Someone went through a lot of trouble to orchestrate these demonstrations

He is rationalizing his participation, AS A 14 YEAR OLD in confiscating property of jews that were sent off to concentration camps. I wouldn't even go there BUT it takes a fucking idiot (which you've now conclusively proven yourself to be) to think that Soros, a jew, who in this video states that what was done to jews was evil is a nazi sympathizer.

He has no regrets...........hello????

No regrets in WHAT? He was 14 in 1945, what the fuck could he do? None of this is evidence that he is a fucking nazi or has any sympathy for them or their ideology.
Democratic Socialist Party = NAZI.

....there is definitely something terribly mentally wrong with Trumpsters, I don't have any other explanations for the retarted bullshit that you post.

Democratic Socialists is what mainstream Democrat parties in Europe call you think someone may have by now noticed that they were espousing Nazi ideals? :rolleyes:
These crude and malicious liars pretend that if they were in the same situation they would have had the bravery and courage to resist and choose to be dragged away to the death camp or shot in the street for failing to follow instructions. Internet commandos love to play tough guys and display traits they have never had and never will.

How in the fuck can you defend that sack of shit George Soros? It has to be because he funds leftards, funds protest groups through his NGOs and also uses them to push for open borders because he is an elitist globalist.

Fuck off. You don't even have enough brains to reject spread of completely blatantly fabricated bullshit.

Soros didn't make a million people to come out and protest Trump. Trump did that, grow up and accept it.

Again, you could at least try to be consistent with your rhetoric. Prior to the inauguration, everything was Russias fault. Trump is just Pootans Puppet. Remember?

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

What the fuck? Did I claim Putin paid for Trumpsters to come out and vote? No, I always claimed that IGNORANCE did. Stop making bullshit up, there is no inconsistency.

What I blamed Russia was for stealing and publicizing emails, thereby systematically assaulting America. And yes, absolutely Trump is Putin's lapdog.
Why weren't any of the women in the March targeting Russia with their outrage?

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
Russia isn't calling women dogs, fat slobs, cows, nasty or disgusting. Trump is.

Just Rosie O'Donnell and I agree....besides, why are leftards such thin-skinned losers? They certainly have no problem committing personal attacks on people that don't toe the way of the commie leftard.
He has no regrets...........hello????

No regrets in WHAT? He was 14 in 1945, what the fuck could he do? None of this is evidence that he is a fucking nazi or has any sympathy for them or their ideology.
Democratic Socialist Party = NAZI.

....there is definitely something terribly mentally wrong with Trumpsters, I don't have any other explanations for the retarted bullshit that you post.

Democratic Socialists is what mainstream Democrat parties in Europe call you think someone may have by now noticed that they were espousing Nazi ideals? :rolleyes:
These crude and malicious liars pretend that if they were in the same situation they would have had the bravery and courage to resist and choose to be dragged away to the death camp or shot in the street for failing to follow instructions. Internet commandos love to play tough guys and display traits they have never had and never will.

How in the fuck can you defend that sack of shit George Soros? It has to be because he funds leftards, funds protest groups through his NGOs and also uses them to push for open borders because he is an elitist globalist.

You don't like the guy so now you can baselessly call him a Nazi? You are completely unhinged.
Damn, I'm still waiting for the concentration camps.....2 days, still not here

and the tea party didn't destroy property or block traffic or any of that guys are the worst people....fuck you.
Fuck you Rube

You're comparing an ammo ban to concentration camps?
First realize this: it is the right of the people to assemble peacefully and redress their grievances. That right is enshrined in our constitution.

Second: the someone who is responsible for these demonstrations is Donald J. Trump. His divisive rhetoric is responsible. His attitude toward women and other marginalized groups is responsible. His utter lack of respect for women and their capabilities is responsible. Had he taken the high road and honored his fellow Americans rather than further disparaging and marginalizing them would have prevented the justifiable fear many Americans have.
You lost. Shut up and get in the back seat.
Am I still not an American? And is that the same sentiment you would have applied to the Tea Baggers in 2009?

Sauce for the goose...
Damn, I'm still waiting for the concentration camps.....2 days, still not here

and the tea party didn't destroy property or block traffic or any of that guys are the worst people....fuck you.
Saying that each and every Tea Baggers rally was free of violence is false. ThosecTown Hall meetings were plenty contentious.

