Someone explain to me how Trump "failed" on Covid?

In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.
So I began reading the material in the link from post #52. so here's a quote from it.
"In fact, there are many reasons the US death toll is so high, including a national response plagued by delays at the federal level, wishful thinking by President Trump, "

Plagued by delays of what? delays is a cop out statement.

you must think the virus can be avoided. So I'm asking you what could have moved faster. what? name something. don't throw out delayed response, delayed doing what?

Are you suggesting there should have already been a vaccine? hahahahahahahahahaha it takes years to make a vaccine. you're nothing but a cop out hiding in plain site.
I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything, ever.
cause you can't. you got nothing. flinging unexplained pooh is your job.
Okie dokie.
Lets just say no one was on top of it to start with, then the information was very conflicting, for what ever reason Trump down played the virus using his own words. No one committed to any single plan. We are still in that phase. We have 2 plans, 1: let it rip. Two figure it out for your self, try to follow the messy confusing guide lines.
For myself I choose do everything I can to not give it or get it. why would that make me a bad person?
For myself I choose do everything I can to not give it or get it. why would that make me a bad person?
That doesn't make you a bad person at all.
If you think you should dictate how everyone else handles it, that would make you a bad person.
Only the RWNJs refuse to see the reality in the impeached president trump's intentional failure to respond positively to control the COVID-19 pandemic.

But, these same RWNJs have always refused to face the failure of conservative policies in the real world. The successes they tout exist only in the RWNJs' fantasy world.


Well, that was certainly a lot of words to say not a fucking thing. You could have contributed exactly the same thing to the conversation by not posting.
If you don't understand by now, maybe it'll finally sink into your thick skull on the night of November 3rd.

See ya then.
In other words, the dems and foreign trolls claims that Trump somehow failed on Covid is all emotional manipulative propaganda not based on facts------------------ and you are hoping that the adults don't realize this fact.
Trump did fail on COVID. The stats back that up. Please provide evidence to counter. The OP made assertions. He has yet to back up any of his assertions. Maybe you can provide the facts.

"Look, people died!!! That means he failed!!! No, I don't have to prove that assumption!!! YOU have to prove me wrong!!!"

Just FYI, third-stringer: the phrase "Well, prove me wrong" is the same as saying, "I'm full of shit, dismiss me."
How can anyone not know what the answers to these questions are?

Whether you agree with them or not, whether you think they're valid or not, how in the hell can you not know them?
well tell us your answer.
In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.

"He said downplay, so that means he lied!! No, I don't have to show you any actual falsehoods! I posted a link to someone else's vague accusations, so how DARE you expect me to have original thoughts!"

Since we both know you have nothing else TO put into it beyond empty assertions, your attempt to deflect fails. Again.

You're welcome for yet another translation from leftist bullshit to English.
What is the USA death rate compared to the EU countries with their Gubmint run healthcare?
There are currently 28 countries in the EU. If you want to know the comparisons of each country I suggest you do the research. You can start with the link I provided as it shows all the COVID stats around the world.
Ok Sport, here is a list.

Pull out what you think makes your casel

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

Coronavirus (COVID-19) U.S. Deaths
My case. I stated that the US is number 1 in COVID deaths. Even your chart backs that up. Not sure what you are trying to get at with this EU comparison.
I asked what our death rate was compared to EU countries with govt run healthcare. You asked for a link. I provided it.

The link shows our death rate to be 1/2-1/3 of those countries.

Learn to read.
I did not ask for a link. And you tell me I need to learn to read. Also the US death rate is not 1/2-1/3 of those countries. I stated the US led the world in deaths. This was not wrong. I believe when you say death rate you are trying determine death rates per capita per one million people. Only Spain and Belgium have a higher Per Capita rate while the 26 other EU countries don't.
No, Stupid. The death rate is the ratio of those infected who die.

ours is 1/2-1/3 that of the EU countries with govt run healthcare, as my link proves.
How can anyone not know what the answers to these questions are?

Whether you agree with them or not, whether you think they're valid or not, how in the hell can you not know them?
well tell us your answer.
In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.

"He said downplay, so that means he lied!! No, I don't have to show you any actual falsehoods! I posted a link to someone else's vague accusations, so how DARE you expect me to have original thoughts!"

Since we both know you have nothing else TO put into it beyond empty assertions, your attempt to deflect fails. Again.

You're welcome for yet another translation from leftist bullshit to English.
The whole WH and Hierarchy are getting sick.. (he apparently whiffed on tests or knowingly got other people sick)
and we've had perhaps 150,000 excess deaths..
and he has Never had a Plan..
and wouldn't wear a mask?


