Someone who's actually taken on the left & won. Our next president (I hope)

Walker's lack of formal education isn't a problem. His failure as governor of Wisconsin is, though.
Wisconsin voters disagree with you. They had the chance to oust him & chose not to.

Not really sure what that means. In Ohio, Kasich won reelection by an almost 2 to 1 margin. I even voted for him, but it wasn't so much because I thought he was fantastic; the Dems just put up a lousy candidate to run against him, so he was the better choice given the option. I'm not so sure Walker would be reelected again, although I'm sure it would be close either way.
Well that settles it. All the previous attacks on me for my opinion are justified because of your anecdote
To those who seek knowledge, the whole world is a classroom and the quest for knowledge involves one's total lifetime.

And there goes ogi's argument. I don't have a college education either, but I study the wealth of knowledge provided my by the internet, and by my world.
I have some college education but I work mostly for full degree recipients. A LOT of them are quite stupid. It is bewildering
To those who seek knowledge, the whole world is a classroom and the quest for knowledge involves one's total lifetime.

And there goes ogi's argument. I don't have a college education either, but I study the wealth of knowledge provided my by the internet, and by my world.
surprise, surprise.

my argument is that his lack of education will be a problem for him, and it will be, even if uneducated people like yourself have done a whole lot of self-convincing that a formal education doesn't matter. the professor is right, it's not the be all end all of a person's knowledge, but the professor will likely also say that there's great value in an education as well.

in the end walker will have to win the primary. i don't think he can do that, and one of the reasons is with so many other candidates nearly identical in nature there isn't enough positive to put him ahead of the pack. however, there is enough negative to keep him from winning, and part of that is his lack of education. if he were to win the primary i don't think the american people would like a college dropout as their president, and it certainly won't help the republicans combat the narrative that they are anti-science and education.
my argument is that his lack of education will be a problem for him, and it will be, even if uneducated people like yourself have done a whole lot of self-convincing that a formal education doesn't matter. the professor is right, it's not the be all end all of a person's knowledge, but the professor will likely also say that there's great value in an education as well.

Yeah, educate yourself of this:

You don't need a college degree to be successful.

Now, you are one among many others on this board treating a college education as some sort of hall pass into electoral politics.

Grow up.
my argument is that his lack of education will be a problem for him, and it will be, even if uneducated people like yourself have done a whole lot of self-convincing that a formal education doesn't matter. the professor is right, it's not the be all end all of a person's knowledge, but the professor will likely also say that there's great value in an education as well.

Yeah, educate yourself of this:

You don't need a college degree to be successful.

Now, you are one among many others on this board treating a college education as some sort of hall pass into electoral politics.

Grow up.
are you successful without one?

you're right, success doesn't require a college degree. however a college degree makes success a lot easier. society values a college degree. a lot of positions aren't available to those without a degree - and while the office of president does not have that particular requirement i am of the opinion that most people will want their president at least as educated as a walgreens manager.
To those who seek knowledge, the whole world is a classroom and the quest for knowledge involves one's total lifetime.

And there goes ogi's argument. I don't have a college education either, but I study the wealth of knowledge provided my by the internet, and by my world.
surprise, surprise.

my argument is that his lack of education will be a problem for him, and it will be, even if uneducated people like yourself have done a whole lot of self-convincing that a formal education doesn't matter. the professor is right, it's not the be all end all of a person's knowledge, but the professor will likely also say that there's great value in an education as well.

in the end walker will have to win the primary. i don't think he can do that, and one of the reasons is with so many other candidates nearly identical in nature there isn't enough positive to put him ahead of the pack. however, there is enough negative to keep him from winning, and part of that is his lack of education. if he were to win the primary i don't think the american people would like a college dropout as their president, and it certainly won't help the republicans combat the narrative that they are anti-science and education.

Why do you talk down to those that don't have a college education?

So big deal we got a degree, it was four years of drinking. I'm not any better or worse than anyone else.

Look at Hillary, she has a freakin degree and still feels a need to lie about everything. I'd rather have Walker than Hillary who can't keep her stories straight.
To those who seek knowledge, the whole world is a classroom and the quest for knowledge involves one's total lifetime.

And there goes ogi's argument. I don't have a college education either, but I study the wealth of knowledge provided my by the internet, and by my world.
surprise, surprise.

my argument is that his lack of education will be a problem for him, and it will be, even if uneducated people like yourself have done a whole lot of self-convincing that a formal education doesn't matter. the professor is right, it's not the be all end all of a person's knowledge, but the professor will likely also say that there's great value in an education as well.

in the end walker will have to win the primary. i don't think he can do that, and one of the reasons is with so many other candidates nearly identical in nature there isn't enough positive to put him ahead of the pack. however, there is enough negative to keep him from winning, and part of that is his lack of education. if he were to win the primary i don't think the american people would like a college dropout as their president, and it certainly won't help the republicans combat the narrative that they are anti-science and education.

Why do you talk down to those that don't have a college education?

So big deal we got a degree, it was four years of drinking. I'm not any better or worse than anyone else.