Contentious yes, but no violence, injury or destruction of property or even no blocking of traffic, Republicans actually care about their citizens and try not to make life MORE difficult for them
First realize this: it is the right of the people to assemble peacefully and redress their grievances. That right is enshrined in our constitution.

Second: the someone who is responsible for these demonstrations is Donald J. Trump. His divisive rhetoric is responsible. His attitude toward women and other marginalized groups is responsible. His utter lack of respect for women and their capabilities is responsible. Had he taken the high road and honored his fellow Americans rather than further disparaging and marginalizing them would have prevented the justifiable fear many Americans have.
You lost. Shut up and get in the back seat.
Am I still not an American? And is that the same sentiment you would have applied to the Tea Baggers in 2009?

Sauce for the goose...
Damn, I'm still waiting for the concentration camps.....2 days, still not here

and the tea party didn't destroy property or block traffic or any of that guys are the worst people....fuck you.
Saying that each and every Tea Baggers rally was free of violence is false. ThosecTown Hall meetings were plenty contentious.

I have seen numerous Tea Party protests. Not one turned out like a left-wing anarchist, anti-capitalist window smashing rampage.
No regrets in WHAT? He was 14 in 1945, what the fuck could he do? None of this is evidence that he is a fucking nazi or has any sympathy for them or their ideology.
Democratic Socialist Party = NAZI.

....there is definitely something terribly mentally wrong with Trumpsters, I don't have any other explanations for the retarted bullshit that you post.

Democratic Socialists is what mainstream Democrat parties in Europe call you think someone may have by now noticed that they were espousing Nazi ideals? :rolleyes:
These crude and malicious liars pretend that if they were in the same situation they would have had the bravery and courage to resist and choose to be dragged away to the death camp or shot in the street for failing to follow instructions. Internet commandos love to play tough guys and display traits they have never had and never will.

How in the fuck can you defend that sack of shit George Soros? It has to be because he funds leftards, funds protest groups through his NGOs and also uses them to push for open borders because he is an elitist globalist.

You don't like the guy so now you can baselessly call him a Nazi? You are completely unhinged.
Sometimes when extreme conspiracy theorist go on a roll accuracy and truthfulness is tossed aside and ignored. This thread is a good example. Someone posted an image of a well known NAZI in uniform, an adult, and the text with the photo claimed it was the 14 year old Soro's. That is just over the top. Pointing out that the post and image were fraudulent makes one "defending a horrible Nazi. A kid rummaging through apartments and homes of Jews who have been shipped off to the concentration camps at the instructions of his guardian, who is preventing him from being shipped off himself, becomes a Jew killer. Again, over the top and actions by posters that prove a total lack of integrity and willingness to misinform.
You know when you're getting old is when you finally end up saying :
"Oy, Those Kids Today!"
Democratic Socialist Party = NAZI.

....there is definitely something terribly mentally wrong with Trumpsters, I don't have any other explanations for the retarted bullshit that you post.

Democratic Socialists is what mainstream Democrat parties in Europe call you think someone may have by now noticed that they were espousing Nazi ideals? :rolleyes:
These crude and malicious liars pretend that if they were in the same situation they would have had the bravery and courage to resist and choose to be dragged away to the death camp or shot in the street for failing to follow instructions. Internet commandos love to play tough guys and display traits they have never had and never will.

How in the fuck can you defend that sack of shit George Soros? It has to be because he funds leftards, funds protest groups through his NGOs and also uses them to push for open borders because he is an elitist globalist.

You don't like the guy so now you can baselessly call him a Nazi? You are completely unhinged.
Sometimes when extreme conspiracy theorist go on a roll accuracy and truthfulness is tossed aside and ignored. This thread is a good example. Someone posted an image of a well known NAZI in uniform, an adult, and the text with the photo claimed it was the 14 year old Soro's. That is just over the top. Pointing out that the post and image were fraudulent makes one "defending a horrible Nazi. A kid rummaging through apartments and homes of Jews who have been shipped off to the concentration camps at the instructions of his guardian, who is preventing him from being shipped off himself, becomes a Jew killer. Again, over the top and actions by posters that prove a total lack of integrity and willingness to misinform.

Soros deals in human misery and he is a tool of the globalist agenda. He has used his wealth to crash currencies against countries that are resisting this "new world order" and wish to remain a sovereign nation. His tax free foundations that fund NGOs are pushing for open borders and total amnesty for illegals... it is all about the watering down of our nationalism. He belongs to the Committee of 300 which is an elite "think tank" group as well as an attendee of the Bilderburg group...that alone makes him a disgusting sack of shit. Throw in the fact that he has funded mass protests like Black Lives Matter, donated to the Hildebeast and paid protesters to cause shit at Trump rallies AND funded the women's march is simply another notch on his disgusting bedpost of accomplishments....but his crowning jewel of achievement? He was complicit and willing participant in the genocide of his own people and he has NO regrets.

