Someone threw a brick through Senator Mark Warner’s (D-Va.) office window in Roanoke Monday morning


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
A 36-year-old man has been arrested

police described it as an "isolated" incident

the story is on Politico
The violent right? Just kidding these things happen from time to time. There are crazies in every demographic. Someone shot out the windows of the Albany NY Dem headquarters a week ago as well.
Such nonsense has to be punished whether right or left or dem or pub.
Warner's an annoying sot. I'm surprised half of Virginia isn't throwing bricks through his windows.
Somewhere there's a pothole missing a brick. Possibly a liberal a brick short of a load.
We just had another random gun attack in Toronto yesterday which took the lives of two kids and injured a dozen. A brick deserves to be punished, but it's childs play. A 36 year old doing such a thing can't be stable in my estimation.
After a year and a half of shitting bricks over Trump, a few of them were bound to show up.

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