Did you have to post this to prove you are a dumbass liberal? He never wore a mask because it is designed to protect others. He was tested every single day! He didn't give anyone the virus. Someone gave it to him most likely Hope Hicks. Who infected her?

BTW, that 150,000 deaths sell and are covered with shit because you pulled them out of your ass, didn't you?
Here's a nice timeline.

Now, Trumpsters, you can disagree with all of this. You can call it "fake news". You can bitch and you can moan. You can lie. You can deflect. You can avoid. You can attack. You can ignore.

But now you can't say that you don't know what anyone is talking about. Your profound ignorance is no longer an excuse.

It took me about ten seconds to find. If you were REALLY curious, you could have found this yourself. You're welcome.

Why do you libtards always conflate someone lying to a as a lie by the President?

There is very little in your timeline that disagrees with what Trump did and should have done, based on the information he had. I guess it just sucks to admit Biden's plan was plagiarized from Trump's actions. I work for the Army and I have been home or working from home for nearly 8 months. Just exactly how is that a bad thing other than crippling our military recruiting efforts?
How can anyone not know what the answers to these questions are?

Whether you agree with them or not, whether you think they're valid or not, how in the hell can you not know them?
If they're so obvious, why are you having such a hard time posting them?
So you really don't know.

Okay, you must be right.

The fact that you think, "Oh, you're so silly to not already know" is an answer tells me that he IS right, and you know it. If he weren't, you'd stop wasting time playing at being incredulous and actually provide the answers.
I did, in post 52, just to see how you folks would react.

Your willful ignorance is tedious.

Willful ignorance? That is what libtards live by! You refuse to answer any questions, just like Biden and Harris. If the voters are paying attention, they will see the empty suits.
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York alone and our numbers would be far better. Thanks, Cuomo.

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?

Trumpers like you falls on 2 categories of double TDS. Trump Deranged Sympathizers and Trump Denials Sympathizers.

FIRST: You are lying. There are NO current bill that Pelosi ready to sign, Trump cowardly walked away from the current negotiations of stimulus package till after the election. Then 8 hours later he tweeted (WTH) he is ready to sign $1,200 for Americans because he knew that abandoning the stimulus package is bad for him. Tweeting is not a bill. The $1,200 is just a dumb piece meal and it doesn’t include supporting the local businesses, local and state government.
He doesn’t even get involved in any of these stimulus negotiations because he doesn’t know how to negotiate.

Your second LIE ...... Pelosi is pushing for higher stimulus package to help Americans NOT sufferings. Trump is rejecting that package. In short Trump is making more Americans to suffer. Pelosi sent a separate stimulus package to bail the airline industry last week. But These dumb GOPs rejected that.
You are lying, very dishonest or just plain TDS or all of the above.

SECOND: You are very wrong and ignorant . US economic recovery will be a miracle if we can recover 2021. Here’s some links to update your ignorance. With these links alone that includes major companies, 100,000 restaurants and others that are closing ....... And it will continue. So how in the hell you can say that economy is recovering fast? Especially we have an inept incompetent president running the show. Does he have a plan? Hell no.

Massive Layoffs Are Underway Across the U.S., Threatening the Already Frail Recovery

THIRD: You are lying again. Yes we have the worst record of deaths and infections around the world with 210,000 deaths and counting and 7+ millions infected. What part of that don’t you understand?

Your second lie. That is totally hogwash for you to say that very death of 2020 is chalked as Covid deaths. You are very very wrong and dishonest. Hospitals with Covid patients are separated from non Covid patients between floors and buildings. If you die of heart attack you die of heart attack NOT from Covid deaths.

Then for Trump and you to say that just because they have underlying illnesses like diabetes, heart, kidney problems that are going to die anyway? My uncle is 72 yo healthy and just because he is old it’s okay for him to die? That’s STUPID. That proved Trump is a loser, cruel and bad person. If you have a relatives that died of Covid-19. Or on ventilators. What and how do you think they feel if you hear that from a president? Like Mrs. Cordero Amanda Kloots.

You are blaming the democrats for making Trump look bad. You are very wrong again. It is Trump lies, irresponsible, ignorant and incompetent that made himself look bad. Self destruction....... He lied like hell, doesn’t even promote wearing mask or social distancing against his own pandemic policy. Instead he promote anti mask is not good because a waitress told him. He even made fun of Biden wearing a mask. Trump is the number one source of misinformation with lies. That’s a fact.

Coronavirus victims are both democrats and republicans. Republican governors like Arizona, Texas, Florida, Georgia etc etc has shut down their states not just the democrats. You are lying ALL the way.
How can anyone not know what the answers to these questions are?