You can't put any lipstick and mascara on that pig, my friend, and pass it off as a human being. He is a pedophile that is connected to Pizzagate and profits off of human trafficking. If the rank and file members of the FBI and the NYPD detectives get their way and they are not shut down like they were when pedo GH Bush was president and shut down the Franklin county cover-up? All of this is going to come out. Anthony Wiener's lap top computer confiscation has a treasure trove of information and evidence that will bring down the elitist class and their puppet politicians on BOTH sides of the bought and paid for parties...and they are breaking out in assholes and shitting themselves at the prospect.

One thing I do know is that I and many others are not going to let up the pressure on what is going on and what the elites are trying to cover up. I have become a thorn in the side of James Alefantis and I will continue to be one....I don't fear the blow back at all.
....there is definitely something terribly mentally wrong with Trumpsters, I don't have any other explanations for the retarted bullshit that you post.

Democratic Socialists is what mainstream Democrat parties in Europe call you think someone may have by now noticed that they were espousing Nazi ideals? :rolleyes:
These crude and malicious liars pretend that if they were in the same situation they would have had the bravery and courage to resist and choose to be dragged away to the death camp or shot in the street for failing to follow instructions. Internet commandos love to play tough guys and display traits they have never had and never will.

How in the fuck can you defend that sack of shit George Soros? It has to be because he funds leftards, funds protest groups through his NGOs and also uses them to push for open borders because he is an elitist globalist.

You don't like the guy so now you can baselessly call him a Nazi? You are completely unhinged.
Sometimes when extreme conspiracy theorist go on a roll accuracy and truthfulness is tossed aside and ignored. This thread is a good example. Someone posted an image of a well known NAZI in uniform, an adult, and the text with the photo claimed it was the 14 year old Soro's. That is just over the top. Pointing out that the post and image were fraudulent makes one "defending a horrible Nazi. A kid rummaging through apartments and homes of Jews who have been shipped off to the concentration camps at the instructions of his guardian, who is preventing him from being shipped off himself, becomes a Jew killer. Again, over the top and actions by posters that prove a total lack of integrity and willingness to misinform.

Soros deals in human misery and he is a tool of the globalist agenda. He has used his wealth to crash currencies against countries that are resisting this "new world order" and wish to remain a sovereign nation. His tax free foundations that fund NGOs are pushing for open borders and total amnesty for illegals... it is all about the watering down of our nationalism. He belongs to the Committee of 300 which is an elite "think tank" group as well as an attendee of the Bilderburg group...that alone makes him a disgusting sack of shit. Throw in the fact that he has funded mass protests like Black Lives Matter, donated to the Hildebeast and paid protesters to cause shit at Trump rallies AND funded the women's march is simply another notch on his disgusting bedpost of accomplishments....but his crowning jewel of achievement? He was complicit and willing participant in the genocide of his own people and he has NO regrets.

You can't put any lipstick and mascara on that pig, my friend, and pass it off as a human being. He is a pedophile that is connected to Pizzagate and profits off of human trafficking. If the rank and file members of the FBI and the NYPD detectives get their way and they are not shut down like they were when pedo GH Bush was president and shut down the Franklin county cover-up? All of this is going to come out. Anthony Wiener's lap top computer confiscation has a treasure trove of information and evidence that will bring down the elitist class and their puppet politicians on BOTH sides of the bought and paid for parties...and they are breaking out in assholes and shitting themselves at the prospect.

One thing I do know is that I and many others are not going to let up the pressure on what is going on and what the elites are trying to cover up. I have become a thorn in the side of James Alefantis and I will continue to be one....I don't fear the blow back at all.

Well at least you dropped the Nazi bullshit and are not trying to claim that Soros made a million people march in opposition to Trump.
These crude and malicious liars pretend that if they were in the same situation they would have had the bravery and courage to resist and choose to be dragged away to the death camp or shot in the street for failing to follow instructions. Internet commandos love to play tough guys and display traits they have never had and never will.

How in the fuck can you defend that sack of shit George Soros? It has to be because he funds leftards, funds protest groups through his NGOs and also uses them to push for open borders because he is an elitist globalist.

