how did Covid-19 even start in China, let alone become a pandemic? They were wearing masks for years before now, yet not only did Covid-19 start in China and killed thousands, but it spread world wide. Those masks and being compliant worked so well, didn't it?
And I never said we should follow Chinese government rules. All I said was we should do our own to protect ourselves and STOP and enough already to keep blaming China.

SO WHAT if it came from China? We should just keep playing dumb don’t wear your fucking mask hug people don’t worry about it? Because that is what you are trying to imply.

You can tell when people have lost their argument, when they stop arguing the evidence, and start screaming about what they think other people are implying.

So are you done here?
No I’m not done. I have to do something more important than hanging around here. What evidence have you provided?

I used your evidence. You provided the evidence, that I used against you.

YOU said the Chinese were wearing masks even before the out break. I agreed, and cited that as the logical reasoning that masks do not prevent Covid-19, because they did, then it should have never left China. They should never have had an outbreak to begin with.

Further, you pointed out that the Chinese have a different culture, one of compliance to a dangerous authoritarian regime, that jails doctors. I agreed, and cited that no matter who was in office, Trump or anyone else, that Americans would still be Americans, and that we wouldn't bend over to every single edict given by government.

You are asking for evidence of my position, when YOU gave the evidence of my position.
The world has always either feared America or admired America.

Now most of the world just pities America.

That must be why there's been massive anti-lockdown and anti-mask protests all over the world. If they pity the US, it's probably because we have so many gullible people who believe whatever they're spoonfed by the controlled MSM. People who are bending over to eagerly trade their liberty for a false security.
The truth? Look at the results and where we are today. You called that he did his best. Yes he did his best to proved that he failed very badly.
They completely ignore the fact that he constantly downplayed the strength of a pandemic that he knew full well was bearing down on the United States, one that he knew was both several times more deadly than the flu and airborne. And that he admitted to both.

They completely ignore the fact
that he constantly MOCKED Americans for trying to protect themselves and their families -- even as recently as his "debate" with Biden -- which was OBVIOUSLY taken by his flock as approval to take the virus FAR less seriously, going so far as to refuse to wear masks per public rules, and making a big political show out of it, and no doubt spreading the deadly disease as a result of their recklessness.

I have to admit, I honestly don't know if they're simply lying when they don't recognize the obvious, or if they're just so steeped in this bizarre, cult-like ideology that their minds literally don't allow them to process facts and actions that are this blatant and so oft-repeated. One thing I'm pretty sure of, though, is that trying to reason with them is pointless.

I wonder how many Americans died because of this.

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