Whether you agree with them or not, whether you think they're valid or not, how in the hell can you not know them?
well tell us your answer.
In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.

Yeah, he knew is was deadly (that was before hardly any deaths were associated with it), he knew it was highly contagious (after China said it was not) and airborne (that wasn't determined until long after research had been completed here after China lied about that also).

Put your blame where it belongs on China. Tell us what should have been done differently. That is where you, Biden and the rest of the Dumbocrats always cannot answer.
How can anyone not know what the answers to these questions are?

Whether you agree with them or not, whether you think they're valid or not, how in the hell can you not know them?
well tell us your answer.
In addition to constantly downplaying the severity of a virus THAT HE KNEW TO BE DEADLY, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS AND AIRBORNE, AS HE ADMITTED, there is quite a list. I provided the list in post 52.

Since we both know you're going to deny and/or dismiss all of it, including the above sentence, that's all the effort I'll put into this.

You're welcome.

"He said downplay, so that means he lied!! No, I don't have to show you any actual falsehoods! I posted a link to someone else's vague accusations, so how DARE you expect me to have original thoughts!"

Since we both know you have nothing else TO put into it beyond empty assertions, your attempt to deflect fails. Again.

You're welcome for yet another translation from leftist bullshit to English.

Should he have came out as you wanted and caused nationwide panic?
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

So, the President is expected to be able to see the future? The COVID response Trump took was as good or better than any world leader at the time based on the information available at the time, and far better than any other U.S. politician.

This is my point - NOT ONE DEMOCRAT CAN POINT TO ANY ACTIONS OR WORDS TO SHOW THEY WOULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING BETTER THAN WHAT TRUMP DID. The whole "He messed up on COVID" attack is a big lie, and no Democrat has been able to show me I am wrong in saying this.

Look at a timeline of actions taken by world leaders. Trump was the first leader of any country that did not have a direct border to China to issue a travel ban from China. The FIRST ONE! How can you get better than that?

Another lie I have seen from the Democrats was that people were still coming in. By the Constitution you cannot deny entrance to the U.S. to an American citizen, so they were allowed back in - BUT they had to go through only a few named airports and then go into 14-day quarantine. Soon after Trump also banned entry from European countries.
The truth? Look at the results and where we are today. You called that he did his best. Yes he did his best to proved that he failed very badly.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

I request that you find a different country to make that claim on.

I don't believe China. The only time China is not lying, is when they are not saying anything.

This is a country that jailed the doctors who warned them about Covid-19 to begin with. They have complete control over the media, and there is non-government journalism at all.

This is like believing the child mortality rates in Cuba, when we know doctors simply refuse to report deaths because the government will fire them, and they'll end up sifting through garbage cans.

Or Venezuela claiming the unemployment rate is low, because 4 million people fled the country, so they are no longer counted as unemployed.

If you are going to trust the numbers from China, then you might as well assume everything Trump says is divine truth as well.

The reason I used that first early study from the UK on the efficacy of npi's is because the Rabid Right used it to bash China's response as having killed 95% more people that was necessary, if they had just started the npi's 3 weeks sooner. Obviously Trumpybears response was exponentially worse by any measure than China's.
Obviously I can't answer for whomever you mean by the "the rabid right".

I have no idea who you are talking about, or what the context was.

But regardless, I assume you understand that China and the US, have fundamental differences in law, ideology, and morals. Right?

We are nation built, at its fundamental core, on the idea of personal liberty, and inherently with that comes a limitation of the Federal Government.

China, obviously, does not hold those values. If they want to lock up a doctor, because he's saying they have an virus outbreak in progress, they can do that, and they did.

No one in China is complaining the government didn't do enough, not because they did everything right, but because if they, they'd be in jail. No one in China is contesting the numbers by the Chinese government, not because the numbers are perfect, but because if they did, they'd be in jail.

So there is two takeaways. 1, when a study comes out in the UK, by people who are not in China, have not been in China, have no data from China that didn't come from the Chinese government, I am naturally going to be skeptical.

2. Trump does not have the power to do everything. Again, fundamental difference between the US and China.

What cracks me up is, throughout this forum for the last 4 years, we've heard how Trump was going to be a Fascist, and a Dictator.

Then those very same people, spin right around and condemn him for NOT being a fascist dictator.

Remember, the Democrats were condemning Trump in March, saying that his Travel Bans were racist.

(RNS) — House Democrats are pushing for the passage of a bill rescinding President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban, even as Republican House leaders and the White House argue the bill could impede the government’s ability to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.​
And here you are now, saying Trump didn't do enough?