You don't like the guy so now you can baselessly call him a Nazi? You are completely unhinged.
Sometimes when extreme conspiracy theorist go on a roll accuracy and truthfulness is tossed aside and ignored. This thread is a good example. Someone posted an image of a well known NAZI in uniform, an adult, and the text with the photo claimed it was the 14 year old Soro's. That is just over the top. Pointing out that the post and image were fraudulent makes one "defending a horrible Nazi. A kid rummaging through apartments and homes of Jews who have been shipped off to the concentration camps at the instructions of his guardian, who is preventing him from being shipped off himself, becomes a Jew killer. Again, over the top and actions by posters that prove a total lack of integrity and willingness to misinform.

Soros deals in human misery and he is a tool of the globalist agenda. He has used his wealth to crash currencies against countries that are resisting this "new world order" and wish to remain a sovereign nation. His tax free foundations that fund NGOs are pushing for open borders and total amnesty for illegals... it is all about the watering down of our nationalism. He belongs to the Committee of 300 which is an elite "think tank" group as well as an attendee of the Bilderburg group...that alone makes him a disgusting sack of shit. Throw in the fact that he has funded mass protests like Black Lives Matter, donated to the Hildebeast and paid protesters to cause shit at Trump rallies AND funded the women's march is simply another notch on his disgusting bedpost of accomplishments....but his crowning jewel of achievement? He was complicit and willing participant in the genocide of his own people and he has NO regrets.

You can't put any lipstick and mascara on that pig, my friend, and pass it off as a human being. He is a pedophile that is connected to Pizzagate and profits off of human trafficking. If the rank and file members of the FBI and the NYPD detectives get their way and they are not shut down like they were when pedo GH Bush was president and shut down the Franklin county cover-up? All of this is going to come out. Anthony Wiener's lap top computer confiscation has a treasure trove of information and evidence that will bring down the elitist class and their puppet politicians on BOTH sides of the bought and paid for parties...and they are breaking out in assholes and shitting themselves at the prospect.

One thing I do know is that I and many others are not going to let up the pressure on what is going on and what the elites are trying to cover up. I have become a thorn in the side of James Alefantis and I will continue to be one....I don't fear the blow back at all.

Well at least you dropped the Nazi bullshit and are not trying to claim that Soros made a million people march in opposition to Trump.
Soros the Nazi?
I watched the protests. They had nothing to say and no point. This morning four organizers were interviewed. What was the point of these protests? Real answers. "The people will always stand. Women's rights are not negotiable. The people can stand together."

What do you want? "Love."

Which is nothing. No point. Gobbledygook as the message.

You can't say it wasn't a success. There was nothing to be successful.
Gee I wonder what kind of person could organize such a thing?

May I present to you, today's dimocrap scum party!!

Surprise! Women's March Organized by Rabid Anti-Semite with Ties to Hamas

It would be interesting to know how many of the useful idiots donning “pussy hats” at Saturday's massive “Women's March on Washington” had any idea—or even cared to know—who the principal organizers of the event were. The answer is undoubtedly close to zero, since the purpose of the entire charade—like all leftist charades—was merely to give the participants an opportunity to publicly signal their own moral superiority while smearing—as racists and fascists—anyone who doesn't accept socialism, identity politics, and perpetual grievance mongering as the ultimate expressions of the American Dream. But for those who actually have an aversion to mindless indoctrination, the facts will be rather disturbing.

A leading organizer of the Women's March was the Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York. This group was founded shortly after 9/11—not to condemn the attacks, of course, but rather, to lament “the heightened sense of fear and the acts of blatant discrimination aimed at [the Muslim] community” in the racist wasteland known as America. On the premise that all government efforts to forestall additional terrorism constituted Nazi-like fascism, Sarsour and her organization played a central role in pressuring the New York Police Department to terminate its secret surveillance of the many Muslim groups and mosques suspected of promoting jihadism.


Have I ever mentioned that dimocraps are scum?
These crude and malicious liars pretend that if they were in the same situation they would have had the bravery and courage to resist and choose to be dragged away to the death camp or shot in the street for failing to follow instructions. Internet commandos love to play tough guys and display traits they have never had and never will.

How in the fuck can you defend that sack of shit George Soros? It has to be because he funds leftards, funds protest groups through his NGOs and also uses them to push for open borders because he is an elitist globalist.