Look at Hillary, she has a freakin degree and still feels a need to lie about everything. I'd rather have Walker than Hillary who can't keep her stories straight.
it's not about better or worse as a person. the election is the hiring process for the possibly the most important job in the country if not the world. do you honestly think in the world today the electorate will happily hand over the keys to the free world to someone without a college degree? i just don't see that happening.


That would be my preferred ticket. Of course it's very early but Walker is the only candidate that stands out to me.

he's a Koch poodle.

To those who seek knowledge, the whole world is a classroom and the quest for knowledge involves one's total lifetime.

And there goes ogi's argument. I don't have a college education either, but I study the wealth of knowledge provided my by the internet, and by my world.
surprise, surprise.

my argument is that his lack of education will be a problem for him, and it will be, even if uneducated people like yourself have done a whole lot of self-convincing that a formal education doesn't matter. the professor is right, it's not the be all end all of a person's knowledge, but the professor will likely also say that there's great value in an education as well.

in the end walker will have to win the primary. i don't think he can do that, and one of the reasons is with so many other candidates nearly identical in nature there isn't enough positive to put him ahead of the pack. however, there is enough negative to keep him from winning, and part of that is his lack of education. if he were to win the primary i don't think the american people would like a college dropout as their president, and it certainly won't help the republicans combat the narrative that they are anti-science and education.

Why do you talk down to those that don't have a college education?

So big deal we got a degree, it was four years of drinking. I'm not any better or worse than anyone else.

Look at Hillary, she has a freakin degree and still feels a need to lie about everything. I'd rather have Walker than Hillary who can't keep her stories straight.
it's not about better or worse as a person. the election is the hiring process for the possibly the most important job in the country if not the world. do you honestly think in the world today the electorate will happily hand over the keys to the free world to someone without a college degree? i just don't see that happening.

I'll vote for him over Hillary. I'd vote for Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Michael Dell. Kevin Rose, Shawn Fanning, Evan Williams. Peter Thiel, over Hillary. None had a college degree.

You wouldn't vote for him if he had a college degree, so you opinion is pretty much nil.


That would be my preferred ticket. Of course it's very early but Walker is the only candidate that stands out to me.

he's a Koch poodle.


i'm not sure i'd go that far. there was a lot of pac money that poured into wisconsin - from both sides - in his elections. that doesn't make him their guy, just a guy in the right election. i wouldn't expect that koch money to help him through the primary.
To those who seek knowledge, the whole world is a classroom and the quest for knowledge involves one's total lifetime.

And there goes ogi's argument. I don't have a college education either, but I study the wealth of knowledge provided my by the internet, and by my world.
surprise, surprise.

my argument is that his lack of education will be a problem for him, and it will be, even if uneducated people like yourself have done a whole lot of self-convincing that a formal education doesn't matter. the professor is right, it's not the be all end all of a person's knowledge, but the professor will likely also say that there's great value in an education as well.

in the end walker will have to win the primary. i don't think he can do that, and one of the reasons is with so many other candidates nearly identical in nature there isn't enough positive to put him ahead of the pack. however, there is enough negative to keep him from winning, and part of that is his lack of education. if he were to win the primary i don't think the american people would like a college dropout as their president, and it certainly won't help the republicans combat the narrative that they are anti-science and education.

Why do you talk down to those that don't have a college education?

So big deal we got a degree, it was four years of drinking. I'm not any better or worse than anyone else.

Look at Hillary, she has a freakin degree and still feels a need to lie about everything. I'd rather have Walker than Hillary who can't keep her stories straight.
it's not about better or worse as a person. the election is the hiring process for the possibly the most important job in the country if not the world. do you honestly think in the world today the electorate will happily hand over the keys to the free world to someone without a college degree? i just don't see that happening.

I'll vote for him over Hillary. I'd vote for Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Michael Dell. Kevin Rose, Shawn Fanning, Evan Williams. Peter Thiel, over Hillary. None had a college degree.

You wouldn't vote for him if he had a college degree, so you opinion is pretty much nil.
your right i wouldn't. i don't expect i'll ever have the opportunity to, since i don't think he'll make it in the race long enough.

but i wasn't approaching this from a partisan perspective. I was looking at the republican field and then the general and i don't think walker can win either - in part because he doesn't have a degree.
however a college degree makes success a lot easier.

Forgive me if I don't find "easy success" as fulfilling as "hard success."
having much of either?

You are floundering, ogi. My success is irrelevant to the topic of this thread. You are using "success" as a means to measure the character of a man.

I've seen more homeless people with more character than some of our politicians.
so that's a 'no' to both easy and hard success, but a 'yes' on character?

you're the one trying to tell me that voters won't care that a candidate for president doesn't have a bachelor's degree. i'm the one telling you that people will want their president more qualified than the guy running the local enterprise car rental. it's why when republican voters and donors have to choose between walker and someone else in the field they're going to put their votes and money behind someone else, someone with a degree.

and success was brought into the discussion by you, not me, when you picked a few exceptions to the rule to hang your hat on - and we know that hat isn't a mortarboard.
I like Scott Walker. He really turned things around in Wisconsin. I like Kasich too. He is a conservative Governor in a blue state. I hope both make it to the debates. Think Walker will, not sure of Kasich.

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