The Democrats resisted every attempt by Trump to respond to the Covid-19, and here you are complaining he didn't do enough?

This is ironic to no end. You complain he is a dictator, and then complain he didn't do enough dictations.

Everyone knows the POTUS is not a dictator. Instead of promoting npi's the President has actively denied their effectiveness and encouraged people to ignore them.

I don't remember him ever encouraging people to ignore them. Give me an example.
So, the President is expected to be able to see the future?

Yes as a matter of fact, that report was issued in early March and it cover what had just happened in China during January and February.

A Democrat is not president. Trumpybear is. Regardless of how he feels, the buck stops with him.

That's idiotic. Honestly, if that's what you expect from a president, any president... then you are just a moron, and an excellent reason we should have limits on who can vote, and filter out people that are simply to dumb to be trusted with picking who runs the country.

Seriously, if you think the president is some kind of 1-900-MISS-CLEO from the Psychic Readers Network, and should just magically know the future, then you have disqualified yourself from any form of Democracy.

You really didn't have to rely on Ms. Cleo to know that the virus was spreading worldwide when that study was published. But then again you have to be pretty dumb to qualify for the Banana Republicans.

Do you know how many times those research papers have been wrong?

Actually skip that... do you know how many millions on millions of reports come into the President every single day?

Seriously, his aids know only to bring the good ones. You know the ones he might tweet about.

Millions my ass. One page briefs with lots of pictures I bet.

Please, don't be stupid.

Again, there are MILLIONS of reports that are written every single day.

"his aids know only to bring the good ones"

....right..... and how many aids, do you think he has, that spend 12 hours a day reading in detail every single report in the world?
Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?

Here's how I see Trump's failure.

From the very first days of the virus Trump lost trust of most Americans on the matter as we took it more seriously than he did. Meanwhile the administration was trotting out the likes of Anthony Fauci. Not a good strategy at all as Democrats AND Republicans in control took advice on how to handle things from the only legitimate source of information they saw, Fauci and the scientific medical community. Here is where I disagree with Democrats, I believe Trump's ineptitude initially saved lives by this inadvertent empowering of Fauci.

Now with risks reduced through better knowledge of the virus Trump's challenge is to somehow gain credibility on the matter and lead. His joyride antic over the weekend didn't help him in that regard.

In the very first days, the Democrats went full fear-mongering on us. They lost their heads. Do you recall estimates of 60% of our population likely dying from COVID? I remember it very clearly. It was because of THAT that Trump told Woodward (6 months ago) that he wanted to be more of a calming influence on the public (yes, "play it down") which makes total sense to me in light of what some chicken-littles were saying back then.

And again - the fear-mongering continues. "Trump is going to infect 100 people at the white house..." - it's all political. Can you admit that if it had been a Democrat who had responded like Trump did that you would be praising him now?

I offer my own opinions calling the situation as I see it. On health matters I believe Obama did a good job of handling the 2009 Swine Flu. For the most part he followed the pandemic playbook George W Bush's administration put together and then built upon it. If he had handled the situation like Trump did why wouldn't I criticize him? I never voted for him, as if that matters. If you're dying for me to credit Trump with something, now and in the past I've expressed the thought that he did a good job in handling the opioid crisis.

A: I don't think Obama did anything at all, in regardless to the Swine Flu.

B: they didn't lock down the country, or start demanding people wear masks.

C: We already had a functional vaccine for the Swine Flu.

D: and most importantly, Republicans do not try and use pandemics for political gain, and it wasn't an election year.

By the way, interesting tidbit I stumbled across on this matter. When the Swine Flu came out, the manufacturing of face masks released a statement.

Masks will filter out particles in industrial settings, but "there are no established exposure limits for biological agents such as swine flu virus". However, despite the lack of evidence of effectiveness, the use of such masks is common in Asia.They are particularly popular in Japan, where cleanliness and hygiene are highly valued and where etiquette obligates those who are sick to wear masks to avoid spreading disease.​

So again, the lack of evidence that masks do anything to prevent the spread of illness, has been established for over 10 years now.

So why are we having a freak out about it? I think it's because they want to use this for political gain. I think this is just a political football to kick around at Trump.

Because issues like mask wearing, that have zero evidence to being effective, allow you to pretend they are effect, and Trump is just not being a good leader.

The leader of the lemmings, the Democrats... know that mask wearing does nothing. This is why you routinely see Democrats violating all the rules repeatedly. You see reporters from CNN ripping off their mask, as soon as they think the cameras are off.

So why do they do it? Because they know the mindless lemmings that follow without thinking, will parrot that Trump is a bad president, because he's not putting his mask on.

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