You don't like the guy so now you can baselessly call him a Nazi? You are completely unhinged.
Sometimes when extreme conspiracy theorist go on a roll accuracy and truthfulness is tossed aside and ignored. This thread is a good example. Someone posted an image of a well known NAZI in uniform, an adult, and the text with the photo claimed it was the 14 year old Soro's. That is just over the top. Pointing out that the post and image were fraudulent makes one "defending a horrible Nazi. A kid rummaging through apartments and homes of Jews who have been shipped off to the concentration camps at the instructions of his guardian, who is preventing him from being shipped off himself, becomes a Jew killer. Again, over the top and actions by posters that prove a total lack of integrity and willingness to misinform.

Soros deals in human misery and he is a tool of the globalist agenda. He has used his wealth to crash currencies against countries that are resisting this "new world order" and wish to remain a sovereign nation. His tax free foundations that fund NGOs are pushing for open borders and total amnesty for illegals... it is all about the watering down of our nationalism. He belongs to the Committee of 300 which is an elite "think tank" group as well as an attendee of the Bilderburg group...that alone makes him a disgusting sack of shit. Throw in the fact that he has funded mass protests like Black Lives Matter, donated to the Hildebeast and paid protesters to cause shit at Trump rallies AND funded the women's march is simply another notch on his disgusting bedpost of accomplishments....but his crowning jewel of achievement? He was complicit and willing participant in the genocide of his own people and he has NO regrets.

You can't put any lipstick and mascara on that pig, my friend, and pass it off as a human being. He is a pedophile that is connected to Pizzagate and profits off of human trafficking. If the rank and file members of the FBI and the NYPD detectives get their way and they are not shut down like they were when pedo GH Bush was president and shut down the Franklin county cover-up? All of this is going to come out. Anthony Wiener's lap top computer confiscation has a treasure trove of information and evidence that will bring down the elitist class and their puppet politicians on BOTH sides of the bought and paid for parties...and they are breaking out in assholes and shitting themselves at the prospect.

One thing I do know is that I and many others are not going to let up the pressure on what is going on and what the elites are trying to cover up. I have become a thorn in the side of James Alefantis and I will continue to be one....I don't fear the blow back at all.

Well at least you dropped the Nazi bullshit and are not trying to claim that Soros made a million people march in opposition to Trump.

Soros helped the Nazis and he paid protesters for both go fuck yourself, pussbag.
How in the fuck can you defend that sack of shit George Soros? It has to be because he funds leftards, funds protest groups through his NGOs and also uses them to push for open borders because he is an elitist globalist.

You don't like the guy so now you can baselessly call him a Nazi? You are completely unhinged.
Sometimes when extreme conspiracy theorist go on a roll accuracy and truthfulness is tossed aside and ignored. This thread is a good example. Someone posted an image of a well known NAZI in uniform, an adult, and the text with the photo claimed it was the 14 year old Soro's. That is just over the top. Pointing out that the post and image were fraudulent makes one "defending a horrible Nazi. A kid rummaging through apartments and homes of Jews who have been shipped off to the concentration camps at the instructions of his guardian, who is preventing him from being shipped off himself, becomes a Jew killer. Again, over the top and actions by posters that prove a total lack of integrity and willingness to misinform.

Soros deals in human misery and he is a tool of the globalist agenda. He has used his wealth to crash currencies against countries that are resisting this "new world order" and wish to remain a sovereign nation. His tax free foundations that fund NGOs are pushing for open borders and total amnesty for illegals... it is all about the watering down of our nationalism. He belongs to the Committee of 300 which is an elite "think tank" group as well as an attendee of the Bilderburg group...that alone makes him a disgusting sack of shit. Throw in the fact that he has funded mass protests like Black Lives Matter, donated to the Hildebeast and paid protesters to cause shit at Trump rallies AND funded the women's march is simply another notch on his disgusting bedpost of accomplishments....but his crowning jewel of achievement? He was complicit and willing participant in the genocide of his own people and he has NO regrets.

You can't put any lipstick and mascara on that pig, my friend, and pass it off as a human being. He is a pedophile that is connected to Pizzagate and profits off of human trafficking. If the rank and file members of the FBI and the NYPD detectives get their way and they are not shut down like they were when pedo GH Bush was president and shut down the Franklin county cover-up? All of this is going to come out. Anthony Wiener's lap top computer confiscation has a treasure trove of information and evidence that will bring down the elitist class and their puppet politicians on BOTH sides of the bought and paid for parties...and they are breaking out in assholes and shitting themselves at the prospect.

One thing I do know is that I and many others are not going to let up the pressure on what is going on and what the elites are trying to cover up. I have become a thorn in the side of James Alefantis and I will continue to be one....I don't fear the blow back at all.

Well at least you dropped the Nazi bullshit and are not trying to claim that Soros made a million people march in opposition to Trump.

Soros helped the Nazis and he paid protesters for both go fuck yourself, pussbag.

You are delusional. A million people came out to demonstrate and you are saying that they somehow got paid and no one knows about it.

Soros certainly funds lefty organizing, jsut as on the right there are plenty of wealthy donors supporting rightwing organizing. But there really is a large swath of population quite upset about this bafoon heading to the White House and are motivated enough to come out and demonstrate against him.
Last edited:
You don't like the guy so now you can baselessly call him a Nazi? You are completely unhinged.
Sometimes when extreme conspiracy theorist go on a roll accuracy and truthfulness is tossed aside and ignored. This thread is a good example. Someone posted an image of a well known NAZI in uniform, an adult, and the text with the photo claimed it was the 14 year old Soro's. That is just over the top. Pointing out that the post and image were fraudulent makes one "defending a horrible Nazi. A kid rummaging through apartments and homes of Jews who have been shipped off to the concentration camps at the instructions of his guardian, who is preventing him from being shipped off himself, becomes a Jew killer. Again, over the top and actions by posters that prove a total lack of integrity and willingness to misinform.

Soros deals in human misery and he is a tool of the globalist agenda. He has used his wealth to crash currencies against countries that are resisting this "new world order" and wish to remain a sovereign nation. His tax free foundations that fund NGOs are pushing for open borders and total amnesty for illegals... it is all about the watering down of our nationalism. He belongs to the Committee of 300 which is an elite "think tank" group as well as an attendee of the Bilderburg group...that alone makes him a disgusting sack of shit. Throw in the fact that he has funded mass protests like Black Lives Matter, donated to the Hildebeast and paid protesters to cause shit at Trump rallies AND funded the women's march is simply another notch on his disgusting bedpost of accomplishments....but his crowning jewel of achievement? He was complicit and willing participant in the genocide of his own people and he has NO regrets.

You can't put any lipstick and mascara on that pig, my friend, and pass it off as a human being. He is a pedophile that is connected to Pizzagate and profits off of human trafficking. If the rank and file members of the FBI and the NYPD detectives get their way and they are not shut down like they were when pedo GH Bush was president and shut down the Franklin county cover-up? All of this is going to come out. Anthony Wiener's lap top computer confiscation has a treasure trove of information and evidence that will bring down the elitist class and their puppet politicians on BOTH sides of the bought and paid for parties...and they are breaking out in assholes and shitting themselves at the prospect.

One thing I do know is that I and many others are not going to let up the pressure on what is going on and what the elites are trying to cover up. I have become a thorn in the side of James Alefantis and I will continue to be one....I don't fear the blow back at all.

Well at least you dropped the Nazi bullshit and are not trying to claim that Soros made a million people march in opposition to Trump.

Soros helped the Nazis and he paid protesters for both go fuck yourself, pussbag.

You are delusional. A million people came out to demonstrate and you are saying that they somehow got paid and no one knows about it.

Soros certainly funds lefty organizing, jsut as on the right there are plenty of wealthy donors supporting rightwing organizing. But there really is a large swath of population quite upset about this bafoon heading to the White House and are motivated enough to come out and demonstrate against him.
The Tea baggers were built and depended on the Koch brothers.
Sometimes when extreme conspiracy theorist go on a roll accuracy and truthfulness is tossed aside and ignored. This thread is a good example. Someone posted an image of a well known NAZI in uniform, an adult, and the text with the photo claimed it was the 14 year old Soro's. That is just over the top. Pointing out that the post and image were fraudulent makes one "defending a horrible Nazi. A kid rummaging through apartments and homes of Jews who have been shipped off to the concentration camps at the instructions of his guardian, who is preventing him from being shipped off himself, becomes a Jew killer. Again, over the top and actions by posters that prove a total lack of integrity and willingness to misinform.

Soros deals in human misery and he is a tool of the globalist agenda. He has used his wealth to crash currencies against countries that are resisting this "new world order" and wish to remain a sovereign nation. His tax free foundations that fund NGOs are pushing for open borders and total amnesty for illegals... it is all about the watering down of our nationalism. He belongs to the Committee of 300 which is an elite "think tank" group as well as an attendee of the Bilderburg group...that alone makes him a disgusting sack of shit. Throw in the fact that he has funded mass protests like Black Lives Matter, donated to the Hildebeast and paid protesters to cause shit at Trump rallies AND funded the women's march is simply another notch on his disgusting bedpost of accomplishments....but his crowning jewel of achievement? He was complicit and willing participant in the genocide of his own people and he has NO regrets.

You can't put any lipstick and mascara on that pig, my friend, and pass it off as a human being. He is a pedophile that is connected to Pizzagate and profits off of human trafficking. If the rank and file members of the FBI and the NYPD detectives get their way and they are not shut down like they were when pedo GH Bush was president and shut down the Franklin county cover-up? All of this is going to come out. Anthony Wiener's lap top computer confiscation has a treasure trove of information and evidence that will bring down the elitist class and their puppet politicians on BOTH sides of the bought and paid for parties...and they are breaking out in assholes and shitting themselves at the prospect.

One thing I do know is that I and many others are not going to let up the pressure on what is going on and what the elites are trying to cover up. I have become a thorn in the side of James Alefantis and I will continue to be one....I don't fear the blow back at all.

Well at least you dropped the Nazi bullshit and are not trying to claim that Soros made a million people march in opposition to Trump.

Soros helped the Nazis and he paid protesters for both go fuck yourself, pussbag.

You are delusional. A million people came out to demonstrate and you are saying that they somehow got paid and no one knows about it.

Soros certainly funds lefty organizing, jsut as on the right there are plenty of wealthy donors supporting rightwing organizing. But there really is a large swath of population quite upset about this bafoon heading to the White House and are motivated enough to come out and demonstrate against him.
The Tea baggers were built and depended on the Koch brothers.

You are liar without honesty or credibility, outside of the other liars like you.
To bad this kind of organization, effort, support never was used to actually get anything good done here or around the world. Where was this effort to stop radicalized propaganda, the same kind of propaganda used to create these demonstrations?
Where was this effort to stop terrorism, the same kind of terrorism used to threaten celebrities, politicians, and instigate these destablizing events while causing riots yesterday?

Where was this effort to stop poisoning our kids with drugs, I thought woman cared for their children's health and welfare and security?
Where was this effort to end violence in Chicago?
Where was this effort to support our servicemen and our protective police?

Where was this effort to get Hillary to pay for her revealed crimes, or to support
investigating the many whistleblowers who mysteriously died?

Where was the effort to protest the UN, the effort to protest the Iran deal, the protest to investigate what favors were offered the many countries for the money the Clinton's received?
Where's the support for charities exploited for Clinton gains, or woman, hispanic and black communities that were manipulated played like 8n these protests?

Wherecs the protest in front of the FCC regarding abuse of broadcasting propaganda?
Protest against the coupe and acts of treason?
Protest against Google and others abusing rights to privacy and those scary app permissions on your phone that even permits them to track your speed and know your calendar plans, places you are at and can allow the Clintons of this world to Abuse you in any way shape or form like they did using the IRS against their opponents? Where's your effort to stop that kind of total violation?

Where is Your effort regarding most all the brokers, phone companies, retailers, and even IRS, where your personal info was stolen, not a peep from these organizers why?

Where is your time and energy giving your extra blankets to the frozen homeless up there at your marches?
How about Michael Moore put aside 1/3 his daily calorie intake to feed a village?
His comments contradict earlier interviews therefore his recent protest is to garnish popularity and support for his future projects and films.=money to him.
Where was he protesting letting Hillary off the hook or the other politicians so scared the gig is up that they are more likely the orchestrators that so love to hate. Shuman you aren't fooling
YOUR MOBSTER TACTICS ARE BEING THREATENED and that scares you people into further deeper corruption, destablizing our govt for sake of your clear cut coupe.
If you hate democracy, & law and order then go to those countries you claimed to flee to...oh that's right they have imigration laws.. Go FIGURE!

Well Soros paid fifty groups 90 million dollars.

You could say he organized the whole shebang.
To bad this kind of organization, effort, support never was used to actually get anything good done here or around the world. Where was this effort to stop radicalized propaganda, the same kind of propaganda used to create these demonstrations?
Where was this effort to stop terrorism, the same kind of terrorism used to threaten celebrities, politicians, and instigate these destablizing events while causing riots yesterday?

Where was this effort to stop poisoning our kids with drugs, I thought woman cared for their children's health and welfare and security?
Where was this effort to end violence in Chicago?
Where was this effort to support our servicemen and our protective police?

Where was this effort to get Hillary to pay for her revealed crimes, or to support
investigating the many whistleblowers who mysteriously died?

Where was the effort to protest the UN, the effort to protest the Iran deal, the protest to investigate what favors were offered the many countries for the money the Clinton's received?
Where's the support for charities exploited for Clinton gains, or woman, hispanic and black communities that were manipulated played like 8n these protests?

Wherecs the protest in front of the FCC regarding abuse of broadcasting propaganda?
Protest against the coupe and acts of treason?
Protest against Google and others abusing rights to privacy and those scary app permissions on your phone that even permits them to track your speed and know your calendar plans, places you are at and can allow the Clintons of this world to Abuse you in any way shape or form like they did using the IRS against their opponents? Where's your effort to stop that kind of total violation?

Where is Your effort regarding most all the brokers, phone companies, retailers, and even IRS, where your personal info was stolen, not a peep from these organizers why?

Where is your time and energy giving your extra blankets to the frozen homeless up there at your marches?
How about Michael Moore put aside 1/3 his daily calorie intake to feed a village?
His comments contradict earlier interviews therefore his recent protest is to garnish popularity and support for his future projects and films.=money to him.
Where was he protesting letting Hillary off the hook or the other politicians so scared the gig is up that they are more likely the orchestrators that so love to hate. Shuman you aren't fooling
YOUR MOBSTER TACTICS ARE BEING THREATENED and that scares you people into further deeper corruption, destablizing our govt for sake of your clear cut coupe.
If you hate democracy, & law and order then go to those countries you claimed to flee to...oh that's right they have imigration laws.. Go FIGURE!

Well Soros paid fifty groups 90 million dollars.

You could say he organized the whole shebang.

90 million? Pfft that's NOTHING, Koch brothers planned to spend 900 million on 2016 elections:

There is actually a lot more big-politico-spending rightwingers then on the left.
To bad this kind of organization, effort, support never was used to actually get anything good done here or around the world. Where was this effort to stop radicalized propaganda, the same kind of propaganda used to create these demonstrations?
Where was this effort to stop terrorism, the same kind of terrorism used to threaten celebrities, politicians, and instigate these destablizing events while causing riots yesterday?

Where was this effort to stop poisoning our kids with drugs, I thought woman cared for their children's health and welfare and security?
Where was this effort to end violence in Chicago?
Where was this effort to support our servicemen and our protective police?

Where was this effort to get Hillary to pay for her revealed crimes, or to support
investigating the many whistleblowers who mysteriously died?

Where was the effort to protest the UN, the effort to protest the Iran deal, the protest to investigate what favors were offered the many countries for the money the Clinton's received?
Where's the support for charities exploited for Clinton gains, or woman, hispanic and black communities that were manipulated played like 8n these protests?

Wherecs the protest in front of the FCC regarding abuse of broadcasting propaganda?
Protest against the coupe and acts of treason?
Protest against Google and others abusing rights to privacy and those scary app permissions on your phone that even permits them to track your speed and know your calendar plans, places you are at and can allow the Clintons of this world to Abuse you in any way shape or form like they did using the IRS against their opponents? Where's your effort to stop that kind of total violation?

Where is Your effort regarding most all the brokers, phone companies, retailers, and even IRS, where your personal info was stolen, not a peep from these organizers why?

Where is your time and energy giving your extra blankets to the frozen homeless up there at your marches?
How about Michael Moore put aside 1/3 his daily calorie intake to feed a village?
His comments contradict earlier interviews therefore his recent protest is to garnish popularity and support for his future projects and films.=money to him.
Where was he protesting letting Hillary off the hook or the other politicians so scared the gig is up that they are more likely the orchestrators that so love to hate. Shuman you aren't fooling
YOUR MOBSTER TACTICS ARE BEING THREATENED and that scares you people into further deeper corruption, destablizing our govt for sake of your clear cut coupe.
If you hate democracy, & law and order then go to those countries you claimed to flee to...oh that's right they have imigration laws.. Go FIGURE!

Well Soros paid fifty groups 90 million dollars.

You could say he organized the whole shebang.

90 million? Pfft that's NOTHING, Koch brothers planned to spend 900 million on 2016 elections:

There is actually a lot more big-politico-spending rightwingers then on the left.

Well for nothing it sure funded that world wide protest.

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